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    Day 結果共614筆

  • Vice President-elect champions local revitalization

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim stresses the significance of local and international connections at the "2024 Global SDGs Two-Day International Forum (SDGs+City)" opening ceremony. She unveils the upcoming "Local Revitalization 3.0" plan to enhance local cooperation and innovation, emphasizing the resilience and forward-looking nature of Taiwan’s vitality. Hsiao highlights the government’s efforts to address challenges through the Local Revitalization National Strategic Plan and stresses the need for strategic fund allocation based on local needs to reinforce global ties.
    2024/03/28 14:50
  • Taiwan protects purple crow butterflies with freeway closure

    The Freeway Bureau in Taiwan closed a section of National Freeway No. 3 to protect migrating purple crow butterflies, with the largest number spotted this year. The Taiwan Purple Crow Butterfly Ecological Preservation Association noted a peak of 70,000 butterflies in a day, the highest in two years. If more than 250 butterflies are seen per minute, the road will be closed for their protection.
    2024/03/27 15:32
  • Taiwan records spring’s warmest day as island heats up

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan as meteorologist Lin De-en reports the hottest day of spring, with scattered showers across the country. Check the high-temperature warnings issued by the Central Weather Administration for various regions and stay informed about air quality forecasts and visibility conditions.
    2024/03/25 11:24
  • 驚!宋芸樺遭黑道老大脅迫狂挖「這部位」 害羞畫面曝

    icyball冰球樂團上週驚喜宣布將於8月10日於Zepp New Taipei舉辦「早安 晚安 好喜歡」2024 Day By Day 演唱會,昨(21)日推出全新單曲〈不小心〉,邀請到億萬票房女星宋芸樺跨刀合唱展現好嗓音,她更親自擔綱MV女主角,在MV中飾演出租情人提供團員「出租愛情」服務,她與冰球團員的共同演出讓人會心一笑又感動。
    2024/03/22 17:06
  • Seoul and Sapporo highlight green policies at SCSE

    On the third day of the 11th Smart City Summit and Expo in Taipei, Taiwan’s trading partners, including Seoul and Sapporo, highlighted their contributions and innovations in building smart, eco-friendly cities through digital transformation and green policies, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation for a sustainable urban future.
    2024/03/21 17:00
  • President Tsai joins record-breaking Matsu pilgrimage

    Experience the vibrant Matsu festival pilgrimage from Miaoli to Yunlin, led by President Tsai Ing-wen. Join the record-breaking 180,000 participants in this nine-day journey of devotion and celebration.
    2024/03/18 17:20
  • 男星驚爆輕生!女友墜樓3月「閃交新歡」 18字告別文曝

    2024/03/18 10:45
  • 綠色狂潮!芝加哥河染綠慶「聖派翠克節」 節日小知識報你知

    愛爾蘭國慶日、一年一度的「聖派翠克節」(St Patrick Day)今(17)日登場,這天除了是愛爾蘭的國定假日,美國紐約(New York)、芝加哥(Chicago)等地的愛爾蘭人,也都換上綠色裝扮,為此慶祝狂歡。《TVBS新聞網》為您整理聖派翠克節的由來,和關於此節日的小知識。
    2024/03/17 15:29
  • Premier considers national Labor Day holiday amendment

    Premier Chen Chien-Jen addresses inquiries on the possibility of a unified Labor Day holiday on May 1 in Taiwan, pending a meeting with the Ministry of the Interior. Legislation amendments may be considered if a decision is reached before May 20, as discussed in response to concerns raised by KMT legislator Wang Hung-wei and the National Federation of Teachers Unions.
    2024/03/15 17:52
  • Taiwan faces temperature swings and unhealthy air quality

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan with this detailed report from TVBS News. Expect mostly cloudy skies and possible showers in northern areas due to the Huanan Cloud System. Daytime temperatures will range from 22-27 degrees Celsius, with significant variations between day and night temperatures. Be prepared for changing weather patterns as the Huanan Cloud System moves northward, bringing cooler temperatures from Tuesday to Thursday.
    2024/03/15 10:44
  • Mayday rumored to rock Beijing with 10-day concert series

    Mayday fans are abuzz as rumors swirl about a possible Beijing concert tour in May. The Taiwanese rock band’s label, B’in Music, advises fans to await official announcements for accurate information. Mayday’s upcoming 25th-anniversary concert in Taiwan at the Kaohsiung National Stadium on March 23 is also highly anticipated.
    2024/03/14 17:21
  • 慶白色情人節!冰球樂團親揭好消息 下一步合作億萬票房女星

    成軍11年的「冰球樂團」,人氣扶搖直上,今(14)日白色情人節宣布好消息,是將在新北Zepp New Taipei舉辦「早安 晚安 好喜歡」2024 Day By Day演唱會,時間訂在8月10日七夕情人節,要用音樂幫歌迷的感情加溫,他們幽默說:「來到現場,我們可以加速你們彼此的火花。尚未有火花的,也可以過來被閃瞎。」
    2024/03/14 12:22
  • Taiwan welcomes clear skies as cold front moves on

    Stay updated on the latest weather forecast in Taiwan as conditions ease after a cold front passes through. Expect clear and stable weather with temperature fluctuations across different regions. Keep warm as temperatures drop, especially in northern areas, and anticipate short-term rain in the eastern half of the region. Weather is set to stabilize until the arrival of another cold front next week.
    2024/03/12 11:47
  • 假照風波後首被拍!凱特王妃搭車赴倫敦 跳過公開活動改私聚

    英國凱特王妃(Kate Middleton,Princess of Wales)10日發表腹部手術後首張照片,同框三名子女慶祝英國母親節,未料遭媒體質疑「經過修圖」下架,凱特11日也坦承修改照片,對造成外界混淆表達歉意。11日,她被拍到與丈夫威廉王子(Prince William)乘車離開溫莎城堡(Windsor Castle),不過並未出席「大英國協日」(Commonwealth Day)活動。
    2024/03/12 10:17
  • 38婦女節來了!優惠活動懶人包,國際婦女節由來與意義一次看

    國際婦女節(英文:International Women’s Day)訂在每年國曆3月8日,因此也被稱作三八婦女節,不少商家也會藉此祭出「38婦女節優惠」。《TVBS新聞網》也整理了,國際婦女節的由來、慶祝方式等,還有最重要的優惠活動,供民眾參考。
    2024/03/08 17:20
  • Tsai celebrates Int’l Women’s Day with Taiwan’s milestones

    President Tsai Ing-wen highlights Taiwan’s achievements in gender equality on International Women’s Day, emphasizing the nation’s leadership in Asia. Taiwan endorses marriage equality, boasts the highest ratio of female legislators in Asia, and ranks first in gender equality performance according to the OECD. The government’s efforts include promoting gender-friendly workplaces, encouraging shared domestic responsibilities, and implementing reforms for gender equality mechanisms.
    2024/03/08 10:51
  • Taiwan considers mental health leave for civil servants

    The Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Personnel Division Director in Taipei supports adding mental health leave days for civil servants. The proposal includes granting one day of mental health leave each month without wage deductions. Discussions with the Ministry of Civil Service are ongoing to modify leave regulations. Democratic Progressive Party legislator Rosalia Wu advocates for this change, emphasizing no reduction in pay for civil servants taking mental health leave.
    2024/03/06 17:08
  • Premier considers unified Labor Day holiday amid challenges

    Premier Chen Chien-jen considers a unified Labor Day holiday in Taiwan, but faces challenges. Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lin I-chin raises concerns about added costs for police and firefighters. Minister of the Interior Lin Yu-chang emphasizes the need for consensus, while Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Personnel Division Director-General Su Chun-jung calls for further impact assessment.
    2024/03/05 17:14
  • 吊銷醫生執照「D-Day」! 南韓不到300罷工醫生返工

    2024/02/29 20:13
  • Taiwan considers 4-day workweeks amid challenges

    Discover how a Taiwanese cybersecurity firm’s adoption of a four-day workweek has led to increased efficiency and improved work-life balance, setting a trend amidst global shifts towards reduced work hours.
    2024/02/29 16:47
  • CDC announces flu vaccines open to public from March 5

    Taiwan’s CDC announces government-funded flu vaccines will be available starting March 5 for those unvaccinated for over six months, amidst a surge of over 112,486 reported cases in a week. With stocks dwindling to 70,000 doses, eligible individuals urged to seek early inoculation.
    2024/02/27 17:47
  • THSR boosts services for Tomb Sweeping holiday rush

    Stay up to date with Taiwan High Speed Rail’s (THSR) additional train services for the upcoming peak travel periods in March 2024. With 58 extra services catering to the mid to late March rush, including special arrangements for Tomb Sweeping Day, plan your journey seamlessly with THSR’s convenient ticketing options.
    2024/02/27 14:42
  • TiBE visitors highlight the significance of reading

    Taipei International Book Exhibition concludes after a successful six-day run, attracting over 550,000 attendees. Global visitors praise TiBE’s role in promoting literacy and cultural exchange amid concerns about declining reading habits in the digital age.
    2024/02/26 18:06
  • Taiwan High Speed Rail hits record 73 million riders in 2023

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) achieved record-breaking success in 2021, transporting 73.08 million passengers and generating NT$49.8 billion in revenue. THSR aims to surpass NT$50 billion this year, attributing its growth to changes in commuting behavior post-pandemic and enhanced services like frequent ventilation for pandemic prevention. The surge in passenger willingness to use THSR has led to increased travel numbers, with a peak of 310,000 passengers in a single day during the Lunar New Year holiday. THSR serves various purposes, including commuting, business, homecoming, and tourism, with 4.02 million people utilizing the high-speed rail for tourism last year. Additional trains and service enhancements have been implemented to encourage passengers to travel during off-peak hours.
    2024/02/22 17:42
  • Yomiuri Giants exhibition games: Full stadium opening

    Don’t miss the excitement of the "TOYOTA 2024 Yomiuri Giants 90th Anniversary Taiwan Games" exhibition games, set to fill Taipei Dome with over 36,000 eager baseball fans each day. Witness the Yomiuri Giants face off against the CTBC Brothers and Rakuten Monkeys in this historic event celebrating the Giants’ 90th anniversary.
    2024/02/22 17:38
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