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    Rush 結果共36筆

  • Tainan hosts inaugural banquet with local flair

    Discover the unique blend of tradition and modernity in Tainan’s presidential inauguration banquet gift bags. Featuring Beimen flower of salt, pineapple cakes, and Wu Pao-chun’s award-winning bread, these gifts, nestled in handmade "grandma bags" from Sigang rush weaving craft, showcase Taiwan’s rich cultural heritage and innovative spirit.
  • THSRC boosts train services for Mother’s Day rush

    Discover the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation’s plans to accommodate the Mother’s Day rush from May 10-13, 2024, with additional train services, increased non-reserved seat capacity, and real-time crowd control updates. Plan your trip with ease by checking the THSRC website or using the T-EX Mobile Ticketing app for ticket sales and station crowd information.
    2024/04/24 14:34
  • Engineers rush to save 2 tilted Hualien hotels

    Early morning earthquake on April 23 in Hualien City leaves Hotel Fouquet at risk of collapse; stabilization efforts underway. Surrounding infrastructure to be removed for safety, with demolition planned. Nearby Tongshuai Building also at risk, showing further tilting from aftershocks.
    2024/04/23 15:35
  • THSR boosts services for Tomb Sweeping holiday rush

    Stay up to date with Taiwan High Speed Rail’s (THSR) additional train services for the upcoming peak travel periods in March 2024. With 58 extra services catering to the mid to late March rush, including special arrangements for Tomb Sweeping Day, plan your journey seamlessly with THSR’s convenient ticketing options.
    2024/02/27 14:42
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail prepares for Lunar New Year rush

    During the Lunar New Year peak travel period, the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) reports that 73.7% of available reserved seats have been booked. To accommodate the surge in travelers, THSRC has added 461 train services, resulting in a 29.0% increase in transport capacity compared to regular days. Peak travel is expected between Feb. 11 and Feb. 14, and THSRC will adjust the number of unreserved cabins on some trains to serve more passengers. The company’s official website will provide information on popular schedules and available seats, as well as updates on crowd conditions at each station. THSRC advises passengers to book round-trip tickets in advance, with various ticket purchasing options available.
    2024/01/31 15:05
  • Commuters’ rage boil over during rush hour on Taipei MRT

    Rush hour chaos on Taipei’s Wenhu Line as overcrowded trains lead to unintentional physical contact among commuters. Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s solution aims to ease the overcrowding.
    2024/01/22 17:06
  • Yaris Cross太夯打到自己人? Toyota入門7人座休旅大馬下架

    Toyota去年發表亞太規格的重量級車款Yaris Cross,瞄準東南亞和台灣市場,去年5月在印尼首發後,持續擴展勢力版圖,預計今年第二季在馬來西亞上市。外媒發現,Toyota已將當地頗具人氣的七人座休旅Rush從官網下架,疑將產品線讓給Yaris Cross。
    2024/01/08 10:54
  • Taiwan Railway boosts service for Lunar New Year rush

    The Taiwan Railway Corporation (formerly, the TRA) plans to increase train schedules from Feb. 6-15 to meet Lunar New Year travel demand. This will include adding 234 train runs across all lines, resulting in a 6% capacity increase. Compared to the 2023 Lunar New Year holiday, an average of 7,994 seats per day will be added, increasing the seat-kilometer capacity by 791,645.
    2024/01/04 15:15
  • Taiwan prepares for Lunar New Year rush with extra flights

    Bookings for additional flights to Taiwan’s outlying islands during the Lunar New Year holiday will open next Tuesday, according to the Civil Aviation Administration. The first wave of extra flights and regularly scheduled flights have been available for booking since December 5. The upcoming Spring Festival rush will see 6,646 seats available for Penghu routes and 4,334 seats for Kinmen routes. The number of additional seats for Matsu has not been disclosed, but the total number of extra seats reaches nearly 11,980. Travelers are reminded to issue their tickets within three days of booking to facilitate airline companies in managing reservations. The CAA also advises that seats are still available for off-peak dates and times across various routes.
    2023/12/20 21:36
  • TRA boosts train services for New Year’s celebrations

    The Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) has announced the addition of extra trains from Dec. 29 to Jan. 1, 2024, in anticipation of the New Year’s holiday rush. Travelers can book the additional train services through various channels, including the TRA website, e訂通 app, convenience stores, and telephone reservation systems. A total of 18 extra train services will be deployed, with six additional services on the Eastern Line, including one northbound and one southbound train operating on the cross-island route. The South-Link Line will see an increase of four Puyuma Express and Tzu-Chiang trains, while six more EMU900 commuter express trains will be added to the Western Line. Additionally, 24 overnight train services will be added across different regions to cater to New Year’s Eve celebrations. Travelers can check timings and schedule details on the official TRA website and e訂通 app.
    2023/12/19 10:25
  • Creepy Nuts海外首唱獻寶島! 台灣人太暖「回日本怎麼辦啦」

    日本老牌音樂祭「RUSH BALL」昨(13)、今(14)晚分別在台中、台北兩地開唱,這次邀請到[Alexandros]、Creepy Nuts、go!go!vanillas、Saucy Dog四組樂團演出。Creepy Nuts今晚演出前特別接受訪問,第一次造訪寶島的他們驚呼:「台灣人太暖了!」還擔心回日本無法適應。
    2023/12/14 21:50
  • 日樂團[Alexandros]進台灣超商就皺眉! 宇宙人亂教「禁忌中文」

    日本關西地區超人氣大型音樂祭「RUSH BALL」睽違5年再度來台舉辦,這次參與的陣容有[Alexandros]、Creepy Nuts、go!go!vanillas、Saucy Dog,昨(13)天先在台中演出,今(14)晚則移師新莊。4人樂團[Alexandros]今天演出前接受訪問,沒想到吉他手白井眞輝竟驚爆台灣樂團宇宙人教了他們「無法隨便說出的中文」。
    2023/12/14 20:54
  • Asian Baseball Championship tickets sell out in seconds

    Priority tickets for the highly anticipated Chinese Taipei vs. Japan and Chinese Taipei vs. Philippines matches at the Asian Baseball Championship sold out within a minute of going on sale. CTBC Bank cardholders enjoyed an exclusive priority purchasing period, limited to 3,000 tickets per match. The rapid sellout, known as a "flash sale," sets the stage for an electrifying atmosphere at Taipei Dome. Ticket prices were raised for games featuring the Chinese Taipei team, highlighting the fervor surrounding their participation. Additional tickets were released for Chinese Taipei’s quarterfinal matches, but fans continued to rush to secure their spot in the stadium. The Chinese Taipei Baseball Association (CTBA) disclosed ticket prices, with infield seats priced at NT$1,000 and outfield seats at NT$800 for Chinese Taipei’s games. For matches not involving the home team, only infield seats are offered at NT$600. The grand finale on Dec. 10 is expected to have an expanded crowd of 22,000 spectators at Farglory Dome Co., creating the ultimate showdown on the diamond.
    2023/12/07 11:09
  • 太巧合!海洋之門闆娘身世曝 竟是鐵達尼號「罹難老夫妻後代」

    探索「鐵達尼號」(Titranic)殘骸的觀光潛水器「泰坦號」(The Titan),18日下水至今仍失聯,雖然潛水器上的5名乘客生死未卜,不過他們的身分背景已率先曝光,「海洋之門探險」(OceanGate Expeditions)創辦人拉許(Stockton Rush)正是其中一人;外媒指出,他的妻子溫蒂(Wendy Rush)竟是「鐵達尼號」著名罹難老夫妻的後代,巧合令網友嘖嘖稱奇。
    2023/06/22 12:34
  • 鐵達尼潛水器失聯!探險公司老闆、英航空大亨和巴基斯坦富商都在上頭

    專門潛入北大西洋參觀「鐵達尼號」(Titranic)殘骸的觀光潛水器「泰坦號」(The Titan),18日在下潛1小時45分鐘後失蹤,目前艇上5人生死未卜,包括英國探險家暨富豪哈定(Hamish Harding)、巴基斯坦富商達伍德(Shahzada Dawood)及其子蘇勒曼(Suleman Dawood)、「海洋之門探險」(OceanGate Expeditions)公司老闆拉許(Stockton Rush)、法國駕駛員納若萊(Paul-Henri Nargeolet),隨著搜救工作持續進行,失聯者的背景也隨之曝光。
    2023/06/21 10:46
  • Taiwan contemplates congestion charge for rush hour traffic

    During rush hour in Taipei City, drivers often experience frustration as traffic congestion doubles their commuting time to and from work.
    2023/06/01 18:50
  • Residents in N. Taiwan thrilled at planned MRT line

    Commuters traveling between Taipei and New Taipei City frequently express frustration over extended rush hour traffic.
    2023/01/31 17:33
  • NBA star brings record merchandise sales to Taoyuan Leopards

    Dwight Howard’s recent arrival in Taiwan has led to a burst of merchandise sales as fans rush out to buy anything featuring the picture, name, or lucky number 12 over their favorite player.
    2022/11/22 17:33
  • 太嚇人!美大嘴男含「150根點燃蠟燭30秒 」 打破世界紀錄

    普通人若能打破一項世界紀錄,就是值得驕傲一輩子的事,不過對於美國男子大衛(David Rush)而言,破紀錄卻是一點都不稀奇的日常。保有250項金氏世界紀錄的他,近日成功完成把「150根點燃蠟燭放入口中30秒」的挑戰,冒著被燒傷的風險打破紀錄,令網友大感佩服。
    2022/10/18 15:57
  • Taiwan sees soaring mooncake sales this year

    As boxes of pastries and mooncakes are packaged and transported, clerks at a famous mooncake store at Taipei Main Station rush to deliver products and take customer orders.
    2022/09/23 14:17
  • 《南方四賤客》演唱會慶25週年!歌詞諷刺 粉絲嗨翻

    美國成人卡通《南方四賤客》(South Park)自1997年播出後,因犀利、幽默的風格擄獲無數觀眾,收視長年居高不下。今年適逢劇集首播25周年慶,劇組和創辦人特地在美國科羅拉多州,首度舉辦了一場大型演唱會,當天重現了劇中無數經典橋段和歌曲,並邀請加拿大傳奇搖滾樂團「匆促樂團」(Rush)登台表演,掀起全球影迷一陣議論。
    2022/08/21 23:09
  • 鬼鬼穿粉紅豹紋力挺《原子》演唱會 「偷摸水星腹肌」自嘲不哭了

    TVBS播出的男團選秀節目《原子少年》今(13)日在台北國際會議中心(TICC)舉辦第二場演唱會,粉絲依舊擠滿現場,人形立牌也比第一場更多。女星鬼鬼(吳映潔)曾在節目上與平均年齡最小的「水星」合作自己的經典歌曲〈Sugar Rush〉,今日也特地現身演唱會現場支持少年,並表示自己不會哭,笑說:「網路上寫,吳映潔哭等於流量密碼,我不會哭啦!」
    2022/08/13 19:37
  • JPM當紅《原子》選手才3歲!Ella不怕累超時陪練〈來個蹦蹦〉

    TVBS播出的男團選秀《原子少年ATOM BOYZ》日前邀請到睽違6年未合體演出的JPM、陳漢典、吳映潔以及愛紗擔任助力導師,上週播出第二賽制「旅行者的金唱盤」上集,由節目導師坤達、周湯豪以及吳映潔打頭陣,依序演出〈放手〉、〈TURN UP〉和〈Sugar Rush〉3首經典熱門曲。
    2022/05/07 15:47
  • 鬼鬼「淚灑舞台」露蠻腰跳〈Sugar Rush〉 被選手叫姐姐樂翻天

    台灣男團選秀《原子少年ATOM BOYZ》昨(1)日播出第三集「導師合作賽」,全方位偶像吳映潔(鬼鬼)與平均年紀最小的「水星」男孩們重新呈現改版後的〈Suagr Rush〉,青春活力的演出獲得滿堂彩,成功從40位評審手中拿到31分;舞台表演後,鬼鬼聽到水星弟弟們真情的告白,忍不住背對舞台流下眼淚。
    2022/05/03 10:32
  • 電動車前景看好 鋰「白金熱」值得關注

    全球電動車市場爆炸性增長,根據調查研究機構Canalys指出,2021上半年,全球電動車銷量較去年同期大幅成長超過160%。延續此一趨勢,儘管汽車產業飽受原物料短缺之苦,今年銷售預期應可輕鬆超過500萬輛電動車,全球電動車榮景也將加速鋰(Lithium)的白金熱(white gold rush)。
    2021/09/15 14:46
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