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    dragon 結果共210筆

  • Taoyuan Lantern Festival goes out with a bang

    The Taoyuan Lantern Festival concluded with breathtaking dragon dances, music, and circus acrobatics, connecting two venues with the Taolin Line Bikeway and setting the stage for the 2025 Taiwan Lantern Festival.
    2024/03/03 16:33
  • 林襄甜吻小鮮肉!「被咬下巴」照驚曝光 網羨炸:換我來

    中華職棒樂天桃猿啦啦隊「Rakuten Girls」前成員林襄身材火辣,且臉蛋甜美,獲封「新一代啦啦隊女神」,日前退出樂天後,重磅加盟味全龍啦啦隊「Dragon Beauties小龍女」。她近日曬出春節連假與親友的聚會照,一張小鮮肉「咬下巴」照掀起熱議。
    2024/02/28 09:35
  • Dazzling New Taipei Lantern Festival draws record crowds

    Explore the vibrant atmosphere of the 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, featuring a stunning 12-meter-high dragon lantern, international and indigenous art displays, and diverse activities for attendees. Join in the celebration of the Year of the Dragon and the Spring Lantern Festival at New Taipei Metropolitan Park.
    2024/02/24 17:00
  • Anping Art Light District shines in Tainan

    Discover the vibrant atmosphere of the Anping Art Light District in Tainan during the 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival. Immerse yourself in 30 unique light installations set against a historical backdrop, complemented by sea breeze, humanities, and history. Join over 3 million visitors in enjoying aerial performances every weekend until March 10. Experience the magic of the "Dragon Comes to Taiwan" centerpiece lighting up Tainan’s High-Speed Rail Light District on Feb. 24.
    2024/02/19 11:43
  • 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival: tradition meets innovation

    Experience the magic of the 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, where tradition meets innovation with captivating displays, cultural performances, and a 12-meter dragon lantern. Explore themed zones, enjoy VR/AR experiences, and indulge in a diverse food market until March 3!
    2024/02/17 18:09
  • New Taipei City launches dazzling 2024 Lantern Festival

    Experience the enchanting 2024 Lantern Festival in New Taipei City, featuring a 12-meter high dragon palace lantern, mythical beasts, AR technology, and interactive art. Join Mayor Hou Yu-ih and officials at the festival until March 3 for a visual feast and cultural celebration.
    2024/02/17 12:56
  • Taiwan left with 2 consecutive holidays post Lunar New Year

    Discover Taiwan’s holiday outlook for 2024! With only two sets of consecutive holidays remaining, find out how this reduction impacts domestic travel and accommodation. Learn how travel providers can capitalize on the upcoming breaks to attract visitors and boost profits.
    2024/02/16 16:26
  • Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival set to dazzle in two sessions

    Experience the enchanting 2024 Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in New Taipei City! Join us on Feb. 17 and Feb. 24 for two sessions filled with the mesmerizing sight of lanterns illuminating the night sky. The first event, held at Ping Xi Junior High School, features nine launches of 100 lanterns each, totaling 900 lanterns. The second event, taking place at Shihfen Square, showcases nine launches of 150 lanterns, totaling 1,350 lanterns. Lantern vouchers will be distributed from 10:30 a.m. until they run out, allowing two to four people to launch a lantern. Don’t miss this unforgettable celebration, where artist Hu Min-shu’s stunning lantern designs, including a dragon and a tiger, will be on display.
    2024/02/16 13:35
  • 觀點/龍年「Dragon」改稱「Loong」就是文化自信?

    2024/02/15 13:37
  • 馬斯克發文賀龍年 遭陸網指正「此LOONG非DRAGON」

    隨著甲辰龍年到來,近來中國網路上開始討論起龍的英文翻譯,官媒與民眾紛紛捨棄過往的「Dragon」,改用「Loong」(龍的音譯),稱中國龍與西方龍「形像有別。」特斯拉(Tesla)執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)10日在網路上發文拜年時,用英文寫下「The Year of the Dragon」,也被中國網友指正,應該是「The Year of the LOONG。」
    2024/02/12 11:06
  • 稱西方龍惡醜!陸媒改龍年翻譯「Loong」 

    2024/02/11 14:18
  • Sticky Delight: Taiwan’s LNY tradition of abundance

    Taiwanese chefs are ready for Lunar New Year with a sticky delicacy symbolizing prosperity. Discover this culinary tradition and its significance.
    2024/02/10 12:30
  • 稱中國龍尊貴不像西方龍惡醜 陸媒:龍年應正名「Loong」

    2024/02/10 10:05
  • 2024第一個爆紅迷因!破兩千萬觀看 「沒牙跳舞」是什麼梗?

    《馴龍高手》(How to Train Your Dragon)是夢工廠動畫2010年推出的奇幻3D電腦動畫電影,上映後獲得超高人氣,至今已推出第3部續作電影。而日前,國外社群媒體瘋傳一段《馴龍高手》的二創影片,其中一個片段被國外網友稱為「沒牙跳舞」(Toothless Dancing)的魔性迷因。
    2024/02/09 14:30
  • Taoyuan Mayor gifts lucky bags for New Year festivities

    Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang distributed "Year of the Dragon" lucky bags at the city hall on the final working day before the Lunar New Year. The bags featured a dragon enfolded in peach blossoms, symbolizing prosperity and good fortune. Each bag contained a one-dollar coin bundled with a red cord, believed to ward off evil and disasters. The lucky bags were labeled "Dragon’s Peace" and represented gathering wealth, good luck, and auspiciousness. Mayor Chang shared the bags with city hall staff, janitors, security guards, and the public passing by for business.
    2024/02/07 16:21
  • Award-winning actress Alyssia Chia shines on ELLE cover

    Golden Horse Award-winning actress Alyssia Chia, known for her breakthrough role in Taiwan’s first-generation family comedy "A Happy Family," graces the cover of lifestyle magazine ELLE. From period dramas like "Flying Dragon in The Sky" to "The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber" and "Secret History of Princess Taiping," Chia’s diverse talent shines. Her career took a turning point with the drama "The World Between Us," delving into capital punishment and mental health issues. Off-stage, Chia shares a close bond with her husband, Hsiu Chieh-kai, supporting each other personally and professionally. Chia emphasizes the importance of encouragement and empathy in their relationship, constantly learning and improving together.
    2024/02/07 14:43
  • About 90% of workers to continue red envelope tradition

    A recent survey reveals that 90% of Taiwanese employees plan to give out red envelopes for the Lunar New Year, with an average amount of NT$11,292. The survey also shows that workers plan to spend an average of NT$31,093 during the seven-day holiday, contributing NT$288.7 billion to the economy. Popular activities include getting together with friends and family, visiting hometown, resting at home, paying visits to friends and relatives’ households, and watching television or DVDs at home. Other activities include praying at temples, making travel arrangements, gaming, job hunting online, and shopping. Compared to the Year of the Rabbit in 2023, 49.7% of respondents said their red envelope budget would remain the same, 26.8% said it would be more, and 23.5% said it would be less. Additionally, 64% of workers plan to give gifts during the New Year, with an average gift budget of NT$4,977.
    2024/02/06 09:00
  • 勝利現身柬埔寨派對!放話「帶GD來這」 韓網怒轟:無恥蹭熱度

    原BIGBANG成員勝利投資的夜店「Burning Sun」2019年接連爆發多起犯罪案件,他也因此遭判刑吃牢飯,雖然已在2023年2月中出獄,不過他全面退出演藝圈,也導致BIGBANG至今仍難甩負面形象。未料日前有網友發現,勝利日前去柬埔寨參加活動時,竟大放厥詞,稱要把GD帶去當地,讓韓國網友痛罵:「瘋了嗎?超自私!」
    2024/01/24 11:53
  • Taiwan launches coveted dragon zodiac coins amid frenzy

    Limited edition dragon year zodiac commemorative coins are being sold by Taiwan’s Central Bank, with 45,000 sets available at the Bank of Taiwan’s counters. Queues formed as early as 4 a.m. despite the cold weather, and each buyer can purchase only two sets per turn. Online pre-orders sold out within 3 hours, and the resale price has surged to NT$3,000 from the original price of NT$1,900.
    2024/01/22 12:15
  • Tainan lights up: 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival returns

    The 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival is returning to Tainan for the first time since 2008, taking place from Feb. 24 to March 10. The main lantern, "Dragon Comes to Taiwan," was unveiled by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications’ Tourism Administration. Inspired by the dragons on the stone columns at the Tainan Grand Mazu Temple, the 18-meter-tall dragon lantern is accompanied by a 22-meter main lantern. This year’s lantern design transforms the dragon into a small round lantern with the same pronunciation as the Taiwanese snack "xiaolongbao," adding a touch of tradition and children’s anticipation. The festival will illuminate the "High-Speed Rail Lantern Area" and "Anping Lantern Area" in Tainan. In celebration of Tainan’s 400th anniversary, the city government will light up the "Anping Lantern Area" in advance on Feb. 3, allowing residents and tourists to enjoy the spectacle during the Lunar New Year holiday. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che expressed high hopes for the festival, praising the main lantern design for its unique representation of Tainan and Taiwan’s lantern festival through a blend of culture, nostalgia, and playful creativity.
    2024/01/03 19:51
  • Taiwan’s Presidential Office unveils 2024 New Year cards

    The Presidential Office in Taipei held a press conference to unveil the Lunar New Year’s greeting cards for 2024. The cards, designed by Yen Po-chun, feature a dragon motif combined with Taiwan’s scenic landscapes. The design aims to convey blessings for the Lunar New Year and wishes for prosperity, peacefulness, safety, and well-being for the nation. The card is in an "Mp4" format, with an animation that intertwines the dragon motif with the numbers 2024 and the word "LOVE," symbolizing Taiwan’s vitality, hope, and vision for progress. Recipients of the greeting cards include heads of state, international dignitaries, ambassadors, representatives to Taiwan, local government figures, overseas Chinese community leaders, members of the legislative body, and notable figures from academic, cultural, and business sectors.
    2023/12/19 10:09
  • Tainan Art Museum hosts National Palace treasures

    Discover the captivating exhibit "Once Upon a Tainan Charm: Treasures from the National Palace Museum" at Tainan Art Museum, featuring rare artifacts from Taiwan’s esteemed collection. Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes the dynamic nature of the exhibition, which coincides with Tainan City’s 400-year anniversary. Experience a journey through time as the exhibition unveils 15 precious items, including the Jadeite Cabbage, Vase with lotus and dragon decoration, and Jade Plate with Dragon Pattern. Don’t miss this unique cultural experience from Dec. 16, 2023, to Mar. 10, 2024, offering a winter of enriched historical engagement for locals and visitors alike.
    2023/12/15 16:42
  • GD涉毒案調查結果將出爐 李善均恐因「1案」再被傳喚

    2023/12/12 13:55
  • MOTC hosts cultural event at Toronto Eaton Center

    The Tourist Administration of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) organized a two-day event at the Toronto Eaton Centre in Canada, showcasing Taiwan’s attractions. The event featured various activities, including VR experiences, calligraphy bookmark crafting, pinball games, indigenous beadwork, and oil-paper umbrella painting workshops. The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto reported a significant increase in Canadian visitors to Taiwan, with a 1366.17 percent rise compared to the previous year. However, the number of visitors has not yet returned to pre-COVID-19 levels. In an effort to boost tourism, Taiwan has waived visa requirements for Canadians, positioning itself as an ideal winter getaway. Taiwan’s picturesque mountains, coastlines, and diverse urban and small-town landscapes make it a perfect destination for leisurely exploration.
    2023/12/11 20:32
  • GD捲毒案還在查!突曬「落髮照」吐心聲 自拍洩近況

    2023/12/11 16:09
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