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    Taiwan National Day 結果共69筆

  • TAO criticizes DPP as ’destroyers of peace and stability’

    The Taiwan Affairs Office spokesperson criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential candidate, Lai Ching-te, as a pro-Taiwan independence advocate, warning that it would bring misfortune to Taiwan’s future generations. The spokesperson also praises former president Ma Ying-jeou for boycotting the National Day ceremony, interpreting it as opposition to Taiwan independence.
    2023/10/11 15:22
  • National Day celebration draws enthusiastic crowd in Taipei

    Hundreds gather at the Presidential Palace for Taiwan’s National Day celebration. Chen Mei-ju highlights the nation’s enduring spirit, while Wu Chun-yin shares her hope for a prosperous future. Taiwanese unity takes center stage on Double Tenth Day.
    2023/10/10 17:46
  • Tokyo, UCLA bands join Taiwan’s National Day

    Tokyo and UCLA marching bands unite for Taiwan’s National Day, showcasing a symbol of Taiwan-Japan-U.S. friendship. Enjoy performances and highlights from the ceremony.
    2023/10/10 16:58
  • Taiwan celebrates National Day with spectacular performances

    Taiwan’s 112th National Day celebration featured impressive military performances and a display of artistry in front of the Presidential Office Building. Explore the highlights of Taiwan’s National Day ceremony.
    2023/10/10 16:34
  • Tsai sets democratic path for interaction with Beijing

    President Tsai Ing-wen’s final National Day speech emphasizes Taiwan’s approach to Beijing, global partnerships, and the quest for peaceful coexistence. Read her key points here.
    2023/10/10 16:25
  • Taoyuan Metro unveils Double Tenth Day themed train

    Celebrate Taiwan’s Double Tenth National Day in style with Taoyuan Metro’s new themed train and Instagrammable wall. The initiative, led by the Taoyuan City Government, also features a six-meter-long national flag display at the MRT Laojie River Station and a special social media check-in wall at the A13 Airport Terminal 2 station.
    2023/10/09 17:04
  • Int’l bands take center stage at National Day celebrations

    The UCLA Bruin Marching Band and Tokyo’s Emerald Knights are set to perform at Taiwan’s 112th Double Tenth ceremony. This marks UCLA’s first visit to Taiwan in seven years and showcases international friendship through music.
    2023/10/09 14:51
  • U.S., Japan marching bands join in National Day celebration

    The Tokyo University of Agriculture Second High School "Emerald Knights" visit Taiwan to perform at the National Day celebration. President Tsai Ing-wen treats them to Taiwanese salted crispy chicken and lemon aiyu jelly. They join other marching bands for a joint exchange at the National Performing Arts Center. The Emerald Knights will perform an anime medley during the National Day Celebration. The UCLA Bruins Marching Band also participates, making it the first time a U.S. performance group performs on Taiwan’s National Day stage.
    2023/10/09 14:44
  • 洪秀柱點名蔡英文「忘恩負義」:享受官位又貶抑中華民國

    明天就是雙十國慶日,國民黨前主席洪秀柱今(9)日在臉書上砲轟,自民進黨上台,每逢光輝雙十國慶,對「中華民國」四個字總是避之唯恐不及,不僅總統國慶文告幾乎通篇以「台灣」取代,甚至連續3年還以「Taiwan National Day」偷渡台灣,她更點名總統蔡英文、副總統賴清德等人,享受官位又貶抑國名、國號,這不叫「忘恩負義」,什麼才是「忘恩負義」?
    2023/10/09 14:10
  • 慶雙十!賴清德推國慶主視覺手機桌布 不見「中華民國」 

    民進黨總統參選人賴清德今(7日)透過官方LINE帳號推出3款手機桌布,歡迎支持者下載,由於雙十國慶即將到來,其中一款設計為「2023國慶」主題,搭配今年國慶主視覺紅、藍配色,展現國旗意象,不過3款設計都相當簡約,並沒有加入「中華民國」或「Taiwan National Day」的文字。
    2023/10/07 09:55
  • THSR, TRA to add extra services for National Day holiday

    To prevent overcrowding during the upcoming Double Tenth national holiday, Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) and Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) will be adding extra services.
    2023/10/05 19:44
  • Impact of Typhoon Koinu to gradually weaken by Friday

    The weather forecast indicates that the effects of Typhoon Koinu will gradually weaken by Friday, but there is still a chance of local heavy rainfall. Get the latest updates on its movement and its impact on Taiwan.
    2023/10/05 13:38
  • 嗆馬英九過去3年都有參加國慶大會 游錫堃:別打自己臉

    73歲前總統馬英九宣布拒絕出席今年10月10日國慶大會,怒轟總統蔡英文逕自改名為「臺灣國慶日」,痛批是臺獨路線引起風波。對此,立法院長游錫堃今(5)日強調,「Taiwan National Day」在2010年就有,且馬英九最近三年都有參加,「不要打自己的臉,為什麼這次不行?」
    2023/10/05 11:17
  • 馬英九怒拒出席「台灣國慶日」 郭正亮曝這人去不去才是重點

    前總統馬英九近日批評蔡英文政府將國慶日英文名稱改成「Taiwan National Day」,中文翻譯就是「台灣國慶日」是極其不負責任的做法,認為這是不折不扣的「台獨」路線,因此表明將拒絕出席今年國慶大會。前立委郭正亮說,現在藍營立委是否出席國慶大典已不重要,他認為,國民黨主席朱立倫會不會出席才是重點。
    2023/10/05 10:20
  • Honor guards, marching band conduct National Day rehearsal

    Taiwan readies for its National Day ceremony with honor guards and bands preparing for a grand celebration. The iconic ROC flag and military precision take center stage on Oct. 10.
    2023/10/04 14:48
  • Terry Gou supports ex-president’s decision on National Day

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou expresses support for former President Ma Ying-jeou’s decision to boycott the national day celebration in Taiwan. Gou criticizes President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te for their views on national identity, particularly Tsai’s renaming of the holiday to "Taiwan National Day."
    2023/10/03 12:30
  • THSR apologizes for massive crowds at Taichung station

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) issued an apology for the overcrowding experienced at its Taichung station on Sunday, with some passengers waiting for three hours without boarding. In preparation for the upcoming National Day holiday, the THSR promised to improve passenger guidance, divert passengers accordingly, and enhance crowd control measures.
    2023/10/02 16:09
  • 馬英九喊「偷渡台獨」拒出席國慶 網論戰驚吐:不敢修憲?

    前總統馬英九今(2)日一早突宣布,拒絕出席今年10月10日的國慶大會,因為不滿自2021年開始,蔡英文政府逕自改名為「Taiwan National Day(臺灣國慶日)」,怒稱「不想被民進黨偷渡的台獨背書」。消息曝光之後引發了網友熱烈討論。
    2023/10/02 15:12
  • Ex-President Ma refuses to attend National Day celebrations

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou has declined to attend the upcoming National Day celebrations on Oct. 10. Ma strongly criticized President Tsai Ing-wen for changing the name of the event from "Republic of China National Day" to "Taiwan National Day," interpreting it as a pro-independence move.
    2023/10/02 11:31
  • 馬英九一出手「精準重回主導」!他急勸郭台銘:快把握機會

    前總統馬英九今(2)日一早鄭重宣布拒絕出席今年10月10日的國慶大會,因為不滿蔡英文政府自2021年開始,將雙十國慶日的英文名稱改成「Taiwan National Day(臺灣國慶日)」,馬英九怒稱拒為臺獨背書。對此,資深媒體人羅友志認為,馬英九選在今年出手果真有兩把刷子,將這場半死不活的選舉重新拉回國家定位主軸,他更苦勸鴻海創辦人郭台銘趕快把握機會。
    2023/10/02 11:29
  • 拒出席國慶!馬英九批偷渡台獨 陳建仁:不理解為何不參加

    前總統馬英九今天(2日)在臉書表示,蔡英文政府從前年開始就將雙十國慶日的英文名稱改成「Taiwan National Day」,翻譯成中文就是「台灣國慶日」,刻意把「台灣」變成國家的名稱,因此他拒絕出席今年的國慶大會。對此,行政院長陳建仁受訪時表示,國慶日活動的英文在這幾年來都一直稱為「Taiwan National Day」,「馬前總統過去也曾經參加了這些國慶的活動,我不理解為什麼今年他突然就不參加。」
    2023/10/02 10:43
  • Taipei gears up for Double Tenth Day celebrations

    As Taiwan celebrates its 112th National Day on Oct. 10, the capital city Taipei geared up with a ceremony and fighter jet performance rehearsals at the Presidential Office on Tuesday.
    2023/09/26 19:26
  • Taiwan gears up for National Day show with air rehearsals

    Get ready for Taiwan’s National Day celebrations with air rehearsals above the Presidential Office Building. Mark your calendars for Sept. 26, Sept. 28, and Oct. 4 between 5:50 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. The grand rehearsal will take place on Oct. 7 at 1:20 p.m. in front of the Presidential Office Building.
    2023/09/25 17:25
  • Taiwan military holds live-fire drills in Lien Yung exercise

    Taiwan’s military showcased its firepower during a three-day exercise at the Pingtung Tri-Service Joint Training Base, featuring Apache helicopters firing 30-caliber rounds and Indigenous Defense Fighters (IDF) dropping practice bombs and flares.
    2023/09/21 19:13
  • THSR to provide additional services for Double Ten holiday

    From Oct. 6 to Oct. 11, Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will provide additional transport services to cater to the four-day Double Ten holiday need. Ticket sales commenced at midnight on Sept 8.
    2023/09/08 13:00
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