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    Fever 結果共33筆

  • CDC alerts on rising enterovirus and dengue cases in Taiwan

    Taiwan faces an enterovirus epidemic with a significant increase in cases, as well as a rise in dengue fever cases, both domestic and imported, primarily from Southeast Asian countries. The CDC emphasizes the importance of good hygiene and medical attention for symptoms, especially ahead of Mother’s Day.
    2024/05/07 15:57
  • AKIRA當保鑣護航「泰國最夯日團」 PSYCHIC FEVER現學半糖少冰

    放浪一族男團「PSYCHIC FEVER」今(26)天首度來台,受訪時師兄AKIRA特別以「保鑣」身分到場,還大讚他們是「在泰國發展最好的日本男團」!也分享去到泰國之後,覺得光是聽到當地人講泰文就覺得相當文化衝擊。他們相當入境隨俗,來台先學「半糖少冰」準備自己點珍奶。
    2024/04/26 18:30
  • Expert warns of hMPV outbreak amid rising fever cases

    Dr. Li Shang-chien from Landseed International Hospital alerts of a potential human metapneumovirus outbreak, highlighting its global prevalence and transmission methods. He details the virus’s symptoms, which vary by age, and stresses the importance of hygiene to prevent infection.
    2024/04/18 18:01
  • 「女柯瑞」克拉克掀起旋風!傳與Nike簽「8位數合約」

    美國愛荷華大學的女籃明星球員凱特琳·克拉克(Caitlin Clark),在挾帶龐大高人氣之姿,正式成為今年WNBA女狀元,加盟印第安納狂熱(Indiana Fever)後,如今又傳出新的好消息。看準她能帶動話題和銷量,運動大廠Nike傳出有意砸下「8位數」、與克拉克簽下千萬等級的聯名合約,推出她專屬的運動球鞋,目前愛迪達(Adidas)與Under Armour兩大品牌也同時積極爭取中。
    2024/04/18 12:05
  • 創NCAA超狂紀錄 「女柯瑞」克拉克成WNBA新科狀元

    愛荷華大學的女籃明星球員凱特琳·克拉克(Caitlin Clark)不只打破NCAA聯賽得分紀錄,16日還正式獲得WNBA球隊青睞,被印第安納狂熱(Indiana Fever)以第一指名選入,成為聯賽的新科女狀元。隨著克拉克的出現,不只讓人讚嘆她的球技與能力,也成功使更多人關注NCAA的女籃賽事,甚至一舉打破近5年來的轉播收視紀錄。
    2024/04/16 10:10
  • Tainan City imposes fines to combat Dengue Fever threat

    The Tainan City Government’s Public Health Bureau will impose penalties for properties with dengue fever-carrying mosquito larvae vessels starting April 1. The bureau emphasizes prevention efforts and urges residents to clean stagnant water containers to avoid mosquito breeding grounds.
    2024/03/01 11:21
  • Measles case detected in Taipei: public health alert issued

    The Department of Health in Taipei City confirmed the first imported case of measles, urging those who may have had direct contact at Taipei Main Station to monitor their health for symptoms such as rash, fever, and cough.
    2024/02/27 18:58
  • Tainan City confronts first dengue fever case of the year

    Tainan City reports its first imported case of dengue fever from Indonesia, prompting preventative measures by the Tainan City Public Health Bureau. Learn about the symptoms and prevention of this mosquito-borne disease.
    2024/02/20 17:53
  • Taiwan reports 12 imported dengue fever cases in 2024

    Stay informed about the recent dengue fever cases in Taiwan brought in from countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Learn how to protect yourself from mosquito-borne illnesses while traveling abroad and upon return.
    2024/02/19 14:17
  • Kaohsiung Mayor hints at return of popular ’Rubber Duck’

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai has hinted that the large inflatable artwork "Rubber Duck" by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman may be exhibited once again in Kaohsiung. The preparations are currently underway, and the exact details will be announced after completion. The Rubber Duck previously attracted over 3.9 million visitors during its 32-day exhibition at the Kaohsiung Glory Pier harbor in 2013, increasing Kaohsiung’s international visibility and sparking a nationwide "Rubber Duck" fever in Taiwan. The possible re-exhibition is the result of efforts by then-Deputy Mayor Lee Yung-te and Information Bureau Director Lai Jui-lung, among others.
    2023/12/27 09:41
  • New ASF virus variant detected in pork at Taiwan borders

    The Ministry of Agriculture’s Veterinary Research Institute has detected a new variant of the African swine fever (ASF) virus in pork products brought in by travelers from mainland China. This recombinant strain, known for its high pathogenicity and transmissibility, has caused severe outbreaks in China since its confirmation in 2022. This is the first time that two different strains of the virus, including the Genotype II strain prevalent in China since 2018 and its variant, have been found in illegally imported crispy intestine products. Testing has shown a rising trend in the positive detection rate for the ASF virus in illegally carried meat products from China. With the Lunar New Year approaching, citizens are urged not to bring any pork-containing products back to Taiwan, and the institute warns against illegal imports to protect Taiwan’s pig farming industry.
    2023/12/18 21:30
  • Dengue spreads like needle-shared diseases: study

    A pivotal study reveals that dengue fever can rapidly spread through a transmission method similar to needle-sharing in infectious diseases like HBV, HCB, and HIV. The study, conducted by Taiwan’s National Health Research Institutes in collaboration with the Department of Health and Kaohsiung City Government, analyzed the timing of infections during the 2015 outbreak. They found that in 85% of household cases, symptoms occurred within three days of each other, contradicting the previously believed incubation period for virus transmission. Using animal models, researchers confirmed that when mosquitoes bite an infected animal and then promptly bite another, the virus can transfer via the mosquito’s proboscis, bypassing the once-considered essential eight-day extrinsic incubation period. This finding explains the rapid spread of the 2015 dengue epidemic in Taiwan and raises concerns for the recent spike in cases. The study, published in the esteemed journal eBiomedicine, a Lancet subsidiary, in August 2023, also involved international researchers from the University of California, Nagoya University, Tsinghua University, and National Taiwan University.
    2023/12/18 15:25
  • Taiwan detects mycoplasma infection in teen traveler

    The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has reported the first case of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in a child detected during airport screening. A teenage boy developed a fever upon arriving from mainland China on December 4 and tested positive for the pathogen the following day. This detection has raised concerns amid an outbreak of respiratory illnesses in mainland China. The CDC has initiated targeted surveillance at the country’s four major international airports, urging travelers to undergo voluntary testing. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections account for only 1.2 percent of the cases identified through airport screenings, indicating a downward trend overall. The current respiratory diseases in mainland China are predominantly attributed to influenza viruses, with Mycoplasma infections declining. Health officials have reassured the public that airport testing protocols will continue and are expected to be maintained through the Lunar New Year period to ensure monitoring of incoming travelers and the containment of potential infectious diseases.
    2023/12/09 15:24
  • Quarantine key to protecting Taiwan’s pork: MOA

    Learn about Taiwan’s pig farming industry, which involves over 3 million people and has an annual value exceeding NT$150 billion. Acting Minister of Agriculture Chen Junne-jih emphasizes the importance of quarantine stations to protect the industry and prevent the spread of African swine fever. With over 5,000 pig farms operating in Taiwan, the industry contributes significantly to the economy. Chen’s comments came after the implementation of manual inspection stations at Taoyuan International Airport caused a decline in its Skytrax ranking.
    2023/11/22 15:10
  • Tainan and Kaohsiung report rising dengue fever cases

    The dengue fever outbreak in Taiwan continues to surge, with Tainan reporting 40 new local cases on Sunday (Nov. 19), pushing the total to 26,160. Kaohsiung added 51 cases on the same day, raising its cumulative count to 2,054. However, the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicated a decreasing trend in 10 dengue fever hotspots in Tainan. The Tainan Dengue Fever Prevention and Control Center reminded people that the development time of mosquito larvae increases in temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius, but their growth and activity are only inhibited in conditions under 16 degrees. As temperatures drop, disease-carrying mosquitoes may seek shelter indoors.
    2023/11/20 16:33
  • Flu case surge prompts vaccination plea from physicians

    Physicians are urging the public to get vaccinated against the flu as cold and flu cases surge in Taiwan amid cooling weather. Even healthcare providers are being impacted by the rapid spread of a virulent seasonal virus. ENT Dr. Chang Yi-Hao fell ill with gastroenteritis in late October, experiencing two days of fever. The virus has been particularly aggressive over the past few months. Chang emphasized the importance of vaccination, especially for the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases, and young children with weaker immune systems. Wearing face masks has become routine due to COVID-19, but with the easing of restrictions, there has been a rise in flu and respiratory virus infections. Physicians stress the need for vaccination, particularly for those with lower resistance to disease.
    2023/11/16 21:02
  • Five more domestic deaths from dengue fever reported

    The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported five more domestic deaths from dengue fever in Tainan and Yunlin. The deceased were males aged between 60 to over 80 with underlying conditions. Health authorities have implemented preventive measures in affected areas. Last week, there were 2,527 new local cases, including 19 severe cases.
    2023/10/11 19:24
  • Five new dengue fever deaths reported in Tainan

    The Taiwan CDC reports five new dengue fever-related deaths in Tainan, including a woman in her twenties, the youngest case this year. The fatalities had underlying health conditions and died within 10 days of falling ill. The age range of dengue fever fatalities has expanded from the twenties to the eighties, all with underlying conditions.
    2023/10/03 16:44
  • 影音/韓團M.O.N.T喊「在台買房」 獻唱2首翻唱曲

    2023/09/10 09:36
  • Taiwan reports 4,338 dengue fever cases and 3 fatalities

    Taiwan CDC announced on Sept. 5 a total of 4,338 local dengue cases this year as of Sept. 4, and confirmed 3 dengue-fever-related deaths last week.
    2023/09/06 15:13
  • 出國完喉嚨劇痛!她患怪病「出醫院就惡化」 器官衰竭數週亡

    出國在外最怕碰到病痛纏身,英國17歲少女莉亞(Leah Rogers)前段時間與友人到西班牙海島旅遊,沒想到卻在回國後,在喉嚨劇痛的情況下意外發現扁桃體炎復發,多次回診均不見好轉,三番兩次都是離開醫院回家後,症狀開始惡化,最終因為肝功能衰竭、失去意識等症狀,多次轉院接受更為精密的治療,無奈仍在短短的數週內不幸離世。
    2023/09/04 16:21
  • Taiwan battles dengue outbreak amid higher temperatures

    Taiwan faces a concerning spike in dengue fever cases, with Tainan bearing the brunt of over 80% of the 1,579 cases reported this year. As the nation grapples with rising temperatures and typhoon season, authorities intensify efforts to curb the disease’s spread. Learn about the factors driving the outbreak and essential prevention measures.
    2023/08/18 15:55
  • Dengue fever resurfaces locally in Taipei after 3-year lull

    Taipei’s Mayor Chiang Wan-an oversees alley disinfection after the city reports its first local dengue fever case in three years. Learn more about the preventive measures and the patient’s travel history.
    2023/08/10 20:48
  • High temperatures fuel dengue fever outbreak in Taiwan

    Taiwan health authorities have warned the public to take preventative measures against dengue fever, as nearly 300 cases have been reported nationwide this year, including the first domestic case reported in Tainan in June.
    2023/07/13 17:42
  • Taiwan FDA: Painkillers supply remains stable

    The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said it would not limit how many fever-reducing meds people can buy after a recent meeting with local drug manufacturers and pharmacy associations. 
    2023/01/03 17:23
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