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    L 結果共10,000筆

  • 奧斯卡影帝合體鬧事! 麥特戴蒙與好友弟弟「搞出大麻煩」

    好萊塢好友檔、奧斯卡雙影帝麥特戴蒙(Matt Damon)與凱西艾佛列克(Casey Affleck),繼《心靈捕手》、《海邊的曼徹斯特》後再度攜手合作,2人將領銜主演並擔任監製,打造Apple TV+ 全新動作劫盜電影《鬧事之徒》(The Instigator),而凱西的哥哥班艾佛列克(Ben Affleck)也將參與製片,由導演道格李曼(Doug Liman)執導,同時也是麥特戴蒙自 2002 年的《神鬼認證》,時隔22年再次跟道格李曼合作。
    2024/06/15 08:00
  • 小孩錢也騙!「波力安寶」假活動 家長:險上當

    2024/06/14 19:32
  • LV包歐洲維修免費 陸收費萬元台幣 陸消費者:歧視!

    2024/06/14 18:37
  • NEVs drive China’s automotive industry to new global heights

    Explore how China’s automotive industry, with a focus on New Energy Vehicles (NEVs), is becoming a central economic force, surpassing traditional sectors and setting global sales records, significantly impacting both local and international markets.
    2024/06/14 18:23
  • NBA/詹皇之子後勢看漲?溜馬主帥曝:50順位不一定選得到

    美國職籃(NBA)「詹皇」詹姆斯(LeBron James)的大兒子布朗尼(Bronny James)確定投入今年的選秀後,一舉一動都引起關注,對於外界預測布朗尼將在第55順位被選中的想法,本次選秀會手握第36、49和50順位的印第安那溜馬隊(Indiana Pacers)總教練卡萊爾(Rick Carlisle)表示「布朗尼的順位有機會高於50順位」。
    2024/06/14 18:00
  • Taiwan’s car rental market booms with sharing services

    The sharing economy is gaining momentum in Taiwan, with car-sharing services emerging as a popular choice among consumers seeking convenient and flexible transportation options. Service providers are now enhancing their platforms to connect their car marketplaces and resources, aiming to attract more users.
    2024/06/14 17:55
  • Tsai Ing-wen jokes about post-retirement career in design

    Discover how former President Tsai Ing-wen humorously shares her retirement plans on Threads, and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim praises Taiwan’s evolving interior design at the Taiwan International Interior Design Expo 2024.
    2024/06/14 16:58
  • Oceanic Beverages to continue trading despite financial woes

    Discover the latest on Oceanic Beverages Co., Inc., maker of Apple Sidra, as Chairwoman Su Yun-le confirms no plans to delist despite financial challenges and rumors. Read more about their efforts to stabilize and future prospects.
    2024/06/14 16:46
  • 同款LV包中國送修收1萬、歐洲卻免費 陸男質疑歧視氣炸PO網

    中國有名男子多年前曾在義大利購買1個路易威登(Louis Vuitton)的包款,不過返回中國後沒幾個月就出現肩帶脫落的情況,沒想到送修後卻被要求支付2400元人民幣(約新台幣1萬)的費用,後來這名男子因緣際會在北歐店面詢問時,卻發現在當地送修LV包包是免費的,這讓他質疑LV是否有「歧視中國」的情形,消息一出甚至衝上微博熱搜。
    2024/06/14 16:42
  • Din Tai Fung raises menu prices by 6% amid rising costs

    Discover how Din Tai Fung’s recent price hike, affecting 80% of its menu including favorites like xiaolongbao, is a response to rising operational costs. Learn about the restaurant’s efforts to balance quality with increased labor expenses and how other Chinese cuisine chains are also adjusting prices.
    2024/06/14 16:11
  • Ma Ying-jeou Foundation director slams President’s semantics

    Explore the latest critique by Ma Ying-jeou Culture and Education Foundation’s Director Hsiao Hsu-tsen on President Lai Ching-te’s comments about the Beijing-Taipei relationship, calling for clarity over semantics.
    2024/06/14 16:07
  • 惡鄰退散!鄰居6大「最NG行為」 第1名想讓人馬上搬走

    《Social Lab社群實驗室》本次透過《OpView社群口碑資料庫》追蹤近三個月內「惡鄰居行為」話題的網路聲量表現,帶您了解網友熱議的惡鄰居行為排行。
    2024/06/14 15:54
  • Taiwan’s premier praises president’s sovereignty stance

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai supports President Lai Ching-te’s commitment to sovereignty, democracy, and peace in a Time Magazine interview, amid reactions from China.
    2024/06/14 15:46
  • Cross-strait terminology confusion highlighted by Ko Wen-je

    Explore the nuanced debate on Taiwan-China relations as TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je weighs in on the subtleties lost in translation and the importance of practical handling over rhetoric. This analysis delves into the recent statements by President Lai and the contrasting views within Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2024/06/14 15:35
  • 羈押近千天!中國MeToo「2推手」被判煽動顛覆罪 最重判5年

    2024/06/14 15:17
  • MOA: No scientific basis for animal communicators

    Discover why Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture rejects animal communicators as a legitimate profession, citing a lack of scientific evidence. Learn about the plans to regulate this controversial field amidst the country’s booming pet industry.
    2024/06/14 15:16
  • Taiwan sees major egg price cuts amid market slump

    Discover how Taiwan’s major retailers are slashing egg prices to the lowest in nearly two years, responding to market conditions and public scrutiny. Learn about the promotions and price cuts starting June 14.
    2024/06/14 15:05
  • 手牽手還親臉頰!英相蘇納克與義總理G7峰會「超親暱放閃」

    「7大工業國」(G7)高峰會13日在義大利登場,有外媒形容除了主辦國總理梅洛尼(Giorgia Meloni)外,其餘與會者都面臨艱難選舉或內政危機,還直呼本次峰會為「梅洛尼與6隻跛腳鴨(Lame Ducks)」,不過另1看點便是英國首相蘇納克(Rishi Sunak)和梅洛尼之間極為親密的互動,2人多次被拍到狀似旁若無人地交談、擁抱和接觸,更被形容2人之間有「特殊關係」。
    2024/06/14 14:39
  • Matt Pottinger presents new book to Taiwan’s president

    Explore the strategic discussions between former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger and Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te on deepening U.S.-Taiwan economic and trade relations and defending Taiwan’s sovereignty.
    2024/06/14 14:35
  • 嫁對直接躺平!「最旺妻」男人5面相 腮幫子特徵看出勇猛指數

    很多人都很在意怎樣的女生才「旺夫」,但現在時代早就不同了,結了婚以後能讓老婆無罣礙地發展人生、能懂得「happy wife happy life」的道理、能給予老婆無憂的生活,這樣的男人才最可貴!以下六種「旺妻」的男人面相,找另外一半就要找這種的~
    2024/06/14 14:26
  • Taiwan seeks closer economic ties with Europe: President Lai

    Taiwan President Lai Ching-te underscores commitment to EU cooperation, highlights record trade volumes, and seeks economic partnership at Europe Day dinner in Taipei.
    2024/06/14 13:57
  • 綠推ChatDPPAI!網問王必勝外遇、老柯抽菸 黨魁答錯尬爆

    行政院日前對立法院職權修法案提出覆議,藍綠在全台展開宣講。民進黨不只辦「反濫權 護民主」宣講活動,更在LINE推出AI機器人「ChatDPP」回應網友相關問題。AI上線後,卻被PTT鄉民拿來歪樓測試,狂問民進黨立院黨團總召柯建銘抽菸、衛福部前次長王必勝外遇等問題。最尷尬的是連自家民進黨主席是誰都答錯,讓網友超傻眼。
    2024/06/14 13:31
  • 最強回憶殺來了!接招合唱團11月高雄開唱 粉絲哭喊:等17年

    英倫天團「接招合唱團」(Take That)要來台了!官方正式宣佈11月16日帶著「Take That - This Life On Tour 2024」在高雄流行音樂中心感動開唱,而這也是他們睽違17年重回寶島,讓粉絲激動哭喊「我們準備接招了」、「我最愛的男團,我的青春回憶」、「一等是整整17年多啊」。
    2024/06/14 13:11
  • 日本LINE Pay快掰了!內行人推「出國2種Pay」:好用超多

    台灣行動支付越來越普及,不少店家、攤販都提供不只一種支付方式,只要有帶手機出門,就不怕沒辦法付錢。然而,LINE YAHOO卻宣布即將結束日本的LINE Pay服務,引來無數熱愛飛往日本旅遊的民眾哀嚎,釣出內行人分享,其實還有兩個支付方式更方便。
    2024/06/14 12:30
  • 哈韓族注意!Inspire仁川渡假村重磅開幕 亮點一次看

    韓國仁川「INSPIRE RESORT迎仕柏度假村」斥資150億美金打造,集結五星級酒店、韓國最大外賓限定賭場、韓版teamLab、水上樂園等設施,更有麥可喬丹牛排館進駐!「極光道 Aurora Hall」長150公尺LED螢幕長廊,每30分鐘輪播一次聲光秀,成為旅客必打卡夢幻地標,而INSPIRE Arena可容納1.5萬人,已吸引魔力紅等大咖藝人演出,絕對是不可錯過的奢華景點!
    2024/06/14 11:43
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