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    Vision 結果共146筆

  • AMD CEO shares vision for AI, supply chain

    Discover how AMD CEO Lisa Su’s vision for AI-driven PCs and collaboration with partners like TSMC are shaping the future of computing. In our exclusive interview, learn about AMD’s focus on AI, supply chain resilience, and advice for aspiring engineers.
    2024/06/11 17:02
  • 蘋果Vision Pro「此時」亞洲開賣 台灣果粉得再等等

    蘋果(APPLE)推出的最新實境頭戴裝置Vision Pro,成功搶佔社群與科技媒體的版面,雖然該裝置售價並不便宜,但仍吸引大批直播主與果粉搶購體驗。該品牌也在11日凌晨落幕的開發者大會(WWDC)上宣佈,Vision Pro將在6月28日跨出美國,正式在中國大陸、香港、日本及新加坡等亞太市場發售,而台灣粉絲恐怕還得等上一段時間。
    2024/06/11 09:35
  • Taipei police department welcomes new commissioner

    Discover the latest leadership change at the Taipei City Police Department with Commissioner Li Hsi-ho taking charge. Mayor Chiang Wan-an emphasizes traffic safety and crime prevention for 2024. Learn more about their plans for a safer Taipei.
    2024/06/06 17:58
  • NVIDIA CEO shares vision for AI’s future in Taipei interview

    Discover insights from NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s exclusive interview with TVBS Insight People, where he discusses AI’s future, NVIDIA’s growth, and deep ties with Taiwan. Tune in on June 16 at 11 p.m. on TVBS Channel 56.
    2024/06/03 16:17
  • 蘋果摺疊MacBook傳提前一年發表 分析師爆螢幕沒摺痕

    2024/05/26 09:16
  • Vatican seeks to open an office in China, enhancing ties

    Discover the Vatican’s plans to open a permanent office in China, marking a significant step in improving relations. This move coincides with President Lai Ching-te’s inauguration and reflects ongoing efforts to strengthen ties, including humanitarian initiatives in line with Pope Francis’s vision. The announcement follows a history of diplomatic challenges and a landmark agreement on bishop appointments. The Vatican’s new strategy aims to enhance dialogue and trust between the Holy See and China, potentially heralding a new era of engagement.
    2024/05/22 15:44
  • Taiwan’s culture minister unveils comprehensive policy

    Discover how Taiwan’s Minister of Culture, Lee Yuan, plans to integrate President Lai Ching-te’s vision of "cultural sustainability, Taiwan to the world" into daily life, focusing on lifestyle, thought, creativity, and dissemination.
    2024/05/22 13:41
  • 蘋果Vision Pro傳赴海外開賣 外媒推測「這個時間點」

    蘋果(APPLE)推出的最新實境頭戴裝置Vision Pro,成功搶佔社群與科技媒體的版面,雖然該裝置售價並不便宜,但仍吸引大批直播主與果粉搶購體驗。如今外媒取得內部消息指出,蘋果正在進行內部培訓,可能在6月全球開發者大會(WWDC)落幕後,開始將Vision Pro推向國際,在美國之外的市場進行販售。
    2024/05/14 10:29
  • Cataracts affect 1.19 million in Taiwan in 2022

    Explore the rising trend of cataract cases in Taiwan, highlighting the impact of digital device usage and aging on eye health, as well as the advancements in treatment options like artificial lens replacement surgery for improved vision recovery.
    2024/05/10 17:57
  • Transforming Taiwan’s future: new deputy ministers aim high

    Discover how the Democratic Progressive Party enhances Taiwan’s education system by appointing Chang Liao Wan-chien and Yeh Ping-cheng as deputy ministers. Learn about Yeh Ping-cheng’s vision for a future-ready Taiwan, his innovative approach to learning, and his commitment to leveraging education to empower the next generation.
    2024/05/06 17:20
  • Adam Bobrow shares insights on table tennis in Taiwan

    Explore Adam Bobrow’s vision for table tennis in Taiwan, his views on sports culture, and the potential for growth in an exclusive interview with TVBS News.
    2024/04/28 08:30
  • Premier-designate announces new cabinet appointments

    Discover the latest developments in Taiwan’s political landscape as Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai unveils the fifth wave of cabinet appointments, emphasizing continuity, dynamic leadership, and a vision for national unity and innovation.
    2024/04/23 15:05
  • Cho Jung-tai unveils new faces in Taiwan’s Executive Yuan

    Discover the latest personnel appointments by Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai for the Executive Yuan, including key positions in the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare, the Hakka Affairs Council, the Council of Indigenous Peoples, and the Ministry of Environment. This announcement follows President-elect Lai Ching-te’s vision for a "Healthy Taiwan" and showcases a commitment to diversity and expertise in the new cabinet.
    2024/04/19 18:00
  • Apple Vision Pro舒適度再掀熱議 芝加哥醫:恐釀頭頸痛、黑眼圈

    蘋果(APPLE)新推出的頭戴裝置Vision Pro,一上市就吸引眾多果粉目光和搶購,但該裝置驚人的定價,外加可能引發的「副作用」,卻讓不少人卻步。《華盛頓時報》引述芝加哥大學外科醫師麥可(Michael Lee)的說法,提醒粉絲與玩家們,急著搶購和在社群炫耀之前,得先謹慎評估過,自己能不能處理好、這款裝置可能帶來的生理不適反應,包含頭痛、頸部酸痛或黑眼圈等問題。
    2024/04/11 12:41
  • Vision health declines with age in Taipei’s young students

    In Taipei City, a study reveals an increasing trend of poor vision among elementary and junior high students with age, with first graders showing a 25.9% rate, escalating to 77.4% in ninth graders. Female students exhibit higher rates of poor vision compared to males. Despite a slight decrease in elementary students and a minor increase among junior high students in the 2023 academic year, overall vision health has improved since 2014, attributed to the city’s efforts in annual professional vision screenings and promoting eye care awareness. The study also notes differences in vision health across school types, with public elementary schools and private junior high schools showing the highest rates of poor vision.
    2024/04/10 15:39
  • Smart City Expo features global partnerships, collaboration

    Explore how Taiwan’s Smart City Summit and Expo (SCSE) brings together global leaders to discuss the integration of smart city themes with ESG trends, fostering innovation, partnerships, and a vision for a smarter future.
    2024/03/21 19:28
  • 俄推土豪版Vision Pro!18K金打造要價衝破百萬

    蘋果去年推出首款空間運算設備Vision Pro,並在今年2月於美國率先開賣,儘管要價3499美元起(約11萬新台幣),仍吸引眾多果迷爭相入手,近期有奢侈品牌「Caviar」推出18K金版本的Vision Pro,要價突破百萬,令人瞠目結舌。
    2024/03/18 10:15
  • 旗艦等級資安+鏡頭 三星A55 5G、A35 5G將上市

    三星電子推出新款智慧型手機「Galaxy A55 5G」和「Galaxy A35 5G」,將於2024年3月25日在台灣上市。這兩款手機具有優秀的攝影功能、Super AMOLED顯示螢幕,並首次引入Samsung Knox Vault安全功能。三星行動通訊事業部總裁盧泰文對此表示自豪。新機將在三星智慧館、三星商城等通路上市,提供多種購機優惠。兩款手機繼承了Galaxy旗艦機的攝影功能,搭載Vision Booster技術。建議售價分別為14,990元、15,990元(A55 5G)和11,990元、12,990元(A35 5G),同時推出多項促銷活動。新機強調夜間攝影功能升級,並加入光學防手震和數位防手震功能。安全性方面,Samsung Knox Vault和長達五年的安全更新保護用戶數據,並支援四代Android作業系統與One UI升級。兩款手機與Galaxy生態圈完全相容,提供無縫整合的跨裝置體驗。
    2024/03/15 11:54
  • 美工程師頭戴Vision Pro結婚 新娘「超尷尬神情」爆紅

    蘋果公司(Apple)的混合實境(MR)頭戴式裝置「Vision Pro」2月2日在美上市後掀起熱潮,加州有名工程師近日結婚時竟戴著Vision Pro,就連與新娘合照時也不願拿下來,照片曝光後網友都被新娘略為尷尬的表情逗樂,不過這對新人後續也出面解釋這是為了記錄婚禮給未來的小孩看。
    2024/03/05 18:00
  • Apple Car為何夭折?《紐時》揭泰坦計劃「注定失敗」內幕

    蘋果公司(Apple)去年發表旗下首部「空間運算裝置」Vision Pro,獲得外界不少好評,然而醞釀十年之久的Apple Car「電動車計劃」,卻在2月傳出正式終止研發,令果粉相當遺憾。消息指出,蘋果這項決定是為全力研發「生成式AI」,但《紐約時報》卻指蘋果自駕車本就「註定失敗。」
    2024/03/04 13:26
  • Vision Pro陸未上市掀出租潮 「日租費破6千」這族群搶租

    蘋果公司(Apple)的混合實境(MR)頭戴式裝置Vision Pro,2月2日在美上市後掀起熱潮,雖然中國大陸尚未發售,最高價格卻已炒到10萬人民幣,讓許多消費者望而卻步。一貨難求情況下,有已經透過別種管道入手的中國人看中商機,在二手平台上出租Vision Pro,日租金約千元人民幣,輕鬆月收入破萬。
    2024/02/28 14:35
  • iPhone 16相機零件曝光!改回垂直排列只因1功能

    蘋果將在今年9月發表iPhone 16,先前有不少爆料指出新機的鏡頭排列方式將回歸iPhone 12的垂直設計,近期知名爆料客「Majin Bu」曝光iPhone 16平價版的相機模組零件,再次印證其鏡頭將改回垂直排列的消息,外界推測蘋果可能是為了要支援空間影片功能。
    2024/02/26 14:06
  • 要價11萬!開箱Vision Pro體驗 「2好1壞」全說了

    蘋果公司空間運算設備Apple Vision Pro於2日美國開賣,民眾可上網免費預約在美國門市體驗。中央社記者走一趟體驗,明顯感受到Vision Pro點擊操控靈敏度十分優異,以及沉浸式影音帶來的震撼臨場感,不過設備重量達600多公克,增添頸部負擔,舒適度稍嫌不足。
    2024/02/25 15:32
  • Rep. Gallagher praises Tsai’s leadership in Taiwan visit

    The U.S. House of Representatives’ Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party extends an invitation to President Tsai Ing-wen to visit the United States after her tenure. The committee, led by Chairman Mike Gallagher, commends Tsai’s leadership and vision, highlighting Taiwan’s strong ties with the U.S. and discussions on cross-strait issues. Tsai expresses gratitude for U.S. support in strengthening Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities and endorses Taiwan policy reports presented by the committee. The delegation, including members like Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, visits Taiwan for three days to meet with leaders and officials, fostering bilateral relations.
    2024/02/22 16:03
  • Wang Cheng-hsu takes oath as Taiwan’s new legislator

    Wang Cheng-hsu, successor to former Legislative Speaker You Si-kun, was sworn in as a legislator in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, pledging to enhance public health. Wang, a healthcare expert, aims to fulfill President-elect Lai Ching-te’s vision for better health care. His appointment was celebrated by former Legislator Chiu Tai-yuan, who believes Wang’s expertise will benefit Taiwan’s medical community.
    2024/02/19 12:33
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