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    Yellow 結果共80筆

  • 單身狗有福了!星巴克這兩天推「黃色玫瑰情人節」 第二杯折100

    你知道嗎?其實5月14日是黃色玫瑰情人節也就是YELLOW & ROSE DAY,星巴克宣布將 於5月13、14日連續2天,推出「YELLOW & ROSE DAY約我喝咖啡吧!第2杯折100元」活動,單身者穿上黃色的衣服和朋友一同到星巴克喝飲料,期間不限時段至全台星巴克門市購買2杯大杯(含)以上容量、冰熱、口味皆一致的飲料,即享第二杯折價100元優惠。
    2024/05/12 10:40
  • 3月才生第三胎!李千娜拚命宣布開工 直接躍上小巨蛋

    女星李千娜二婚嫁給男演員黃尚禾,3月底迎來寶貝兒子「Yellow」,沒想到正在做月子的她,確定出席5月25日在台北小巨蛋舉辦的2024 hito流行音樂獎頒獎典禮,這也是她產後首次復出亮相,而一回歸就要登上如此大的舞台,李千娜興奮大於緊張,迫不及待想在台北小巨蛋邀請歌迷們一起《關・與妳》,與她一起閱覽身為女性的多重宇宙。
    2024/05/08 13:04
  • Kaohsiung to host global hub for Austronesian cultures

    Discover the future National Museum of Indigenous Peoples in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, set to become a global center for Austronesian cultures. With a NT$5.8 billion budget, it aims to connect Taiwan with Austronesian-speaking communities, promote indigenous culture, and foster international cooperation. Located near Chengcing Lake and accessible by the future MRT Yellow Line, the museum will feature indigenous artifacts, ecological education, and serve as a hub for multiculturalism and leisure tourism.
    2024/05/06 17:42
  • Taiwan’s weather swings: From heatwave to plum rains

    Taiwan faces a scorching day with temperatures up to 36°C, particularly in its southern and southeastern areas, as forecasted by the Central Weather Administration. Foehn winds are anticipated in Taitung County, prompting a heat advisory with a yellow warning for Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung counties. A weather shift is expected to bring brief showers or thunderstorms, especially in the central and northern regions, with heavier rainfall predicted for the northeastern and Greater Taipei’s mountainous areas. Meteorologist Lin Te-en highlights an expected above-average rainfall for May, aligning with the plum rain season, potentially easing Taiwan’s water scarcity concerns yet raising flooding risks.
    2024/04/30 11:54
  • 才剛生3寶!李千娜爆帶兒「做這事」臨陣逃跑 崩潰:無法面對

    2024/04/29 12:11
  • Neipu, Pingtung hits record high of 37.1°C: CWA

    Temperatures soar above 36°C in southern Taiwan, with Neipu, Pingtung reaching 37.1°C. CWA issues yellow alerts for Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung as the island experiences high temperatures and heat throughout the day.
    2024/04/15 18:04
  • 黃尚禾升格人父!見兒子激動暴哭 李千娜坐月子「這行為」惹怒他

    2024/04/13 07:00
  • Hualien quake triggers requests for building assessments

    Following a powerful earthquake in Hualien, the National Land Management Agency (NLMA) received 848 requests for disaster assessment, with 42 buildings under severe red notice and 70 under yellow notice. The NLMA offers subsidies for structural safety assessments and urges residents to report any signs of damage for professional evaluation.
    2024/04/08 17:23
  • 花蓮強震/美地質調查局估死亡介於十至百人 發布黃色警報

    花蓮外海在昨日(3)上午7時58分,發生芮氏規模7.2強震,引起世界各國高度關注,也包含專門監測全球地質活動的美國地質調查局(USGS)。在其官方粉專上,不只詳細列出此次花蓮強震的時間與震央,還根據花蓮地震的威力,推估後續可能造成的影響,發出「黃色警報」(yellow alert),提醒此次強震,很可能會導致10至100人之間的死傷,以及一定程度的財務損失。
    2024/04/04 11:25
  • Hsiao defends Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit amid DPP criticism

    Hsiao Hsu-tsen of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation vows to confront DPP smear campaign ahead of Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit. He emphasizes one-China constitution and calls for DPP to address issues hindering cross-strait peace. Criticizes President Tsai’s two-state theory and warns of endless strife if constitutional issues not faced. Historical and cultural ties between Taiwan and China highlighted amid upcoming visit to Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.
    2024/03/26 16:09
  • Ma Foundation expresses wish to meet with Xi Jinping

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is set to visit mainland China again in April, leading a group of young people from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation exchange program on a cultural and educational tour. The visit includes stops at Peking University in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen University, and a grand ceremony worshipping the Yellow Emperor. Plans for a meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are subject to China’s arrangements.
    2024/03/25 15:18
  • Sharp temperature drop hits Taiwan

    Stay informed about the latest weather updates in Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration issues warnings of significant temperature drops and cold surges across various regions. Expect sharp decreases below 10 degrees Celsius, scattered showers in certain areas, and strong northeast winds in coastal regions.
    2024/03/13 14:50
  • 倒數3天!金狼獎揭獎「卡司超大咖」 比莉、五月天瑪莎都來了

    2024/03/06 13:19
  • Iconic yellow duck in Kaohsiung collapses, repairs underway

    Strong winds in Kaohsiung cause a giant yellow rubber duck to deflate, sparking online discussions. Kaohsiung Department of Tourism works on repairs, clarifying that the collapse was due to mooring cable issues, not a puncture. Councilor Chiu Chun-hsien humorously comments on the incident.
    2024/02/21 14:31
  • Giant rubber ducks draw 600K visitors in Kaohsiung return

    The beloved rubber duck by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman has returned to Love River Bay in Kaohsiung after a decade, attracting over 600,000 attendees in the first two days of the exhibition. The event, named "2024 Kaohsiung Wonderland," features more than just the two popular inflatable yellow ducks. It includes a bouncy castle, a yellow ball pit, a small train ride, street performances, and a food market. The event will run until Feb. 25. Free park tickets are distributed daily at 2 p.m. at Pier 16-18, with opening hours from 3 to 6 p.m. on Monday to Thursday, and from 3 to 9 p.m. on Friday to Sunday and during the first to fifth day of Chinese New Year. The exhibition has also led to almost record-high single-day light rail usage, with over 137,000 rides in the first two days. Additionally, a duck-themed light show has been created for night-time enjoyment along Love River Bay.
    2024/01/29 16:53
  • 吉祥物來了!伍佰揭「年度20大單曲名單」 吐創作人心聲

    由「StreetVoice街聲」及「Legacy傳音樂展演空間」共同舉辦的「StreetVoice Awards街聲年度音樂趨勢大獎」,1月23日晚上於Legacy Taipei舉辦第一屆頒獎典禮,共計30組獲獎音樂人到場共襄盛舉,邀請與街聲淵源深厚的三組音樂人YELLOW黃宣、HUSH、告五人擔任頒獎嘉賓,壓軸登場的搖滾天王伍佰,更是讓全場創作音樂人都變成了小粉絲。
    2024/01/28 19:58
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail boosts services for Lunar New Year

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) will add eight more trains during the Lunar New Year transport season from Feb. 6 to 15. These additional services include five southbound and three northbound trains. Tickets for these services will be available starting midnight on Saturday, Jan. 27. During the passenger peak period, THSRC will also expand unreserved seating across eight carriages on trains running between Nangang and Taichung. THSRC will provide a total of 461 additional train services over the Lunar New Year period, with 246 southbound and 215 northbound trains. Passengers are advised to plan in advance by checking the corporation’s website for transport season sales information and avoiding peak times. Real-time updates on passenger numbers at different stations will be available on the THSRC website. Stations implementing crowd control for unreserved seating will display a yellow or red light, indicating expected queue times of over 30 minutes or over 60 minutes, respectively. Passengers can also receive crowd control information and manage their travel plans via the T-EX mobile ticketing app.
    2024/01/25 11:12
  • Iconic yellow ducks return Kaohsiung after a decade

    The Kaohsiung City Government has announced the return of the beloved yellow rubber ducks to the southern Taiwan port city after a decade away. The "2024 Kaohsiung Wonderland Winter Fair" will take place at Kaohsiung Port Pier 17 from Jan. 27 to Feb. 25. The fair will feature two rubber ducks and various attractions, including inflatable installations, interactive art displays, circus acts, and children’s theater performances. The yellow rubber duck first toured Taiwan in 2013 and attracted almost 3.9 million tourists to visit Kaohsiung.
    2024/01/22 12:10
  • 李千娜才再婚!黃尚禾怒砸杯子掀火爆衝突 她挺肚淚崩畫面外流

    李千娜2023年喜事不斷,除再婚演員黃尚禾,目前肚子裡還有兩人愛的結晶「Yellow」,且年底推出全新概念專輯《關・與妳Close With You》,首波主打〈千金〉MV也找來老公同場飆戲,其中有一幕情緒戲,黃尚禾被要求因憤怒狠砸杯子,玻璃碎了一地,懷孕的李千娜面對如此火爆危險的劇情,依舊敬業對戲,卻讓工作人員冷汗直流。
    2024/01/05 11:43
  • Energy強勢回歸宣布「站上小巨蛋」 《紅白》二波卡司名單曝光

    2024/01/04 15:39
  • 李千娜挺5個月孕肚唱跨年 黃尚禾台下「1舉動」護妻超閃

    2024/01/01 12:58
  • Kaohsiung landmarks to light up in yellow

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai announced that the Kaohsiung Music Center and the Eye of Gangshan will be illuminated with therapeutic yellow lights every evening from 6 p.m. to midnight, starting on December 25, 2023, until January 26, 2024. Speculation has arisen online about the return of the yellow rubber duck exhibition to Kaohsiung, as "yellow circles" have been spotted around the city. The giant floating duck was initially displayed in 2013 and drew approximately 3.9 million visitors in a single month, boosting the city’s economy by generating nearly NT$1 billion in business opportunities. Mayor Chen has not confirmed the duck’s return but expressed the municipal team’s commitment to bringing progress and joy to the citizens.
    2023/12/26 11:17
  • Taiwan cracks down on ticket scalping with hefty fines

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan has passed amendments to the Sports Industry Development Act to combat ticket scalping. The revised law imposes fines on scalpers ranging from 10 to 50 times the ticket’s face value. The amendments also target the resale of complimentary and promotional tickets, with penalties reaching up to NT$18,000. The use of ticket-buying bots will be met with up to three years’ imprisonment and/or fines up to NT$3 million. These measures aim to crack down on the practice of reselling tickets at inflated prices, known locally as "huangniu" or Yellow Cow. The amended law ensures the anonymity of whistleblowers and potentially rewards them for reporting scalping activities. The updates to the legislation were led by the Legislative Yuan Education and Culture Committee, reflecting the legislature’s commitment to fair access to entertainment and sports for fans in Taiwan.
    2023/12/15 16:33
  • New Taipei boosts yellow-line parking, targets 150 sections

    New Taipei City’s Department of Transportation is actively working to improve over 150 sections of yellow-line parking by February 2024, in response to a provisional ordinance by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) that acknowledged the scarcity of temporary parking spaces in metropolitan areas. The department has already completed over 60 conversions from red to yellow lines, prioritizing areas near MRT stations, hospitals, schools, taxi infraction hotspots, and areas with high temporary parking demands. These adjustments are carefully implemented to ensure a minimum lane width of 5 meters and avoid prohibited areas. Yellow-lined streets have a no-parking window from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., allowing only for quick drop-offs, pick-ups, or loading. The MOTC requires that every 100 to 150-meter stretch of red-line roadside have at least 10% allocated for temporary parking. Until these provisions are met, parking violators will face fines ranging from NT$300 to NT$600.
    2023/12/04 21:14
  • Taiwan’s industrial power demand drops post-summer: TRI

    The Taiwan Research Institute (TRI) reports a decrease in electricity demand in September, following the end of the summer peak period for consumption. The TRI’s October Taiwan EPI shows a 0.16% growth in high voltage electricity usage across national industries compared to the same period in 2022. However, this growth is smaller than the increase seen in September. TRI President Wu Tsai-yi attributes the deceleration in economic growth to global inflation, interest rate hikes, and ongoing geopolitical crises. Despite these challenges, the domestic electronic technology industry has experienced successful inventory turnover due to the rise of AI applications, the launch of new consumer electronics, and stockpiling for the end-of-year shopping season. With sustained private consumption momentum and negative economic growth factors in the fourth quarter of 2022, a significant increase in economic growth to 4.4% is estimated for October. Wu predicts a gradual return to normalcy for global economic and business activities as the effects of inflation and interest rate increases diminish.
    2023/11/22 17:23
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