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    Office 結果共368筆

  • Lai to stop in New York, San Francisco for Paraguay tour

    The Presidential Office announced on Wednesday (Aug. 2) that Vice President Lai Ching-te will attend the inauguration of Paraguay’s new President Peña, leading a delegation on a 7-day tour starting Aug. 12.
    2023/08/02 14:49
  • President Tsai takes short break for health reasons

    The Presidential Office announced that President Tsai Ing-wen won’t attend planned events on Friday (July 28) due to health reasons. Reports suggest that Tsai had lost her voice, but Presidential Office Spokesperson Olivia Lin denied these allegations, saying she was just unwell.
    2023/07/28 13:16
  • Jeremy Lin’s masseur fined over unlicensed medical procedure

    Jeremy Lin’s masseur, Luo Chun-yu, is being investigated for allegedly practicing acupuncture without proper qualifications. The Taipei City Health Bureau referred the matter to the Taipei District Prosecutors Office, which found evidence of violations of the Physicians Act. 
    2023/07/27 15:21
  • Doctors warn of permanent spinal condition from ’tech-neck’

    For many office workers in Taiwan, a "tech neck" has become a prevalent issue due to prolonged computer use and excessive smartphone usage during their free time. 
    2023/07/25 17:01
  • Taipei mayor oversees his first Wanan air raid drills

    Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an oversaw his first Wanan air raid drills on Monday (July 24) since being elected into office. Chiang arrived at the Taipei City Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to check on the city-wide evacuation.
    2023/07/24 17:41
  • Ko Wen-je prays for Taiwan’s prosperity in Hongludi

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chairman and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je visited to the revered Hongludi Nanshan Fude Temple on Thursday morning (July 20), offering heartfelt prayers for the continued prosperity and well-being of Taiwan as he seeks to assume the highest office in the country.
    2023/07/20 17:27
  • Office workers struggle to raise children for 3 reasons

    The birth rate in Taiwan has significantly decreased in recent years, resulting in negative population growth for a consecutive three-year period. A recent study has shed light on three main challenges office workers face when raising children: high living costs, stagnant wages, and an overpriced housing market.
    2023/07/12 11:33
  • Tragic incident leaves Taipei Dome worker fighting for life

    In a tragic workplace accident at Taipei Dome, a 50-year-old male worker was electrocuted while working in a 6-meter-high shaft on the third floor on Wednesday (July 5). 
    2023/07/05 16:48
  • Taiwan’s quitting trend: Job change interval shortens

    Many office workers in Taiwan appreciate the stability and benefits of their jobs. However, the repetitive nature of day-to-day work may not appeal to everyone.
    2023/07/03 18:40
  • Prominent Taiwanese figures join hands for housing justice

    Chen Chih-han, a well-known Taiwanese internet celebrity, along with former New Power Party chairman and legislator Huang Kuo-chang, visited the headquarters of Taiwan’s People Party (TPP) on Monday (July 3). Together, they presented an invitation to TPP chairman Ko Wen-je, urging him to join a rally in front of the Presidential Office on July 16th, under the theme of "saving Taiwan."
    2023/07/03 17:40
  • Chinese officials exclusion from travel expo raises concerns

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Wednesday (June 28) urged Taiwan authorities to lift restrictions on cross-strait travel and prioritize the exchange of information on the tourism industry amid reports that 60 mainland officials were removed from an invitation list to attend Summer Travel Expo in Taipei from July 14 to 17.
    2023/06/28 18:45
  • Presidential Office spokeswoman Kolas Yotaka resigns

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Tsai Ying-wen declined on Wednesday (June 28) to comment on the Presidential Office spokeswoman’s alleged affair with a married man. The president accepted Kolas Yotaka’s resignation earlier that day amid media speculation on the nature of her relationship with her former bodyguard.
    2023/06/28 17:48
  • Lai’s campaign office dismisses talks about U.S. visit

    A campaign spokesperson of Vice President Lai Ching-te dismissed talks on Tuesday (June 27) about his alleged plans to visit the United States. Speaking at the launch event of Lai’s campaign merchandise, spokesperson Chen Shi-kai said: "If the visit is taking place, we will let you know in the same way as in the past. We have not received any information about visiting."
    2023/06/28 12:09
  • Two sergeants found dead in Army’s 10th Corps Command

    Two sergeants at the Army’s 10th Corps Command in Taiwan were found unconscious in their bedroom and later pronounced dead. The cause of their death is still under investigation, and a special task force has been established to cooperate with the police and prosecutor’s office. The Army’s 10th Corps Command expresses deep regret and condolences to the families of the deceased.
    2023/06/26 19:25
  • Special dragon boat race unfolds in Tanzi District, Taichung

    The Tanzi District Office in Taichung City organized an onshore dragon boat race on Sunday, June 18, to celebrate the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival.
    2023/06/20 12:19
  • Ko Wen-je rebuts media reports on Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je firmly refuted media reports regarding his recent comments on the contentious rights over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands during the inauguration ceremony of his presidential election preparatory office in Tokyo on Thursday (June 8). 
    2023/06/08 18:04
  • 哈利被小黃司機打臉後又冏了! 英法院不准他付費聘警當保鑣

    英國哈利王子(Prince Harry)再次打輸官司,已經沒有王室義務職務的他,曾提出想以私人名義出錢,額外聘僱警察保護他在英國的人身安全,但此事遭到英國內政部(Home Office)大力反對,雙方甚至鬧上法院打官司,綜合英媒報導,高等法院23日做出裁定,不准哈利付費聘請警察,擔任自己私人的安全護衛;英國內政部始終堅持立場,認為不應該讓有權勢者,能用金錢「購買」他們的安全,尤其當涉及軍警人員時,這種決定都是非常不妥當的。
    2023/05/23 18:14
  • NBA legend Dwight Howard visits TVBS for exclusive interview

    Basketball sensation Dwight Howard of the Taoyuan Leopards received a resounding welcome at the TVBS office on Friday (May 19) for an in-depth interview. 
    2023/05/19 17:32
  • Lai Ching-te emphasizes Taiwan’s democracy and freedom

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te met with former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss at the presidential office on Thursday (May 18) to discuss freedom and democracy and Taiwan’s commitment to maintaining peace in the Indo-Pacific region.
    2023/05/18 17:39
  • 美參眾議員重提法案 推動台灣駐美代表處更名

    美國會兩黨議員近日在聯邦參、眾議院重新提出「台灣代表處法案」(Taiwan Representative Office Act),要求美國國務卿就台灣駐美代表處更名一事,與台灣方面展開協商。
    2023/05/13 09:00
  • EU country drafts evacuation plan for nationals in Taiwan

    A representative office of a European Union country in Taiwan has established a contingency plan due to concerns of heightened tension across the Taiwan Strait, according to reports.
    2023/05/08 16:39
  • Taiwan mourns the loss of beloved sculptor Ju Ming at 85

    President Tsai Ing-wen was deeply saddened upon hearing the news of Ju Ming’s passing on Saturday night (April 22), according to the Presidential Office Spokesperson.
    2023/04/24 18:03
  • Taipei City councilor hand out snacks before court hearing

    A Taipei City councilor of the Kuomingtang (KMT) handed out drinks and snacks to her supporters outside the Taipei District Prosecutors Office on Thursday (April 13).
    2023/04/15 17:01
  • Ma Ying-jeou travels to Hunan with TAO Director Song Tao

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou and China’s Taiwan Affairs Office Director Song Tao traveled together by high-speed rail to Hunan on Friday (March 31).
    2023/04/01 09:05
  • 【今晚熱搜】 Copilot/林昶佐/樂天桃猿/電價/張忠謀

    今(17日)晚熱搜關鍵字為「Copilot」。知名度爆增的人工智慧機器人「ChatGPT」,在獲得微軟(Microsoft)高額資金挹注後,似乎又有新的消息傳出。《CNBC》報導,微軟宣佈、未來將在Office 365中引入ChatGPT系統,讓Word和PowerPoint等軟體擁有新功能,用戶能透過文字指令,讓人工智慧替你快速生成文稿、簡報或是分析圖表,大幅提升使用者文書處理效率。以下為最受網友歡迎、點閱率最高的5則新聞。
    2023/03/17 21:19
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