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    AGEs 結果共13筆

  • 男「愛吃1物」長出8公分大腫瘤!醫警示:恐罹肝癌還快速老化

    2024/05/24 13:19
  • 不喝酒!男一查肝臟驚長「8公分腫瘤」罹癌了 最愛1食物惹禍

    2024/05/21 14:36
  • Taiwan boosts childcare support: new subsidies announced

    Vice President Lai Ching-te unveils plans to expand "National child care policy for ages 0-6" to ease family burdens. Increased subsidies for childcare costs and focus on early childhood education highlighted to address declining birth rates and support families with children.
    2024/03/26 13:52
  • 今晚開唱!83歲封爵歌王抵台收金字手寫扇 好心情全說了

    83歲「封爵」級歌王湯姆瓊斯(Tom Jones ),帶著「Tom Jones : Ages & Stages Tour」世界巡迴演唱會踏上寶島,昨(11)晚他活力十足抵台,主辦單位Live Nation Taiwan 為了迎接傳奇天王到來,送上別具意義且霸氣的金字手寫扇,上頭寫著他的中文名「湯姆瓊斯」,把金色尊貴的象徵融入折扇之中,更顯不凡。
    2024/03/12 11:20
  • Nationwide flu shot eligibility opens in Taiwan for all ages

    Stay informed about Taiwan’s government-funded influenza vaccination program starting on March 5. All citizens aged six months and older are now eligible for flu shots to curb the spread of the flu post-lantern festivals. High-risk groups like seniors, preschool children, and medical staff are encouraged to get vaccinated promptly. Supplies are limited, with about 70,000 doses left as of Feb. 27. Vaccine effectiveness varies by age and health condition, ranging from 30 to 80 percent.
    2024/03/05 11:02
  • Cold front in Taiwan linked to fatal cardiac arrests

    A cold front in Taiwan has been linked to five fatal cases of Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) in the Keelung region. Victims’ ages ranged from 52 to 97. The Keelung City Fire Department reported a total of five emergency rescue cases of OHCA, with two males and three females affected. It is unclear whether the cold weather was the cause of these emergencies. Temperatures dropped to 6-8 degrees Celsius on Tuesday morning, prompting the fire department to urge the public to prioritize warmth and guard against the risks posed by the low temperatures. The Central Weather Administration (CWA) reported temperatures of 6-8 degrees in areas north of central Taiwan and Yilan, and 9-12 degrees in southern Taiwan and Hualien-Taitung regions. The whole island may experience regional short-term rain due to moisture from southern China, with heavier rainfall expected in Keelung, the northern coast, and the mountainous area of Taipei city. New Taipei, Taipei, and Yi-lan may also be affected by heavy rains.
    2024/01/23 13:16
  • Taiwan’s youth mental health initiative reaches 17,000

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) has successfully implemented a mental health support program for young people, serving 17,000 individuals by the end of 2023. The program offers three free counseling sessions for individuals aged 15 to 30, with 33% of users assessed as high-risk and referred for medical treatment. The majority of users are between the ages of 24 and 30, comprising 66% of the total users. The program has received positive feedback, with a satisfaction rate of 96% and 95% of participants finding the counseling services beneficial. The initiative has utilized approximately 50% of its budget and will continue to provide counseling even after its completion. Currently, 406 partner institutions nationwide contribute mental health services to the program. MOHW aims to combat the stigma surrounding mental health counseling and encourages young people to actively seek help. The ministry plans to further accumulate psychological medical resources to serve the needs of young people. The program was launched on August 1, 2022, through collaboration between seven leading professional medical and psychological associations.
    2024/01/18 16:10
  • Career reinvention strategies over Lunar New Year

    In Taiwan, employees often contemplate job or profession changes, especially after receiving year-end bonuses around the Lunar New Year. Experts advise individuals of all ages to conduct thorough self-assessments before making a leap.
    2023/12/02 16:01
  • Taiwan probes LY Corp. over 440K users’ data leak

    Taiwan’s Minister of Digital Affairs, Audrey Tang, has announced that the cyber security breach at LY Corporation, the parent company of popular messaging app LINE, is currently under investigation by the National Development Council (NDC). The breach potentially exposed the personal data of approximately 440,000 users, including information from 100 Taiwanese accounts. The incident, which follows a hack on South Korean IT giant Naver, a major shareholder in LY Corporation, has prompted the ongoing investigation in Taiwan. The leaked data primarily includes names, affiliated institutions, and email addresses of LY Corporation’s employees and business partners, as well as potentially leaked ages, genders, and purchase histories for stickers. However, no users’ messages, bank account numbers, or credit card information were compromised. Taiwan’s Digital Ministry has requested relevant entities to provide information and report the breach in accordance with the law. The affected user data includes hashed mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and LINE account details. Whether sanctions will be imposed under Taiwan’s new Personal Data Protection Act will depend on the outcome of the NDC’s investigation. Minister Tang assured the public that messages sent between LINE users are end-to-end encrypted and the server does not store message content, indicating that no message content was compromised in this breach. She emphasized the importance of having servers located in Taiwan for apps like LINE, particularly for maintaining communications during disasters. Discussions are underway with various international messaging providers, including LINE and the Signal Foundation, regarding the potential establishment of servers in Taiwan.
    2023/11/29 16:09
  • Chiayi residents least likely to marry in Taiwan: survey

    Chiayi City Councilor Cheng Kuang-hung has raised concerns about the declining birthrate in Chiayi and the city’s residents being the least willing to marry compared to other Taiwanese cities. A survey conducted in 2018 with over 8,000 Taiwanese netizens revealed that the number of newborns in Chiayi has been consistently decreasing over the past decade. In 2014, there were 2,100 newborns, but by September 2023, the figure had dropped to 845. Unmarried individuals aged 25-44 accounted for more than half of the population in Chiayi, with 52.52% being unmarried. Men in this age group had a higher unmarried rate of 58.86% compared to women at 46.37%. Cheng suggested that government policies and budget allocations should be redirected towards encouraging early marriage and childbirth instead of focusing solely on post-marriage childbirth subsidies and childcare. Academia Sinica also recommended promoting marriage and procreation at younger ages to address the declining birth rates. The Executive Yuan established a dedicated office in 2018 to combat the declining birthrate, investing over NT$40 billion in recent years.
    2023/11/16 20:38
  • Children’s Amusement Park hosts Halloween costume party

    Join the Halloween costume party at Taipei Children’s Amusement Park this weekend (Oct. 28 and Oct. 29). Incorporate Halloween elements into your outfit and enter the park for free. Despite the weather, people of all ages dressed up as Mario, pirates, ninjas, Eevee from Pokémon, and Elsa, among others. The park extended its operating hours and featured a bonus fireworks display in the evening. Leofoo Village, Lihpao Discovery Land, and Janfusun Fancyworld also offered ticket discounts to those in costume.
    2023/10/28 16:39
  • Mayor Chiang Wan-an inspects newly upgraded Taipei Dome

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an recently toured the upgraded Taipei Dome, which has been 32 years in the making and meets high standards verified by Major League Baseball officials. Slated to host international competitions, the dome aims to unite baseball fans of all ages. Test games are planned for November, prior to the Asian Baseball Championship in December.
    2023/10/27 15:36
  • 麵包控當心!「4糖毒美食」恐釀失智 吐司比米飯更危險

    2023/07/30 14:25
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