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    I 結果共10,000筆

  • Chinese Premier begins diplomatic tour in New Zealand

    Discover the details of Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s diplomatic tour to New Zealand, Australia, and Malaysia, aiming to strengthen ties and promote regional peace. Learn about the significance of his visits and the focus on economic and trade exchanges.
    2024/06/13 10:06
  • AI激勵!鴻海開盤飆195元創新高 15分鐘內成交4.7萬張

    2024/06/13 09:46
  • 摺疊iPhone傳2026年現身 分析師爆螢幕採這設計

    2024/06/13 09:08
  • 「ISIS家族」難民營如露天監獄 防「遺毒」迫骨肉分離

    2024/06/12 22:43
  • ISIS進美國!洛杉磯到紐約逮8人 直擊敘利亞拘留營

    2024/06/12 19:53
  • 林襄嘴巴腫起來了!飛韓做醫美打玻尿酸竟「1疏忽」:被自己幽默到

    2024/06/12 19:39
  • Labor shortage delays Taiwan’s MRT projects to 2027

    Taiwan’s public construction projects, including the MRT Wanda Line’s first phase, now delayed until 2027, are facing severe setbacks due to labor and material shortages.
    2024/06/12 17:52
  • KMT to launch parliamentary reform seminars in Tainan

    Discover how the Kuomintang plans to promote parliamentary reform in Taiwan, aiming for transparency and democratic reforms through seminars across the nation, starting in Tainan.
    2024/06/12 17:47
  • Heat injury cases double in Taiwan amid soaring temperatures

    As Taiwan faces soaring temperatures, the Health Promotion Administration warns of a significant rise in heat-related illnesses, urging preventive measures to protect public health.
    2024/06/12 17:42
  • 周杰倫、五月天大巨蛋開唱有望?議會協商結論這樣說

    2024/06/12 17:31
  • NBA/「無限單打」難破綠衫軍!雙槍陷苦戰 名宿曝獨行俠困境

    2023-24賽季的NBA總冠軍賽,由唐西奇(Luka Doncic)率領獨行俠向塞爾提克發起挑戰,然而不僅厄文(Kyrie Irving)表現不盡理想,匱乏的進攻火力也讓球隊陷於被動局面,帶著系列賽0-2的劣勢返回達拉斯主場;對此傳奇球星魔術強森(Magic Johnson)認為,雙槍在進攻上「無限單打」的單調戰術,是第一、第二戰中難以突破綠衫軍的主因。
    2024/06/12 17:13
  • Taiwan to distribute 3M free COVID-19 tests amid sixth wave

    Discover how Taiwan is combating the latest COVID-19 wave by distributing 3 million free home testing kits nationwide through clinics, aiming to enhance early detection and support public health.
    2024/06/12 17:04
  • Networking key for job seekers over 30: experts

    Discover why professionals aged 30 to 35 are in a golden career period and how leveraging networks over job banks can lead to significant salary boosts and career advancement.
    2024/06/12 16:28
  • MOTC head: Tainan railway project set for 2026 completion

    Minister Li Meng-yen announced the Tainan railway underground project will be completed by 2026, with significant progress on the Tainan Metro supported by President Lai.
    2024/06/12 15:44
  • Saline solution shipment to ease Taiwan’s medical shortage

    Discover how Taiwan is tackling its saline solution shortage with the arrival of 100,000 bottles on June 12 and steps taken by the FDA to ensure medical supply continuity.
    2024/06/12 15:32
  • China reiterates plans to reopen tourism with Taiwan

    The Taiwan Affairs Office reiterates China’s plans to reopen tourism with Taiwan, criticizing the DPP for maintaining a tour group ban, while efforts to resume cross-strait exchanges continue.
    2024/06/12 15:29
  • NBA/復出2場再傳噩耗!波爾辛吉斯「傷勢罕見」 主帥:很嚴重

    季後賽因比目魚肌傷勢高掛免戰牌、到NBA總冠軍賽才正式復出的長人波爾辛吉斯(Kristaps Porzingis),雖然對陣獨行俠的系列賽一、二戰皆為替補上陣,但高效的攻防表現仍將對手打的近無還手之力,也讓此前表現亮眼的菜鳥里夫利二世(Dereck Lively II)打的略顯辛苦,然而在移師達拉斯的第三戰開打前,波爾辛吉斯卻傳出「出現罕見傷勢」的消息。
    2024/06/12 15:19
  • China calls man’s Taiwan Strait crossing ’purely personal’

    Discover the story of a Chinese man’s daring journey across the Taiwan Strait in a speedboat, sparking a debate on national security and political tensions between Taiwan and China.
    2024/06/12 15:10
  • 徐佳瑩野心爆發!睽違6年再戰高雄巨蛋 嘉賓人選條件外流

    2024/06/12 15:02
  • Taiwan’s patrol vessel docks in Hawaii for fisheries mission

    Discover the details of Taiwan’s Coast Guard vessel "Hsinchu" docking in Honolulu Harbor for its first high seas fisheries patrol mission of 2024, emphasizing Taiwan’s maritime safety efforts.
    2024/06/12 14:58
  • Taiwan to boost drug, bullying prevention in schools

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Education is tackling the rise in student drug abuse and school bullying with new strategies and enhanced prevention measures. Read about their comprehensive approach for a safer educational environment.
    2024/06/12 14:57
  • Funeral Parlor in Taipei to become parking, green space

    Discover the future of Taipei’s urban landscape as Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces the demolition of the Taipei First Funeral Parlor, paving the way for new green spaces and potential development. Learn about the city’s plans and community hopes.
    2024/06/12 14:16
  • Taipei mayor calls for security review after boat breach

    Discover how Taipei’s mayor responds to a Chinese national’s bold maritime breach into the Tamsui River, calling for a security overhaul and accountability.
    2024/06/12 14:07
  • NSB chief warns of Chinese gray-zone tactics against Taiwan

    Discover how Taiwan’s National Security Bureau is addressing Chinese drones and vessels’ intrusions, highlighting gray-zone tactics and the importance of international intelligence collaboration.
    2024/06/12 13:30
  • Taiwan probes CCP’s role in Chinese man’s illegal entry

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s national security as officials investigate a Chinese man, formerly a PLA Navy captain, who illegally entered Taiwan, highlighting concerns over potential CCP manipulation. 3. NSB gathering intel on man’s China activities. 4. Arrest prompts review of maritime security.
    2024/06/12 12:43
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