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    Famous 結果共17筆

  • Hebe Tien’s enchanting Hokkaido getaway captivates fans

    Taiwanese pop singer Hebe Tien charms fans with frigidly beautiful photos from her Hokkaido vacation. Follow her frosty adventure in the snow-filled landscape as she captures the hearts of her followers with her delightful escapades.
    2024/03/14 11:29
  • LE SSERAFIM to make Taiwan debut at 2024 concert

    LE SSERAFIM, a South Korean girl group, will be the special guest at the 2024 Red White Superstar Concert in Taipei, Taiwan. This will be their first performance in Taiwan as a group. Leader Kim Chae-won expressed honor at the invitation and promised a spectacular stage performance. Member Kazuha also shared a warm message to fans, expressing excitement to meet FEARNOT from different regions and hoping to transmit positive energy through their performance. The group members, Sakura and Kazuha, also expressed anticipation for Taiwanese cuisine, with Sakura loving bubble milk tea and Kazuha eager to try the famous mango ice. The concert will be broadcast on Taiwan Television and MyVideo on Lunar New Year’s Eve, and audiences can participate in a ticket lottery for a chance of admission by downloading the TTV app.
    2023/12/26 20:27
  • Turkish influencer pixelates daughter’s face for privacy

    Turkish social media influencer Rifat shared a photo of his daughter practicing gymnastics, with her face pixelated at her request, emphasizing the importance of internet privacy and consent. Wu, a famous actor in Taiwan, explained that he respected his 8-year-old daughter’s privacy and choice by mosaic-ing her face. He highlighted the need for obtaining a child’s consent before sharing their images online and hoped that his actions would set a positive example for society. Social media users praised Rifat’s approach, considering him a role model for respecting family and children’s privacy in the age of social media. His commitment to his daughters’ rights and his visibility as a public figure could potentially influence widespread social attitudes towards online sharing and privacy, especially for young children. This act of shielding his daughter’s identity while sharing a family moment reflects the ongoing conversation about privacy in the digital era, particularly regarding young children and the implications of internet exposure.
    2023/11/29 14:22
  • Typhoon Koinu leaves trail of destruction in Pingtung County

    Typhoon Koinu leaves a trail of destruction in Pingtung County, Taiwan, causing disruptions to tourism and local businesses. Many stores in the famous tourist spot of Kending Rd remain closed due to damage, with debris strewn across the streets. Tourists face cancellations, impacting their vacations. As the Double Tenth holiday approaches, store owners prepare to reopen amidst lingering rain.
    2023/10/06 22:04
  • THSR unveils new train adorned with Kanahei’s illustrations

    Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) teams up with Japanese illustrator Kanahei for the second time to introduce a vibrant themed train adorned with beloved characters. The train features Kanahei’s famous Piske and Usagi characters amid colorful flower themes, promising an enjoyable journey. Learn about the co-branded items and exclusive travel packages, as THSR aims to drive rail tourism and profit.
    2023/08/18 22:32
  • 《小美人魚》女星挨轟!男友不爽吻戲「公開嗆聲」:有名的X子

    2023年上映的真人版《小美人魚(The Little Mermaid)》在美國地區引起熱烈迴響,作為女主角的海莉貝利(Halle Bailey)更因此聲名大噪、躍升年輕族群的偶像;不過近日卻突然傳出,男友DDG(Darryl Dwayne Granberry Jr.)疑似不滿海莉貝利在拍攝過程中,與男主角友太多親密互動,因此在釋出的最新單曲中公開嗆聲。
    2023/07/19 05:50
  • 圖輯/美國熱狗大胃王超狂紀錄衛冕 日網紅對決混血不敗女王

    又到了7月4日美國獨立紀念日,而美國國內最負盛名的慶祝活動絕對是紐約知名熱狗店「Nathan’s Famous」舉辦的熱狗大胃王比賽,而今年大賽的男子紀錄保持人切斯納特(Joey Chestnut)10分鐘內吃下62個熱狗堡,海放埃斯柏(Geoffrey Esper )的49份後再次衛冕,過去17次男子組比賽他贏下連續16條冠軍「芥末腰帶」;而歐日混血選手須藤美樹(sudo miki)則吞下了39.5份,擊敗了來自日本知名大胃王Youtuber海老原真宵的33.5份,須藤成功連續第九次衛冕女子冠軍。
    2023/07/05 12:24
  • Expert deems NT$10M compensation unlikely for Blackie Chen

    A high-profile Taiwanese lawyer Lu Chiu-yuan said the NT$ 10 million in compensation unlikely for famous Taiwan actor-host Blackie Chen, who is accused of sexual harassment by two actresses, Tina Chou and Yuan Kuo.
    2023/06/30 13:24
  • Taiwan leopard cat doing well in wild despite losing one paw

    The Endemic Species Research Institute in central Taiwan treated a famous leopard cat, TVBS reported on Monday (Dec. 12). 
    2022/12/14 15:37
  • Din Tai Fung to hike prices as food and energy prices soar

    Taiwan’s most famous dumpling chain store Din Tai Fung will raise prices by 4% starting on Nov. 22. 
    2022/11/17 20:10
  • Theo Jansen wind-powered Strandbeests wander on Taiwan beach

    Taiwan’s Pingtung Luo Shan Feng Arts Festival has invited Dutch artist and inventor Theo Jansen to showcase his famous "Strandbeests" art sculptures, or beach beasts in English. The lifelike creatures made out of wood and plastic can stroll on the beach with the help of the wind. Some are even able to fly.
    2022/11/02 12:28
  • Taiwan sees soaring mooncake sales this year

    As boxes of pastries and mooncakes are packaged and transported, clerks at a famous mooncake store at Taipei Main Station rush to deliver products and take customer orders.
    2022/09/23 14:17
  • 十分鐘嗑完63份熱狗堡 美國大胃王笑納第15座冠軍

    每年7月4號美國國慶(Independence Day)在紐約康尼島(Coney Island)樂園舉行,由納森集團(Nathan’s Famous)冠名的熱狗堡大胃王挑戰賽,《法新社》(AFP)報導,高手林立的男子組賽場上,來自加州的喬伊·徹斯納特(Joey Chestnut)再次擊退群雄,以10分鐘吃完63份熱狗堡的成績,輕鬆打敗對手、拿下生涯第15座大胃王冠軍。
    2022/07/05 18:07
  • 美大胃王12度奪冠! 10分鐘狂吞71個熱狗麵包

    美國大胃王「大白鯊」徹斯納特(Joey "Jaws" Chestnut)今天在紐約內森國際吃熱狗大賽(Nathan s Famous Hot Dog EatingContest)中猛吞71個熱狗麵包,12度奪得冠軍。
    2019/07/05 09:40
  • 孔劉、南柱赫掉榜外! 防彈V奪「全球最帥男星」

    2018年外媒Famous STAR 101公布全球最帥10大男星,冠軍由防彈少年團成員V金泰亨奪下,而台灣人喜愛的孔劉、南柱赫完全掉出榜外,令人意外,特別的是,前10名榜單只有3位來自歐美國家,印證亞洲名星地位逐漸提升。
    2018/10/21 12:41
  • 又惹禍!肯伊威斯特新歌 瞎扯泰勒絲「走紅全靠他」

    美國名媛「豐臀金」金‧卡達夏的饒舌歌手老公肯伊威斯特(Kanye West),語不驚人死不休,日前發表新歌《Famous》,歌詞中竟然暗示他曾與小天后泰勒絲有過性關係,引發軒然大波。
    2016/02/14 12:57
  • 凱特哈德森6年婚姻 驚傳分居

    好萊塢影星歌蒂韓的女兒,也是以電影「ALMOST FAMOUS 成名在望」倍受影壇矚目的好萊塢甜心女星凱特哈德森,和丈夫「THE BLACK CROWS烏鴉樂團」主唱克里斯羅賓森,宣佈分居,結束近6年的婚姻關係。
    2006/08/16 20:21
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