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    research 結果共149筆

  • Taiwan seeks UK support for CPTPP membership bid

    Discover how Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung advocates for UK support in Taiwan’s CPTPP application and the growing Taiwan-UK relations, including trade and technology collaborations.
    2024/06/21 10:23
  • Air pollution linked to rising lung cancer rates in Taiwan

    Explore the alarming link between air pollution and lung cancer in Taiwan, where cancer has been the leading cause of death for over four decades. Discover how prolonged exposure to PM2.5 is a significant risk factor, surpassing even smoking in some cases, and learn about the urgent calls for action to combat this public health crisis.
    2024/06/18 17:01
  • 美國1/4選民「川普、拜登都討厭」 創總統候選人厭惡度歷史新高

    美國總統大位一直以來都是由兩大黨,民主黨和共和黨在選戰中角逐。不料據美國智庫「皮尤研究中心」(Pew Research Center)最新調查指出,有高達四分之一的美國選民表示,他們對於這次民主、共和兩黨推出的總統候選人拜登(Joe Biden)和川普(Donald Trump)都不喜歡,這個人數比例不僅較2020年翻了一倍,更創下歷史新高紀錄。
    2024/06/17 15:18
  • Taiwan, Czech Republic deepen ties with new agreements

    Explore the strengthening ties between Taiwan and the Czech Republic as Premier Cho Jung-tai welcomes a Czech delegation led by Senate Vice President Jiří Drahoš, focusing on democratic values, technological cooperation, and cultural exchanges.
    2024/06/12 17:01
  • Belgian startups join forces with Taiwan in tech forum

    Discover the highlights of the Taiwan-Belgium Joint Business Council Meeting, where Wallonia’s delegation aims to strengthen innovation ties with Taiwan. Learn about the collaborative efforts in technology and sustainable development.
    2024/06/06 17:07
  • Taiwan to launch language center to preserve heritage

    Discover Taiwan’s new initiative to preserve its linguistic heritage with the establishment of a national language research and development center, aiming to promote Taiwanese, Hakka, Indigenous languages, and Matsu’s Mindong language.
    2024/06/06 15:28
  • NVIDIA to open design center in Taiwan, hire 1K engineers

    Discover how NVIDIA’s CEO, Jensen Huang, plans to expand the company’s footprint in Taiwan by establishing a design center and hiring 1,000 engineers, highlighting the strategic importance of Taiwan to NVIDIA’s growth and innovation.
    2024/06/04 13:40
  • NVIDIA CEO to showcase AI at COMPUTEX, deepening Taiwan ties

    Discover how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang is set to strengthen ties with Taiwanese manufacturers and highlight AI applications at COMPUTEX in June. His keynote will mark
    2024/05/31 16:16
  • New study highlights aging trends among younger people

    New research from Washington University in St. Louis suggests younger generations are aging faster due to lifestyle and dietary factors. Experts recommend moderate exercise and a natural diet to slow the aging process.
    2024/05/30 15:58
  • DPP clarifies use of mobile signal data amid KMT criticism

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: DPP spokesperson Cho Kuan-ting addresses KMT’s surveillance accusations, explaining the use of mobile signal data for market research is standard practice. Learn more about the controversy and the clarification provided.
    2024/05/28 17:58
  • TOEFL rep introduces scholarship for Taiwan students

    Discover Chun Shin Ltd.’s new scholarship program for Taiwanese college students, enhancing English proficiency and academic research skills. Apply by Oct. 20, 2024.
    2024/05/13 17:44
  • Taiwan’s low faculty salaries hurt rankings: Experts

    Explore how Taiwan’s universities are striving to improve their global academic rankings through salary increases and significant educational reforms, amidst challenges of insufficient resources and low faculty pay.
    2024/05/08 17:09
  • Hsiao Bi-khim champions Taiwan’s resilience as beacon

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim speaks at the CAPRI forum, emphasizing Taiwan’s resilience through adversities like natural disasters, misinformation, and military harassment. She highlights Taiwan’s progress in democracy, economic innovation, and defense, asserting Taiwan’s leadership role in the Asia-Pacific and its commitment to fostering global partnerships.
    2024/05/06 17:14
  • Taiwan launches net-zero emission training to meet demand

    Discover how Taiwan’s National Environmental Research Academy is addressing the demand for green talent with its Net-Zero Emission Capacity Enhancement Class, filling up quickly due to high demand. Learn about the initiative’s focus on equipping individuals for the green sector and supporting green careers.
    2024/04/30 14:48
  • China reveals technological leaps in upcoming lunar mission

    Discover how China’s Chang’e 6 mission aims to surpass its previous lunar sample collection, deepening our understanding of the moon with advanced technology and strategic launches. Learn about China’s future space exploration plans, including astronaut missions by 2030 and the establishment of a lunar research station.
    2024/04/29 17:14
  • Taiwan’s economy to grow by 3.29% amid inflation concerns

    Explore the latest economic forecasts for Taiwan as the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research projects a GDP growth of 3.29% and a CPI increase to 2.13%. Amidst stable domestic demand and expanding exports, concerns over rising costs and geopolitical tensions loom. With cautious business investments and the global economic climate’s uncertainties, Taiwan navigates through challenges towards growth.
    2024/04/26 16:27
  • Taiwan’s tech talent draws NVIDIA for groundbreaking R&D hub

    NVIDIA plans to establish its first Asia-based R&D center and the largest supercomputer in Taiwan, as announced by Chiou Chyou-huey from the MOEA. The decision reflects Taiwan’s allure due to its skilled workforce, semiconductor ecosystem, and ICT capabilities, with over 90% of AI servers manufactured in Taiwan. The focus is on advancing AI technologies and leveraging Taiwan’s manufacturing and biomedical sectors to enhance global AI systems.
    2024/04/26 16:14
  • Google expands in Taiwan with new R&D building

    Google opens its second hardware R&D building in Banqiao, New Taipei City, establishing Taiwan as its largest hardware research base outside the U.S. The facility features over 50 labs and aims to foster hardware and AI innovations with global tech talent. The event was attended by prominent Taiwanese and American officials, highlighting Taiwan’s growing tech industry and Google’s commitment to investing in the region despite geopolitical concerns.
    2024/04/26 13:15
  • Study reveals higher disordered eating in immigrant children

    Research by Chen Tuan-jung from National Taiwan University suggests children of recent immigrants in New Taipei City are more prone to disordered eating behaviors compared to their peers, with factors such as social identity, cultural pressures, and health literacy influencing this trend. The study highlights the psychological distress and potential for serious mental health issues among these children, underscoring the need for awareness and intervention.
    2024/04/26 13:14
  • Audrey Tang confident in new minister’s digital expertise

    Audrey Tang, Taiwan’s Digital Affairs Minister, confidently initiates the transition to Huang Yen-nun, an expert in cybersecurity and AI, with hopes for new legislation on electronic signatures and cybersecurity to be passed before Huang takes office.
    2024/04/24 18:07
  • Taiwan’s Environment Minister to step down in May

    Meta description: Hsieh Fu-sheng, current Minister of Environment, announces he will not retain his position in President-elect Lai Ch’ing-te’s upcoming cabinet. Hsieh will return to teaching at National Chung Hsing University after May 20 and retire in 2025. He expresses gratitude for his experience and hopes his successor will continue promoting environmental initiatives.
    2024/04/17 15:34
  • Hualien quake aftershocks decreasing, Japan says

    Explore the latest findings from Japan’s Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion on the low tsunami risk following the Hualien earthquake in Taiwan, despite frequent aftershocks.
    2024/04/10 13:05
  • Quake research in Taiwan highlights Hualien’s vulnerability

    Discover the latest on Hualien County, Taiwan’s most earthquake-prone region, including recent seismic events, research insights, and ongoing efforts to enhance structural reinforcement and disaster recovery planning.
    2024/04/10 10:41
  • MediaTek unveils latest LLM for Chinese-language users

    Discover how MediaTek is pioneering the future of generative AI with its new traditional Chinese large language model, MediaTek Research BreeXe, tailored for Taiwanese users seeking culturally relevant solutions.
    2024/04/09 18:32
  • TSMC, Kyushu University to boost semiconductor talent

    TSMC to collaborate with Kyushu University in Japan to foster talent and research in the semiconductor field. The partnership aims to address a projected shortage of technical talents in Kyushu’s semiconductor industry and support TSMC’s expansion plans in Kumamoto Prefecture.
    2024/04/01 13:05
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