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    Bread 結果共10筆

  • Taiwan’s Liquid Bread Co. to close after 6 flavorful years

    Liquid Bread Co. (LBC), renowned for its American-style sandwiches and named among the "50 Best Sandwiches in Asia," will close its doors by the end of March. Since its founding in 2017, LBC has been a beloved spot for its diverse sandwich offerings. The announcement of its closure has sparked a wave of disappointment among patrons, with messages of gratitude and nostalgia flooding social media. Established by the founder of Purebread Bakery, LBC leaves a lasting legacy in Taipei’s culinary scene.
    2024/02/29 15:37
  • 台灣最頂!美式三明治「LBC」無預警停業 老饕全哭了

    曾榮獲「亞洲50間最佳三明治店」中,拿到台灣第一名的「Liquid Bread Co.」(LBC)即將在3月底結束營業。該店自2017年開業以來,以美式三明治聞名,受到大批顧客的喜愛。然而,近日,LBC無預警宣布將結束營業,消息一出,讓許多顧客感到不捨。
    2024/02/29 12:38
  • Tsai meets World Baker of Year, praises Taiwan’s creativity

    President Tsai Ing-wen met with Justin Wu, the 2023 World Baker of the Year, to recognize his contribution in promoting Taiwan’s baking industry globally. The government is actively supporting the industry’s growth and international engagement. Wu, who won the group competition at the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie last year, was honored with the World Baker of the Year title by the Unibread Bread Baking Championships this year. He has showcased his creativity by creating an art bread piece inspired by the Seediq tribe and coaching the Taiwanese team to victory at the UIBC Junior World Championship. President Tsai highlighted the value of Taiwan’s baking industry, which exceeds NT$100 billion, and praised the diverse and exquisite styles of Taiwanese bakers at global competitions. She also expressed gratitude to the Taipei Bakery Association for their efforts in passing down experience and hosting international contests in Taiwan. President Tsai expects the bakery sector to continue delivering high quality and innovative products as it expands its market and introduces Taiwan’s delicious baked goods to the world.
    2023/12/19 16:46
  • 奧斯卡影后穿「黑色夾腳拖」走紅毯! 超震撼畫面曝光

    32歲奧斯卡影后「小珍妮佛」珍妮佛勞倫斯,日前代表紀錄片《Bread and Roses》出席第76屆坎城影展,她身穿大紅色DIOR訂製紅色禮服走紅毯,不料下樓梯時被拍到腳底下竟不是高跟鞋,而是一雙「黑色夾腳拖」,超有趣又反差的一幕震撼網友,瞬間引起熱議。
    2023/05/23 20:48
  • 小農鮮乳吐司狂銷180萬條!源頭牧場公開 帝寶貴婦也著迷

    友善環境產品越來越夯,業者也開始著重產品的產銷履歷,要讓民眾吃得安心,超市全聯推出的自有品牌We Sweet、READ BREAD首度推出「小農鮮乳系列」產品,光是小農鮮乳吐司就創下年銷180萬元、破億的佳績,被做成烘焙品的鮮乳來自花蓮瑞穗吉蒸牧場的「阿秀鮮乳」,是全台第一家通過「動物福利標章」牧場,牧場還有推出全台最低溫65度殺菌、營養價值高的秀姑巒鮮乳,單瓶要價180元,堪稱全台最貴,有帝寶貴婦愛到每週下訂10多瓶。
    2023/04/19 17:52
  • 頂新布列德麵包宣告收攤 9家實體店6月底全關

    頂新集團旗下「布列德手工麵包Bread Societe」,今(8)天無預警於官網公布消息,表示受疫情衝擊影響,將於6月30日停止9家實體門市營業,會員持有消費贈送之積分點數,建議於6月30日前兌換完畢。
    2020/06/08 16:31
  • 麵包魅力進駐信義區 時尚麵包VS.人氣法式吐司

    2015/07/02 18:48
  • ​空運來台的北海道乳酪蛋糕 今正式開幕

    (網路新聞中心/沈俐萱 台北採訪報導) 日本來台的甜點店總是能引起排隊風潮,像是日本表參道的杏桃鬆餅屋、東京表參道知名麵包店「BREAD, ESPRESSO &」、九州的知名鬆餅專賣店「Kyushu Pancake Café」等,而今(21日)天也有一間來自北海道的甜點店開幕,讓愛吃甜點的民眾又有口福了!
    2015/04/21 19:28
  • ​日本連鎖麵包店登台 一天限量40份法式吐司

    ▲日本連鎖麵包店到台灣展店,開設海外第一家分店。 (網路新聞中心/記者沈俐萱台北採訪報導
    2015/01/28 11:13
  • ​又有口福了! 日本九州知名鬆餅專賣店來台

    (網路新聞中心/沈俐萱) 近來也有許多日本甜點店到台灣展店,像是日本表參道的杏桃鬆餅屋、赫赫有名的青木定治馬卡龍、來自日本北海道小樽的超人氣餐廳LeTao等,上週也有一家來自東京表參道知名麵包店「BREAD, ESPRESSO &」開幕,下週一又將迎來日本九州的知名鬆餅專賣店「Kyushu Pancake Café」,讓愛吃甜點的民眾又有口福了
    2015/01/23 13:20
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