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    交往兒童Uniqlo切除 50歲海龍蛙兵婚禮宋羽葤屏東小學超毒
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    MOU 結果共239筆

  • Taiwan-India labor MOU: a step forward in collaboration

    Explore the upcoming second consultation meeting for the MOU on labor cooperation between Taiwan and India, as announced by Minister Hsu Ming-chun, focusing on open industries and the introduction of personnel, with input from a diverse group of stakeholders.
  • Taiwan to open marine conservation education center in July

    The Ocean Conservation Administration (OCA) renews its MOU with the National Museum of Natural Science and the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium to boost marine conservation and science education, announcing the opening of a new marine conservation education center in Central Taiwan by July 2024. The collaboration, deepened on World Earth Day, aims to enhance marine wildlife habitat and wetland conservation efforts, alongside a sea turtle rehabilitation project showing significant success in wildlife rescue endeavors.
    2024/04/22 15:25
  • 攜手保育馬祖雌光螢 林業署簽訂產官學MOU

    2024/03/06 16:07
  • MOL finalizes MOU exchange, set to address labor shortages

    Minister of Labor Hsu Ming-chun confirms completion of MOU exchange process with India, introducing migrant workers to various industries in Taiwan. Details of the initiative and discussions with India outlined.
    2024/03/06 11:43
  • Taiwan’s labor minister apologizes for MOU comment confusion

    Taiwan’s Labor Minister Hsu Ming-chun apologized for comments that sparked controversy regarding a labor cooperation MOU with India. The Ministry aims to alleviate labor shortages, highlighting the benefits of Indian workers in Taiwan.
    2024/03/05 17:22
  • Taiwan’s MOL clarifies remarks on Indian workers

    The Ministry of Labor clarifies remarks about Indian migrant workers by Minister Hsu Ming-chun, emphasizing no discrimination. Taiwan and India aim to address labor shortages through a recent MOU. Taiwan’s labor policies uphold human rights and equal treatment, rejecting discrimination. The MOL promotes labor cooperation with India and urges the public to focus on constructive bilateral cooperation.
    2024/03/05 10:53
  • 碳交所攜手非洲友邦史瓦帝尼 共同面對氣候行動

    2024/03/05 09:49
  • 印度移工引入台!許銘春脫口「膚色相近」遭轟歧視 勞動部急滅火

    2024/03/05 09:38
  • Taiwan, Harvard launch PhD scholarship program for students

    Taipei’s Ministry of Education and Harvard University signed an MOU for a five-year collaboration, sponsoring five Taiwanese students annually to pursue doctoral degrees at Harvard starting in 2025. The partnership marks Harvard as the 18th global top 100 university to establish a PhD scholarship scheme with Taiwan. The Ministry aims to deepen academic exchange and nurture globally recognized leaders through this collaboration.
    2024/03/04 18:03
  • 氣象署攜手國資圖 盼強化永續議題傳播

    2024/03/04 16:29
  • 台電與日商簽MOU 大林電廠2030混氨發電年減9千噸碳

    2024/02/29 13:47
  • EU Parliament, ENEX sign MOU ahead of crucial elections

    Explore the pivotal partnership between the European Parliament and ENEX as they gear up to combat disinformation and leverage AI for the upcoming European elections. Discover how this collaboration aims to address global challenges and ensure democratic integrity.
    2024/02/23 16:43
  • 引印工「圖利綠金主?」勞動部駁 陳揆:別污名

    2024/02/22 18:44
  • 陳建仁讚「印度移工受各國信賴」!盼有心人士勿污名化

    2024/02/22 13:35
  • 為何引印度勞工?民進黨4張圖解答 勞動部:沒有要開放十萬人

    台灣與印度昨(16)日簽署台印度移工合作備忘錄(MOU)異地簽署,將引進印度勞工,引起反彈聲浪。對此,民進黨曬出四張圖說明,針對傳聞引進10萬移工,也澄清是不實謠言,強調引進人數與開放行業皆由台灣決定 ,同時也需受到立法院監督,合作初期採取小規模試辦。
    2024/02/17 17:08
  • 挑選後處理?台印簽MOU 確定引進印度移工

    2024/02/17 13:36
  • 印度勞工來了!台印簽備忘錄 徐巧芯轟:選前山盟海誓選後變臉

    2024/02/17 13:11
  • 印度勞工將來台!民眾黨喊搶國人飯碗 陳建仁:政治意識誤會

    2024/02/17 12:48
  • Taiwan signs MOU with India to employ migrant workers

    Taiwan’s Executive Yuan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with India to facilitate the hiring of Indian migrant workers. The MOU states that Taiwan will determine the sectors and numbers for employment, while India will recruit and train the workers according to regulations. Contrary to online rumors, the plan does not involve the introduction of 100,000 Indian workers. The signing ceremony occurred online between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in India and the India-Taipei Association. Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor will submit the MOU to the Legislative Yuan for record and will hold meetings with Indian counterparts to discuss further details. Once all preparations are completed, India will be recognized as a new source of migrant labor, allowing employers to hire based on individual demand. This move is part of Taiwan’s efforts to address issues such as an aging population, decreased birth rate, and labor shortages by developing new sources of migrant labor.
    2024/02/16 17:33
  • 印度勞工將來台!政院官員:評價良好、有利補足缺工

    2024/02/16 16:26
  • 10萬印度人恐來台?消息人士:台印已簽「移工合作備忘錄」

    2024/02/16 16:16
  • 長庚醫療體系攜手百靈佳殷格翰藥廠 簽署臨床試驗合作備忘錄 推動早期臨床試驗

    2024/01/26 10:59
  • 疫後城市外交 屏東縣、日鹿兒島簽MOU

    2024/01/22 18:16
  • 口誤台印已簽MOU?侯遭質疑誤解外媒報導

    2023/12/21 23:48
  • Taiwan and India’s MOU to boost skilled talent exchange

    Explore how Taiwan’s impending Memorandum of Understanding with India aims to address labor shortages by fostering an exchange of skilled professionals, enhancing the high-tech workforce, and promoting cultural integration.
    2023/12/18 17:08
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