
Taiwan’s MOL clarifies remarks on Indian workers

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/05 10:53
Last update time:2024/03/05 10:53
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Taiwan’s MOL clarifies remarks on Indian workers (TVBS News) Taiwan’s MOL clarifies remarks on Indian workers
Taiwan's MOL clarifies remarks on Indian workers (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Labor (MOL) issued a clarification on Tuesday (March 5) stressing that Labor Minister Hsu Ming-chun's remarks about Indian migrant workers meant no discrimination.

The ministry expressed apologies for any confusion caused by the comments.


Taiwan and India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Feb. 16, aiming to address labor shortages in Taiwan.

However, during an interview with an online show on Feb. 29, Hsu mentioned phrases like "similar in skin color," which caused outsiders to perceive them as discriminatory remarks.

The MOL emphasized that Taiwan's labor policies always respect human rights, and are based on the principle of equal treatment while stressing that they will not tolerate any form of discrimination.

The ministry stated that Taiwan respects Indian culture and promotes labor cooperation between the two countries based on this.

The MOL called on the public not to be swayed by inflammatory comments on social media, amid the push for a mutually beneficial direction for bilateral cooperation between Taiwan and India.

Taiwan Affairs

#Ministry of Labor#Indian migrant workers#Labor shortages Taiwan#Equal treatment policy#Human rights labor policies#Indian culture respect#Labor cooperation Taiwan India
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