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    徐巧芯楊佩潔警衛小二男童桃園殺蟲劑歐樂沃築夢城堡白牌車 演唱會河床甜點
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    disease 結果共90筆

  • Premier warns political infighting could doom Taiwan

    Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes the importance of unity and constructive dialogue in Taiwan’s politics, warning against the dangers of political infighting. He advocates for a collaborative approach to governance, highlighting the need for effective communication and persuasion across party lines to implement policy changes. Chen also discusses the significance of respectful discourse in the legislative process and the focus on practical solutions over controversy.
  • FDA probes 54 cases linked to red yeast product

    Explore the ongoing controversy in Taiwan over Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s red yeast product, as the FDA investigates 58 cases of adverse reactions without confirmed causality, amidst reports of kidney disease and deaths in Japan. Taiwan responds with preventive recalls and consumer protection measures.
    2024/04/24 17:57
  • 又有致命傳染病?專家:流感恐爆下波全球疫情 禽流感也要小心

    多位國際疾病專家認為,流感是最有可能引爆新一波疫情大流行的病原體,另外,尚未被識別的「疾病X」(Disease X)、H5N1(禽流感病毒)也可能對人類構成危害。
    2024/04/21 17:09
  • 2成家長忽略新生兒1篩檢  罹罕病肌肉無力「嚴重恐呼吸衰竭」

    龐貝氏症(Pompe disease)是一種罕見遺傳性神經肌肉疾病,台灣平均每3萬5千名新生兒就有1位是龐貝氏症患者,因先天缺乏分解多餘肝醣的酵素「酸性α-葡萄糖甘脢」導致肝醣不斷堆積、傷害肌肉功能,台北榮總兒童醫學部主任牛道明表示,如未及時治療,將出現漸進性的肌肉無力和呼吸困難,嚴重恐呼吸衰竭死亡;但目前推動龐貝氏症新生兒篩檢將近20年,然而仍有2成新生兒父母輕忽其重要性。
    2024/04/16 09:54
  • Taiwan acts on red yeast rice health scare

    Taipei (TVBS News) reports that Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken action after businesses reported using red yeast rice raw materials from Japan’s Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, linked to kidney disease. Preventive measures have been taken, with products removed from shelves. FDA Director-General Wu Hsiu-mei oversees the situation to safeguard consumer safety.
    2024/03/28 17:57
  • Japan’s deaths linked to red yeast rice products rise to 4

    Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s red yeast rice health food products have been linked to four deaths in Japan, with over 100 hospitalizations reported. Taiwan’s FDA is urging businesses to report affected products to ensure food safety.
    2024/03/28 14:44
  • Taipei health officials probe deadly food poisoning case

    A suspected food poisoning incident at a Taipei department store restaurant has caused eight people to feel unwell, resulting in one fatality. The Taipei City Government’s Department of Health has ordered the restaurant to stop serving food, with samples sent for central testing to identify the cause. The severity of the situation has prompted discussions with toxicology experts, while the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control are actively investigating.
    2024/03/27 10:10
  • Taiwan halts sales of Japanese red yeast rice products

    Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan announces the removal of products made with red yeast rice from Japan due to adverse reactions. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s recall follows reports of acute kidney failure, with one reported death under investigation.
    2024/03/26 13:55
  • Jackie Chan’s new look shocks fans ahead of 70th birthday

    Internationally acclaimed action star Jackie Chan’s shocking appearance as he approaches his 70th birthday has fans abuzz. Recent photos reveal Chan sporting white hair and visible signs of aging, sparking speculation about his upcoming role in the film ’Mo Sheng Jia Ting’ (陌生家庭), where he portrays a man with Alzheimer’s. Despite his aging appearance, Chan’s professionalism and vibrant spirit remain intact as he continues his illustrious career spanning over six decades.
    2024/03/14 16:22
  • CDC measles update: 2 new clusters identified

    The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) revised information on measles spread, revealing two cluster infections instead of four. With a potential spike in cases predicted for March and April, the CDC urges the public to get vaccinated to prevent shortages.
    2024/03/06 14:46
  • 少年狂腹瀉得「綠色癌症」無法治癒 外媒傳:凱特王妃也得

    英國凱特王妃今年1月進行手術,已經好一段時間未出現在大眾面前,她的病況成謎,預計還要繼續進行休養,有未證實外媒消息稱凱特王妃可能是得了有「綠色癌症」之稱的「克隆氏症(Crohn’s disease)」。中國浙江一名19歲少年因為慢性腹瀉、腹痛,不適的狀況持續了一段時間,他去醫院就診後確認罹患克隆氏症,少年原先一直以為自己只是得了普通的腸胃炎,直呼「想不到」。
    2024/03/04 15:00
  • Tainan City imposes fines to combat Dengue Fever threat

    The Tainan City Government’s Public Health Bureau will impose penalties for properties with dengue fever-carrying mosquito larvae vessels starting April 1. The bureau emphasizes prevention efforts and urges residents to clean stagnant water containers to avoid mosquito breeding grounds.
    2024/03/01 11:21
  • Tainan City confronts first dengue fever case of the year

    Tainan City reports its first imported case of dengue fever from Indonesia, prompting preventative measures by the Tainan City Public Health Bureau. Learn about the symptoms and prevention of this mosquito-borne disease.
    2024/02/20 17:53
  • Taiwan reports first domestic measles case of 2024

    Taiwan reports its first domestic measles case of 2024, with a man in his 30s testing positive in the Northern part of the country. The Centers for Disease Control are investigating possible sources of infection and monitoring 199 individuals who had contact with the patient. Vaccination is urged, especially for infants older than one year.
    2024/02/19 17:25
  • Taiwan to expand SMA treatment coverage

    The National Health Insurance (NHI) Administration in Taiwan has announced the approval of new applications for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) treatment coverage. This decision comes after the passing of lawyer Chen Chun-han, a prominent advocate for wider medication coverage for SMA. SMA is a progressive neuro-muscular degenerative disease caused by a mutation in the SMN1 gene, impacting muscle functionality and activities such as sitting, walking, speaking, breathing, and eating. The NHI Administration has included the gene therapy drug Zolgensma, which carries a price tag of NT$49 million, in its benefits since the second half of 2023. The criteria for medication eligibility include an upper limb motor function index (RULM) score of at least 15. There are over 400 SMA patients in Taiwan, and by the end of 2023, 158 people applied for medication, with 145 approvals. The NHI Administration plans to hold an expert meeting in March to discuss expanding access to the drugs for all SMA patients, with a potential approval in the first half of 2024.
    2024/02/16 13:28
  • Flu emergency visits decline amidst high vaccination rates

    This year’s flu season during the Lunar New Year has been relatively mild, potentially due to higher flu vaccination rates and continued mask-wearing, according to Philip Lo, the Deputy Director-General and spokesperson for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Typically, flu cases surge before and after the Lunar New Year, with the second day of the new year being the busiest for emergency rooms. Despite higher numbers in recent years, this year’s figures are considered mild compared to the pre-pandemic period. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, 6,787 individuals sought emergency care for flu-like symptoms. In previous years, the corresponding numbers were 4,313 in 2023, 1,564 in 2022, 2,458 in 2021, 9,240 in 2020, and 7,983 in 2019. Lo emphasized the need to monitor the potential impact of large gatherings as schools reopen and the travel season begins. In terms of vaccine stock, there are still 82,000 doses of the flu vaccine available, along with 226,000 doses of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine and 4.38 million doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Lo urged eligible individuals to get vaccinated promptly to enhance their protection.
    2024/02/15 17:26
  • 身體莫名刺痛、雙手無力 英女以為咖啡喝太多未料竟患漸凍症

    英國一名女子日前身體突然出現莫名刺痛,由於她剛換工作壓力大,誤以為只是喝太多咖啡導致,然而過了一段時間症狀仍沒改善,就診後才知道是罹患俗稱「漸凍症」的運動神經元疾病(Motor Neuron Disease, MND),也稱「肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症」(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,簡稱ALS)。
    2024/02/13 13:00
  • 印度爆發「猴子熱」逾50人染疫 患者腦損出血症狀嚴重

    俗稱「猴子熱(Monkey Disease)」的傳染性疾病正在印度南部迅速傳播,迄今至少已有逾50人感染猴子熱,並造成兩人病發身亡。該疾病除了剛發病時所出現的發燒、頭痛等類似於感冒的症狀外,隨著感染週期推進,患者可能會在三到八天內出現腦神經損傷、精神紊亂,以及嚴重嘔吐和腸胃出血等重症。由於「猴子熱」的散播速度極快、傳染力強,印度當局目前已發出警告,須嚴肅面對控制疫情傳散。
    2024/02/07 17:07
  • 高端疫苗保護力和mRNA疫苗接近 陳時中:該停止抹黑了

    疾管署以台灣新冠疫情期間的資料分析疫苗保護力,打3劑高端疫苗預防中重症保護力達9成以上,與mRNA疫苗接近,研究預計於3月刊於美國疾病管制暨預防中心(CDC)期刊「新興傳染病」(Emerging Infectious Disease)。對此陳時中感嘆,「該停止不實的抹黑攻擊了!」
    2024/02/03 09:28
  • Amanda Chu triumphs over stage 3 breast cancer

    Taiwanese actress Amanda Chu, 37, shares her arduous battle with cancer on "Super Night" and is praised as a "life fighter" by host Sam Tseng. Diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in 2021, Chu undergoes 18 rounds of chemotherapy, spending NT$1.8 million on treatment, including 18 mastectomy and reconstructive surgeries. In September 2023, she triumphantly declares her victory over the disease. Chu’s journey is chronicled in prose, inspiring others with her courage and tenacity, while her return to work and regular check-ups every six months symbolize her heroic fight against cancer.
    2024/01/30 18:37
  • DPP candidate champions disability rights amid talk show row

    Human rights lawyer Chen Chun-han, a legislative-at-large candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), responds to a controversy involving the online talk show "The Night Night Show with Hello." Chen appreciates the show’s apology for allowing mainland China media personality Wang Zhian to mimic disabled individuals, which was seen as a dig at the DPP and indirectly at Chen. Despite thinking the apology came late, Chen commends Hello and his production team for planning a special segment to discuss the issues faced by disabled and rare disease patients in Taiwan. Chen emphasizes that the core of the criticism lies in whether society can tolerate discrimination against the disabled and respect their right to political participation. He states that this is a human rights issue that transcends ideological and party lines. Chen also mentions that voters needn’t feel obligated to vote for the DPP in 2028, highlighting Taiwan’s democratic freedom and the importance of supporting any political party based on personal beliefs. However, he adds that if Hello and his team find the DPP under Lai Ching-te’s leadership satisfactory within the next four years and genuinely wish to support it, they would be welcomed.
    2024/01/30 17:51
  • 日本感染「吃人菌」患者創新高 致死率達3成恐半天就沒命

    日媒指出,2023年全日本總計有941人罹患劇症型鏈球菌感染症(Severe invasive streptococcal disease),刷新開始調查的1999年以來的最高紀錄。這種疾病在日本被稱為「吃人菌」,3成患者罹病後會於48小時內死亡。
    2024/01/22 15:57
  • Taiwan expands telemedicine services to millions

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare has announced updates to its Rules of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment by Telecommunications, expanding telemedicine services to a larger population under certain conditions, effective July 1. Approximately 2.47 million individuals are expected to benefit from these changes. The updates aim to adapt to the post-COVID-19 healthcare landscape and extend the scope of telemedicine to five special situations, including chronic disease care, end-stage disease care, custody care in correctional facilities, care for the mobility challenged, and care during disasters, communicable diseases, or other significant changes. Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan clarified that not all patients can avail of telemedicine services, as evaluation by healthcare units is mandatory, and physicians who violate the rules may face a maximum fine of NT$100,000. The new process combines physical outpatient services with telemedicine to reduce costs and time for patients requiring post-acute care, offering a convenient and seamless healthcare experience. The updated rules broaden the range of medical services that physicians can provide through telecommunication. Additionally, the Ministry has stated that doctors, after evaluating the patient’s stable condition, can now electronically prescribe medication for patients with chronic mental illnesses or in end-stage care, including regulated drugs like morphine.
    2024/01/22 15:27
  • 致死率恐達新冠20倍!WHO急發聲 憂曝「X疾病」襲捲警訊

    國內新冠病例再有升高趨勢,引起部分民眾憂心,另外也有人認為,在新冠流感化的情況下,落實基礎的防疫手段即可;而世界衛生組織(WHO)近日則針對「X疾病(Disease X)」提出示警,祕書長譚德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)認為,全球都該在今(2024)年的5月前簽署「大流行病協定」,才不會在下一波病毒潮來襲時,重演新冠悲劇。
    2024/01/21 17:01
  • Taiwanese youth obesity crisis raises health concerns

    A concerning rise in obesity among Taiwanese adolescents highlights the urgent need for awareness and intervention. Experts emphasize the link between lifestyle habits and chronic disease risks, advocating for early education on diet and exercise.
    2024/01/18 16:21
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