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    It Is What It Is 結果共6筆

  • Jee Seok-jin takes health hiatus, exits ’Running Man’

    Beloved South Korean actor and variety show personality, Jee Seok-jin, has announced a sudden hiatus from all entertainment activities due to health concerns. Effective from December 18, Jee will be suspending all work commitments, including his regular appearances on the popular variety show "Running Man." Known for his humor and affable nature, Jee has been a key member of the show since 2010, amassing a significant fan base over the years. This marks the first break Jee is taking from the show since he joined its original cast 13 years ago. With the departure of another cast member in October, the "Running Man" team is now left with only five members, raising questions about how the show will adapt and what impact it will have on its future.
    2023/12/18 21:19
  • NBA/讚柯瑞成就偉大!小李談交易「拒加盟勇士」:寧願每年輸球

    休賽季提出「賣我(Trade Me)」請求後,遲遲未能如願前進邁阿密的拓荒者王牌里拉德(Damian Lillard),雖然不排除將現身秋訓的可能,但仍希望可以離開效力了11個賽季的波特蘭;登上播客節目《It Is What It Is》時,里拉德也談到了自己尋求交易的心境、提到對聯盟現狀的部分看法,以及針對「潛在下家」相關流言的看法;其中里拉德直言,自己絕對不會加盟勇士。
    2023/09/20 13:03
  • NBA/自認身手更全能!指韋德「奪冠靠組團」 皮爾斯:我被低估

    熱火球星韋德(Dwyane Wade)普遍被視為極具影響力的得分後衛之一,其16年生涯雖未能實現如湖人傳奇布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)般終身效力母隊的老派浪漫,熱火精神仍依然深植人心;對於外界給與韋德的高度讚賞,前塞爾提克王牌皮爾斯(Paul Pierce)雖未否定,但仍不忘為自己辯護,認為兩人相較之下,依舊是自己的實力更加出色。
    2023/07/23 09:45
  • Tessa Thompson praises Michael B. Jordan’s directorial debut

    American actress Tessa Thompson shares what it is like working with actor Michael B. Jordan in his directorial debut movie "Creed III." in a recent online interview with TVBS.
    2023/03/07 10:50
  • Students deem removal of Chiang Kai-shek statues unnecessary

    The Ministry of the Interior aims to remove what they consider "symbols of authoritarianism" nationwide. It is offering a NT$100,000 subsidy for removing any Chiang Kai Shek or Chiang Ching-kuo statues. The Ministry of the Interior encourages schools, county, and city authorities to remove these statues.
    2022/12/12 19:00
  • 杰生"潮"英語! It is what it is. 反正就是這樣

    TVBS美國評論員包杰生每周一句「潮英語」!有一句話最近很流行,就是 It is what it is.
    2020/08/16 21:00
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