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    OPEN! 結果共365筆

  • MOFA head warns of conflict amid authoritarian expansion

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, delivered a speech at Riga Stradins University in Latvia, clarifying Taiwan’s position amid tensions with China. Despite enduring military intimidation, diplomatic isolation, and economic threats from China, Taiwan remains committed to achieving peace through open conversation while being pragmatic and prepared for potential risks. Wu praised the diplomatic relationship between Taiwan and Latvia, as both countries share similar paths to democracy and the establishment of sovereign statehood. However, both countries face unprecedented security challenges, with a standoff between democracy and autocracy driving the current international conflict. Wu emphasized that established democracies cannot ignore the expansion of authoritarianism, which seeks to undermine the rules-based international order. In light of President Tsai’s decision to restore one-year military service, Wu stressed the importance of being armed to protect Taiwan’s freedom, as the cost of losing it is unbearable for a democratic society.
    2023/11/08 20:13
  • Taipei Dome Nov. 18 warm-up baseball game to open to public

    Starting from November 10, the public can request tickets online for a free viewing of the warm-up baseball game at the Taipei Dome on November 18. The game is part of the essential competition facilities review by the Farglory Group. The November 14 warm-up match will be a closed-door event involving four top-tier teams. On November 18, the "Home Run Taipei Dome Warm-up Game" will take place, featuring a match-up between the training teams from the Asian Baseball Championship and the U-23 Baseball World Cup. The Dome is expected to open 13,000 seats to the public. Tickets can be requested online through the tixCraft ticketing system from November 10 to November 17. Each account is limited to 2 tickets, while supplies last. The company warns spectators that they will not consider compensation or other rights claims if they result from deficiencies or imperfections in the venue’s facilities. Farglory Group encourages adherence to venue regulations and recommends using public transportation to reach the games.
    2023/11/06 16:10
  • Taiwan in talks with Estonia to establish Rep. office

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has confirmed ongoing discussions for the establishment of a representative office in Estonia. While the move is significant for strengthening ties between the two nations, a shared consensus has not yet been reached. MOFA expressed gratitude towards the Estonian Government for engaging in continued negotiations and displaying an open approach. They emphasized the shared values of freedom and democracy that unite Taiwan and Estonia. Estonia’s government has reportedly agreed to allow Taiwan to establish an economic or cultural representative office in Tallinn under the name ’Taipei.’ MOFA stated that they will respond to foreign media reports of Taiwan’s Foreign Minister visiting Estonia at an appropriate time. The ministry highlighted the stable development of the bilateral relationship, citing the Estonian health minister’s support for Taiwan at this year’s World Health Assembly. Estonia is seen as a valued partner with common principles, highlighting the potential for deepening ties in future diplomatic endeavors.
    2023/11/04 12:33
  • MOTC plans to open tour groups to China before CNY

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications plans to open up tour groups to China and allow Chinese tour groups to Taiwan by March 1, 2024. However, some travel agencies find the pace of this "un-banning" too slow and have admitted to organizing tour groups to China under the guise of "visiting groups." This ban, which has lasted for over three years, has severely impacted over 90% of Taiwan’s 4,000 plus travel agencies operating in the Chinese market.
    2023/11/04 12:29
  • Former legislator Chiu sees Gou as a force one can’t ignore

    The potential alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for the 2024 presidential election is generating significant interest. Chiu Yi, a former legislator of the KMT and People First Party, has proposed a strategy to revive the KMT-TPP alliance, highlighting the strong candidacy of Foxconn founder Terry Gou. Yi believes that the success of the alliance depends on the KMT’s commitment to open and democratic elections. He warns that the KMT’s lack of transparency in the primary election could lead to further issues, potentially making Gou a target for investigations. Yi suggests implementing open public voting during the primaries to prevent any hidden manipulation and emphasizes Gou’s significant support base, which cannot be ignored.
    2023/11/03 19:04
  • OPEN將飛走了!八點檔女神「要去追」 鬆吐真心話

    2023/11/01 15:17
  • Lai, Ko clash on eligibility of China-born Xu Chunying

    Taiwan People’s Party leader Ko Wen-je has opened up a can of worms by calling for media scrutiny of Xu Chunying, who is under fire for potentially having dual citizenship with China. The move has been viewed as an open challenge to the Democratic Progressive Party, reigniting the debate over political eligibility for individuals with China connections.
    2023/10/31 17:33
  • Taiwan McDonald’s plans new outlets amid market changes

    Taiwan McDonald’s has closed two outlets in Kenting and Chiayi, as part of its strategy to focus on more successful locations. However, the company plans to open new outlets in response to market changes, anticipating a net increase in the total number of stores.
    2023/10/23 19:54
  • KMT proposes concrete plans for open primary

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has proposed a concrete plan for an open primary on Tuesday(Oct. 17), addressing TPP’s concerns.
    2023/10/18 13:24
  • KMT submits meeting plan to TPP for potential collaboration

    The Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih’s campaign team has submitted a meeting plan to the campaign office of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) hopeful Ko Wen-je, following their first potential collaboration talk.
    2023/10/17 16:24
  • Ko Wen-je accuses KMT of avoiding cooperation

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je accuses the Kuomintang (KMT) of refusing to cooperate and instead focusing on showcasing its regional organizational strength. Ko criticizes the KMT’s challenging open primary to determine the "strongest opposition candidate" and takes a swipe at KMT’s presidential hopeful, Hou Yu-ih.
    2023/10/15 16:29
  • Tainan rids hook turn regulations for 6-month trial period

    The Tainan City Government announced on Friday (Oct. 13) plans to open inner lanes and allow direct left turns to scooters and motorcycle riders at 31 intersections on Zhongzheng Road and Fuqian Road in the West Central District. Starting from Oct. 28, a six-month trial period will take place, during which "hook turn" waiting areas will be retained.
    2023/10/14 09:05
  • TPP calls for open, transparent collaboration with KMT

    The Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, has confirmed discussions with Taiwan People’s Party candidate. Ko Wen-je’s campaign office spokesperson Tai Yu-wen emphasized the need for close communication and timely responses from the KMT regarding establishing a transparent and open collaboration.
    2023/10/11 17:00
  • 謝謝中華隊! 超商「限時3天」推大杯咖啡買1送1

    為中華隊在杭州亞運的努力喝采,超商7-ELEVEN整合推出優惠同慶,線上OPEN POINT APP「行動隨時取」即日起至10月11日,限時3天推出CITY CAFE大杯美式咖啡、大杯卡布奇諾買1送1、CITY TEA現萃茶經典純奶茶買2送1。
    2023/10/09 13:19
  • Traffic restrictions announced for Taipei’s Nuit Blanche

    Taipei City’s annual "Nuit Blanche" event will transform Hsinyi District into an open-air art gallery on Oct. 7. The National Palace Museum and the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park will extend their opening hours for the event.
    2023/10/06 16:48
  • Koinu prompts 18 cities in Taiwan to declare ’Typhoon day’

    Typhoon Koinu hits Taiwan, leading 18 cities and districts to suspend work and school. However, four northern cities, including Taipei and Taoyuan, remained open, causing dissatisfaction among residents.
    2023/10/05 13:43
  • 花5元中兩百萬發票!7-11擁5位千萬得主 都花不到百元

    財政部今(25日)開出最新一期7到8月的統一發票中獎號碼,其中7-ELEVEN共開出16位大獎得主,其中5位獲得千萬大獎的民眾花費皆不超過100元,另5位獲得200萬特獎的民眾,其中有一人僅花5元就中獎。7-ELEVEN也提醒民眾今年5到6月期尚有13.3萬張OPEN POINT APP會員載具中獎發票尚未到ibon列印,提醒民眾在11月5日前到門市列印兌獎。  
    2023/09/25 18:45
  • 蠻牛真要退休? 納達爾:巴黎奧運或明年法網會是好的句點

    隨著費德勒高掛球拍退休,外界也很關心近年飽受傷痛所苦的納達爾(Rafael Nadal),是否也會跟隨老朋友選擇退役。綜合外媒報導,今年因傷缺席多場大賽的蠻牛,日前接受媒體訪問時表示,在他看來、2024年巴黎奧運(2024 Olympics)或是法網公開賽(French Open),會是他結束職業生涯的一個好句點,「(2024)很可能會是我職業生涯最後一年,但確切在何時落幕,還得看實際體力與身體健康狀況而定。」
    2023/09/20 14:23
  • 飯店淋浴玻璃門突爆裂!女網好手「雙手被割傷」無奈退賽

    「國際女子網球協會」(WTA)1000積分等級的「瓜達拉哈拉公開賽」(Guadalajara Open Akron)本月17日開打,不過巴西好手瑪雅(Beatriz Haddad Maia)卻傳出在飯店發生意外:浴室的門突然「爆開」,導致她的手多處被割傷,無奈之下只能宣布退賽。
    2023/09/19 09:37
  • 小7祭載具發票抽獎!百萬點數大放送 結帳多1步驟抽10萬

    為鼓勵民眾使用雲端發票,超商也祭出活動增加誘因,7-ELEVEN即日起首度推出「OPEN POINT會員載具雲端發票抽獎活動」,只要到指定11個通路選用OPEN POINT會員載具存發票,就能參加抽獎,最大獎為10萬點OPEN POINT,相當於10萬現金,共計抽出10名,共計推出3萬個中獎機會,總計市價400萬元的點數獎金。
    2023/09/18 14:50
  • 回瀋陽探親迷上打麻將!「英國甜心」遭網友酸:別打網球了

    2021年驚奇拿下美國網球公開賽(US Open)冠軍的「英國甜心」拉杜卡努(Emma Raducanu)今年5月選擇動刀後持續休戰,不過她近期回中國探親時接觸並迷上「麻將」,不過拉杜卡努自美網奪冠後的慘淡表現也讓網友諷刺稱「搞不好打麻將也會受傷」。
    2023/09/15 11:53
  • 防科技潛在風險!美辦AI論壇 黃仁勳等科技大咖出席

    美國國會在星期三召集20多位AI產業要角進行閉門論壇,包括Open AI的奧特曼、特斯拉的馬斯克以及輝達的黃仁勳,參院多數黨領袖舒默表示,之所以用這種有別於傳統的公開聽證會方式,推動AI監管規範,是因為AI發展太迅速,用這樣的方式能更有效率,舒默也擔心把AI監管主導讓給中國,可能對民主體制造成破壞。
    2023/09/14 11:38
  • 被抓包使用禁藥! 女網前球后哈勒普面臨4年禁賽

    來自羅馬尼亞、曾經是女網單打球后的哈勒普(Simona Halep),近日遭到國際網球反禁藥組織指控,認定她曾在2022年美網公開賽(US Open)期間,蓄意使用違規禁藥,將對哈勒普求處4年禁賽懲罰,《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,哈勒普被質疑使用抗貧血藥物roxadustat,能幫助人體增生紅血球。去年美網期間,她的生理護照就因此出問題,雖然哈勒普向法院表示,自己是使用被「汙染」的補充物品受影響,但此一解釋卻無法說服監管組織。
    2023/09/13 11:32
  • 只差這面金牌! 喬帥退休否?教練:他想打2028洛杉磯奧運

    36歲塞爾維亞網壇名將喬科維奇(Novak Djokovic)本月在美國網球公開賽(US Open)奪下生涯第24座大滿貫冠軍,與澳洲女網傳奇寇特(Margaret Court)並列歷史第1,不過他的教練賽後首訪時竟表示「喬科維奇不打算退休」,更計畫參加2028年洛杉磯奧運。
    2023/09/12 12:01
  • 美網/爭冠失利太沮喪?新任球后「怒砸球拍丟垃圾桶」畫面曝

    今年闖進美國網球公開賽(US Open)女單決賽的白俄羅斯好手莎芭蓮卡(Aryna Sabalenka)確定登上球后寶座,不過她在美網決賽輸給地主選手高夫(Coco Gauff)、無緣雙喜臨門,莎芭蓮卡賽後回到休息室才將情緒釋放、猛砸球拍,畫面曝光後引發外界討論。
    2023/09/11 12:33
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