
Japan-Taiwan bond: Japanese runner traces ’O’ on Taiwan map

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/06/08 18:01
Last update time:2023/06/08 18:01
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HUALIEN (TVBS News) — Japanese runner Naoki Shimizu returned to Taiwan once again to convey a profound message through his remarkable feat of running, emphasizing the enduring bond between Japan and Taiwan. 

Starting his journey from the Zhongli District in Taoyuan City on May 18, Shimizu arrived in Hualien County on Monday (June 5), continuing his 24-day expedition spanning 1,100 kilometers.


Shimizu plans to trace the letter "O" on the map of Taiwan, ingeniously employing the GPS functionality on his phone to record his route, thereby leaving a mark on the map.

He has already imprinted the letters "L," "V," and "E" in Tokyo, Sendai, and Osaka, respectively, to form the word "LOVE" when combined, to showcase the unbreakable bond shared between the two nations.

As Shimizu ventured into Hualien, many individuals supported and encouraged the brave runner.

"I have encountered numerous kindred spirits during my expedition, who have accompanied me on foot or by bicycle. Their unwavering companionship has deeply moved me," Shimizu said.

This is not Shimizu's first endeavor in Taiwan. He etched the inspiring words "Hualien, hang in there!" (花蓮加油) in 2028 to encourage the city's residents, serving as a beacon of hope in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake. 

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#Naoki Shimizu#Japan#Taiwan#road running#GPS


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