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    cash 結果共50筆

  • Mobile payments in Taiwan embrace global reach

    Explore how Taiwan is leading the charge in mobile payment adoption, with over 12 million users benefiting from international collaborations like PXPay and PayPay. This shift towards digital transactions signifies a broader global expansion trend, enhancing consumer experiences and security.
    2024/03/22 16:24
  • Taiwan rejects cash handouts despite tax surplus

    The Minister of the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics in Taiwan clarifies that there will be no general cash distribution from tax surplus this year, despite speculation. The surplus, amounting to NT$386 billion, will not lead to a repeat of last year’s NT$6,000 distribution due to financial considerations and the need for special legislation.
    2024/03/13 18:35
  • Taiwan premier ties future cash payments to economic outlook

    Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses potential cash payments to the public in response to economic conditions for 2025 and 2026 during a Legislative Yuan hearing. Discussions highlight the government’s focus on National Health Insurance, labor insurance, and subsidies for Taiwan Power Company, with implications for Taiwan’s social policy and fiscal decisions in the future.
    2024/03/06 15:46
  • MLB/張育成「左腹斜肌拉傷」缺席6至8週 確定趕不上開季

    旅美好手張育成日前與坦帕灣光芒簽下一份附帶大聯盟春訓邀請的小聯盟合約,然而本季力拚重返大聯盟的他卻在春訓熱身賽不慎受傷,光芒總教練凱許(Kevin Cash)今(2)日表示張育成是左腹斜肌嚴重拉傷,預計將會缺陣6至8週,確定趕不上開季。
    2024/03/02 08:01
  • MLB/熱身賽首打席開轟!張育成「表白光芒」:喜歡這裡的文化

    旅美好手張育成日前以一份附帶大聯盟春訓邀請的小聯盟合約重返光芒,並在今(26)日的熱身賽中擔任先發七棒游擊手,甚至還在個人首打席敲出陽春全壘打。賽後,光芒主帥凱許(Kevin Cash)除了盛讚子弟兵的表現外,張育成也親自談到重披光芒戰袍的感想,直言「很喜歡這裡的文化」。
    2024/02/26 17:02
  • Yu Chang signs minor league deal with Tampa Bay Rays

    Taiwanese baseball star Yu Chang signs minor league contract with Tampa Bay Rays, earns Major League spring training invite. Chang’s renowned defense secures him a monthly salary of US$36,000, with potential bonuses doubling from previous year. Rays’ inviting atmosphere and promise of US$1 million annual salary upon promotion entice Chang’s decision.
    2024/02/21 13:41
  • 稱張育成「可靠游擊手」 光芒教頭曝簽原因:防守能力絕佳

    我國旅美職棒好手「國防部長」張育成18日宣布,與前東家坦帕灣光芒簽下小聯盟合約,附帶大聯盟春訓邀請,確定重返美國職棒(MLB);對於這筆簽約,光芒總教練凱許(Kevin Cash)不吝稱讚張育成是可靠的游擊手,防守絕佳、進攻也不時有亮眼表現,因此讓他回來試試身手。
    2024/02/21 10:29
  • Taoyuan’s garbage collectors gifted cash, donate to charity

    Garbage collectors in Taoyuan City receive unexpected bonuses totaling over NT$156,000 in cash gifts from citizens during Lunar New Year. Despite refusing red envelopes, the city’s cleanup teams were still gifted with tokens of appreciation. The workers plan to donate the entire amount to local social welfare institutions. Taoyuan City’s Department of Environmental Protection emphasizes that garbage collection is a routine duty and urges the public to avoid gifting cash or presents, instead promoting proper waste segregation and eco-friendly habits.
    2024/02/17 13:30
  • Innovative red envelope designs surge in popularity

    Discover the latest trend in Taiwan’s Lunar New Year celebrations with the surge of DIY red envelope designs. From personalized packets to innovative cash dispensers, explore how tradition meets creativity in 2024.
    2024/02/08 09:00
  • Taiwan announces budget surplus for 7th straight year

    Taipei’s Executive Yuan Spokesperson, Lin Tze-luen, announced a budget surplus for the 2023 fiscal year, attributing the achievement to the combined efforts of civil society and the government. The surplus will be allocated responsibly to maintain fiscal discipline, primarily focusing on debt reduction and infrastructure investment. Taiwan’s economy has experienced consistent growth, resulting in a budget surplus for seven consecutive years. In 2022, the surplus reached an impressive NT$500 billion, leading to a proposed special budget of NT$380 billion. This special budget aims to enhance economic and social resilience, with provisions such as a cash payment of NT$6,000 per citizen, support for labor and health insurance programs, and assistance for Taiwan Power Company. Additionally, the special budget includes programs to aid residential loan holders from the middle class and below. Lin emphasized the government’s commitment to considering public opinion and promoting national affairs to facilitate Taiwan’s sustainable development.
    2024/01/25 16:34
  • Surplus tax revenue in Taiwan opens debate on spending

    Taiwan’s government confirms budget surplus, prioritizes debt repayment and infrastructure investments. Cabinet spokesman Lin Tze-luen expresses gratitude for joint efforts leading to economic growth. Taiwan’s annual tax revenue exceeds target, reaching NT$367.1 billion in fiscal year 2023, marking the third-highest record. Speculation arises on possible cash rebate as government distributed NT$6,000 to citizens in 2022 surplus. Lin Tze-luen declares government will consider public opinion on surplus utilization. Surplus will be applied with fiscal discipline, focusing on debt repayment and infrastructure investments. Efforts will be made to meet national and individual needs for sustainable development.
    2024/01/25 15:15
  • Taiwan President dissuages Premier, Cabinet resignation

    Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen and his cabinet have tendered their resignations, which were approved during a cabinet meeting. The resignations await confirmation by the president for a new government to take charge on May 20. The premier is expected to step down before the first legislative assembly after the current legislators’ term expires. The executive branch will continue to push its policy agenda during this transitional period, aiming to work with the new legislative body to promote policies beneficial to the nation and its citizens. Chen Chien-jen launched significant policies during his term, including cash handouts, education subsidies, and safety measures for a sustainable automobile society. He also emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to defense capabilities and democracy through the successful submarine launch and the resumption of one-year military service.
    2024/01/18 16:05
  • THSR expands payment options to include credit cards

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) has announced that it will now accept credit card payments for on-board ticket upgrades, push-cart sales, and station bento counter services. Passengers can also use their Easycard or iPASS to purchase items from the pushcart and high-speed rail bento boxes. However, THSR advises that Easycard and iPASS are only suitable for small payments, and on-board ticket upgrades should be paid for with a credit card or cash. Furthermore, THSR will be introducing a new hot beverage called "Taiwan Sugar Highland Small Farmer Coffee" on January 1, 2024. This coffee, made with beans from the Guatemala Antigua region, will be available from the first to the seventh day of each month, while illy coffee will be served on other days. THSR also cautions that unstable internet connections on board may cause credit card transactions to fail and asks for passengers’ understanding.
    2023/12/26 15:56
  • Inventec Group rumored to invite Wu Bai to year-end party

    Inventec Group will hold its annual year-end bōnenkai on Jan. 26 at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, with rumors suggesting that rock legend Wu Bai may make a surprise appearance. This event marks Chairman Sam Yeh’s first time hosting since the Covid-19 outbreak, signaling a return to in-person festivities. While Wu Bai’s appearance has not been confirmed, Inventec has hinted that the guest will align with the rock genre. Over 6,000 employees are expected to attend, with more than 600 tables set up for the celebration. Executives from Inventec’s subsidiaries, including Inventec Appliances, Besta, and AIMobile, are also scheduled to join. The grand prize for the 2023 bōnenkai is anticipated to be NT$200,000 in cash, with the possibility of additional top-ups from group executives, potentially exceeding a total prize pool of NT$10 million.
    2023/12/19 21:52
  • Taiwan firms set to revive year-end party with cash prizes

    A survey conducted by online job bank Yes123 revealed that 88.4 percent of Taiwan’s companies plan to hold year-end parties before the Lunar New Year, with employees most eager to receive cash prizes. The survey also found that 60.3 percent of companies with year-end party plans will host lucky draw events. Among the preferred prizes, cash ranked as the top choice with 66.2 percent of employees, followed by smartphones (43.3 percent), cars (42.5 percent), department store vouchers (34.3 percent), and convenience store coupons (33.2 percent). The survey also showed that 73.6 percent of office workers have previously won a prize at year-end parties, with the average value of the biggest prize being NT$11,833. The spokesperson for Yes123, Yang Tsung-pin, stated that the willingness of companies to hold year-end events has returned to normal, indicating the recovery and stabilization of the economy following the disruptions caused by Covid-19. The survey was conducted online from Dec. 1 to Dec. 14, with 1,366 valid responses and a confidence level of 95 percent and a margin of error of plus or minus 2.65 percent.
    2023/12/19 20:17
  • Union Bank fined NT$12M for aiding fraud syndicate

    The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) fined the Union Bank of Taiwan (UBOT) NT$12 million on Thursday (Nov. 9) for aiding a fraud syndicate in money laundering and transfer. The FSC found that the bank’s Tonghua branch allowed three corporations to open accounts in Mar. 2023, after which large sums of money were quickly deposited into these accounts from other companies. Subsequently, significant amounts of cash were systematically withdrawn from various branches of UBOT. The FSC determined that UBOT’s systems had significant failures, including a lack of comprehensive Know Your Customer (KYC) checks and ongoing customer identity reviews.
    2023/11/09 18:09
  • CTOC president announces Olympics winners’ cash prizes raise

    The Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee president has announced an increase in cash prizes for winners at the Paris Olympics next year. Bronze medalists will now receive NT$1,000,000, silver medalists NT$2,000,000, and gold medalists NT$5,000,000. The announcement was made during a celebratory banquet held by the Hungtao Sports Development Foundation to honor Taiwanese athletes’ outstanding performance at the Hangzhou Asian Games.
    2023/10/29 12:59
  • Police identify 68 victims in cardless installment scam

    Taichung City Police have identified 68 victims of a cardless installment scam involving purchases of electronic products. Two suspects, both surnamed Lin, including a communications store owner, have been arrested for targeting university students in central Taiwan. The police seized evidence including mobile phones, computers, cash, passbooks, and contract documents. The suspects deceived students by promising them NT$5,000 cash for purchasing electronics through cardless installments, but the victims discovered the deceit when they received payment notifications from debt collectors.
    2023/10/28 18:06
  • Chiayi County gifts cash to elderly for Double 9th Festival

    The Bureau of Social Affairs in Chiayi County is distributing cash to elderly residents in local villages, with over 100,000 beneficiaries expected. In honor of the Double Ninth Festival, the Chiayi County Government is providing monetary gifts to those aged 65 and above, with varying amounts of NT$3,000, NT$6,000, or NT$9,000.
    2023/10/17 15:45
  • 幣圈金童慘死街頭!凶嫌竟是同行好友 疑為「妹妹」引殺機

    美國Cash App創辦人、加密貨幣公司MobileCoin首席產品長Bob Lee本月4日在舊金山街頭遇刺身亡。原本各界都認為是隨機犯案,但如今案情出現大翻轉,警方在週四(13)逮捕涉有重嫌的科技公司「Expand IT」創辦人Nima Momeni。檢方還透露,Bob Lee生前疑似與Nima Momeni的妹妹「有關係」,案發前2人還曾經為此當面對質,行凶動機還有待進一步調查。
    2023/04/15 13:20
  • 美幣圈金童當街遭刺殺最後身影曝光! 沿路呼救竟沒人理

    Cash App創辦人、加密貨幣公司MobileCoin首席產品長Bob Lee本月4日在舊金山街頭遇刺身亡的消息震撼科技圈。如今Bob Lee生前最後身影也曝光!從監視器畫面中可以清楚看到他在被捅傷後,痛苦地跪在路邊向駛過的汽車求救,但都沒有人停下來查看,只好自己打電話求救,但等到警方到場將他送醫時已經為時已晚,最終在醫院宣告傷重不治。
    2023/04/08 13:28
  • Five ways to receive your NT$6,000 tax rebate

    Taiwanese nationals and eligible foreign residents can look forward to receiving NT$6,000 from the tax surplus of last year. 
    2023/03/17 20:00
  • Taiwan nationals to receive NT$6,000 cash rebate in April

    Taiwan’s Executive Yuan has approved a budget of NT$6,000 for each citizen and eligible foreign nationals in the hopes of providing economic relief in the wake of the  soaring costs of living. 
    2023/02/24 20:46
  • Taiwan Center in Turkey clarifies cash flow of donations

    After the earthquake that occurred in Turkey and Syria on Feb. 6, the Taiwan Center in Reyhanli has been actively providing food and clothing to refugees and quake victims. 
    2023/02/13 19:47
  • 因禍得福!他買刮刮樂被插隊 做「1動作」竟刮中3000萬

    如果在買刮刮樂時遇到有人插隊,你會跟插隊的人抗爭到底還是會禮讓他?美國佛羅里達州有位男子史蒂芬(Stephen Munoz Espinoza)在下了班後想買張刮刮樂試手氣,不料在排隊的過程中卻被插隊,他索性轉往櫃檯購買,沒想到竟讓他刮中頭獎,開心抱回100萬美元(約3025萬新台幣)的高額獎金。
    2023/01/28 17:19
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