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    Japan 結果共371筆

  • 最大規模!星達拓200藝人周邊快閃店來了 台日同步「這團」獻驚喜

    日本偶像經紀公司星達拓(原傑尼斯事務所)這陣子進軍海外動作頻頻,先前舉辦的家族演唱會「WE ARE!」在Netflix上線,不僅能看到精采演出,更有許多幕後花絮,一窺藝人們在後台的跨團互動。另外,才在7月16日改名的官方周邊商品專賣店「FAMILY CLUB.STORE」除了開通國際網站,讓海外粉絲也能買到,今(23)天更驚喜宣布將在台北華山舉辦全球首間快閃店,粉絲能夠與日本同步看到實品並即時購買!
    2024/07/23 12:28
  • 微軟災情燒日本!企業災情頻傳 電腦死當員工用公務機開會

    微軟系統出包,日本USJ(Universal Studios Japan)園內無法結帳、西日本JR運行情報系統無法正常顯示、廉航捷星日本航空(Jetstar Japan)櫃台系統故障,旅客無法辦理報到手續等,火燒全球。現在又傳出有日本西部縣市的企業因微軟系統異常,導致電腦藍屏,員工無奈只能拿起公務機來開會。
    2024/07/19 18:04
  • Visa日本分公司涉調高手續費違反反壟斷法 日本公平會調查中

    日本公平交易委員會(公正取引委員会)表示,全球最大信用卡發行組織「Visa」的日本子公司「Visa Worldwide Japan」,涉違反《獨佔禁止法》,今(17)日已前往現場調查。據了解,Visa日本子公司疑要求日本的收單機構,使用Visa推出的信用照會服務,若不使用就要提高手續費。
    2024/07/17 13:46
  • Taiwan sees sharp drop in tourists after earthquake

    Taiwan’s tourism sector faces challenges following the April drop in foreign visitors, particularly from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore, due to the 0403 Hualien Earthquake. Learn about the MOTC’s strategies to boost tourism.
    2024/07/12 20:00
  • Taiwanese pineapples featured in Japanese school lunches

    Discover how Chiayi County Magistrate Weng Chang-liang is promoting Taiwanese pineapples in Japan, aiming to boost their market presence with school lunches and tasting events.
    2024/07/11 11:45
  • Taiwan’s envoy criticizes rogue fishing practices

    Explore the diplomatic tensions and resolutions following Japan’s arrest of a Taiwanese fishing vessel, the first in eight years, and Taiwan’s call for industry compliance.
    2024/07/09 14:05
  • 名選秀節目18歲日籍練習生 疑「下海陪酒」粉絲震驚

    日本女團選秀實境節目《PRODUCE 101 JAPAN THE GIRLS》,由南韓知名娛樂公司CJ ENM與日本LAPONE娛樂共同製作與策劃,2023年播出後受到莫大關注。節目中選出的11位練習生4月也以女團「ME:I」出道。但近日有粉絲發現,在決賽中排第14名被淘汰的18歲練習生,疑似前往香川縣轉身酒店小姐,引發譁然。
    2024/07/06 17:21
  • Taiwan’s fishers risk illegal fishing amid resource scarcity

    Discover how Taiwanese fishermen are navigating the challenges of depleting marine resources, leading to risky cross-border fishing ventures. Experts call for clearer policies and international cooperation.
    2024/07/05 23:00
  • Japan authorities detain Taiwan’s fishing boat, impose fines

    Discover the latest on Japanese authorities detaining a Taiwanese fishing vessel, the Fu Yang No. 266, for entering disputed waters. Learn about the fines and legal options offered to the crew and the broader implications for fishing in the region.
    2024/07/05 15:55
  • Taiwan’s fishing vessel detained by Japan for rule breach

    Discover the latest on the detention of Taiwanese fishing vessel Fu Yang No. 266 by a Japanese patrol ship for violating fishing regulations near Amami Ōshima. Read the full story and updates.
    2024/07/05 14:23
  • Taiwan warns travelers against taking gold to Japan

    Discover why Taiwan’s MOFA warns travelers against carrying valuable jewelry to Japan, following a gold necklace confiscation incident. Learn about Japan’s customs regulations and the reasons behind increased scrutiny.
    2024/07/04 13:53
  • 守護員工!日本航空雙雄「防奧客」 共同彙整9類顧客騷擾行為

    日本兩大航空公司全日空、日本航空(Japan Airlines)今天宣布已共同彙整因應「顧客騷擾」的方針,並整理出9種「顧客騷擾」類型,希望藉此展現因應「奧客」的堅決態度。
    2024/07/02 12:17
  • 詐團扮知名富豪fb騙逾3200萬日圓 日Facebook甩鍋:責任不在我

    近日在日本有不法分子於社群媒體上,利用知名富豪、知名服飾電商ZOZOTOWN創辦人前澤友作等人的照片發布投資廣告,詐取資金。目前已知至少有4人受騙。而受害者也已向Facebook Japan合同公司提出高達2300萬日圓的賠償請求。但該公司則表示,日本Facebook由Meta總公司直屬管理,沒有義務監督廣告的真實性。
    2024/06/28 10:10
  • Kyoto mayor seeks higher public transport fares for tourists

    Discover how Kyoto’s Mayor Kōji Matsui proposes higher public transport fares for tourists to ease congestion and improve residents’ quality of life, amid Japan’s tourism boom.
    2024/06/26 10:24
  • Gender norms shift in Taiwan, affecting family planning

    Explore how feminism and inflation are reshaping gender norms in Taiwan and Japan, leading to more dual-income families and changing lifestyle choices.
    2024/06/21 17:54
  • Taipei envoy’s plane hit by lightning after takeoff

    Discover the harrowing experience of Frank Hsieh, head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, as his plane was struck by lightning after takeoff from Songshan, sparking a moment of reflection and a light-hearted conclusion.
    2024/06/19 11:10
  • Pottinger touts deterrence over combat in China tensions

    Explore the strategic insights of Matt Pottinger’s new book, "The Boiling Moat," on defending Taiwan against Chinese aggression through deterrence, highlighting the importance of regional stability and international cooperation.
    2024/06/14 14:52
  • Teams from US, Japan join Kaohsiung for dragon boat practice

    Discover how teams from the US, Japan, and Kaohsiung, led by notable figures, prepare for the Dragon Boat Festival on the Love River, despite rain, showcasing international camaraderie and competition.
    2024/06/03 15:24
  • STARTO娛樂藝人競爭關係曝光! Travis Japan揪這2團後台玩瘋了

    日本STARTO娛樂(原傑尼斯事務所)最近接連在東京、大阪舉辦家族演唱會「WE ARE!」,70多位藝人、共14組藝人同台演出,締造了僅1%的超低中票率,也吸引超過14萬名觀眾入場。Travis Japan趁著這次受訪,也親自曝光WE ARE!演唱會的後台互動,隊長宮近海斗更是認了旗下藝人都互有競爭意識!
    2024/06/01 09:02
  • Travis Japan指名粉絲「穿這個」最吸睛 嘴甜台灣開唱猶如見家人

    Travis Japan即將在9月舉辦演唱會,除了是首度在台灣單獨開唱,更直接連辦2天,隊長宮近海斗就直呼開心,最年長的川島如惠留則說目前還在安排歌單跟演出構成,但絕對會有讓各地歌迷驚艷的專屬內容,還透露如果想要吸引偶像的注意力,粉絲絕對特別穿「這種服裝」到場!
    2024/06/01 09:01
  • Travis Japan最推1台灣味! 松倉海斗進刑事局嚇壞:再也不想去了

    日本STARTO娛樂(原傑尼斯事務所)29日、30日接連在大阪舉辦家族演唱會「WE ARE!」,新社長福田淳藉此機會特別向台灣媒體透露,之後的海外計畫將以台灣為重。不過相關策略已有端倪,「舞力男團」Travis Japan早就數度來台,成員七五三掛龍也日前還來台4天錄節目,他也透露最愛的台灣美食;松倉海斗則在台灣錄節目時,居然搞到要去警察局,甚至還直呼:「不想再進警局了!」
    2024/06/01 09:00
  • STARTO大阪開唱/永瀨廉受傷找他代打 高橋海人親曝最新病況!

    日本STARTO娛樂的前身為傑尼斯事務所,為了揮別過去爭議,今(2024)年春天起正式重新出發,更集結旗下超過70名藝人舉辦3場家族演唱會「WE ARE! Let’s get the party STARTO!!」(以下WE ARE!)。只是夯團King & Prince的成員永瀨廉在大阪場開唱前爆出意外受傷,接連缺席昨(29)天、今(30)天的活動,另一成員高橋海人努力獨挑大樑,永瀨廉也請來友團Travis Japan的老么松田元太代打,感動全場約4萬名粉絲。
    2024/05/30 21:44
  • Raymond Greene named new director of AIT Taipei office

    Discover how Raymond Greene, with his extensive experience in the Indo-Pacific, is set to lead the AIT Taipei office, enhancing U.S.-Taiwan-Japan relations.
    2024/05/29 15:47
  • Taiwan to host WBSC Premier12 games at Taipei Dome

    Discover the schedule for the 2024 WBSC Premier12, where Taiwan will host preliminary games at the Taipei Dome in November, facing top global teams. Learn about Taiwan’s matchups and the international competition.
    2024/05/29 12:03
  • Asian leaders agree to resume FTA talks at trilateral summit

    Discover the latest developments from the China-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Summit, where leaders agreed to resume FTA negotiations and enhance the investment environment, marking a pivotal moment for regional economic ties and stability.
    2024/05/27 17:51
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