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    A-10 結果共566筆

  • 特斯拉失控「空中狂滾10多圈」 連撞多車AB柱竟沒變形

    2024/05/02 11:10
  • 沈玉琳小17歲嫩妻「消失螢光幕10年」 罕露面驚人狀態曝光

    2024/04/24 17:11
  • A-Lin二登「THE FIRST TAKE」 揭緊張苦練內幕:很不安

    金曲歌后A-Lin二度登上日本知名音樂YouTube頻道「THE FIRST TAKE」,選唱收錄在2022年專輯《LINK》中的歌曲〈摯友〉,將於今(17)晚9點首播。談及自己的表現,若是滿分10分,她笑說給了引以為傲的7分,「能夠出演『THE FIRST TAKE』,本身就是對我實力的肯定,扣除的3分,有2分是覺得還有進步的空間,剩下的1分是希望觀眾們也可以為我評分。」
    2024/04/17 17:38
  • 吳子嘉爆衛福部買BNT疫苗A錢 東洋林全:上海復星有低消

    2024/04/10 18:28
  • 黃子佼驚爆「恐貢獻原創」換升級!他急勸別封創意私房:證據都在上面

    2024/04/10 09:24
  • Festival honors democracy advocate Deng Nan-jung’s legacy

    Here is a meta description for the story: Tʻai-chung "Born 2 Be Free Festival" chʻu-hsing 35 chou-nien chi-nien Teng Nan-jung shih-chieh chi Tʻai-yang-hua Hsüeh-yün 10 chou-nien, tʻui-hsiang yen-lun tzu-yu chia-chih, chʻüan-li min-chung liao-chieh kuo-chʻü jen-chʻüan pei-hai li-shih, cheng-fu yin-chih chih-chʻi huo-tung.
    2024/04/09 11:14
  • Demolition begins in Hualien following 7.2 magnitude quake

    Following a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Hualien, demolition of damaged buildings has begun, including the Uranus Building on Xuanyuan Rd, close to Dongdamen Night Market. The quake has resulted in 10 deaths, 1067 injuries, and extensive damage.
    2024/04/04 19:47
  • 全家山丘藍霜淇淋開賣!限時第2支10元 加碼5支188元快囤

    2024/04/02 18:58
  • 台灣有「食人菌」! 6歲童跌倒感染險截肢 醫認了:很常見

    2024/03/26 19:05
  • 18 Chinese PLA aircraft cross Taiwan Strait: MND

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense reports 18 aircraft from China’s People’s Liberation Army crossed the Taiwan Strait’s median line, with a total of 26 aircraft and 10 vessels detected in the area. The MND is closely monitoring the situation and expresses serious concerns over the ongoing intrusions, signaling escalating tensions in the region.
    2024/03/14 11:36
  • 被吳子嘉指靠疫苗A一億!陳時中提告求償 今出庭鬆口曝「BNT單劑價格」

    2024/03/13 22:09
  • 她爸爸過世無法完成約定!丁噹悲唱〈我愛他〉 現場哭成淚海

    「情歌天后」丁噹10日在高雄舉辦「夜遊 A Night Tour」演唱會,第2晚找來GX鼓鼓呂思緯、蕭秉治擔任嘉賓,丁噹笑說平常嘉賓只有一位,今天有二位嘉賓,「我站你們中間,左右為難」,他們則直接幫丁噹分配好,唱嗨歌選擇鼓鼓,唱情歌選擇蕭秉治,一舉二得,一席話逗樂全場。
    2024/03/11 17:39
  • 2024奧斯卡/《墜惡真相》狗演員「梅西」成功突圍! 萌坐觀眾席觀禮

    入圍5項奧斯卡的法國電影《墜惡真相》(Anatomy of a Fall)去年奪下坎城影展金棕梠大獎,片中7歲的邊境牧羊犬「梅西」因演技精湛,大獲觀眾喜愛,2月出席奧斯卡入圍午宴時,一登場就搶走所有人風采,許多大咖明星都搶著合照,昨(10)原本傳出他太搶鏡惹毛其他入圍者,向主辦投訴,恐被禁止出席,不過牠還是成功突圍,乖乖跟劇組一起坐在觀眾席觀禮,非常可愛。
    2024/03/11 08:35
  • Taiwan faces frigid weather in 8 regions: CWA

    Stay informed about the impact of a continental cold wave hitting Taiwan, as reported by the Central Weather Administration. Expect temperatures to drop significantly, with some areas potentially reaching below 10 degrees Celsius. Weather expert Lin Te-en warns of a possible transformation of the cold air mass into a cold stream, affecting various regions. Keep an eye on the north, northeast, and east for temperatures not exceeding 18 degrees Celsius, while the south and central regions may experience slightly warmer weather. Prepare for the strongest impact tonight until Saturday morning, with temperatures possibly plummeting further. Stay updated as temperatures are forecasted to rise temporarily on Sunday before declining again on Monday.
    2024/03/08 11:58
  • Taiwan shivers: CWA warns of temperatures dropping

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan with this story from Taipei. The Central Weather Administration has issued an "orange" signal cold surge advisory for Keelung City and New Taipei City, indicating temperatures of 10 degrees Celsius or lower. Former CWA Weather Forecast Center director Daniel Wu predicts a drop to below 9 degrees. Be prepared with your umbrellas as isolated showers are expected across the country.
    2024/03/07 13:55
  • Taiwan braces for sudden heatwave before chilly plunge

    Stay informed about the fluctuating weather in Taiwan this week. A heatwave is expected on Tuesday, with temperatures reaching up to 35 degrees Celsius before plummeting to as low as 10 degrees in some areas by the weekend. Meteorologist Wu Der-rong warns of a cold air mass from China bringing rain and significantly colder temperatures. Keep an eye on the Central Weather Administration’s forecasts for the latest updates.
    2024/03/05 10:47
  • 驚收蕭煌奇大禮!丁噹訴幸福心聲 爆孤獨流盡眼淚「找到方向」

    丁噹3月9、10日將在高雄流行音樂中心舉辦「夜遊 A Night Tour」演唱會,新輯《日與夜,跟自己說晚安》昨(1)日正式問世,新一波主打歌〈致遠道而來的我們〉邀來新生代人氣女歌手陳華對唱,有著相似的家庭背景與故事經歷的她們一拍即合,拍MV時更手牽手上演動人姐妹情。
    2024/03/02 14:08
  • Taipei shivers as cold front brings 11.5°C chill

    Stay updated on Taipei’s weather as a strong cold air mass from China brings chilly temperatures and rainy conditions across the island. Expect lows of 10-11 degrees in the north and highs of 25-27 degrees in the south. Weather forecasters predict a shift in conditions with temperatures possibly reaching 30-31 degrees by Tuesday, before a potential cold air mass brings a drop in temperatures by Wednesday.
    2024/03/01 10:38
  • Cold snap hits northern Taiwan with 10°C temperatures

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan as a strong continental cold air mass brings chilly temperatures to northern regions. Find out how the Central Weather Administration’s forecasts are impacting areas like Taipei, New Taipei, and Taoyuan, with temperatures possibly dropping below 10 degrees Celsius. Stay informed about the persistent influence of the cold air mass and how it’s affecting different parts of the island.
    2024/02/27 10:41
  • 丁噹不忍了!預告打造5千人KTV大包廂 歌迷許願霸氣給承諾

    丁噹「夜遊 A Night Tour」巡迴演唱會即將於3月9、10日高雄音樂中心舉辦,已經7年沒到高雄辦演唱會的她,就有第一場已完售,第二場僅剩零星票券的好成績,如火如荼地準備演唱會的她,特別選在極具意義的元宵節和歌迷團聚,24日在高雄流行音樂中心輕軌側廣場舉辦演唱會簽票會感謝歌迷,她好康大放送,現場除了演唱多首歌曲外,還準備氣球天燈和歌迷一同許願希望演唱會平安順利,以及和歌迷玩猜燈謎並送上珍貴的「小萌龍呆腦獸」,與歌迷度過超豐富的元宵節。
    2024/02/25 18:10
  • 丁噹曬超萌嫩照!驚爆4歲失蹤內幕 爸媽嚇壞報警結局曝光

    歌手丁噹3月9、10日將在高雄流行音樂中心舉辦「夜遊 A Night Tour」演唱會,年節期間她返鄉和家人團聚,因爸爸背上長了一顆瘤,她特地陪爸爸去開刀,相當孝順。不過丁噹分享自己的童年趣事,是曾在4歲走丟一整天,嚇得爸媽報警找人。
    2024/02/24 07:01
  • New Taipei mayor recall effort hits 20,000 signatures

    A civic group in New Taipei City has gathered over 20,000 signatures in the first stage of the recall campaign against Mayor Hou Yu-ih. The effort, aiming for 40,000 signatures, follows the Public Officials Election And Recall Act, with the second stage requiring 10% of electors to endorse the recall. Hou, who served as mayor and later ran for president, faces potential recall pending a vote.
    2024/02/20 18:13
  • Taipower at risk of financial crisis without government aid

    Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) faces a potential financial crisis by year-end without government aid or electricity price hikes, warned Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua. An upcoming electricity price review may see rates for ultra-high-voltage users surge by over 10%. Wang emphasizes the need for discussion in the committee meeting and assures efforts to minimize impacts on the public. Taipower’s efficient management has helped curb price spikes and inflation, with plans in place for financial support and program development. Current electricity costs for major consumers stand at around NT$1.63, while Taipower’s generation cost, pre-tax, is NT$3.93, expected to surpass NT$4 post-tax.
    2024/02/20 13:10
  • Anping Art Light District shines in Tainan

    Discover the vibrant atmosphere of the Anping Art Light District in Tainan during the 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival. Immerse yourself in 30 unique light installations set against a historical backdrop, complemented by sea breeze, humanities, and history. Join over 3 million visitors in enjoying aerial performances every weekend until March 10. Experience the magic of the "Dragon Comes to Taiwan" centerpiece lighting up Tainan’s High-Speed Rail Light District on Feb. 24.
    2024/02/19 11:43
  • Taiwan faces critical blood shortage, O-type at alarming low

    Taiwan Blood Service Foundation reports critical shortage of O-type blood, with only 3.7 days’ worth in stock. Decreased donations due to Lunar New Year holiday impact blood supply, with Taipei Blood Center urging public to donate after work to alleviate crisis. Blood bank stocks at only 4.5 days, far below optimal level of 7-10 days. A, B, and AB blood types also facing shortages.
    2024/02/17 13:29
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