
Top choice: Japan captures 40% of Taiwan traveler’s hearts

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/08/16 16:29
Last update time:2023/08/16 16:29
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Japan remains the favored destination for Taiwanese travelers, according to the latest data, accounting for nearly 40% of the total travelers. This preference is primarily attributed to the favorable travel opportunities from the Japanese Yen hitting record lows in recent months. Other trendy destinations include China, South Korea, Vietnam, and Thailand.

The International Air Transport Association has projected a 28.3% increase in global air passengers, reaching 4.35 billion this year. This surge comes as the overall air traffic rebounds to 96% of the 2019 pre-COVID-19 levels.


Analyzing travel preferences by age group shows that younger passengers aged 13 to 40 prefer to visit South Korea and Thailand. In contrast, travelers aged 40 and above predominantly opt for China and Vietnam as their ideal destinations.

With the lifting of travel restrictions, a remarkable surge has been observed among women aged 30 to 49 traveling abroad between January and May 2023. This growth, a staggering 1450% increase compared to the entire year of 2021, equals a fourteen-fold surge.

The rising costs of airfares, fuel, accommodation, and food ingredients result from global inflation, raw materials, and labor shortages. Consequently, experts point out that younger travel enthusiasts are likely biding their time, waiting for prices to stabilize before embarking on their journeys.

Amid the gradual return to normalcy in travel, the pandemic has indelibly transformed how people approach their journeys. Tien I-hsiu, secretary-general of the Taiwan Tourism Development Association, recommends that budget-conscious travelers consider participating in travel fairs to seize promotional vacation packages.

Taiwan Business

#travel trends#Japanese yen#Taiwanese travelers#global air passengers#surge#travel preferences#age groups#destinations#air traffic#rebound


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