
Taipei City councilor hand out snacks before court hearing

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/04/15 17:01
Last update time:2023/04/15 17:01
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A Taipei City councilor of the Kuomingtang (KMT) handed out drinks and snacks to her supporters outside the Taipei District Prosecutors Office on Thursday (April 13).

Hsu Chiao-hsin's supporters were present to provide her with moral support on the first day of the court hearing of the lawsuit involving Hsu, a pro-Democratic Progression Party (DPP) Facebook page, and 107 netizens.


Hsu arrived at the courthouse 30 minutes early to host a gathering for her supporters. She said that such get-togethers would occur at every court hearing and that better snacks would be handed out in the future.

Hsu sued the Internet users and Facebook page for defamation for accusing the KMT of hiring paparazzi to follow DPP candidates and criticize them online. 

In November of last year, the Facebook group posted a picture of a document stating that KMT city councilors approved hiring paparazzi for this purpose. Though the picture was quickly deleted, Hsu took a screenshot and called the police to initiate the legal process.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei City councilor#Kuomingtang#KMT#Democratic Progression Party#DPP


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