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    HIT 結果共201筆

  • 等8年才發片!林宥嘉「陷入掏空期」 認了:陷入懼怕中 

    林宥嘉擔任Hit Fm聯播網4月hito大台柱,睽違八年發行第六張專輯〈王〉,昨(26)日來到Hit Fm聯播網「耐玩DJ」Bryan節目宣傳新專輯並祝賀Hit Fm聯播網台慶,送上26歲特製生日蛋糕,林宥嘉提到,他還是19歲少男時就來Hit Fm宣傳,而當時的電台工作人員(小姐姐)也都還是少女,不過小姐姐到現在沒有改變太多,大家都看著他長大的,所以很開心有這樣的機會幫電台慶生很開心、很溫暖。
    2024/03/27 14:29
  • Ferrari’s sales soar in Taiwan amid chip boom

    Ferrari’s sales in Taiwan have surged in recent years, driven by the chip boom and global supply chain shifts. The luxury carmaker’s profits hit a record high, with Taiwan outpacing mainland China and Hong Kong in supercar sales growth. Despite Europe and the US being primary markets, Taiwan saw a significant rise in Ferrari sales, capturing 40% of the local two-door supercar market.
    2024/03/25 15:10
  • Chilly winds hit northern Taiwan as temperatures drop

    Stay updated on the weather forecast for Northern Taiwan as temperatures are set to drop due to an approaching front. Learn from Daniel Wu, an expert in Atmospheric Sciences, about the cold air mass expected to arrive mid-week and the improving weather conditions thereafter. Experience a mix of cloudy and clear skies, along with occasional rain showers, as the region transitions from chilly weather to gradually warming temperatures over the weekend.
    2024/03/18 10:45
  • Taiwan’s convenience stores hit 14-year revenue high

    Discover how convenience stores in Taiwan achieved record-breaking revenue of NT$412.6 billion in 2023, with individual stores surpassing NT$30 million in sales. Explore the growth strategies, consumer trends, and co-branding initiatives that have propelled this sector to new heights.
    2024/03/15 15:40
  • 陳勢安出事了!爆身體出狀況緊急取消所有通告 現況曝光

    陳勢安3月12日推出第八張個人專輯《走心的歌》,將再次以情歌溫暖大眾的心,只是原本滿滿的宣傳活動,昨天才去擔任Hit Fm聯播網3月hito大台柱活動,沒想到,今(13)日唱片公司卻證實他首次確診,緊急取消所有通告,包含本週的簽唱會。
    2024/03/13 17:15
  • 好怪!陳勢安練粗肌尺度無極限 可露屁股「這部位」竟不行

    陳勢安今(12)日擔任Hit Fm聯播網3月hito大台柱,日前他發行新專輯《走心的歌》,近來健身有成的他,肌肉練得十分精壯,被問到最自豪部位,他也不藏了坦言:「練得比較好的是我的背,但蠻多人問我手臂怎麼練,但其實我從不練手臂。」
    2024/03/12 16:52
  • 林柏宏合體金鐘影后助陣 陳勢安因「一句話」走心了

    陳勢安3月12日即將推出第八張個人專輯《走心的歌》,同名抒情主打在今(8)日於Hit Fm進行全台首播,MV邀請到林柏宏與蔡淑臻搭擋演出,兩大演技派巨星為陳勢安的新歌MV合體「走心」拍攝,讓陳勢安驚呼:「不可思議!」他開心表示,「當初聽到這首歌時,覺得很適合劇情版MV,沒想到可以邀請到我心中最夢幻的演員,真的有種圓夢的感覺!」
    2024/03/08 16:50
  • TSMC stocks hit record high, market value surpasses NT$20T

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) stock price hits record high, pushing market value beyond NT$20 trillion. TSMC’s surge driven by factors like NVIDIA shares increase and Fed Chair Powell’s optimistic outlook. Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) also reaches record high of 20,065.5 points.
    2024/03/08 10:18
  • 出事了!丁噹卵巢長息肉「竟是子宮頸癌前兆」 最新病況曝光

    歌手丁噹擔任Hit Fm聯播網3月hito大台柱,今(5)日現身活動,宣傳新輯《日與夜,跟自己說晚安》,以及本週六起一連2天在高雄流行音樂中心舉辦的「夜遊」演唱會。不過她鬆口去年做全身健康檢查時,意外發現自己差點罹患子宮頸癌。
    2024/03/05 14:40
  • Fire EX. announces first northern Taiwan concert in 8 years

    Fire EX. announces "One Life, One Shot" concert at Taipei Music Center on June 15, marking their first major northern Taiwan performance in eight years. The band, known for their punk music, gained fame with their hit "Island’s Sunrise" during the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Join them for a unique musical experience showcasing life as "a film shot in one take." Don’t miss their upcoming North American tour and participation in South by Southwest festival.
    2024/02/27 13:44
  • Hikaru Utada announces first-ever concert in Taiwan

    Japanese American pop star Hikaru Utada announces plans to perform in Taiwan for the first time, sparking excitement among fans. Celebrating their 25th year in the music industry, Utada is set to bring their hit songs to Taipei and Hong Kong as part of the "Science Fiction Tour."
    2024/02/26 16:40
  • Tainan farm hit by H5N1 outbreak, over 10K chickens culled

    An outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza in a farm in Tainan’s Jiali District led to the termination of over 10,000 chickens. The Animal Health Inspection and Protection Office in Tainan City swiftly responded to contain the spread, culminating in incineration, rendering, and thorough disinfection measures. Efforts are ongoing to monitor connected poultry farms and enhance preventive hygiene practices to prevent further transmission.
    2024/02/21 17:48
  • Northern and eastern Taiwan to hit 30°C: CWA

    Stay informed about the latest weather updates in Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration predicts soaring temperatures in the north and east regions. Be prepared for scattered showers in eastern Taiwan and the Hengchun Peninsula, with significant day-and-night temperature variations. Stay ahead of the weather changes with overcast conditions and occasional showers expected in the north and east.
    2024/02/21 10:08
  • LiSA sets stage for electrifying Taiwan concert in June

    Japanese singer LiSA is set to hold a concert in Taiwan on June 1, marking her return after six years. Known for her hit theme songs for "Demon Slayer", LiSA will perform at the National Taiwan Sport University Sports Center. Tickets go on sale on Feb. 24. LiSA expressed excitement for the event, promising a new setlist for her Taiwanese fans, including popular tracks "Gurenge" and "Homura". She also mentioned her love for Taiwan’s pearl milk tea.
    2024/02/19 16:11
  • Taiwan’s exports hit top-three record despite 2023 dip

    Taiwan’s export performance reached a historic high from 2021 to 2023, but experienced a 9.8% decline in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to the Ministry of Finance. Despite this setback, exports to the U.S. continued to soar with a 49.7% year-on-year increase, while exports to countries covered by Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy also saw significant growth. However, exports to mainland China decreased to 35.2%. Taiwan’s total export tally for 2023 amounted to US$432.48 billion, ranking behind only 2022 and 2021. The demand for communications and electronic products during the pandemic-induced work-from-home trend boosted Taiwan’s exports. The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research predicted significant international trade growth in 2024, which would benefit export-oriented economies like Taiwan. In December 2023, Taiwan’s exports to the U.S. reached $8.49 billion, and exports to southern countries surged by over 50%. However, due to the limited coverage of free trade agreements (FTAs), many traditional Taiwanese industries chose to restructure risks and production in Southeast and South Asia. The return of Taiwanese businesses and the expansion of local factories after the U.S.-China trade war, as well as global economic circumstances, significantly impacted the decline in 2023 exports. The Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) estimated the first-quarter export volume for 2024 to be around US$106.1 billion, which is an improvement compared to the same period in 2023, but a 10% decrease from 2022.
    2024/02/15 10:49
  • 初五該收心怎麼辦?男星供「1神招」解決:不要有壓力

    Hit Fm龍年初五特別節目由GX鼓鼓 呂思緯、蕭秉治以及TRASH的林頤原跟葵剛一同主持。總結2023年,TRASH團長林頤原Euan首先單飛出擊發行首張個人創作EP《32》,TRASH鼓手魁剛也發行首張個人全創作迷你專輯《地獄的家》,蕭秉治好奇,從樂手變成創作歌手有什麼心路歷程嗎?頤原說,很新鮮,隨著時間成長,心境也有所不同,對於歌曲想要傳達的切入點跟角度,有了更透徹的觀點與詮釋方式,也可以從創作中更理解現在的自己內心想法。
    2024/02/14 17:42
  • 陽帆愛女爆騎車與來車對撞!整個人飛上天慘摔 留巨大陰影

    Hit Fm龍年初四特別節目由陽帆愛女安吉、PINK FUN朵莉主持,安吉分享自己今年過年要做一件偉大的事情,她到去年為止都不會騎腳踏車,因為童年有一個悲慘的記憶,當時她在學騎車,騎到一半但不懂怎麼剎車,就跟對面的小朋友對撞,她依稀記得自己有一秒瞬間飛上天,之後就再也不碰腳踏車了。直到去年過年台北車流沒那麼多,她心血來潮去騎youbike,沒想到身體還記得,就馬上會騎了,所以今年過年她打算趁人少的時候去河堤騎腳踏車,她認為這是一個很勵志的故事,面對小時候的陰影戰勝恐懼。朵莉聽完笑說:「其實我也不會騎腳踏車!」安吉聽到馬上自信爆棚,要邀約朵莉在過年教她騎腳踏車。
    2024/02/13 13:05
  • AcQUA源少年宣布好消息 秉諭打包「2000元刮刮樂」下場曝

    Hit Fm龍年初三特別節目由人氣男團AcQUA源少年主持,成員黃莑茗、盧佾暘、李秉諭、林毓家、須弘道一同向聽眾拜年。源少年表示,這次過年大家終於可以好好休息,難得休長一點的假期,非常珍惜跟家人團圓的美好時光。同時也在節目上宣布將要開演唱會的好消息。
    2024/02/12 21:11
  • 過招難搞親戚!陳佩賢、Jocelyn合體開嗆 他嚇到喊「會閉嘴」

    Hit Fm聯播網賀歲迎新春,小年夜起到大年初五每天下午1點,播出龍年新春特別節目,今(10)日大年初一由「CHILL DJ」李拾壹跟「新生代創作女聲」陳佩賢(Jesslyn),以及自選秀節目《聲林之王3》發跡的Jocelyn 9.4.0一同主持,李拾壹更替2人特訓如何在年節期間和親戚過招。
    2024/02/10 13:01
  • 嫁出去了!男團除夕夜訴「新婚」真實心聲 親揭年後重大計畫

    Hit Fm聯播網迎新春,除夕特別節目由人氣男團U:NUS主持,成員高胥崴、高有翔、吳昱廷、蔡承祐向聽眾恭賀新年。過完年後,他們2月24日將在台北兒童新樂園舉辦「WELCOME TO THE A-TOWN」成軍週年演唱會,另外推出新專輯《迷途》的他們,感性說發片記者會像是婚禮,專輯是他們的結婚證書,開心直喊「嫁對人了」、「嫁出去了」。
    2024/02/09 12:54
  • 婁峻碩親曝「嘻哈饒舌啟蒙」 熬夜看影片到天亮直接上學

    由小春Kenzy、婁峻碩SHOU主持的「Hit Fm龍年小年夜特別節目」,一同向聽眾恭賀新年。小春表示,大家應該對於他們兩人的組合感到很陌生,婁峻碩也說他們這樣好好坐下來聊天應該隔了半年,上次是他們拍戲的時候,在海邊促膝長談聊音樂。這次電台安排他們主持過年特別節目,兩人也都推出個人新作品,正好兩人新專輯的主打歌,就是當初他們在海邊分享給彼此聽的Demo,認為非常有趣且有緣。
    2024/02/08 12:40
  • Hit Fm年度十大專輯出爐!  楊乃文、草東上榜「大黑馬是他」

    Hit Fm年度十大專輯出爐!由Hit Fm聯播網專業DJ群共同嚴選,從2023年整年度發行的華語專輯中,票選出10張最值得推薦的音樂作品,分別是9m88《Sent》、K6劉家凱《太棒了!我一無是處的人生》、LINION《HIDEOUT》、MC HotDog熱狗《髒藝術家》、告五人《帶你飛》、孫盛希《BOOMERANG》、草東沒有派對《瓦合》、楊乃文《Flow》、麋先生《都是浪漫害的》以及壞特 ?te《Way out》。
    2024/02/02 15:53
  • Taichung Bank hit with NT$12M fine for regulatory breaches

    Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) has fined Taichung Bank NT$12 million for ineffective internal control systems and violations of banking regulations. The bank’s chairman, Wang Kuei-fong, allegedly diverted NT$1 billion in public funds, resulting in his arrest and bail set at NT$15 million. The FSC discovered that Taichung Bank’s insurance subsidiaries had close ties to specific credit customers and their related companies, leading to questionable trading decisions and unsatisfactory internal controls. Wang will be suspended for three months and may face additional fines. The issue was uncovered during a financial inspection in February 2023. Taichung Bank had been leasing aircraft since 2020 to expand overseas business, but neglected their utilization for 13 months, leading to inappropriate decision-making. The bank also leased high-priced official cars for VIP pickups at a monthly rate of NT$820,000, but the vehicles were only used twice during the lease period, raising concerns about cost-effectiveness.
    2024/02/01 18:04
  • 打敗蔡依林!林俊傑奪年度單曲冠軍 突爆下一步:調整身心

    「2023 Hit Fm年度百首單曲」今(26)日正式出爐,從1月1日起至14日止,歷經為期2週、近700萬總投票數,從340首歌曲裡選出前100名,其中冠軍單曲為金曲歌王林俊傑(JJ)的〈孤獨娛樂〉,打敗蔡依林、周杰倫及YOASOBI等人,這是他第4度奪下年度百首單曲冠軍,輝煌紀錄令人稱羨。第2名則是大陸歌手張哲瀚〈途〉,第3名為JJ和 Anderson .Paak合作的〈In The Joy〉。
    2024/01/26 11:45
  • Taiwan’s flower market hit by cold weather

    Taipei’s flower market is experiencing a nearly 30% reduction in certain flowers due to the recent colder weather and damp conditions. The Chairman of Taipei Flowers Auction, Li Ming-tsung, predicts that flower prices will rise by an average of 5% this year, citing inflation as the main cause. For example, the cost of a bouquet of lilies, typically priced at NT$250, could increase to between NT$600 and NT$700 during the Lunar New Year, with prices peaking at up to NT$1,000. In preparation for the Lunar New Year, the Taipei Flower Market will extend its opening hours to 3 p.m. and remain open for a total of 108 hours, expecting to supply around 904,000 bouquets.
    2024/01/25 16:06
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