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    France 結果共37筆

  • ProLogium: Dunkirk gigafactory to create 3,000 jobs by 2030

    ProLogium and Schneider Electric have signed a partnership to build a smart gigafactory in Dunkirk, France, aiming to enhance Europe’s battery production and support sustainable industrial growth.
  • Experience France in Taiwan: Kaohsiung French Festival 2024

    Experience the charm of France in Kaohsiung! From June 7-9, the Kaohsiung French Festival at The Pier-2 Art Center celebrates cultural ties with a French-themed market, performances, lectures, and outdoor movies. Join Mayor Chen Chi-mai and Franck Paris in deepening Taiwan-France connections.
    2024/05/13 18:01
  • Xi Jinping to visit Europe, first trip since COVID outbreak

    Explore Chinese President Xi Jinping’s first visit to Europe since the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to enhance China-Europe relations and address trade disputes from May 5-11.
    2024/04/30 16:14
  • 撞成一團!自行車賽爆嚴重車禍 2屆環法冠軍「肺坍塌」

    2024自行車賽季正如火如荼的進行當中,搶在知名的「環法自行車賽」(Tour de France)前登場的便是「環巴斯克地區自行車賽」(Tour of the Basque Country),沒想到賽事第4站卻驚傳可怕意外,多名參賽者行經下坡時發生車禍,其中丹麥車手、正尋求環法3連霸的文格加德(Jonas Vingegaard)更遭受重創、出現「肺塌陷」的傷勢。
    2024/04/06 16:04
  • Taiwan, France hold talks to elevate economic ties

    The inaugural Taiwan-France High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue, led by Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, discussed cooperation in semiconductors, AI, and electric vehicles. French officials agreed to integrate industrial and economic cooperation meetings, with a focus on supply chain opportunities in renewable energy and the space industry. Bilateral trade between Taiwan and France reached a record high of $60.9 billion last year, with significant investments from both sides.
    2024/03/27 14:34
  • Exploring Taiwan’s democratic challenges at FICA

    Taiwan takes center stage at the 30th Festival International des Cinémas d’Asie (FICA) in Paris as the theme country, showcasing a range of films from the martial law era to the works of new directors. Filmmaker Jean-Robert Thomann, who holds dual citizenship from France and Taiwan, presents his latest documentary, "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy," in FICA’s documentary competition. The film, shot between 2021 and 2023, delves into the challenges faced by Taiwan’s democratic process, examining major referendums and the Taichung legislator election. Thomann believes Taiwan’s global recognition extends beyond seeking a seat in the United Nations, emphasizing the importance of parliamentary links, cultural and economic exchanges, and soft power rooted in creativity. He hopes his documentary will deepen French audiences’ understanding of Taiwan and inspire further exploration of the country. Thomann highlights that threats to Taiwan are not only external but also internal, with social media manipulation and fake news posing challenges to democracies worldwide. Despite these challenges, Thomann regards Taiwan as a remarkable example of democracy, particularly in Asia, and remains optimistic about the island’s democratic system. "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy" premiered at FICA and is set to be screened in France, Taiwan, and Sweden.
    2024/02/07 14:32
  • ProLogium unveils world’s first giga-level battery plant

    ProLogium Technology unveils Taiwan’s first giga-level solid-state battery factory, with plans to become a global leader in EV battery production. Updates on the Dunkirk gigafactory and economic opportunities between France and Taiwan.
    2024/01/23 19:29
  • Taiwan’s MOEA to aid Taipower’s budget crisis

    The Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, plans to help Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) seek budgetary support from the Executive Yuan to alleviate its financial distress. Taipower reached out to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) for assistance, citing escalating international fuel prices caused by the Russia-Ukraine war. Other global power companies, such as Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), and Électricité de France (EDF), have already experienced significant price hikes. Taipower’s rates are relatively low compared to the cost of power generation, resulting in policy-driven losses. As of 2023, Taipower has accumulated losses of NT$382.6 billion due to absorbing price increases to protect Taiwan from global inflation. The MOEA disclosed that Taipower and the CPC Corporation have discrepancies in predicting natural gas prices, leading Taipower to observe international coal prices for cost estimates in 2024. While mitigating Taipower’s financial woes in the short term poses challenges, Wang aims to prevent further losses. The MOEA will assist Taipower in lobbying the government for budget support once financial situation estimates are finalized. The decision to adjust electricity prices will be made by the Electricity Price Review Committee.
    2024/01/23 13:09
  • China rebukes French media for ’misleading report’

    The Chinese Embassy in France, FMPRC, criticized a Le Figaro report for its alleged falsehoods and bias against China’s actions in the South China Sea. The report, authored by Nicolas Barotte, highlighted China’s increasing aggression in the region. The FMPRC disputed the report’s claims, particularly regarding the territorial scope of the Philippines and the status of Taiwan. The FMPRC objected to Le Figaro’s portrayal of Taiwan as a separate entity from China. The embassy emphasized that Taiwan is an integral part of China and called for the media to respect China’s sovereignty and journalistic ethics.
    2023/12/19 15:31
  • Taiwan’s global issues highlighted at French forum

    This story discusses a recent event in France where journalist Arnaud Vaulerin, Taiwan envoy François Wu Chih-chung, and former French Minister François deRugy discussed Taiwan’s role in the world and President Tsai Ing-wen’s time in office. Vaulerin, author of the book "Taïwan, la Présidente et la guerre," highlighted that Taiwan’s issues are global and not just confined to the island. De Rugy praised Taiwan’s vibrant democracy and its ability to overcome challenges, while Wu emphasized Taiwan’s importance as a countermodel to China’s authoritarianism. The speakers also called for better understanding and attention to Taiwan’s situation in international media and politics.
    2023/12/03 13:47
  • Taipei Dialogue to address Indo-Pacific intimidation

    The Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR) will host the "2023 Taipei Security Dialogue" on November 8th. Former U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, and former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor, Matthew Pottinger, will discuss the collective intimidation faced by Indo-Pacific nations. The event will feature virtual speeches focusing on measuring risks and situations in the Taiwan Strait. Scholars and experts from 10 countries, including the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Czech Republic, and Japan, have been invited to address China’s challenges to global order and democracy. The dialogue will cover six themes, such as the Russo-Ukrainian War’s lessons and strategies for deterring China, implications for cross-strait relations, Chinese military and technological development, China’s global expansion, and a strategic environmental assessment of China. President Tsai Ing-wen is also scheduled to deliver a speech at the event.
    2023/11/07 17:56
  • Ice cream industry hits production value of NT$2.8B in 2022

    Taiwan’s ice cream industry has reached a record-high production value of NT$2.8 billion in 2022, with an average year-on-year growth of 8.3% over the past five years, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). This growth is attributed to Westernized eating habits, health-conscious consumption, and the introduction of new flavors that cater to Taiwan’s hot climate. The rise of the ice cream sector has also contributed to the steady growth of Taiwanese dairy consumption, which reached a peak production value of over NT$40 billion in both 2021 and 2022. Despite this growth, Taiwan primarily relies on dairy imports, with an annual increase of 11.1%. New Zealand is the main import source, followed by the U.S., France, and Australia, accounting for 12.6%, 8.7%, and 7% respectively. These imports mainly consist of cheese, dry cheese, and dairy-based spreads.
    2023/11/07 13:11
  • 失速墜機「機師沒發現」!法航曾失事228人罹難 時速200Km砸毀

    2023/09/20 14:58
  • 誇張!環法自由車賽觀眾搶自拍  害選手撞翻摔成一團

    第110屆環法自由車賽(Tour de France)於7月1日至7月23日盛大舉行,16日比賽來到第15賽段,竟發生集體摔車意外;在接近終點線129公里處,一名粉絲伸手自拍,結果卻太靠近賽道,撞到其中一名選手,他摔車後導致其他球員「連環撞」,所幸沒有選手嚴重受傷。
    2023/07/17 16:59
  • 搭飛機座位狂飄屎臭味!追問真相竟是「血+便」 他一看秒崩潰

    不少人都有搭飛機的經驗,不過若是遇上一些不開心的經歷,將會影響整趟旅程的心情。日前,就有一名搭乘法國航空(Air France)的乘客分享噁心經歷,他與妻子一同搭乘法航從巴黎飛往多倫多,起飛不久後,便聞到一股惡臭味從座位前方地板傳來,追問之後才知道是前一天機上乘客因拉肚子而留下的污穢物未徹底清消,整躺飛行時間讓他相當崩潰。
    2023/07/07 13:10
  • 噁爆!男搭機頻聞到「腥味」 低頭一看嚇歪:「地毯沾滿血」

    國外一名男子日前發文分享一段糟糕的乘機經驗,他表示日前搭乘法國航空(Air France)時,發現機艙地毯上有一大塊「濕污漬」,在飛行過程中也不斷聞到「詭異腥味」,向空服員反應後,對方漫不經心的給他幾條濕紙巾處理,他擦拭後才驚覺那是血液,還浸濕了他的個人物品,令他相當傻眼。
    2023/07/04 14:08
  • 被電動毒害才上街抗爭?馬克宏要法國爸媽「看緊」青少年

    法國近日為了19歲青年納赫爾(Nahel),在警察攔查後被射殺身亡一事,全國各地都爆發激烈街頭抗爭,迫使政府出動4.5萬名警力維持秩序。但總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)種種行為與發言,卻不斷讓外界替他捏把冷汗。綜合外媒報導,馬克宏在某次公開發言中指出,認為電玩遊戲和社群網路「毒害」了現代年輕一代,才會讓本次抗爭中有這麼多青少年上街,甚至做出縱火、砸毀商店的失序行為,他更呼籲各地父母,應該看緊自家青少年、別讓他們跑上街加入抗爭行列。
    2023/07/01 15:32
  • 曾批年輕人豪飲文化 馬克宏17秒「踩罐」畫面曝光挨轟

    法國總統馬克宏(Emmanuel Macron)在週末期間現身巴黎「法蘭西體育場」(Stade de France)觀看橄欖球(Rugby)比賽,結果賽後被拍到在休息室和球隊慶祝勝利時在旁人的鼓吹之下,一口氣乾掉一罐355ml的啤酒。雖然當下氣氛超嗨,但影片曝光後卻引來輿論砲轟,批評他的行為是壞榜樣,還打臉自己多年前公開批評年輕人「豪飲文化」的說法。
    2023/06/20 15:48
  • ProLogium unveils plans for first gigafactory in France

    Taiwan’s leading electric vehicle battery maker ProLogium has announced plans to build the first overseas gigafactory in Dunkirk, northern France. The founder and CEO of ProLogium, Vincent Yang, stressed the intention to keep its roots in Taiwan has not changed but expressed hopes to continue expansion across Asia on Friday (June 9).
    2023/06/09 18:45
  • 法網/球場噓聲讓人好困擾 多名選手直接要粉絲「閉嘴」

    法網公開賽(French Open)正在熱烈開打中,除了場內男女選手精彩表現,羅蘭加洛斯球場內愈發離譜的噓聲,更是一場比一場大聲,甚至讓不少選手非常困擾,像是俄羅斯好手梅德韋傑夫(Daniil Medvedev),就曾不滿場邊噓聲音量過大,直接比出手勢要現場球迷保持安靜;另一名俄羅斯女將卡薩金娜(Daria Kasatkina)則因為賽後,選擇不和烏克蘭對手握手改比讚,也被全場球迷噓爆讓她非常無奈且憤怒。
    2023/06/06 12:44
  • Taiwan firefighters prepare for int’l rope rescue challenge

    The Kaohsiung Rope Rescue Team (KRRT) in Taiwan is gearing up for the GrimpDay — an international technical rope rescue competition scheduled in May in France. 
    2023/03/30 20:12
  • 浪漫之都成垃圾之都!清潔隊也加入大罷工 巴黎街頭超髒

    法國總統馬克洪(Emmanuel Macron’)不顧輿論反彈,強推將退休年齡提高的改革措施,點燃多產業勞工與工會怒火,各地先後發起罷工與示威抗爭。《法蘭西24》(France 24)報導,隨著巴黎近郊3座焚化盧與清潔隊加入罷工,讓首都市區街頭清潔無人處理,四處都能見到堆積如山的垃圾,公共衛生令人憂慮,地方官員呼籲市政府盡快處置,否則將引發更嚴重的鼠患或傳染疾病。
    2023/03/15 15:27
  • Foreign Ministry welcomes joint statement by UK and France

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) welcomed on Monday (March 13) a joint declaration made three days earlier by the leaders of France and the United Kingdom on the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/03/13 17:13
  • 銀行帳戶被歐盟制裁遭凍結 俄媒RT法國網掰了

    俄國國營媒體「今日俄羅斯」(RT)的法國分部RT法國網(RT France)負責人昨(21)日表示,由於該機構的銀行帳戶遭到凍結,因此將被迫停業。
    2023/01/22 09:12
  • 梅西16年來首度落選金球獎 《法國足球》總監:這是歷史大事

    金球獎(Ballon d’Or)被公認是足壇最高榮譽,主辦單位《法國足球》(France Football)近日公布2022年30人候選名單,沒想到去年拿下此獎項的阿根廷球星梅西(Lionel Messi)卻不在名單中,這也是他16年來首度未獲選;對此,《法國足球》總監費雷(Pascal Ferre)表示「這是歷史性的大事件」。
    2022/10/15 19:40
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