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    2019������������ 結果共9,869筆

  • 央視揭「洗米華」網路賭場運作手法 4年境內投注額3千億人民幣

    2024/01/09 10:16
  • 唐玲遭評估剩3到6個月壽命 割除子宮卵巢提早進入更年期

    2024/01/08 15:07
  • 跨年晚會看嘸她!吳姍儒突「拒接主持」 辛酸內幕曝:想要平靜

    2024/01/07 11:04
  • 多次鬧上社會版面!前港主播曾出拳毆前妻男友 驚動警方被捕

    2024/01/06 12:06
  • 42歲前主播驚爆身亡 港警破門驚見「倒臥在地」

    2024/01/06 06:50
  • 東京豐洲市場競標創四年來新高 百公斤鮪魚拍出千萬天價

    2024/01/05 14:22
  • 全球2024十大趨勢 選舉、AI與通膨將左右你我生活

    2024/01/05 11:25
  • 金馬影后出軌離婚!「11歲愛女發文遭網爆」 本人怒正面開嗆

    中國大陸女星李小璐3歲就參與電影演出,16歲便憑藉《天浴》奪得金馬獎最佳女主角,成為當時金馬史上最年輕影后,2012年嫁給同為演員的賈乃亮,育有一女甜馨,怎料,2019年卻爆出與饒舌歌手PG One過夜,形象至此跌落谷底、演藝事業受到重挫,與賈乃亮的婚姻僅維持短短7年,離婚後,一家三口一舉一動仍受到外界關注,近日11歲女兒在社群平台發文,沒想到竟引來酸民留言「有小萬叔叔嗎?」甜馨氣得直接開嗆
    2024/01/04 21:48
  • 高雄女童加油站噴槍命案 父判囚10年爆「非親生」非常上訴結果曝

    2024/01/04 16:45
  • 曾演《家有仙妻》爆紅!孫興認愛小9歲女友 放任「住進林美貞家」

    2024/01/04 16:19
  • Excessive screen time contributes to Myopia surge in Taiwan

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a detrimental effect on Taiwanese students’ eyesight, with 81.61% of high-school students, 73.16% of junior high school students, and 45.23% of elementary students experiencing poor eyesight in the 2022-2023 academic year. Excessive use of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, is a major contributing factor to the prevalence of myopia, the most common eye condition among children. A survey conducted by the Child Welfare League Foundation in 2019 found that the average age at which children own their first phone is ten. Ophthalmologists warn that individuals with myopia over 500 degrees are three times more likely to develop glaucoma and 5.5 times more likely to develop cataracts compared to their peers. The risks escalate for those with myopia over 700 degrees, as they are 44 times more likely to experience retinal detachment and 127 times more likely to suffer macular degeneration. Even successful myopia laser correction does not eliminate the potential risks of ocular diseases, as thinning of eye tissues and elongation of the eye axis persist. The golden period for myopia control is considered to be between 3 to 18 years of age, and various strategies such as increased outdoor activities, the use of mydriatic agents, Orthokeratology, daily disposable contact lenses designed for myopia control, and the latest children’s vision management lenses can be employed. These alarming rates highlight the urgent need to strike a balance between technology use and effective prevention strategies and early treatment for Taiwanese children.
    2024/01/03 20:06
  • 淡出螢光幕!35歲女星無預警宣布「懷孕喜訊」 轉投法律界現況曝

    2024/01/03 20:03
  • 女星逛街險遭「天降酒瓶」砸頭! 路人也嚇壞:心臟停了1秒

    2024/01/01 01:40
  • 曾是台北最潮百貨…京華城走錯哪步被拆除? 鄉民點3大主因:太傷

    2023/12/31 23:31
  • 阿Ben新造型「黑暗中發光」嚇壞老婆! 徐小可求饒:要怎麼睡

    2023/12/31 09:42
  • 疫後來台觀光人數砍半 台北店租「不減反增」這處創新高

    2023/12/28 23:50
  • 陷阿翔不倫戀4年!謝忻淪4無「收入全斷」 揹房貸慘況曝

    2023/12/28 21:47
  • 公雞風向標重新歸位! 巴黎聖母院拚奧運年重開

    2023/12/27 19:39
  • 蕭敬騰師弟一出道破千萬點閱!瘦子、高爾宣也大讚 內幕全曝光

    年僅20歲的樂壇唱作新人Juice Boy,挾著累積六首歌在YouTube總流量破一千五百萬高人氣,終於發行個人首張全創作專輯《Juice》;這位被華納唱片培訓一年多的鮮肉新人其實早在2019年念高中就嶄露頭角,光是一首〈Paradise〉就破八百萬點閱還讓金曲歌王瘦子E.SO及高爾宣轉發推薦,足以證明他唱作「鬼才」魅力驚人,順勢成為羅志祥、蕭敬騰師弟。
    2023/12/27 18:37
  • ’Parasite’ actor dies in apparent suicide amid drug scandals

    Acclaimed South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun, known for his roles in popular films and television dramas such as ’Coffee Prince,’ ’My Mister,’ and ’Parasite,’ was found dead in his car in a suspected suicide. Lee had gained extensive popularity across Asia, including Taiwan, where he had visited in 2019 to promote his film ’Take Point.’ His performance in ’My Mister’ had received rave reviews, and ’Parasite’ had won both the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film and the Academy Award for Best Picture. Despite his success, Lee’s career was overshadowed by suspicion of drug involvement, ultimately leading to his tragic end, deeply saddening fans worldwide.
    2023/12/27 18:31
  • 昔全裸大鬧賣場!李興文曝愛子「廟裡服務」:出家是我們家大福報

    2023/12/27 17:15
  • Tax benefits for disabled, long-term care rise in Taiwan

    In 2021, approximately 664,000 Taiwanese taxpayers received disability deductions and 354,000 received long-term care deductions from their individual income tax, in accordance with the rules of the "Income Tax Act." The total deductions for disability and long-term care amounted to NT$137.4 billion and NT$42.5 billion, respectively. Since 2014, the number of households benefiting from disability deductions has exceeded 600,000, reaching 635,000 in 2021. The income tax reform in 2018 increased the disability deduction to NT$200,000, resulting in a rise from NT$89.1 billion in 2017 to NT$135.2 billion, with subsequent years remaining around NT$138 billion. Starting from 2019, individuals could deduct up to NT$120,000 for long-term care. By 2021, a total of NT$42.5 billion was deducted, benefiting 330,000 households, which accounted for 5.1% of all reporting households. Over the past five years, the number of individuals benefiting from disability deductions ranged from 664,000 to 698,000, representing 55.2% to 59.6% of all disabled Taiwanese. The number of individuals benefiting from long-term care deductions has been increasing annually for the past three years, with 336,000, 350,000, and 354,000 people, respectively. The beneficiaries of the long-term care 2.0 service also experienced an increase, from 389,000 in 2019 to 554,000 in 2021, indicating an improvement in the capabilities of the long-term care service.
    2023/12/26 21:34
  • Tech-driven traffic enforcement expands in Taipei City

    Taipei City plans to install four more traffic enforcement cameras at intersections starting from January 1, 2024, to maintain traffic order. The new technology will assist in enforcing traffic regulations, including stopping for pedestrians, obeying traffic lights, making proper turns, and following traffic signal directions. Violations captured by the cameras will be penalized under the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act. Since 2019, Taipei has already installed such cameras in 34 areas, resulting in over a 90% decrease in traffic violations according to the Traffic Division’s data. The introduction of tech-based traffic enforcement aims to reduce violations and ensure smooth traffic flow, with the authorities urging drivers to prioritize traffic safety. These additional installations are expected to contribute to safer road conditions in the city.
    2023/12/26 20:24
  • Taiwanese actor JC Lin announces engagement on social media

    Taiwanese actor JC Lin announced his engagement to his girlfriend Cindy on December 26. He shared a sweet picture on social media, captioning it with ’Christmas gift exchange -- she got a ring, I got a YES.’ The couple had been in a relationship for 10 years before JC Lin proposed on Christmas day. He posted a heartfelt message alongside the photos, expressing his happiness. JC Lin publicly released a video of his wedding proposal, where he went down on one knee and thanked Cindy for being with him through the happiness and hardships of the past decade. Cindy accepted the proposal, leading to a heartfelt kiss witnessed by friends, including Taiwanese actor Kai Ko. In 2019, JC Lin received praise for his role in the TV drama ’The World Between Us,’ where he skillfully portrayed a character suffering from schizophrenia.
    2023/12/26 16:54
  • Gingle Wang, Tsao Yu-ning share sweet Christmas photos

    Taiwanese actors Gingle Wang and Tsao Yu-ning share sweet holiday photos on Instagram, wearing matching red sweaters and embracing each other. Wang gained fame in 2019 with her role in the horror film "Detention," while Tsao entered the film scene in 2014 with the baseball movie "KANO." The couple’s post surprised fans and received playful comments, solidifying their status as high-profile favorites in Taiwan’s film industry.
    2023/12/26 15:42
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