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  • 最美檢座是「他」 陳漢章「女裝穿搭」暴紅

    2024/06/07 11:56
  • 台南網紅柯基犬傳噩耗!酒酒睡夢中離世 陪伴15年粉絲不捨

    2024/06/07 11:15
  • "Miss Saigon" tour begins in Taiwan, captivating audiences

    Hsi-kung Hsiao-chieh captivates Taiwan audiences. Musical explores love and war’s harsh realities. Iconic scenes include helicopter and Cadillac. Tour spans Taichung, Tainan, and Taipei till July 7.
    2024/06/07 10:46
  • Taipower urged to end reliance on government subsidies

    Discover how Taiwan’s new Economic Affairs Minister, J.W. Kuo, advocates for Taiwan Power Company’s financial independence, challenging the current reliance on government subsidies amid significant losses.
    2024/06/07 10:26
  • Heavy rainfall expected in central, southern Taiwan today

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including brief showers, thunderstorms, and potential heavy rainfall in central and southern regions. Stay informed on air quality and temperature insights for safe travel and comfort.
    2024/06/07 10:13
  • 載人首航!波音「星際飛機」氦氣外洩 仍成功與國際太空站對接

    2024/06/07 08:54
  • 美政府調查「AI大咖壟斷」 華爾街日報爆輝達疑涉反競爭

    美國媒體近期報導,聯邦貿易委員會與司法部近期將就調查人工智慧(AI)大廠是否涉及壟斷達成協議。華爾街日報今天獨家報導,委員會已在瞭解,微軟併購AI新創公司Inflection AI是否規避監管。司法部則將調查,輝達的晶片供應協議是否涉及反競爭行為。
    2024/06/07 07:47
  • 意外爆紅!台灣「貴賓狗冰棒」 天后凱蒂佩芮IG分享

    2024/06/06 19:35
  • 網紅曬孩變現.道德爭議多 歐美數國立法以對

    網紅父母大方分享孩子的照片影片生活點滴,賺流量也賺收入,但法國紀錄片「把童年變現,曬小孩的風險」(Turning Childhood into Content: The Dangers of Sharenting),橫跨歐美採訪到童年已被攤在眾人眼皮底下的網紅兒女,吐露無奈與受傷的遭遇。公視主題之夜也邀請身為父母的網路創作者們,分享他們「曬小孩」時的原則、底線,以及與孩子的溝通。
    2024/06/06 19:34
  • Taipei police department welcomes new commissioner

    Discover the latest leadership change at the Taipei City Police Department with Commissioner Li Hsi-ho taking charge. Mayor Chiang Wan-an emphasizes traffic safety and crime prevention for 2024. Learn more about their plans for a safer Taipei.
    2024/06/06 17:58
  • NVIDIA AI supercomputer to be in Kaohsiung, R&D near Taipei

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang announced plans to build an AI supercomputer in Kaohsiung with an R&D site near Taipei, highlighting the strong partnership with Quanta and their collective efforts on Blackwell.
    2024/06/06 17:41
  • NVIDIA leads AI discussions at COMPUTEX Taipei

    Explore how NVIDIA’s AI technology is revolutionizing healthcare and other industries at COMPUTEX Taipei. Learn about the future of medical care with AI.
    2024/06/06 17:34
  • New Taipei mayor sees highest dissatisfaction rate: Survey

    Discover the latest shifts in public approval for Taiwan’s city leaders, as revealed by a Global Views Monthly survey. New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih sees the highest dissatisfaction, while Taipei’s Chiang Wan-an enjoys a surge in approval. Explore the dynamic political landscape and how it reflects on local governance.
    2024/06/06 17:17
  • Qualcomm CEO unveils AI-driven future at COMPUTEX 2024

    Discover how Qualcomm’s CEO Cristiano Amon is steering the future of AI in PCs at COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei, emphasizing generative AI and the critical role of Taiwanese suppliers.
    2024/06/06 17:09
  • Belgian startups join forces with Taiwan in tech forum

    Discover the highlights of the Taiwan-Belgium Joint Business Council Meeting, where Wallonia’s delegation aims to strengthen innovation ties with Taiwan. Learn about the collaborative efforts in technology and sustainable development.
    2024/06/06 17:07
  • 「台灣蝶王」王冠閎爆未完成禁藥檢測 急發聲明澄清

    2024/06/06 16:51
  • 印尼伊布火山1天爆發3次!紫閃電、火紅熔岩照亮夜空

    位於印尼北馬魯古省(North Maluku)東部的「伊布火山(Mount Ibu volcano)」當地時間6日竟在一天內「連續爆發3次」。紫色的閃電伴隨著火紅熔岩和厚重的火山灰直衝雲霄,照亮了整片夜空,畫面相當壯觀。然而,這次噴發對當地居民和遊客構成了潛在威脅,促使印尼當局將火山警戒級別維持在最高級別,並禁止民眾在火山口周邊7公里範圍活動。
    2024/06/06 16:40
  • DPP accuses KMT of undermining Taiwan’s democracy

    Explore the escalating tensions in Taiwan as the DPP accuses the KMT of undermining the Control Yuan’s independence, threatening democracy and sparking a legislative showdown.
    2024/06/06 16:33
  • AmCham Taiwan calls for stable electricity pricing

    Discover the American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan’s 2024 White Paper urging for stable and transparent electricity pricing to support business growth. Learn about the government’s stance on subsidies and the impact on Taiwan’s energy sector.
    2024/06/06 16:17
  • Taichung mayor tops Taiwan city governance survey

    Discover the top-performing mayors in Taiwan’s major cities according to the 2024 Global Views City Governance Satisfaction Survey. Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen leads with a 72.9% satisfaction rating.
    2024/06/06 16:15
  • Taiwan confirms ongoing NVIDIA projects, no new plans

    Ch’en Shih-k’ai: No new NVIDIA plans, ongoing work continues. NVIDIA CEO: Plans to increase Taiwan investment revealed. Ch’en: Backs foreign investment, respects business freedom. Ongoing NVIDIA partnership highlights Taiwan’s tech importance.
    2024/06/06 16:10
  • Butterfly Valley Resort halts operations after Hualien quake

    Discover how Hualien’s tourism sector, including Butterfly Valley Resort, is navigating recovery after a significant earthquake, with insights on the challenges and government efforts.
    2024/06/06 16:07
  • Taiwan’s environment minister highlights net-zero challenges

    Explore how Taiwan’s Minister of Environment, Peng Chi-ming, addresses the challenges of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and the role of nuclear energy and conservation in this effort.
    2024/06/06 16:02
  • Premier Cho criticizes Taiwan’s exclusion from WHA

    Discover how Taiwan garnered support from 11 allied nations and the EU for its observer status at the World Health Assembly, highlighting global backing for its participation amid exclusion concerns.
    2024/06/06 15:56
  • 曾是《不可能的任務》取景地 挪威懸崖驚傳「男遊客跌落慘死」

    挪威著名觀光景點「聖壇岩」(Preikestolen)除了壯觀的天然懸崖外,更是著名動作電影《不可能的任務》(Mission Impossible)的取景地,然而近日卻傳出有男性遊客在聖壇岩發生意外,當事人從1981英尺(約604公尺)高的懸崖墜落後慘死當場。
    2024/06/06 15:54
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