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    United States 結果共113筆

  • 憂川普、拜登都會擋併購案 日本製鐵請龐佩奧當顧問出馬遊說

    隨著川普(Donald Trump)確定代表共和黨參選美國總統,身為他多年盟友、前國務卿龐佩奧(Mike Pompeo),也傳出收穫新工作邀請,將擔任日本製鐵公司(Nippon Steel)高階顧問,幫忙該財團推動併購美國鋼鐵公司(United States Steel)的計畫。傳聞指出,之所以找龐佩奧出任,就是看中他和川普之間的關係,希望能借重其力量說服這位潛在領導人改變心意。
    2024/07/21 11:47
  • 川普槍擊/1968甘迺迪遇刺 特勤局開始保護總統候選人

    美國在1968年已故前司法部長羅伯特甘迺迪(Robert Kennedy),在黨內初選期間遇刺身亡後,華府隨即修改法規,要求特勤局(United States Secret Service)給予大選候選人與其配偶,一定規格的人身保護。但是這套制度中,卻對候選人資格,有著主觀認定的立場,並不是你宣佈參選、就能被視為候選人自動獲得維安保護,而必須經過國土安全部長與諮詢委員會認定後才算數。
    2024/07/14 10:35
  • US delegation lands in Taiwan for defense forum

    Discover insights on the Taiwan-US Defense Business Forum in Taipei, highlighting the growing defense collaboration between Taiwan and the United States and featuring top defense contractors.
    2024/06/04 17:02
  • Philippines and US commit to peace in Taiwan Strait

    The 11th Philippines-United States Bilateral Strategic Dialogue concluded in Washington D.C., emphasizing peace in the Taiwan Strait and opposing force in territorial disputes. The dialogue focused on maintaining a free Indo-Pacific and expanding cooperation in digital, space, and democracy sectors, with plans to sign the GSOMIA by year’s end.
    2024/04/25 17:57
  • 伊朗無人機、飛彈空襲以色列 美、英、法、約旦出手助攔截

    伊朗於4月13日對以色列發動大規模空襲,出動逾百架無人機及飛彈,這是伊朗首度直接隊以色列領土進行軍事攻擊,伊朗更示警美國不要插手兩國糾紛。《路透社》報導,美國中央司令部(United States Central Command)證實,美軍在美國歐洲司令部驅逐艦的協助下,13日、14日兩天已經摧毀了80多架伊朗無人機與6枚從伊朗和葉門瞄準以色列的彈道飛彈,除了美國之外,以色列也得到了英國、法國、約旦的幫助。
    2024/04/15 09:57
  • Taiwan’s president-elect vows to strengthen ties with US

    On the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, Taiwan’s President-elect Lai Ching-te commits to strengthening ties with the United States, emphasizing the importance of U.S. support for a free and democratic Taiwan. During a Democratic Progressive Party meeting, Lai highlights the act’s role in fostering a stable and robust bilateral relationship, and expresses hope for ongoing U.S. backing to maintain peace and prosperity across the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/04/10 18:00
  • 包裝缺陷恐讓幼童誤食 寶潔召回Tide等百萬顆洗衣膠囊

    知名消費用品大廠寶潔(Procter & Gamble),日前傳出在美國消費者產品安全委員會(United States Consumer Product Safety Commission)要求下,大舉召回旗下的洗衣膠囊(laundry pods)產品,一共涵蓋4個知名品牌:汰漬(Tide)、碧浪(Ariel)、Gain Flings與Ace,都因為疑似包裝設計不良,擔心讓家中幼童誤食或吞嚥發生危險,全美有超過820萬組相關產品被召回。
    2024/04/07 10:50
  • Taiwan Navy Chief to strengthen US ties amid China threats

    Taiwan’s navy chief Tang Hua to visit U.S. for military ceremony and naval cooperation talks amid China threats. Tang’s visit part of U.S. "Joint Island Defence Concept" initiative. Plans for meeting with U.S. chief of naval operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti underway.
    2024/03/29 16:41
  • Joseph Wu: US abandonment of Ukraine could empower China

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warns of the potential consequences if the United States abandons Ukraine, highlighting the implications for Taiwan’s security amid China’s aggression. Wu emphasizes the interconnectedness of global authoritarian threats and stresses the importance of U.S. support for countries facing such challenges. The story delves into the proposed budget for countering China in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on military aid to Taiwan and the ongoing geopolitical dynamics following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Wu also addresses China’s dissemination of false information in alignment with Russian narratives, underscoring the complex web of international relations at play.
    2024/03/29 14:01
  • Tsai urged to visit Taiping Island to assert sovereignty

    Foundation Executive Director Hsiao Hsu-tsen warns that President Tsai Ing-wen’s failure to visit Taiping Island may break the tradition of asserting sovereignty in the South China Sea within two presidential terms, potentially affecting future claims and morale. The United States has historically opposed such visits, exerting pressure on former Presidents Ma Ying-jeou and Chen Shui-bian. Ma’s 2016 visit was not related to a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, as clarified by Hsiao.
    2024/03/26 17:23
  • Taiwan’s NSTC discusses complexity of TikTok regulation

    The National Science and Technology Council in Taipei addresses the complexities of TikTok regulation, highlighting differences between the United States and Taiwan. Minister Wu Tsung-tsong trusts the Executive Yuan and Ministry of Digital Affairs to make informed decisions amidst global debates on misinformation spread by the social media app.
    2024/03/14 15:11
  • U.S. delegation to attend Taiwan presidential inauguration

    The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair, Michael McCaul, plans to lead a delegation to Taiwan for President-elect Lai Ching-te’s inauguration on May 20. The event, expected to be on a scale similar to President Tsai Ing-wen’s 2016 inauguration, will see representatives from Taiwan’s diplomatic allies, including the United States and Japan, in attendance. Plans for the ceremony are still being finalized, according to Presidential Office spokesperson Olivia Lin.
    2024/03/08 11:19
  • Rep. Gallagher praises Tsai’s leadership in Taiwan visit

    The U.S. House of Representatives’ Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party extends an invitation to President Tsai Ing-wen to visit the United States after her tenure. The committee, led by Chairman Mike Gallagher, commends Tsai’s leadership and vision, highlighting Taiwan’s strong ties with the U.S. and discussions on cross-strait issues. Tsai expresses gratitude for U.S. support in strengthening Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities and endorses Taiwan policy reports presented by the committee. The delegation, including members like Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, visits Taiwan for three days to meet with leaders and officials, fostering bilateral relations.
    2024/02/22 16:03
  • Taiwanese bubble milk tea taking over North America

    Taiwan’s bubble milk tea craze is sweeping the United States, with a surge in shops and market growth projected to reach US$2.2 billion within a decade.
    2024/02/20 17:28
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans U.S. visit in 2024

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to visit the United States in the summer of 2024, focusing on cities like Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. The trip may also include Washington if time permits. The visit will prioritize municipal exchanges and involve bureaus related to information, industrial development, and firefighting. Chiang’s previous tours were mainly in Asian cities like Singapore and South Korea. This upcoming visit, his first as mayor, is likely to be politically interpreted, especially given the timing after the inauguration of President-elect Lai Ching-te.
    2024/02/07 14:39
  • S. Leo Chiang on Oscar-nominated ’Island in Between’

    Filmmaker S. Leo Chiang discusses his Oscar-nominated documentary "Island in Between," offering a unique perspective on Taiwan’s complex geopolitics. His goal: sparking curiosity about Taiwan among international audiences.
    2024/02/06 17:47
  • Raytheon to supply Taiwan with advanced AGM-154 missiles

    The United States Department of Defense has awarded a contract to Raytheon Company to produce and deliver 50 AGM-154 Block III C Joint Standoff Weapons (JSOW) to Taiwan. The contract, valued at US$68.4 million, requires completion by March 2028. The AGM-154 Block III C is an air-launched glide cruise missile with a range of 22 kilometers at low altitude and up to 130 kilometers when launched at a higher altitude. It is compatible with Taiwan’s F-16V fighter jets and will enhance Taiwan’s aerial capabilities for land-based attacks. Negotiations for another weapons procurement contract involving AGM-84H/K (SLAM-ER) extended-range standoff land attack missiles are ongoing.
    2024/02/05 10:42
  • Taiwan’s new leaders brace for future challenges: Analysts

    The 2024 Taiwan elections, marked by a victory for the Democratic Progressive Party, have drawn global attention and sparked discussions on the island’s future relations with China and the United States. Experts analyze the implications of Lai Ching-te’s leadership and the reactions from Washington amidst rising regional tensions.
    2024/01/14 16:10
  • Taiwan shifts investment focus from China to U.S., Germany

    Taiwan’s investment in China has reached its lowest point in a decade, making up just over 10% of the island’s total overseas direct investment, according to a report by Nikkei Asia. Recent official data from Taiwan reveals that foreign direct investments surged by 87% to reach $257 billion through November this year. However, investments in China plummeted by 34% to only $29 billion, representing a mere 12% of the total. Since 2010, Taiwanese investments in China have been steadily declining and are projected to drop below the lowest point recorded since 1999. In contrast, investments in the United States have increased ninefold to $96 billion, accounting for around 37% of the total outbound direct investment. Additionally, Taiwan’s direct investment in Germany has soared 25-fold to $39 billion, largely driven by the operations of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. Sun Ming-te, Director of the Business Development and Research Center at the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER), predicts that if tensions between the United States and China persist, Taiwan’s investment in China will continue to decline.
    2023/12/30 20:15
  • Hsiao Bi-khim reassures students on Taiwan-U.S. relations

    DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim reassures students in Hsinchu City that protecting Taiwan’s democratic freedom is in the mutual interest of Taiwan and the United States. She addresses concerns about the history of Chiang Kai-shek’s pro-American stance and Donald Trump’s seemingly unfriendly attitude toward Taiwan. Hsiao emphasizes the importance of promoting Taiwan-U.S. relations with Taiwan at the heart of the process, identifying mutual benefits to strengthen Taiwan. She states that her approach in Washington would not interfere with or comment on the competition between U.S. parties, but rather focus on maintaining Taiwanese interests. Hsiao acknowledges that while Trump may use certain political language, as long as cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. continues and Taiwanese interests are protected, it would be sufficient. The discussion also touches on concerns about subsidies for private high schools, with Hsiao emphasizing the importance of educational equity and Lai Ching-te’s intention to work towards making senior high school education free.
    2023/12/26 20:20
  • DPP’s Hsiao returns to hometown, vows to serve Taiwan

    DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim returned to her hometown, Changhua County’s Hemei Township, and expressed her commitment to contribute to Taiwan. She met her relatives from the Xiao clan and was warmly welcomed by the locals. Hsiao’s father also hailed from Hemei Township and returned to Taiwan after obtaining his doctorate to serve the country. Hsiao feels a strong connection to the local people and sees it as her destiny to serve Taiwan. Her mission is to strengthen the diplomatic ties between Taiwan and the United States. Hsiao thanked the Xiao clan for their unwavering support and encouraged locals to support DPP legislative candidates. She expressed confidence in the DPP’s ability to secure the Taiwanese vote and promised to do more for Taiwan after the election.
    2023/12/26 14:05
  • DPP’s Hsiao: TSMC US factory due to client demand

    DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim visited Hsinchu on Dec. 25, emphasizing that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s (TSMC) decision to establish a factory in the United States was driven by client demand rather than government influence. Hsiao refrained from commenting on TSMC’s internal affairs but acknowledged the company’s understanding of its customers’ need for a U.S. factory. As someone with a strong American background, Hsiao mentioned her American friends’ interest in TSMC’s investments in the U.S. She also highlighted the increased attention Taiwan has received globally and the influx of visitors, some specifically requesting to visit Hsinchu and TSMC. Hsiao took the opportunity to engage with the youth and gain more recognition among them.
    2023/12/26 10:08
  • C.C. Wei to maintain course after Liu’s 2024 exit: analyst

    TSMC chairman Mark Liu’s upcoming retirement in 2024 has led investment experts to suggest that the semiconductor giant should slow down the progress of its new manufacturing facility in the United States. Industry analyst Jonah Cheng believes that TSMC’s policy direction will remain unchanged under the leadership of chief executive C.C. Wei, who is expected to succeed Liu as chairman. Cheng also proposes maintaining a dual leadership structure to cultivate successors from various backgrounds. Speculation suggests that Liu’s retirement may be linked to potential investment challenges in the company’s U.S. expansion. In response to these challenges, Cheng recommends a deceleration in the construction of TSMC’s second U.S. plant. He also highlights the need to assess the current downturn in the car market and economic outlook before proceeding with the German plant focused on automotive applications. Cheng suggests that the Japanese facility could be an optimal choice due to labor and power shortages in Taiwan, as well as cultural similarities and strong government support from Japan. TSMC’s primary obstacle, according to Cheng, is maintaining its leadership position in the semiconductor industry, especially after surpassing Intel. Additionally, the cyclical nature of the industry and the potential opportunities presented by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) applications pose further challenges for the company.
    2023/12/20 18:45
  • Starlux Airlines joins TSA PreCheck program

    Starlux Airlines has announced its participation in the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) PreCheck program, allowing qualified passengers to enjoy expedited security checks when traveling to or transiting through the United States. Eligible travelers on Starlux flights to the U.S. will have access to a dedicated security lane where they can keep their shoes, belts, light jackets, electronics, and liquids in their carry-on luggage. Passengers eligible for PreCheck will receive a Known Traveler Number (KTN) to provide when booking flights or during airport check-in. The program also extends its benefits to children aged 12 and under. TSA PreCheck is available at over 200 airports in the United States.
    2023/12/20 18:30
  • Spain tops visa-free travel index; Taiwan at 70th place

    The VisaGuide World Passport Index has revealed the most powerful passports in the world for December, with Taiwan ranked 70th overall. Spain tops the list, followed by Germany in third place, and the United States in 40th place. The ranking is based on the Destination Significance Score (DSS), which considers various factors. The Spanish passport allows visa-free entry to 43 countries and visa-free access to an additional 106 countries. Singapore holds the second spot and is considered the strongest passport in Asia, granting its citizens visa-free entry to 156 destinations. In comparison, the Taiwanese passport allows visa-free entry to 100 countries and regions, placing it lower than some other countries. China ranks 117th, offering its citizens visa-free access to 46 countries.
    2023/12/19 16:01
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