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    John 結果共458筆

  • NBA/爵士終止三連敗 以123比108擊敗密爾瓦基公鹿

    猶他爵士(Utah Jazz)今日以123比108擊敗密爾瓦基公鹿(Milwaukee Bucks),結束了爵士的三連敗。馬凱寧(Lauri Markkanen)貢獻全場最高的21分,帶領爵士取得勝利。賽斯頓(Collin Sexton)和喬治(Keyonte George)各自貢獻19分,柯林斯(John Collins)則攻下15分並搶下10個籃板。
    2024/02/05 15:11
  • 批川普自私者 美前國安顧問波頓:當選將退出北約、陸鎖台風險增

    美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)已連贏得2場共和黨總統提名初選,被看好再次代表共和黨角逐白宮,去年訪台的美國前國安顧問波頓(John Bolton)在近日出版的回憶錄中,批評川普是個「完全自私者」(utterly self-interested man),會懲罰敵人,並安撫對手俄羅斯和中國。
    2024/01/31 13:27
  • PLA denounces U.S. naval maneuvers in Taiwan Strait

    The spokesperson for the PLA Eastern Theater Command accuses the US military of maliciously destroying regional peace and stability through provocative actions. This comes after the US Navy destroyer John Finn sailed through the Taiwan Strait. The PLA deployed troops to closely monitor the warship’s movements and expressed discontent over US provocations. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense assures the public that the situation is normal and they were fully aware of the warship’s activities. The US Navy states that the traverse through the Taiwan Strait upholds the principle of freedom of navigation for all nations and emphasizes the importance of not surrendering rights and liberties. Tensions in the region are escalating due to increasing US naval activities and China’s claim over Taiwan.
    2024/01/25 11:11
  • USS John Finn asserts freedom of navigation in Taiwan Strait

    A U.S. warship, the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS John Finn, sailed south through the Taiwan Strait on January 24. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) confirmed that Taiwan’s military maintained control of the surrounding maritime and air domains during the passage. The U.S. Navy stated that the transit occurred outside the territorial seas of any coastal nations, highlighting the U.S.’s commitment to freedom of navigation. Taiwan’s MND issued a press release reconfirming the U.S. warship’s activity, emphasizing that the situation was normal.
    2024/01/25 10:12
  • 國防部:美軍艦由北向南航經台海 國軍全程掌握

    國防部表示,一艘美國軍艦昨天由北向南航經台灣海峽,通過海峽期間,國軍全程掌握周邊海、空域動態;美國海軍也發布聲明指出,勃克級驅逐艦芬恩號(USS John Finn)昨天通過台灣海峽。
    2024/01/25 06:19
  • 亨利卡維爾當最帥情報員! 挑戰諜報喜劇 John Cena、Dua Lipa再合作

    2024/01/05 19:16
  • U.S. backs Taiwan amid Chinese balloons incursion

    U.S. National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, affirms American support for Taiwan’s democracy and urges parties outside Taiwan not to interfere with its democratic process. This comes after Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense reported detecting three balloons from the Chinese Communist Party crossing the median line of the Taiwan Strait. Following the incident, there were multiple incursions by Chinese aircraft and vessels observed in the area. The Taiwanese military will take appropriate measures based on the nature and potential hazard of the balloons. Although Kirby couldn’t verify the balloon reports, he reiterates U.S. support for Taiwan’s democracy and looks forward to free, fair, and transparent elections. He also warns against any external force attempting to interfere with the Taiwanese elections and urges parties outside Taiwan not to meddle with its democratic process.
    2024/01/05 17:44
  • MOFA thanks US for support amid China provocations

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) spokesperson expressed gratitude for the concern shown by friends in the U.S. Congress regarding Taiwan’s security. The U.S. military has observed increased provocative actions by China around the Taiwan Strait ahead of the Taiwanese presidential election. Admiral John Aquilino, head of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, has called for restraint from China, perceiving these actions as pressure tactics. U.S. Representative Mike Gallagher urged the Pentagon to provide a classified briefing on assisting Taiwan in deterring China. Taiwan is committed to bolstering its self-defense capabilities and pursuing peace through dialogue with Beijing authorities. Despite pressure, Taiwan will maintain a non-provocative stance while defending national sovereignty and democratic freedom. Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry expressed regret over China’s threats of countermeasures against U.S. firms involved in arms sales to Taiwan and emphasized the need for the U.S. to fulfill its security promises.
    2023/12/20 11:08
  • 泰勒絲超越艾爾頓強 全球演唱會票房破十億美元第一人

    魅力襲捲全世界的美國鄉村音樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift),繼登上《時代雜誌》(Time Magazine)之後,再次創造另一個新里程碑:全球演場會票房破10億美元的第一人。《美聯社》報導,泰勒絲正在進行的「Eras Tour」巡迴演場會,在北美各城市都呈現爆滿轟動狀態,音樂產業雜誌《Pollstar》在統整過去一年來售票紀錄、各場館容量與許多數據推估發現,泰勒絲巡迴演唱會獲得10億4000萬美元(約新台幣326億8100萬元)票房,超越前輩艾爾頓強(Elton John)5年328場巡迴演唱會,締造的9億3900萬美元(約新台幣295億元)紀錄。
    2023/12/09 17:24
  • 「跪殺佛洛伊德」警察獄中被捅22刀 黑幫兇手面臨謀殺指控

    因強壓非裔青年佛洛伊德(George Floyd)頸部致死,被判刑入獄的美國明尼蘇達前警察蕭文(Derek Chauvin),日前傳出在監獄中遇襲,被人以利器連捅22次重傷送醫。《紐約郵報》報導,經過多日調查後發現,行兇的人來頭也不小,曾是墨西哥黑手黨成員、也當過聯邦調查局(FBI)線人的特爾薩克(John Turscak),根據負責該案的檢察官說法,如果不是監獄人員反應迅速,特爾薩克本可以致他於死地,如今他將面臨蓄意謀殺等罪名指控。
    2023/12/02 10:45
  • 約翰藍儂「自家前遭狂粉槍殺」震撼全球 恐怖未公開畫面曝光

    史上最偉大搖滾樂團「披頭四」(The Beatles)主唱約翰藍儂(John Lennon)在1980年12月8日,於紐約住所外遭瘋狂粉絲馬克大衛查普曼(Mark David Chapman)槍殺身亡,令全球樂迷震驚與心碎,關於當時案件的細節,將以紀錄片的形式獨家揭露,Apple TV+ 日前釋出《約翰藍儂謀殺案:審判疑雲》最新預告,將獨家揭露這個歷史性悲劇的追查和判決,於 Apple TV+ 12 月 6 日全球上線。
    2023/12/01 16:55
  • NBA/開季戰績不佳僅排後段班 灰熊射手傳遭湖人、勇士盯上

    NBA曼菲斯灰熊開季少了當家球星莫蘭特(Ja Morant),加上球隊又碰到傷兵潮,開季至今僅打出4勝13敗,西區倒數第2的成績,近期傳出隊中射手庫查爾(John Konchar)遭到洛杉磯湖人、金州勇士及波士頓塞爾蒂克等隊鎖定。
    2023/12/01 12:20
  • US reiterates stance on Taiwan in bilateral talks

    The story discusses the statements made by John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council, regarding the United States’ stance on Taiwan’s independence and the desire to avoid conflict over the island. Kirby emphasized that the U.S. does not support Taiwan’s independence and does not want to see a unilateral change in Taiwan’s status quo, particularly through the use of force. He expressed hope that President Joe Biden would continue to convey to Chinese President Xi Jinping that the U.S. will adhere to the Taiwan Relations Act and assist Taiwan in maintaining its self-defense capabilities. The article also mentions that Biden and Xi held bilateral talks, their second face-to-face meeting since November, and that Biden would discuss concerns about China’s non-interference in Taiwanese elections. It remains unclear whether Biden will meet with Taiwanese APEC representative Morris Chang at the summit.
    2023/11/16 11:22
  • 「大型乘客」高空失控亂跑 美747貨機被迫返回機場

    一架從紐約準備前往比利時布魯塞爾的波音747(Boeing 747)貨機,日前在從甘迺迪機場(John F. Kennedy International Airport)起飛後不久,機長突然聯繫塔台,希望能折返回到機場地面,因為貨艙內有名「大型乘客」不受控制。外媒從無線電通訊擷取的音頻發現,這個不受控的乘客,並不是人類、而是一匹馬,機組人員在起飛不到30分鐘內,就發現馬匹逃離馬廄,擔心牠影響飛行和造成貨機系統損壞,只能即刻折返重新處置。
    2023/11/15 14:25
  • 台啤雲豹網羅NBA球星「白邊」? 顏行書曝1因素簽約卡關

    網傳台啤雲豹要網羅大咖洋將、NBA球星「白邊」懷特塞德(Hassan Whiteside)。不過,台啤雲豹總經理顏行書13日受訪時透露,目前的合約已經談最後的階段,原本預計9月底就有機會簽約,但是懷特塞德因「家庭因素」,遲遲未簽約,但是目前也有鎖定一些球員。
    2023/11/13 21:07
  • 大改款Mini Countryman!燃油、純電4款車型曝光

    今年9月才剛在IAA慕尼黑移動展中現身亮相,Mini總代理汎德就在10月下旬將大改款Countryman上架Mini線上預訂平台,更宣告將引進多達4款動力,包含Mini Cooper Countryman、Mini Cooper S Countryman、Mini John Cooper Works Country以及Mini Cooper S E Countryman等4款車型。而在11月11日的2023 Mini Day車聚活動中,全新世代Mini Cooper S E Countryman也首度在台灣現身,成為活動當中的驚喜!
    2023/11/13 15:01
  • Taiwan’s APEC agendas on U.S.-China talks, trade, CPTPP

    The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Week 2023 in San Francisco will be a significant event for Taiwan. The country’s main focuses during the summit include the U.S-China leaders’ talks, the possibility of meetings between U.S. President Joe Biden and TSMC Founder Morris Chang, progress on U.S-Taiwan trade negotiations, and Taiwan’s potential participation in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). President Biden is scheduled to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss trade, Taiwan, the U.S.-China tech war, and PLA activities in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan officials are also working towards arranging a meeting between Chang and Biden. While the first agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade has been signed, the second round of negotiations is not progressing as expected. Taiwan’s Minister Without Portfolio John Deng hopes to meet with U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai during the summit to confirm progress. Additionally, Taiwan will likely use the APEC summit as an opportunity to hold bilateral talks with CPTPP members to garner support for its admission to the trade pact.
    2023/11/12 11:45
  • AI重現藍儂嗓音 披頭四「最後一曲」45年後重現點閱破4百萬

    英國傳奇樂團《披頭四》(The Beatles)雖然早在1970年就宣佈解散,但他們的音樂作品,仍一直深受全球粉絲喜愛。《英國廣播公司》(BBC)報導,事隔超過40年後,在人工智慧(AI)科技協助下,成功將約翰藍儂(John Lennon)生前,在1978年完成小樣錄音帶的聲音提取重現,讓這首披頭四最後一曲能製作完成,取名為《Now And Then》,這首新歌已在11月2日於多平台上架和全球樂迷見面,光是在披頭四官方YouTube頻道,完整版樂曲影片14小時就衝破400萬點閱,短版音樂也有365萬次點閱,可見傳奇樂團的名氣與地位依然不減。
    2023/11/03 13:13
  • NBA/約基奇寫「40年首紀錄」!爵士三塔做白工 金塊豪取4連勝

    由約基奇(Nikola Jokic)帶領的衛冕軍金塊,坐鎮高原主場迎戰猶他爵士,儘管爵士雙塔馬卡南(Lauri Markkanen)、凱斯勒(Walker Kessler)各有大號雙時數據進帳,加上新援柯林斯(John Collins)的準雙十成績單,仍是不敵金塊、以110比102的最終比分遺憾吞敗;而在本場比賽中,約基奇更是以27分、11助攻、10籃板的大三元,寫下40年來第一人的紀錄。
    2023/10/31 17:44
  • NBA/有實力卻沒被球隊青睞 自由市場的5大明珠

    2023/10/24 14:26
  • 文武雙全到極致!從NFL學霸球員變身MIT教授 超狂求學路曝

    從前不少人會形容運動員「頭腦簡單,四肢發達」,但高學歷運動員已逐漸顛覆這種刻板印象,近日美國麻省理工學院(MIT)數學系聘請了新助理教授厄舍爾(John Urschel),他不僅擁有MIT的數學博士學位,還曾是國家美式足球聯盟(NFL)球員,文武雙全做到極致令人佩服。
    2023/10/18 17:41
  • MLB/被氣到退休?運動家守護神宣布高掛球鞋 轉身火大開轟老闆「軟弱」

    運動家右投梅伊(Trevor May)今年首度轉戰終結者,就拿下21次救援成功,表現可圈可點,沒想到今(17日)他卻無預警宣布退休決定,且更令球迷錯愕的是,他還火大開嗆老闆費雪(John Fisher),甚至要他快把球隊賣掉。
    2023/10/17 14:54
  • 美軍進駐以色列幫忙掃蕩哈瑪斯? 白宮嚴正否認

    身為以色列最大盟友的美國,在哈瑪斯(Hamas)對其發動大規模血腥攻擊後,不僅公開譴責、還調派核動力航空母艦戰鬥群,預備不時之需給予必要援助。這一連串舉動,也讓不少外媒好奇,華府是否會派兵進駐以色列,給予最直接的幫助,稍早白宮國安會議發言人柯比(John Kirby),已經對此疑慮做出回答,他強調美國政府並無打算派遣地面部隊,但會給予以色列所有必要的軍事和資源援助。
    2023/10/10 09:58
  • MLB/馬林魚傳悲報!賽揚王牌動TJ明年報銷 爆量投球局數引質疑

    邁阿密馬林魚本季雖然直落二被費城人淘汰,止步於外卡系列賽,但陣中充滿冉冉上升的年輕新秀,使得外界無限看好球隊的未來,不過今(7日)馬林魚傳出壞消息,有著「魚王」之稱的阿爾坎塔拉(Sandy Alcantara)將接受手肘韌帶置換手術(Tommy John手術),明年賽季確定報銷。
    2023/10/07 14:01
  • 傳奇一生謝幕!《哈利波特》鄧不利多病逝 享壽82歲「妻兒伴最後一程」

    於經典電影《哈利波特》中飾演第2代「鄧不利多」(Dumbledore)的知名英國演員邁可坎邦(Michael John Gambon),今(28)日驚傳逝世消息,震驚各地影迷;而其妻子與兒子稍早也證實噩耗,指出邁可坎邦死因為罹患肺炎、享壽82歲,在生命中的最後一刻全程由妻兒相伴。事實上,飾演第1代「鄧不利多」的李察哈里斯(Richard Harris)早在2002年逝世,如今邁可坎邦的離開讓影迷心碎不已。
    2023/09/28 20:30
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