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    Joe 結果共1,003筆

  • 拜習會倒數 美參議員要拜登不能在台灣議題讓步

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)將在這週三(11/15)於舊金山亞太經合會(APEC)期間,會晤中國大陸最高領導人習近平,由美國聯邦參議院外交委員資深成員里契(Jim Risch)為首,聯合20多位共和黨參議員發出聲明呼籲白宮,拜習會不應給出更多讓步,這群共和黨國會議員還要求,拜登不能在會談中,對美國的臺灣政策上向中國讓步。
    2023/11/15 09:55
  • 拜習會前「先吃In-N-Out」!葉倫悠哉買漢堡 淡定接機身影曝

    大陸國家主席習近平赴美、與美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)舉行會談,將針對多項國際事務做出討論,其中是否能緩和近期相對緊繃的中美關係令人關注;而作為接機官員之一的美國財政部長葉倫(Janet Yellen)也被網友拍到,在前往機場接習近平前顯得相當從容、還不忘到知名連鎖漢堡店「In-N-Out」點單,引起討論之餘也有人歪樓笑稱「想知道她點了什麼」。
    2023/11/15 08:22
  • 2度拜習會!習近平專機啟程 將會晤拜登並出席APEC

    新華社報導,中國國家主席習近平今晚搭乘專機離開北京,他是應美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)邀請,赴美國舊金山舉行中美元首會晤,同時應邀出席亞太經合組織(APEC)第30次領導人非正式會議。
    2023/11/14 22:10
  • Taiwan working on Chang-Biden meeting at APEC: NSC official

    Taipei’s National Security Council Secretary-General Wellington Koo has announced plans for a face-to-face meeting between APEC representative Morris Chang and US President Joe Biden. The Taiwanese government aims to secure this meeting, which comes amid ongoing discussions on various issues between Washington and Beijing, including those related to Taiwan. Koo hinted at potential disagreements and counterclaims between Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping, highlighting the sensitive nature of the meeting. However, Koo stated that Chang has not been tasked with delivering greetings or messages from Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen to Xi, emphasizing the importance of natural interactions.
    2023/11/14 19:01
  • 諷美企和習近平吃飯可笑 美眾議員酸:關心新疆跟賀毀香港?

    中國國家主席習近平台灣時間週四(16日)凌晨與美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)在舊金山(San Francisco)APEC峰會場邊舉行完「拜習會」後,將與美國企業家共進晚餐,傳出若想與習同桌,至少得花4萬美元(約129萬1200新台幣);對此,美國眾院中國問題特別委員會主席蓋拉格(Mike Gallagher)揣測談話內容,諷刺「難道要在餐桌上嫌菲力牛排不夠嫩,邊問習近平新疆人權進展嗎?」
    2023/11/14 17:42
  • 到底誰正誰副? 拜登又口誤「賀錦麗總統」幫屬下升官

    高齡80歲的美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)將尋求連任,一舉一動不可避免被放大檢視,過去拜登就曾不時在公開場合失言,白宮發言人多次得針對他的發言進行更正;而他的副手賀錦麗的職位層好幾次被拜登口誤講錯,近日拜登在一場曲棍球的慶祝活動上稱賀錦麗為「總統」,賀錦麗再次意外被拜登「升官」。
    2023/11/14 14:05
  • 拜登孫女公務車遭「破窗闖入」 特勤人員開槍3歹徒嚇跑開溜

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)的孫女娜歐蜜(Naomi Biden)的公務車12日驚傳遭闖入,特勤局人員發現打破車窗的3名歹徒後隨即開槍喝止,嚇得3人乘車逃離現場,所幸當時娜歐蜜不在場,整起案件目前也交由警方調查。
    2023/11/14 10:45
  • Joeman新片流量破35萬!媒體人曝「2反常」:負面效應的開始

    2023/11/14 08:21
  • 拜習會將登場!紐時:拜登將警告習近平別干預台灣大選

    美國紐約時報中文網今天報導,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)和中國國家主席習近平擬15日舊金山會晤,拜登顧問群表示,拜登將明確告訴習近平別干預台灣大選,另將磋商俄烏戰爭與以巴衝突等。
    2023/11/13 22:49
  • Taiwan’s Foreign Minister assures U.S. support

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister, Joseph Wu, reassures the nation of the U.S.’ consistent support ahead of U.S. President Joe Biden’s scheduled meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in San Francisco on November 15. Wu states that Taiwan is likely to be a topic of discussion in the meeting and that the Foreign Ministry is closely monitoring relevant information. The Biden-Xi meeting will take place on the sidelines of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit and will be their first face-to-face conversation since last November. Wu also addresses rumors about Taiwan’s representative to the U.S., Hsiao Bi-khim, potentially becoming the running mate for Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential candidate Lai Ching-Te, stating that the Ministry cannot answer election-related matters. However, Wu assures the public that personnel changes in diplomatic positions are routine and do not impact Taiwan’s relations with the U.S.
    2023/11/13 18:29
  • Taiwan’s APEC agendas on U.S.-China talks, trade, CPTPP

    The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Week 2023 in San Francisco will be a significant event for Taiwan. The country’s main focuses during the summit include the U.S-China leaders’ talks, the possibility of meetings between U.S. President Joe Biden and TSMC Founder Morris Chang, progress on U.S-Taiwan trade negotiations, and Taiwan’s potential participation in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). President Biden is scheduled to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss trade, Taiwan, the U.S.-China tech war, and PLA activities in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan officials are also working towards arranging a meeting between Chang and Biden. While the first agreement under the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade has been signed, the second round of negotiations is not progressing as expected. Taiwan’s Minister Without Portfolio John Deng hopes to meet with U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai during the summit to confirm progress. Additionally, Taiwan will likely use the APEC summit as an opportunity to hold bilateral talks with CPTPP members to garner support for its admission to the trade pact.
    2023/11/12 11:45
  • 有片/又糊塗了?拜登參加活動「迷失方向」 衛兵提醒才回神 

    高齡80歲的美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)是美國史上最年長的在任總統,儘管先前的年度健康檢查證明他足堪重任,不過他11日參加退伍軍人節紀念活動時,竟突然「迷失」忘記自己下一步該怎麼做,直到衛兵提醒才終於回神,影片在網路上瘋傳。
    2023/11/12 10:08
  • 挺巴示威者佔《紐時》總部 控報導偏頗「煽動種族滅絕」

    巴勒斯坦激進武裝組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)10月7日對以色列發動突襲,以軍隨即展開反擊,圍困加薩走廊展開轟炸,雙方平民大量死傷,國際社會挺巴、挺以的聲浪也產生對立。美國《紐約時報》總部大廳於當地時間週四(9日)下午遭到數百名反以色列示威者佔領,他們要求立刻停火,更指責《紐時》報導立場偏向以色列,稱總統拜登(Joe Biden)是在支持「種族滅絕」。
    2023/11/10 14:41
  • 習近平APEC將與美商界晚宴 與習同桌吃飯得花多少?答:130萬

    中國大陸國家主席習近平,確定受邀前往美國舊金山,出席下一屆亞太經合會(APEC),並安排和美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)進行正式會面。為了迎接習近平到來,美國當地商會也將安排盛大晚宴,吸引大批企業家爭搶入席,甚至是和習近平同桌用餐的寶貴機會。多家美媒引述中國問題專家利明璋(Bill Bishop)的說法,表示美國企業家得花2000美元(約新台幣6.5萬元),取得晚宴入席資格,倘若想和習近平同桌,傳聞至少得花4萬美元(約新台幣129萬1200元)包下多個座位,才能私下附贈主桌一個位子。
    2023/11/09 17:28
  • Biden, Xi to discuss Taiwan at APEC meeting, says expert

    U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping are set to meet in San Francisco on November 15, with Taiwan as a key focus of their discussions, according to an expert from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The meeting agenda includes four main issues: Taiwan, fentanyl containment, Israel-Hamas conflict, and climate change response. It is expected that Xi will seek Biden’s reiteration of the United States’ stance against Taiwan’s independence, as Beijing considers Taiwan a part of China and opposes its independence. Additionally, Xi may anticipate Biden’s affirmation that the U.S. does not favor any specific political party in the Taiwan presidential elections. This summit marks a direct face-to-face dialogue between the leaders since their talks during the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, in November 2022.
    2023/11/09 12:34
  • Japanese PM expect to meet with China’s Xi at APEC summit

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is considering a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping after the U.S.-China talks at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Kishida plans to meet with Xi the day after U.S. President Joe Biden’s meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss unresolved issues between Japan and China, including Japan’s request for China to remove import restrictions on Japanese seafood products. Additionally, the dialogue aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation and promote regional stability. Japan’s National Security Secretariat Secretary General Akiba Takeo will travel to China for coordination efforts. The APEC summit, which includes leaders from 21 member countries, will take place in San Francisco from November 15 to 17.
    2023/11/09 12:32
  • 「美中軍事溝通」裴洛西訪台時中斷 美媒:拜習會將重啟

    日本媒體《共同社》、《日本經濟新聞》引述美國官員說法報導,拜習會將在本月15日舉行,美國新聞網站《Axios》8日報導,有消息人士透露,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)和中國國家主席習近平預計將重啟美中軍事溝通管道。
    2023/11/09 09:53
  • 傳習近平將出席舊金山APEC峰會見美企高層 不排除拜習會

    亞太經濟合作協議(APEC)領袖峰會下周將於美國舊金山(San Francisco)登場,《彭博社》引述消息人士指出,中國國家主席習近平可能出席一場晚宴,與美國企業高層共進晚餐,安撫外國投資人;而雖然白宮日前也稱總統拜登(Joe Biden)將與習近平舉行雙邊會談,但中國至今尚未確認習近平是否將親自出席。
    2023/11/08 10:38
  • 美總統大選奇兵? 共和黨議員爆:蜜雪兒將取代拜登出馬

    美國2024年總統大選究竟由誰出馬,至今兩大黨依然非常混亂,雖然民主黨相比在野的共和黨「簡單」,但高齡80歲的拜登(Joe Biden),其身體健康狀況一直是支持者和黨團憂慮的重點。《每日郵報》引述共和黨聯邦參議員克魯茲(Ted Cruz)的說法,他堅稱民主黨會在明年夏季黨代表大會,由前第一夫人蜜雪兒・歐巴馬(Michelle Obama)取代拜登,角逐下屆美國總統大位。
    2023/11/07 17:56
  • 川普詐欺案出庭自誇身價頻開嗆 法官怒要律師「管好你的人」

    美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)官司纏身,不過再多罪名指控也不減他的高人氣,鋼鐵川粉依然死心塌地,川普民調更力壓現任總統拜登(Joe Biden),在多個搖擺州取得領先。據《BBC》報導指出,川普本周一在紐約出庭時,不斷在證人席上多次與法官發生尖銳的言詞交鋒,反駁自己有欺騙銀行和保險業者,更聲稱自己遭「政治迫害」,法官甚至一度要川普的律師「管好你的當事人」,還出言警告:「這不是造勢大會,這裡是法庭」。
    2023/11/07 11:19
  • Joeman涉毒!網敲碗「奢華看守所對決廉價看守所」 本人回應了

    2023/11/06 21:33
  • Joeman持大麻被逮!「Joe是要對決」預告上片 製作人悄悄刪文

    2023/11/06 19:31
  • 有片/競選活動遭嗆聲 拜登首籲以軍停火:暫停衝突救人質

    以色列國防軍為剿滅哈瑪斯,目前仍在加薩(Gaza)地區開展地面行動,同時也持續空襲,至今已造成逾8千名巴勒斯坦人喪生,引起的人道危機讓各界頻呼籲停火;美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)也在一場競選活動中罕見脫口,稱應「暫停」戰鬥以便人質撤離。
    2023/11/02 17:43
  • 有片/前NBA狀元痛抓妻重操舊業!「赤裸拍片」上Onlyfans賺錢

    前NBA球星、1995年選秀狀元史密斯(Joe Smith)與妻子琪莎(Kisha Chavis)已經結婚13年,琪莎婚前曾是成人片演員,未料她近日竟又開始在成人情色平台Onlyfans上傳影片,史密斯發現後大為光火,夫妻倆展開激烈爭執;琪莎稱,是因為財務陷入困境才會重操舊業,相信兩人會解決分歧,不會因此離婚。
    2023/11/02 10:41
  • 世界大賽/前3局狂灌10分打垮響尾蛇 遊騎兵聽牌再1勝奪冠

    美國職棒(MLB)在台灣時間11月1日上午迎來「世界大賽」(World Series)第4戰,德州遊騎兵隊(Texas Rangers)繼續作客亞歷桑那響尾蛇隊(Arizona Diamondbacks)主場,遊騎兵派出左投席尼(Andrew Heaney)先發,響尾蛇則由曼提普萊(Joe Mantiply)出戰,本場遊騎兵隊打線徹底爆發、前3局就狂攻10分,其中狀況火燙的席格(Corey Seager)更是擊出個人在系列賽中的第3轟,終場就以11比7擊敗響尾蛇隊取得聽牌優勢,只差1勝就能拿下隊史首冠。
    2023/11/01 11:29
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