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    ceo 結果共1,090筆

  • 網紅CEO森田出手了!揪最帥營運長寒冬送暖 慨捐50萬物資

    2023/12/24 12:24
  • 星巴克門市被噴「解放加薩」遭抵制 CEO怒:社群媒體曲解立場

    以哈衝突持續至今未見緩解,世界各國也出現抗議聲浪並將矛頭對準大型企業,其中就包含知名咖啡連鎖品牌「星巴克」(Starbucks),除了抵制、股價暴跌外,甚至開始出現門市遭破壞的誇張行為,這讓星巴克CEO納拉辛漢(Laxman Narasimhan)忍無可忍,在近期的公開信中指責「社群媒體曲解立場」。
    2023/12/21 11:12
  • TSMC CEO C.C. Wei nominated as next chair

    The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has announced that its current CEO, C.C. Wei, is set to be nominated as the next chairman in the June 2024 board election. This comes after the current chairman, Mark Liu, revealed that he will not seek re-nomination and plans to retire after next year’s shareholder meeting. Liu, who joined TSMC in 1993, became chairman in June 2018 following the retirement of company founder Morris Chang. He expressed his desire to continue making a difference in the semiconductor industry using his decades of experience while also spending more time with his family. Despite varied opinions on Liu’s retirement, there is a consensus that TSMC’s stable corporate governance is unlikely to be affected in terms of operations and stock performance.
    2023/12/20 10:45
  • TSMC Chairman Mark Liu to step down after shareholder meet

    Mark Liu, Chairman of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), will step down after the next shareholders’ meeting. C.C. Wei, currently the vice chairman, has been recommended to succeed Liu as the new chairman. Liu, who took over in 2018, focused on solidifying corporate governance and competitiveness during his tenure. He plans to continue contributing his semiconductor expertise in different capacities after retirement. Liu expresses gratitude for his collaboration with TSMC and intends to spend more time with his family. He remains confident in TSMC’s future performance and is committed to bolstering corporate governance until his term’s end.
    2023/12/19 22:03
  • 陳怡蓉結婚7年爆「老公喜歡觀察空姐」! 為了他親自做這件事

    2023/12/19 16:34
  • Taiwan basketball ups ante, eyes more NBA talent

    Former NBA star DeMarcus Cousins has signed a one-month contract with the Taiwan Beer Leopards, according to the club’s CEO Johnny Chang. This signing marks a significant boost to Taiwanese basketball, and the team is open to adding more NBA talents in the future. Cousins, known for his versatility as a center and his gold medal with Team USA, is set to arrive in Taiwan in mid-January and will make his debut in home games at the Taoyuan Arena on January 20, 21, 27, and 28. While the details of Cousins’ salary remain undisclosed, Chang hinted that it would be similar to the structure of NBA short-term contracts. Addressing concerns about Cousins’ temperament, Chang emphasized that his intensity on the court reflects his respect for professional basketball and will bring a passionate atmosphere to the games. Chang also expressed surprise at Cousins’ professionalism during the negotiation process.
    2023/12/18 18:39
  • TVBS《FOCUS世界新聞》x《天下雜誌》聚焦CEO的景氣預測

    2023/12/13 15:30
  • NVIDIA CEO eyes Vietnam for AI, digital talent cultivation

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announces collaboration with Vietnamese technological firms to support Vietnam in AI talent cultivation and digital infrastructure development. Huang expresses interest in establishing a base in Vietnam during a meeting with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. NVIDIA has already invested around US$250 million in Vietnam and recognizes the country’s potential in the IT sector. Huang identifies Viettel Telecom, FPT Software, Vingroup, and VNG Corporation as specific partners for expanded cooperation.
    2023/12/12 17:51
  • Michael Green: Taiwan’s defense commitment under scrutiny

    Former Senior Director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Council and CEO of the United States Studies Centre, Michael Jonathan Green, emphasizes that Taiwan’s recent extension of military service to one year is a significant indication of its commitment to defense. Green warns that any reversal of this decision would raise concerns in both the United States and Japan. As tensions rise across the Taiwan Strait, the main concern for the U.S. is Taiwan’s vulnerability to Chinese pressure or military action. By extending military conscription, Taiwan is demonstrating its political will to counter Beijing’s intimidation. The United States, Japan, and Australia believe that Taiwan’s efforts to stabilize the situation and prevent war are commendable. Green highlights that any threat posed by China to Taiwan could jeopardize security across the entire First Island Chain, impacting nations like the US, Canada, Japan, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. Green, who has served in the Bush Administration and was part of the U.S. bipartisan delegation that visited Taiwan in March, stresses the critical importance of Taiwan’s resolve for self-defense.
    2023/12/11 12:05
  • 麥當勞愈賣愈貴! CEO曝新計畫:以後漢堡會變大

    受到通貨膨脹影響,原物料價格飆升,許多連鎖速食店紛紛跟著調漲價格,全球連鎖速食店巨頭麥當勞的漲價政策,台灣民眾也頗有感。美國有線電視新聞網CNN報導,為了挽回客人的心、刺激未來的銷量成長,麥當勞決定要端出一項新策略,執行長坎普斯基(Chris Kempczinski)透露,以後麥當勞的漢堡將會變得更大、更超值。
    2023/12/11 12:01
  • VicOne: 90% of Auto cyber threats target suppliers

    The "Automotive Cybersecurity Report 2023" by VicOne reveals that over 90% of cyberattacks target companies within the automotive supply chain, resulting in a financial toll surpassing US$11 billion in the first half of the year. Hackers are increasingly focusing on less security-conscious firms, posing a significant risk to the interconnected players in the industry. VicOne CEO Max Cheng calls for the automotive industry to prioritize cybersecurity measures, allocating resources and establishing comprehensive security infrastructures for robust protection against cyber threats.
    2023/12/07 20:51
  • Civic groups call for end to violence against women

    Several civic groups in Taiwan, including the Modern Women’s Foundation and the Garden of Hope Foundation (GOH), are urging presidential candidates to prioritize violence prevention as an investment to end violence against women. According to the United Nations, one-third of women globally experience physical or sexual abuse at least once in their lives. The Modern Women’s Foundation Executive Secretary, Wu Zi-ying, highlighted the lack of investigation on these issues within Taiwan. Social work and policy professor Wang Pei-ling revealed that around 70 percent of individuals aged 18 to 74 in Taiwan have experienced online gender-based violence, with image-based violence accounting for 4.6 percent. Wang also emphasized the increasing number of male victims, which now stands at 20 percent. GOH CEO Wang Yueh-hao called on the government to promote interdepartmental initiatives and establish think tanks for gender violence prevention, emphasizing that gender violence is a violation of human rights.
    2023/12/07 19:33
  • 消失3個月!甜美主播無預警「升格當媽」 圈外老公身價破億

    2023/12/05 12:38
  • 沈文程認「私約江蕙」舊情全說了! 難忘這滋味:永存在心中

    2023/12/02 07:01
  • 摩根大通CEO:不認為北京會侵台 若美國下令會撤出中國

    摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)執行長戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)於《紐約時報》(New York Times)主辦的DealBook峰會上表示,若美國政府下令該行撤離中國,將遵循命令。此消息釋出後,引發金融界及市場對全球地緣政治局勢的關注。
    2023/12/01 14:15
  • 稀有員工!獵人頭CEO曝「7夢幻特質」超加分:老闆最愛

    2023/11/29 10:42
  • UN氣候大會倒數!阿聯主辦 主席身兼石油公司CEO挨批

    2023/11/27 19:54
  • 幣安趙長鵬被罰五千萬 CEO華人背景引關注

    2023/11/23 10:05
  • Foxtron marks milestone with record n7 EV model pre-orders

    Foxtron, a joint venture of Yulon Motor’s Luxgen Motor, has received over 9,100 pre-orders for its n7 electric vehicle (EV), making a significant impact on Taiwan’s domestic EV industry. Deliveries of the highly anticipated n7 model are set to begin in mid-January next year and be completed by the end of June. The n7’s pre-order numbers, achieved in just two days, equal three years of total EV sales in Taiwan, signaling a bright future for the EV market. Foxconn CEO Young Liu, leading the electric transformation of the trillion-dollar corporation, sees the increasing global competition in the EV sector as beneficial for Foxconn and its business models. Platformization, modularization, and standardization are key strategies for achieving cost control and timely product launches, which are at the core of Foxconn and Foxtron. The n7 model, benefiting from the shared platform provided by Foxtron, enjoys a competitive edge in cost, aligning with Foxconn’s global EV aspirations. The success of Foxtron’s n7 could potentially usher in a new era for Taiwan’s presence in the international EV landscape as the demand for sustainable transport continues to grow.
    2023/11/22 20:38
  • 幣安認弊案!「加密幣大亨」下台 付史上最高43億罰金

    2023/11/22 19:58
  • 掌舵蘋果12年 CEO庫克鬆口開始尋找接班人選

    蘋果(APPLE)公司在2011年宣佈,當賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)辭職離開後,選擇由當時的營運長庫克(Tim Cook),接手公司執行長重責大任,一轉眼12年時間很快就過了。綜合外媒報導,庫克日前上英國廣播公司Podcast節目受訪,被問到有關接班人選問題,這位蘋果執行長雖然沒有透露關鍵資訊,但談話中表示,他希望在公司內部尋找適合人選,也著手制定幾種接班計畫,以備突發狀況發生,「畢竟人總會有不可預測的事情。」
    2023/11/22 18:02
  • 「3天3換CEO」 OpenAI高層宮鬥劇始末一次看

    開發出生成式AI聊天機器人「ChatGPT」的OpenAI公司上周末人事地震,執行長阿特曼(Sam Altman)遭無預警開除後,共同創辦人兼總裁布羅克曼(Greg Brockman)也跟著走人,兩人雙雙加入微軟(Microsoft),人事風暴至今持續延燒。《TVBS新聞網》整理OPEN AI宮鬥懶人包,提供讀者一次掌握。  
    2023/11/21 13:38
  • 人事大洗牌!OpenAI創辦人「不回鍋」 確定加入微軟

    2023/11/20 19:50
  • OpenAI三天換三CEO 前執行長阿特曼聯手他加入微軟

    開發出生成式AI聊天機器人「ChatGPT」的OpenAI公司上周末人事地震,宣布執行長阿特曼(Sam Altman)遭解雇,雖然一度傳出他有望回歸,不過今(20)日公司公告找來遊戲直播網圖奇(Twitch)前執行長希爾(Emmett Shear)接替職務。而微軟(Microsoft)行政總裁納德拉(Satya Nadella)稍早則宣告,阿特曼和同樣去職的公司聯合創辦人兼總裁布羅克曼(Greg Brockman)已加入微軟。
    2023/11/20 16:31
  • 回鍋無望?傳ChatGPT之父不回OpenAI 換他暫當CEO

    開發出生成式AI聊天機器人「ChatGPT」的OpenAI公司執行長阿特曼(Sam Altman)17日遭到無預警解雇,消息震撼科技業界,其他OpenAI高層也跟著走人。但事隔約一日,就傳出OpenAI遭到包括微軟在內的投資人施壓,董事會反悔希望阿特曼復職,雙方已經就此展開談判。阿特曼在自己的X平台發文,內容令人聯想到他可能是在暗示要回歸OpenAI;但有知情人士揭露最新消息稱,OpenAI董事會無視投資者要求,找來圖奇(Twitch)前執行長希爾(Emmett Shear)接替其職務,阿特曼回鍋的希望似乎再次破滅。
    2023/11/20 14:24
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