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    忘年戀吳國精毒品AV女優海鮮味包子倒垃圾蒸發17年特赦 民調廖駿雄優雅的人生DIOR
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    Lin 結果共1,163筆

  • A-Lin二登「THE FIRST TAKE」 揭緊張苦練內幕:很不安

    金曲歌后A-Lin二度登上日本知名音樂YouTube頻道「THE FIRST TAKE」,選唱收錄在2022年專輯《LINK》中的歌曲〈摯友〉,將於今(17)晚9點首播。談及自己的表現,若是滿分10分,她笑說給了引以為傲的7分,「能夠出演『THE FIRST TAKE』,本身就是對我實力的肯定,扣除的3分,有2分是覺得還有進步的空間,剩下的1分是希望觀眾們也可以為我評分。」
    2024/04/17 17:38
  • Tsai confirms new foreign minister and NSC secretary-general

    In a significant political reshuffle, President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan confirmed new appointments within her administration, introducing Lin Chia-lung as the new Minister of Foreign Affairs and transitioning Joseph Wu to the Secretary-General of the National Security Council. This announcement came during a meeting with a visiting delegation from the New Zealand Parliament, marking their first visit to Taiwan. President Tsai emphasized the importance of democratic collaboration in the Indo-Pacific region and expressed gratitude towards the support for peace and security in the Taiwan Strait, highlighted in recent Australia-New Zealand consultations.
    2024/04/16 15:52
  • Experts call for monetary policy twist to boost investment

    Explore how Taiwan’s excess savings rate, projected to reach 15.46% in 2024, indicates economic resilience yet poses challenges for growth. Learn about the government’s strategies to stimulate investment and spending.
    2024/04/15 16:45
  • Taiwan thanks allies for support in Taiwan Strait stability

    Taipei’s Presidential Office spokesperson Olivia Lin thanks U.S., Japanese, and Philippine leaders for supporting peace in the Taiwan Strait and recognizing Taiwan’s contributions to Indo-Pacific stability. The U.S.-Japan and U.S.-Japan-Philippines summits highlight the global consensus on the importance of peace in the region amidst rising authoritarianism. Lin commits Taiwan to strengthening self-defense and international cooperation for a free and open Indo-Pacific.
    2024/04/12 15:29
  • Former U.S. executive shares 30 years experience in China

    Former American executive Mark Atkeson shares insights from his 30 years in China, discussing the significant role of the private sector, the state of the electric vehicle industry, and advocating for reduced government control.
    2024/04/11 18:16
  • Lin Chia-lung to serve as Taiwan’s foreign minister: report

    Lin Chia-lung, Presidential Office Secretary-General, is set to become Taiwan’s new foreign minister under President-elect Lai Ching-te’s administration, leveraging his diverse experience, U.S. and Japan expertise, and steady diplomatic approach to cross-strait relations.
    2024/04/11 14:51
  • 專訪/成A-Lin愛徒!琟娜獲賜名藏深意 迷上DIY甜喊:還在熱戀期

    2024/04/11 08:15
  • 出道18年!A-Lin前進日本挑戰「這件事」 嘆:沒有機會重來

    金曲歌后A-Lin日前受邀參與日本最受歡迎的音樂YouTube頻道「THE FIRST TAKE」,獻唱全新編曲版的經典代表作〈有一種悲傷〉,她表示這是一場非常刺激、緊張的演出,儘管她經常被稱為是實力派歌手,仍然難掩緊張情緒,直說:「這真的是我18年的音樂生涯中首次只有一次機會不能重來的錄音,(用日語)「すごく緊張しました〜(真的好緊張啊〜)。不過,這次的錄製真的非常充實豐富。」
    2024/04/10 18:18
  • Taipei launches second double-decker dining bus

    Discover Taipei’s latest attraction, the second double-decker dining bus, launched by the City’s Department of Information and Tourism. With Deputy Mayor Lin Yi-hua’s optimistic view on boosting tourism, this unique dining experience offers a gourmet journey through the city. Following the success of the first bus amidst the pandemic, this addition aims to allure more visitors with its exclusive menus and scenic routes, promising an unforgettable 1.5-hour culinary adventure.
    2024/04/10 15:01
  • MediaTek unveils latest LLM for Chinese-language users

    Discover how MediaTek is pioneering the future of generative AI with its new traditional Chinese large language model, MediaTek Research BreeXe, tailored for Taiwanese users seeking culturally relevant solutions.
    2024/04/09 18:32
  • Lai Ching-te to announce cabinet picks soon: Hsiao Bi-khim

    Here is a meta description for the given story: Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim indicates that Vice President Lai Ching-te is preparing cabinet appointments for his upcoming presidency, with Cho Jung-tai, Lin Chia-lung, and Cheng Wen-tsan as potential candidates.
    2024/04/09 17:28
  • Hualien quake: landslides, building damage, traffic chaos

    Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang said on Wednesday (April 3) that the Hualien railway and highway are currently disrupted, with the earliest expected railway reopening for one-way traffic by early Thursday morning. 
    2024/04/03 18:04
  • Taiwan’s capital sees school disruptions following quake

    Following a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan, schools in Taipei and other counties suspended classes, with over 200 schools reporting damage. Students were evacuated safely, thanks in part to recent drill preparations.
    2024/04/03 16:15
  • Taipower struggles with losses amid calls for reform

    National Audit Office Auditor-General Chen Jui-min calls on Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) to enhance management and boost revenue amid consecutive losses. Chen emphasizes the need for electricity price adjustments and debt interest reduction. Kuomintang Legislator Lin Ssu-ming questions Taipower’s deficits and government subsidies, urging a review of energy policy. Chen confirms NT$100 billion subsidy and stresses the importance of green energy for profit sustainability.
    2024/04/02 18:13
  • Taiwan commits to safety overhaul on Taroko anniversary

    Secretary-General of the Presidential Office Lin Chia-lung emphasizes the importance of safety reform in Taiwan Railways as the third anniversary of the Taroko train derailment accident approaches. Despite not being able to attend the memorial meeting, Lin’s commitment to ensuring the highest safety standards in Taiwan Railways remains unwavering.
    2024/04/02 15:22
  • Art school student loses top art award for using AI

    Fuhsin Trade and Arts School in New Taipei City revokes first prize from student Lin for suspected use of AI in artwork titled "Causing Havoc in the Dragon Palace." Lin admits to improper use of AI after three-day absence. School to reassign award based on scores.
    2024/04/01 10:42
  • A-Lin愛徒好有才!竟是深藏不露古箏美女 手勁超強自嘲男人婆 

    2024/03/30 06:35
  • Tsai stands by defense minister despite resignation offer

    Presidential Office Spokesperson Olivia Lin confirms Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng’s apology to President Tsai Ing-wen over a family-related issue and his verbal resignation offer. Tsai opts for Chiu to stay due to regional security concerns. Chiu’s son’s sex scandal triggers a National Security Bureau investigation. Speculation arises over Chiu’s resignation after missing a key event. Defense Ministry remains silent on the matter. Chiu’s absence from a legislative meeting fuels rumors of his potential leave.
    2024/03/29 16:22
  • Taiwan’s Land Planning Project faces implementation hurdles

    Taiwan’s Minister of Interior, Lin Yu-chang, underscores the importance of the National Land Planning Project during a legislative interview, addressing concerns raised by lawmakers. The project, set to be implemented next year, requires local governments to submit zoning maps to the Ministry of Interior by June. Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan will hold a meeting to discuss a possible timeline extension. Lin also touches on the "Pedestrian Traffic Safety Facilities Act," aiming to enhance pedestrian safety and environment. Central government emphasizes the significance of local government compliance with the bill.
    2024/03/27 15:54
  • 音樂老師爆逼學小提琴!明星兒認了超痛苦 「抗拒過程」曝光 

    SAM LIN(林中宣)為出道以來人生「第一次」獻出「狂拉猛打」十八招,在生平首場音樂會上除了展現「一人樂隊」絕技狂拉小提琴、打鼓放送音樂全才外,更大方放送「私密照」秀出成長照,結果讓超猛六塊肌身材意外曝光,他打趣形容自己為了音樂會變成「八爪章魚」,端出滿滿誠意,就是為了要感謝歌迷對他的支持。
    2024/03/27 12:33
  • Taiwanese badminton star Lee Yang announces retirement

    Taiwanese badminton player Lee Yang, known for his successful partnership with Wang Chi-lin, announces retirement at Wu Wen-Ta Memorial Badminton Championships. Lee aims for gold at Paris Olympics after Tokyo success. Post-retirement plans include teaching or coaching.
    2024/03/27 12:07
  • Taiwan’s journalists trained in trauma awareness, self-care

    Discover how the "Crisis Reporting" workshop, led by experts Dr. Erin Smith and Dr. Julia Hsu, equips journalists with the skills to navigate trauma and maintain resilience in their careers, emphasizing the importance of organizational support, preparation, and self-care.
    2024/03/27 08:00
  • Taiwan records spring’s warmest day as island heats up

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan as meteorologist Lin De-en reports the hottest day of spring, with scattered showers across the country. Check the high-temperature warnings issued by the Central Weather Administration for various regions and stay informed about air quality forecasts and visibility conditions.
    2024/03/25 11:24
  • 才辣曬蠻腰!A-Lin愛徒真面目不藏了 她一眼愛上:哪來的小哥

    金曲歌后A-Lin愛徒的琟娜(Verna),一出道以曼妙舞姿、性感蠻腰以及動人歌喉打響名氣,首張EP《量子幹嘛糾纏》大獲好評,對穿搭、時尚很有研究的她,日前受邀出席GQ國際時尚中文版「2024 GQ Suit Walk台北國際紳仕月」,她以一襲設計師高定褲裝、配戴Oversize無邊際鏡框,展現酷帥一面。
    2024/03/22 06:55
  • Legislative Yuan probes digital ID card policy delay

    Legislators in Taiwan’s Internal Administration Committee discuss the "Digital ID card replacement policy and budget execution," leading to a special investigation team being set up. The Executive Yuan’s decision to postpone the project in 2021 resulted in contract disputes and mediation, with a reduced payout of NT$280 million. The Ministry of the Interior allocated NT$63.75 million in the 2024 budget for suspension costs. Legislators questioned the project’s total expenditure, with Minister Lin Yu-chang clarifying that the project is postponed, not terminated, due to heightened information security demands.
    2024/03/18 15:07
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