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    Dr. 結果共141筆

  • 「Dr.洛」缺德貼病患私密照意淫 王必勝發聲:勿過度臆測

    2023/12/09 20:32
  • 偷拍病患私密照意淫 「Dr.洛」真實身分遭起底疑醫療業務

    2023/12/09 11:42
  • 噁拍病患下體「無碼PO網」!驚爆狼醫出沒 臺南醫院急發聲

    2023/12/08 22:48
  • Taiwan opens first alcohol rehab & prevention center

    Taiwan inaugurates first alcohol rehab center to tackle addiction. The center offers consultations, screenings, and referrals. Over 8 million people in Taiwan have drinking habits, leading to health issues and economic damage. The center aims to reduce alcohol consumption and build on previous successes.
    2023/11/26 14:10
  • Sun Yat-Sen Memorial outshines Palace Museum in visits

    The National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall has surpassed the National Palace Museum as Taiwan’s most visited museum from January to September, with a staggering 7,767,715 visits. The Taiwan Lantern Festival, held in February, played a significant role in attracting visitors, with 6,337,840 attendees. The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall ranked second with 2,116,822 visits, while the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung secured the third spot with 2,042,932 visits. Despite recording only 504,503 visits, the Chimei Museum in Tainan has gained attention online as an underrated gem with a rich art collection.
    2023/11/22 20:48
  • Flu case surge prompts vaccination plea from physicians

    Physicians are urging the public to get vaccinated against the flu as cold and flu cases surge in Taiwan amid cooling weather. Even healthcare providers are being impacted by the rapid spread of a virulent seasonal virus. ENT Dr. Chang Yi-Hao fell ill with gastroenteritis in late October, experiencing two days of fever. The virus has been particularly aggressive over the past few months. Chang emphasized the importance of vaccination, especially for the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases, and young children with weaker immune systems. Wearing face masks has become routine due to COVID-19, but with the easing of restrictions, there has been a rise in flu and respiratory virus infections. Physicians stress the need for vaccination, particularly for those with lower resistance to disease.
    2023/11/16 21:02
  • Lung cancer takes the lead on Taiwan’s cancer list in 2021

    Taiwan’s most common cancer has shifted from colorectal cancer to lung cancer, according to the Health Promotion Administration (HPA). This change was observed in 2021, ending a 15-year record held by colorectal cancer. The HPA’s report listed the top 10 cancers, with lung and colorectal cancers being the most common. Other cancers on the list include breast, liver, oral, prostate, thyroid, stomach, skin, and pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer notably made the list for the first time. Dr. Chen Jin-shing, chief of surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital, explained that the shift is not surprising as lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer-related deaths for the past decade. The HPA’s Cancer Prevention and Control Division director, Lin Li-ju, highlighted an increase in early lung cancer detection following the introduction of low dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening in 2022. In 2021, there were 121,762 new cases of cancer registered in Taiwan, marking the first decline in new patient numbers. On average, a person was diagnosed with cancer every 4 minutes and 19 seconds. HPA Director-General Wu Chao-chun urged individuals to reduce their risk factors and recommended regular screenings for early detection and treatment, especially for those at high risk.
    2023/11/13 12:01
  • 枕邊人有1症狀要小心!57.7%糖尿病男性有 快就醫檢查

    糖尿病是一種全球性的健康問題,根據英國糖尿病協會(Diabetes UK)的數據,僅在英國就有約340萬人患有糖尿病,另有240萬人面臨高風險。儘管多數人對糖尿病的常見症狀,如口渴和頻尿有所了解,但仍有一些不太為人知的症狀值得關注。其中一個可能被忽視的症狀是男性勃起功能障礙(ED)。
    2023/11/05 10:29
  • 小心吃出病!「4種易發炎食物」恐致慢性病 健康替代品一覽

    在追求健康長壽的今天,飲食選擇對我們的身體影響深遠。根據外媒報導,哈佛大學腸道健康專家Dr. Jaqueline Wolf在其最新研究中指出,有四種食物可能會引起身體發炎,建議民眾應盡量避免,以維護身體健康。
    2023/11/04 13:47
  • German Institute Taipei optimistic about TSMC fab investment

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has received approval from the Ministry of Economic Affairs to establish a fabrication facility in Germany. At the CDKWV 90th Anniversary International Conference, optimism abounded as experts discussed the potential of this 3.5 billion-euro investment. Dr. Jörg Polster, Director General of the German Institute Taipei, highlighted the compatibility of cultures, while Stan Shih, Acer’s co-founder, raised concerns about cultural differences. The partnership is expected to deepen as German investments in Taiwan reach record levels.
    2023/10/28 16:49
  • 別亂用棉花棒掏耳! 醫曝「三大恐怖後果」:最慘損聽力

    許多人洗完澡或耳朵癢時,習慣拿棉花棒掏挖,但這看似正常的習慣,卻恐暗藏危機;英國家醫科醫師史克爾(Dr Martin Scurr)警告,如此可能導致3大後果,包括破壞耳道內壁、把耳屎推得更深,最慘還恐耳膜穿孔,導致聽力長期受損,而且這種情況並不罕見。
    2023/10/24 18:13
  • Taiwanese doctor joins frontline efforts in Gaza

    Taiwanese intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly in the Gaza Strip, aims to provide aid. Dr. Hung Shang-kai, an emergency physician from Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and part of Doctors Without Borders, has been stationed in Gaza since July. He hopes to improve the local emergency triage system to help more injured patients due to frequent conflicts and a shortage of medical resources in the area. The Gaza Strip faces challenges such as overdevelopment, saltwater intrusion, clean water shortage, and limited electricity supply, which result in medical supply shortages and hinder specialized treatment. Various organizations are extending their help to locals during these turbulent times.
    2023/10/16 10:49
  • 夜貓是天生!4種「睡眠動物」看健康 狼易得糖尿病

    除了十二生肖的動物分類之外,睡眠也可以用動物分類!睡眠專家Dr. Michael Breus把睡眠時鐘分屬4種動物代表,透過分析,發現狼型的人最晚睡,容易肥胖,罹患糖尿病和精神疾病比例較高,而獅子型的人早醒,學習上具有優勢。
    2023/10/09 23:57
  • Pediatrician warns against RSV symptoms in infants, toddlers

    Dr. Wu Chang-teng, a Taiwanese pediatrician, warns parents about the symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in infants and toddlers, including persistent coughing, heavy sputum, and wheezing.
    2023/09/27 16:06
  • 賴佩霞「1對1收2.3萬」 衛生局:有違反《醫療法》疑慮

    總統參選人郭台銘日前宣布副手搭擋為資深藝人賴佩霞,隨即,賴佩霞面臨一連串的爭議風波,被國內諮商心理師爆料,賴佩霞開設個人心靈課程網站中,有一項名為「Dr. 賴佩霞 一對一晤談」,80分鐘的課程,收費2.3萬,而賴佩霞的自我介紹中,有說自己是「心理諮商師」,但實際上並沒有臨床心理師的資格。對此,台北市衛生局表示,初看網路諮商資訊內容,雖未直接寫明是心理諮商或心理治療,但可能容易使民眾誤解,確有違反《心理師法》或《醫療法》的疑慮,若有民眾提出檢舉後,衛生局才會依實際狀況進行調查。 總統參選人郭台銘日前宣布副手搭擋為資深藝人賴佩霞,隨即,賴佩霞面臨一連串的爭議風波,被國內諮商心理師爆料,賴佩霞開設個人心靈課程網站中,有一項名為「Dr. 賴佩霞 一對一晤談」,80分鐘的課程,收費2.3萬,而賴佩霞的自我介紹中,有說自己是「心理諮商師」,但實際上並沒有臨床心理師的資格。對此,台北市衛生局表示,初看網路諮商資訊內容,雖未直接寫明是心理諮商或心理治療,但可能容易使民眾誤解,確有違反《心理師法》或《醫療法》的疑慮,若有民眾提出檢舉後,衛生局才會依實際狀況進行調查。
    2023/09/17 17:02
  • 「普欽知一切內幕才沒去葬禮」 俄教授稱普里格津根本沒死

    瓦格納傭兵集團領袖普里格津(Yevgeny Prigozhin)搭乘私人飛機墜毀,莫斯科進行比對驗證後,對外「證實」這位名人的死訊,但看在許多人眼中,這可能只是一場障眼法的演戲,綜合外媒報導,俄羅斯籍政治分析家索洛維(Dr Valery Solovey)聲稱,普里格津根本沒有死亡,遺體是他的替身,俄羅斯所謂身份確認也在騙人。如今重獲自由的他,正在籌備後面的復仇計畫,這一切實情普欽(Vladimir Putin)本人都很清楚,這才是為什麼他不願出席葬禮的原因。
    2023/08/30 14:30
  • 人氣不輸富豪丈夫 泰國知名抗老辣醫變身第一夫人

    泰國為泰黨(Pheu Thai)最終在獲得軍方支持下,讓地產大亨賽塔(Srettha Thavisin)高票當選新總理,解決國家群龍無首的窘境。當賽塔23日正式獲得泰王冊封,當地媒體也突然發現,他身旁亮眼的第一夫人來頭不簡單,是泰國知名抗老名醫塔維辛(Dr. Pakpilai Thavisin)博士,又被稱為「Dr.Om」。雖然已經62歲卻仍保養地非常好,她與賽塔之間長達34年婚姻與愛情故事,也引發網友討論。
    2023/08/30 13:32
  • 美緊急停用兩款眼藥水!真菌汙染恐傷視力 亞馬遜都買得到

    又有眼藥水出包被美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)勒令停用,綜合美媒報導,美國食藥局最新聲明中,鄭重提醒消費者注意市面上兩款眼藥水,分別名為「Dr. Berne’s MSM Drops 5% Solution」和「LightEyez MSM Eye Drops-Eye Repair」,兩者因為被通報內部添加違法化學物質,以及有真菌汙染的案例,一旦使用滴入眼睛,恐怕引起眼部傷害,甚至有生命危險的可能,緊急呼籲民眾停止使用,這兩款眼藥水,在亞馬遜等網路電商通路都能買到。
    2023/08/24 12:34
  • 別在床上吃東西!醫警告「恐成蟲蟲王國」:蟑螂最愛鑽耳朵

    休假時懶洋洋廢在床上,對大部分的社畜人士來說實屬一大享受,但終歸是得要「懶的有底線」,倘若喜歡在床上、床邊吃東西,事後有沒能清理乾淨,很可能替自己招來「蟲蟲危機」;來自新加坡的「山姆醫生(Dr. Sam)」就曾在抖音(TikTok)分享,由於蟑螂非常喜歡耳垢散發出的發酵味,因此很容易在難以察覺的情況下,莫名其妙就成為蟑螂的「房東」。
    2023/07/30 19:36
  • Taiwan, U.S. struggle to maintain cross-strait status quo

    Visits from U.S. officials have increased in recent months in Taiwan, sparking anger from across the strait.
    2023/07/20 10:44
  • Experts analyze growing threats to Taiwan

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu emphasizes cooperation between all democracies to prevent China’s status quo change in the latest TVBS Meeting Room with Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper on Monday (July 17).
    2023/07/20 10:38
  • Experts navigate U.S.-China-Taiwan ties in post-Trump era

    Dr. Mark T. Esper, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, warned that Donald Trump might "weaken the relationship with Taiwan" if he is reelected in the latest TVBS Meeting Room on Monday (July 17). 
    2023/07/19 10:51
  • Taiwan’s semiconductor industry vital for global economy

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu highlighted the crucial role of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry to the global community in the latest TVBS Meeting Room with Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark T. Esper on Monday (July 17) evening. 
    2023/07/19 10:27
  • Esper praises Taiwan’s extended military service

    TVBS Commentator Wenchi Yu invited former U.S. Secretary of Defense Dr. Mark Esper and Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu to discuss Taiwan’s one-year conscription service on Monday (July 17) evening.
    2023/07/18 18:07
  • 真愛不晚!78歲翁難忘高中戀人 隔60年「自備枕頭」下跪求婚

    面對昔日對象,有人早已忘懷,也有人終身念念不忘。美國佛州78歲老翁湯瑪斯(Dr. Thomas McMeekin)日前在機場向60年前交往的高中戀人南希(Nancy Gambell)求婚,他不僅自備枕頭單膝下跪,還拿出老花眼鏡深情唸出證詞,最終成功打動芳心;整段求婚過程被放上Tiktok後爆紅,感動無數網友。
    2023/07/11 17:49
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