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    TOP 結果共404筆

  • 職場最可怕主管星座Top 3!冠軍「自己搞砸還怪別人」超顧人怨

    2023/09/13 10:24
  • Property buyers flock to Taiwan’s real estate gem: Taoyuan

    High housing prices in Taipei are pushing people toward Taoyuan and Keelung for more affordable options. Taoyuan’s population has surged, making it a top choice, thanks to excellent transportation links.
    2023/09/11 21:12
  • 上半年全球最賣手機出爐!2大廠直接霸榜 中國品牌全軍覆沒 

    蘋果即將在台灣時間9月13日凌晨1點舉行iPhone 15發表會,由於此次新機有著不小升級,因此外界也預測iPhone 15將會成為今年下半年最熱賣的手機,而在此之前,市調機構「Omida」先公布了今年上半年最暢銷手機TOP 10,排行榜被蘋果及三星佔據,代表中國品牌手機全數覆沒。
    2023/09/04 08:20
  • 改拍影集?《不可能任務》慘賠上億美金 阿湯哥傳進軍小螢幕

    去(2022)年以《捍衛戰士:獨行俠》攻下了近十五億美金(新台幣478億元)票房佳績,並拯救全球戲院邁出疫情低潮的湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise),今年卻在《不可能的任務:致命清算 第一章》北美票房失利,或許將使他放棄此系列電影?有消息傳出,美國串流平台Paramount+將籌備新版影集,由湯姆克魯斯擔任製作人,目前尚未知是否在影集中亮相。
    2023/08/20 05:20
  • Taiwan parents want property in elite school areas for kids

    Taiwan’s elite school districts thrive as parents invest in housing to secure education for their children. Enrollment strategies reshape housing markets around top schools.
    2023/08/17 23:31
  • Top choice: Japan captures 40% of Taiwan traveler’s hearts

    Discover the latest travel trends: Japanese yen’s dip drives Taiwanese travelers to Japan, while global air passengers surge by 28.3%. Explore preferences by age and destinations favored by different groups.
    2023/08/16 16:29
  • 逾87%考生答錯!機車駕照筆試「魔王題」Top 10曝

    2023/08/09 18:21
  • 鬼門開前先練膽!2023最新恐怖片Top 10推薦

    2023/08/09 16:12
  • 國人最愛旅遊縣市TOP 5 台北2優點奪冠、台中網美景點多

    2023/08/09 14:34
  • Shen offers insights on eventual Speaker McCarthy meeting

    Former legislator Shen Fu-hsiung hinted on Friday (Aug. 4) at China’s reaction to an eventual meeting between top officials from the U.S. and Taiwan, such as U.S. Speaker McCarthy and Vice President Lai Ching-te on his way to and from Paraguay
    2023/08/07 19:40
  • 34天狂唱6場!人氣樂團認了都靠這招排解寂寞 體力狀態曝光

    icyball冰球樂團推出全新EP《Boyz on Top》,這次短短34天內,一連舉辦台北、高雄、台中、香港、新加坡、吉隆坡共6個城市專場演出;場場皆吸引滿座樂迷聆聽朝聖,可見其海內外的超高人氣,其中香港、馬來西亞接連兩次遇到飛機大延誤,如何排解這當中寂寞,他們打趣說:「把睡著的夥伴們弄醒,叫他們來一起聊天。一度思考要不要在飛機上開唱。」
    2023/07/26 14:14
  • 好感情「婆媳」最佳星座組合TOP 3! 只有她受得了處女碎念

    2023/07/25 15:53
  • Taiwan reigns as top spender in Japan from April to June

    The Japan Tourism Agency’s latest report has revealed a remarkable surge in Taiwan’s travel expenditure in Japan during the second quarter. From April to June, Taiwanese visitors spent a staggering NT$38.4 billion in the country, averaging NT$39,000 per traveler. 
    2023/07/24 17:27
  • 五桐號異國系新品搭韓聯名 Tea Top慶18年推優惠

    夏天是手搖飲暢銷旺季,各品牌推出新品搶攻夏季商機,手搖品牌「五桐號」今年以旅遊為主題,推出兩款異國風味的飲品,而且再度攜手韓國文創插畫,不僅杯身有專屬聯名設計,甚至也推出一系列的周邊商品,至於想要搶好康,還有「Tea Top第一味」能選,為了慶祝18周年,回饋大家支持,7月每周一「桂花凍108」第2杯一律半價,還有兩次機會能夠把握。
    2023/07/20 17:08
  • Vice President Lai calls for investment, green growth

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te visited the Taiwan-based JET Optoelectronics (JET Opto), one of the top makers of in-vehicle infotainment systems (IVI systems), on Tuesday (July 18).
    2023/07/18 17:07
  • President Tsai rewards top tech innovators at ITRI event

    Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) celebrated its 50th anniversary on Wednesday (July 5) with a grand ceremony attended by President Tsai Ing-wen and various officials and business leaders. 
    2023/07/05 18:57
  • 出國旅遊前必看! 網友好評行李箱品牌Top 10

    太燒了! 後疫情時代國境解禁,觀光復甦,再加上今年連假超級多(三天以上的連假有8個),持續出現報復性旅遊潮。根據觀光局統計,今年累計至四月份,出國已達291萬5884人次,大家最愛去的國家是日本,高達109萬6056人次,超過總出國人次的1/3;第二至第五名依序是中國大陸(27萬7307人次)、韓國(24萬4378人次)、泰國(21萬283人次)及越南(20萬5581人次)。
    2023/07/04 12:09
  • Taiwan’s motorcycle market sees strong growth in June

    Taiwan’s motorcycle market witnessed a strong performance in June, with 67,067 units sold, marking a 16.46% year-on-year increase. Although there was a slight decrease of 226 units compared to May, the overall sales remained robust. Three prominent brands dominated the market, with Sanyang (SYM) emerging as the top-selling brand for the 14th consecutive month.
    2023/07/03 19:17
  • Cancer remains top cause of death in Taipei for 51 years

    The Taipei City Health Bureau announced on Monday (July 3) the top 10 causes of death in Taipei last year, unveiling that cancer remained the leading cause of death in Taipei, followed by heart diseases and COVID-19.
    2023/07/03 16:47
  • 端午手搖優惠!名字有「這三個音」 飲料享買一送一

    端午連假又高溫炎熱,不少咖啡飲料都有優惠活動,甚至配合外送平台讓民眾不用出門曬太陽。星巴克和外送平台合作連續兩週第二杯半價;手搖飲店TEA TOP第一味也推出買一送一活動。
    2023/06/22 12:45
  • 李宣榕揭新動態「當了一次媽媽」 童年陰影被治癒:不再害怕

    2023/06/16 16:24
  • Dwight Howard praises Taiwan’s basketball talent

    NBA star Dwight Howard expresses confidence in Taiwan’s basketball scene and shares his top player picks in an exclusive interview with TVBS. 
    2023/05/28 08:10
  • AV女神現蹤台灣被拍 狂吃「這1根」超害羞畫面曝光

    icyball冰球樂團由主唱王、貝斯手Nelson、鍵盤手蒙、鼓手士捷組成,以復古流行與搖滾曲風在樂壇掀起一陣獨特魅力,全新EP 《Boyz on Top》推出首波單曲〈愛做的事〉,MV向來遊走尺度邊緣,這次女主角邀來日本AV女優有村希跨海出鏡、男主角請到男模刺刺,兩位男女主角挑戰尺度邊緣的演出,親密挑逗讓現場氣氛推向高點團員難掩興奮在片場「朝聖」,更樂喊:「這是玩音樂至今最快樂的一天!」
    2023/05/21 14:08
  • 羅志祥錄影「突激動落淚」!見1幕心軟 認了:怕接這種節目

    寵物實境節目《TOP DOG 回家》本週內容超感傷,因為分離的日子漸漸接近,終於要到了最重要的階段,舉辦快閃認養會,狗狗們需要面對新主人,羅志祥忍不住悲傷情緒,罕見在鏡頭前落淚。
    2023/05/05 21:43
  • China is top priority with Xi Jinping at helm: US DIA

    U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Director Scott Berrier remarked on Thursday (May 4)  that the threat China poses will become even more significant with Xi Jinping at the head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
    2023/05/05 20:17
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