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    All-Star 結果共18筆

  • Taipei Dome to host 2024 CPBL All-Star Games on July 20-21

    Discover the excitement of the 2024 Chinese Professional Baseball League All-Star Games at the Taipei Dome on July 20-21. This year, the event moves indoors, offering fans a rain-free experience and featuring six teams for heightened competition. Learn about the strategic move, fan voting for team members starting May 14, and more.
    2024/05/13 18:12
  • NBA/明星賽沒看頭?新星驚吐「沒人想參加」:沒競爭力很正常

    儘管總體收視率高於去(2023)年,2024全明星賽仍被各界評為「最難看一屆」,引起熱烈討論;而無論是聯盟首次出現單場200分的驚人紀錄、還是球員們面對這場「年度盛會」的心態,都讓不少球迷感到難以接受。而對於外界的批評,灰狼少主愛德華茲(Anthony Edwards)也在一次採訪中表達看法,甚至不諱言表態「明星賽註定不具有競爭力」。
    2024/02/21 15:34
  • Over 500 Taiwanese stranded in Japan after earthquake: MOFA

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has reported that 547 Taiwanese people are currently stranded in Japan following a 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture. All Taiwanese tour group members have been confirmed safe. Tourists from four travel agencies, including Colatour, Lion Travel, Richmond Tours, and Star Travel, were affected by the disaster. Additionally, 20 individual travelers are stuck at Niigata Airport due to its closure. The earthquake has resulted in at least six fatalities, dozens of injuries, and severe damage, including house fires, collapses, road fractures, and airport closures. More than 30,000 homes in Ishikawa and 1,100 homes in Niigata are without power, with disruption to water supplies. Taiwan’s Ministry of the Interior is preparing an international rescue team to dispatch to Japan, and the Japanese government has been informed of Taiwan’s readiness to help. MOFA advises Taiwanese citizens to contact the consulate in Osaka for assistance.
    2024/01/02 10:40
  • DeMarcus Cousins officially joins Taiwan Beer Leopards

    Former NBA star DeMarcus Cousins has officially joined the Taiwan Beer Leopards, with a debut scheduled at Taoyuan Arena in January. The addition of Cousins, an NBA All-Star and U.S. gold medalist, brings excitement and anticipation to Taiwan’s basketball community.
    2023/12/18 19:36
  • Tainan’s Garden Night Market earns five-star recognition

    Tainan’s Garden Night Market has been recognized as the only five-star night market in southern Taiwan, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che praised the city’s street food, which has contributed to its reputation as a food capital and attracted admiration from consumers both domestically and internationally. With the support of the Tainan City Government Economic Development Bureau and the efforts of market vendors, Tainan has received the highest rating of 1465 stars in the MOEA ratings, surpassing all other cities in Taiwan. The Flowers Night Market in Tainan’s north district is one of only two new entries in the prestigious five-star market category across the island. The Economic Development Bureau mentioned that the record number of five-star awards this year indicates the effectiveness of the incentive system in motivating markets and vendors. In anticipation of Tainan’s 400th anniversary, the local Bureau plans to expand the awards to include four-star markets and notable vendors next year, inviting entrepreneurs to join in celebrating the city’s rich history.
    2023/12/12 18:45
  • NBA/不想被稱全明星!灰狼少主笑「我只是遞補」:那不能算數

    2023-24的NBA賽季開打至今,除了魔術逆襲令人驚奇之外,暫時登上西區龍頭的灰狼顯然也超出球迷預期,球隊之所以能斬獲佳績,「新狼王」愛德華茲(Anthony Edwards)的全能表現尤為關鍵,然而在日前的一段採訪中,這位明日之星也坦言儘管外界認為他已入選過明星賽,但對他來說,全明星「遞補上的」跟「正選上的」還是有一定程度的落差。
    2023/12/06 10:26
  • 樂團前主唱驚傳病逝!死因「急性肝衰竭」 享年56歲

    美國流行搖滾樂團「破嘴合唱團」(Smash Mouth)的經理指出,破嘴合唱團前主唱哈威爾(Steve Harwell)今天辭世,享年56歲。哈威爾生前演唱的歌曲All Star曾紅極一時。
    2023/09/05 08:19
  • 二刀流沒了!憂手起水泡影響表現 大谷婉拒明星賽登板投球

    洛杉磯天使(Los Angeles Angels)5日派出大谷翔平(Shohei Ohtani)登板先發,他在第六局突然被教士(San Diego Padres)敲出「背靠背」全壘打丟3分後,隨即就被換下場休息。賽後當天使以5比8落敗後,多家美媒稍早證實,以投手與指定打擊雙重身份入選大聯盟明星賽(All-Star Game)的他,擔憂右手水泡會影響表現,投手大谷將婉拒登板投球;只保留打者翔平指定打擊的資格,讓粉絲期待的「二刀流」就此落空。
    2023/07/05 11:59
  • MLB/明星賽首輪獲92萬票 大谷暫居美聯「人氣王」

    美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)即將在7月11日,假西雅圖水手(Seattle Mariners)主場舉辦明星賽(MLB All-Star Game),目前美聯與國聯的打線票選已經開始,官網13日也公告首輪投票結果,洛杉磯天使日籍球星大谷翔平(Shohei Ohtani)以92.4萬票,力壓洋基巨砲「法官」賈吉的84.4萬票,成為目前美聯明星隊的人氣王。但如果單純就德票數比較,勇士隊外野手阿庫尼亞(Ronald Acuña Jr.)是第一輪全聯盟的人氣王,他一人就獲得108.6萬票,遙遙領先同聯盟其他對手。
    2023/06/13 12:50
  • 好想看魔獸 T1首次明星賽登場

    T1聯盟今(12)天正式宣佈,將於2月28日於台北和平籃球館盛大舉辦2023 ALL-STAR GAME。聯盟秘書長張樹人表示:「第二季獲得更多資源與關注,獲得六支球團支持後,選擇在年前與球迷分享好消息,希望球迷都可以跟著T1一起見證星際大戰首部曲!」當天除正賽外,亦有三分球、灌籃大賽等附加賽事,星光熠熠的籃球饗宴歡迎球迷加入T1宇宙。
    2023/01/12 15:22
  • NBA/明星賽首輪投票 詹姆斯、杜蘭特東西區人氣王

    讓眾多籃球迷引頸期盼,2023年度明星賽(NBA All-Star Game)投票3日正式啟動,短短幾天就湧入大批球迷投票,綜合外媒報導,東西區聯盟人氣王分別由籃網(Brooklyn Nets)的杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)、以及湖人(Los Angeles Lakers)的詹姆斯(LeBron James)領先,兩人得票都突破310萬,預料兩位超人氣巨星,有機會擔任兩支明星隊隊長。
    2023/01/07 11:44
  • Former NBA star Dwight Howard signs with Taiwanese team

    Former NBA star Dwight Howard has joined Taiwanese basketball team Taoyuan Leopards, the team announced on Tuesday (Nov. 8).
    2022/11/09 18:24
  • 美職大聯盟明星賽將開打 道奇球場卻陷罷工危機

    美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)將在7月19日迎來明星賽(All-Star Game),本屆選在洛杉磯道奇隊(Dodger Stadium)主場舉辦,先發名單也已陸續公告,卻沒想到在此時傳來一則不確定的變因消息。《洛杉磯時報》(LA Times)報導,正值明星賽最後倒數一星期,東道主道奇球場工會卻在此時進行表決,1500名球場餐廳與商店員工以99%支持,不排除在明星賽期間隨時發動罷工,藉此爭取更優質的薪資與福利,也讓賽事陷入些許危機。
    2022/07/12 11:07
  • Karencici歌唱比賽遭淘汰!關詩敏暖安慰 DJ處女秀獻給她

    歌手關詩敏近來於亞洲電台擔任「音樂ALL STAR」DJ,明(10)日的節目中獻出訪問處女秀,邀請入圍金曲33歌后的Karencici擔任嘉賓,她前一晚緊張到睡不著覺,也慶幸首訪嘉賓是相識超過10年的好友,讓她心安不少,還特地準備了珍珠奶茶,慰勞為金曲獎戒手搖飲的Karencici,恭喜她在金曲獎上精彩的演出。
    2022/07/09 13:16
  • 觀點/走出8位親人染疫離世傷痛 Towns成功蛻變帶領灰狼邁向新篇章

    在克里夫蘭所舉行的2022年NBA全明星賽中,相較於灌籃大賽的表現,三分球大賽不論是在星度或是精采度上都成為媒體的焦點。其中唯一的中鋒Karl-Anthony Towns在不被看好的情況下,用打破決賽圈最高紀錄的29分成為第一位奪下三分球大賽冠軍的中鋒!
    2022/02/23 16:32
  • 布萊恩奧斯卡領獎 不忘諷刺福斯新聞網

    2018/03/05 12:46
  • 1秒切開金屬大口享用!星際大戰「AT-AT」蛋糕超太逼真

    因喬治盧卡斯的電影大作《STAR WARS:原力覺醒》即將在全球上映,風靡數十年的各種星戰話題又再度掀起熱潮。有位英國酷媽在家幫朋友特製電影中「AT AT」(The All Terrain Armored Transport Walker,裝甲走獸)蛋糕,因實在太相似,經過社群媒體分享,訂單從全世界湧入,讓她接應不暇。
    2015/12/02 16:52
  • MiLB/旅美菜鳥年 黃暐傑入選未來之星對抗賽

    美國職棒台灣時間26日公布未來之星對抗賽(Futures All-Star Game)入選名單,台灣小將黃暐傑才旅美第1個球季,就入選這個由潛力新秀所組成的明星賽,相當不容易。
    2015/06/26 11:18
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