
Japanese Yen hits record low, presents travel opportunities

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/06/30 17:26
Last update time:2023/06/30 17:32
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Japanese Yen hits record low, presents travel opportunities (TVBS News) Japanese Yen hits record low, presents travel opportunities
Japanese Yen hits record low, presents travel opportunities (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a remarkable turn of events, the Japanese Yen plummeted to an all-time low against the New Taiwan Dollar (NT$) on Friday (June 30), creating a lucrative opportunity for avid travelers.

According to Taiwan's Central Bank, the exchange rate hit an unprecedented NT$0.2182, marking the lowest point for the yen in the current year.


Travelers exchanging NT$100,000 now stand to gain an additional 21,987 yen compared to the peak exchange rate in 2022. This surplus is equivalent to the cost of a round-trip flight and allows for four visits to Tokyo Disneyland.

For individuals with plans to visit Japan soon, this advantageous exchange rate is a golden opportunity for Japan lovers.

Market analysts attribute the yen's continuous depreciation to the winding down of interest rate hikes by the U.S. Federal Reserve, coupled with the Bank of Japan's ongoing monetary easing policies.

As a result, individuals with currency exchange needs should pay close attention to the prevailing trend.

Embrace this unprecedented exchange rate and turn your travel dreams into reality in Japan. Seize this golden opportunity to stretch your travel budget further and immerse yourself in the vibrant wonders of Tokyo and beyond.

Taiwan Business

#Taiwan#Japan#Travel#Yen#New Taiwan Dollar#Exchange Rate


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