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    Junior 結果共637筆

  • 直擊/SJ驚喜送福利!當場拿粉絲手機自拍 東海化身「台灣小姐」

    韓流帝王SUPER JUNIOR(以下SJ)今(27)晚在高雄巨蛋舉辦FAN PARTY,吸引萬名粉絲到場。除了帶來多首好歌,更在活動上比賽玩遊戲,沒想到東海竟現場化身為《冰雪奇緣》中的Elsa,穿上一身公主裝後,利特大讚:「Miss Taiwan!」
    2024/01/27 20:19
  • 韓流帝王太狂!SJ中文開聊 始源惦記彭于晏「利特要銀赫跳愛河」

    韓國男團SUPER JUNIOR(以下SJ)今(27)、明(28)兩天在高雄巨蛋舉辦FAN PARTY,每場預計吸引1萬名粉絲到場,他們也不負台灣「韓流帝王」的稱號,幾乎每個成員都以一整串中文跟觀眾打招呼。這次是SJ第二度造訪高雄,只是許多成員都已經忘記13年前曾來過,活動上就不斷為此爭論不休。成員昨(26)天抵台後也各自觀光,其中銀赫居然被利特鼓吹跳愛河!
    2024/01/27 19:24
  • 未成年抽菸、約會正妹照外流 小傑尼斯偶像宣布退出公司

    日本偶像經紀公司SMILE-UP.(前傑尼斯事務所)27日宣布,小傑尼斯 (現稱Junior)團體「AmBitious」人氣成員小柴陸,在無期限停工後將退出公司。小柴陸疑似被抓包未成年抽菸,於2023年6月宣布停止活動,但他與一名正妹約會的偷拍照在停工期間瘋流,再次引發粉絲不滿。
    2024/01/27 14:39
  • 最愛還是麻辣鍋!SJ始源抵台先喊「鼎王等我」 東海隔空濕身傳情

    韓流天團SUPER JUNIOR今(27)、明(28)兩天將在高雄巨蛋舉辦粉絲見面會,團員昨(26)天已從小港機場抵台。睽違13年再到高雄,沒想到始源一下飛機喊的居然不是台灣老婆「E.L.F.」,而是「鼎王等我」!東海的動態似乎也透露一行人已經如願以償。
    2024/01/27 10:32
  • 韓團來了!Super Junior、LE SSERAFIM今抵台

    韓國男團SUPER JUNIOR,2024年台灣第一站演唱會,進攻南台灣,將在高雄巨蛋開唱,今天(26日)下午抵達小港機場,粉絲熱情接機,而人氣女團LE SSERAFIM也在傍晚抵達桃園機場。
    2024/01/26 20:11
  • Tainan Mayor grants schools autonomy amid cold snap

    Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-che has given schools in the city the authority to determine their own holiday schedules based on student count and weather conditions. While winter vacation has already started for junior high and elementary schools, students attending tutoring and after-school programs will continue classes unless the schools themselves decide to give them days off. The Tainan City Government is also taking steps to support the homeless population by providing warm clothing and hot meals. They have urged the homeless to seek shelter in available accommodations, with adequate bed spaces promised. Currently, there are 219 registered homeless people in Tainan City, with 130 living on the streets and the rest placed in local facilities. Rehabilitation centers have been set up in the South District and Xinying District to provide support and help these individuals rebuild their lives.
    2024/01/23 17:32
  • Junior求婚一年未登記!林萱瑜親曝婚禮進度 罕鬆口:想生2胎

    2024/01/21 21:37
  • 卡莉怪妞、寶兒加盟高雄櫻花季!售票結果出爐 再加碼金鐘影后

    最浪漫的音樂節「7-ELEVEN 高雄櫻花季」,活動將於3月22日到3月24日高雄夢時代正對面廣場舉辦,邀請到3組韓星BoA、SUPER JUNIOR-D&E、華莎以及3組日星FRUITS ZIPPER、中孝介、卡莉怪妞等共超過30組卡司的豪華演出陣容,繼昨日先開賣OPEN PINT會員限定四人套票秒殺完售後,今日中午12點全面販售再度開出紅盤。超級搖滾座位區、搖滾區3分鐘完售。
    2024/01/10 18:42
  • 不只寶兒、卡莉怪妞!高雄櫻花季「重磅卡司」還有他們 藏性感女神

    統一超商於2024年打造全新品牌「7-ELEVEN 高雄櫻花季」,活動將於3月22日到3月24日於高雄夢時代正對面廣場舉辦,大手筆邀請了包括3組韓星BoA、SUPER JUNIOR-D&E、華莎以及3組日星FRUITS ZIPPER、中孝介、卡莉怪妞,共超過30組卡司的豪華演出陣容,Kimberley陳芳語、邱鋒澤、陳零九、陳勢安、U:NUS等知名藝人將浪漫開唱,嗨翻高雄櫻花季。1月9日起OPEN POINT APP搶先開賣「3/22 OPENPOINT會員四人好友分享票」,ibon售票系統於1月10日中午起全面販售。
    2024/01/09 16:25
  • Lai Ching-te remains silent on death penalty controversy

    In the wake of a junior high student’s murder in New Taipei, Lai Ching-te remains silent on the death penalty, focusing on his election campaign and avoiding the controversial topic despite Hou Yu-i’s questioning.
    2024/01/05 22:24
  • Excessive screen time contributes to Myopia surge in Taiwan

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a detrimental effect on Taiwanese students’ eyesight, with 81.61% of high-school students, 73.16% of junior high school students, and 45.23% of elementary students experiencing poor eyesight in the 2022-2023 academic year. Excessive use of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, is a major contributing factor to the prevalence of myopia, the most common eye condition among children. A survey conducted by the Child Welfare League Foundation in 2019 found that the average age at which children own their first phone is ten. Ophthalmologists warn that individuals with myopia over 500 degrees are three times more likely to develop glaucoma and 5.5 times more likely to develop cataracts compared to their peers. The risks escalate for those with myopia over 700 degrees, as they are 44 times more likely to experience retinal detachment and 127 times more likely to suffer macular degeneration. Even successful myopia laser correction does not eliminate the potential risks of ocular diseases, as thinning of eye tissues and elongation of the eye axis persist. The golden period for myopia control is considered to be between 3 to 18 years of age, and various strategies such as increased outdoor activities, the use of mydriatic agents, Orthokeratology, daily disposable contact lenses designed for myopia control, and the latest children’s vision management lenses can be employed. These alarming rates highlight the urgent need to strike a balance between technology use and effective prevention strategies and early treatment for Taiwanese children.
    2024/01/03 20:06
  • Over 70% of Taiwanese oppose death penalty abolition

    A survey conducted by ETtoday revealed that 73.5% of respondents oppose the abolition of the death penalty, while 21.8% support its abolition. Among those opposing, 52.1% were vehemently against the notion, with 21.4% somewhat against it. Among advocates for abolition, 14.1% were strong supporters, and 7.7% moderately so. The survey also found that 85.0% of interviewees believe current laws excessively protect offenders, with 47.2% considering the protection extremely excessive and 36.8% believing it is merely excessive. Only 3.1% thought the protection was insufficient. The recent fatal slashing of a junior high school student in New Taipei has brought the issue of capital punishment back into the spotlight. In response to the tragedy, 41.4% of respondents primarily blame parents or guardians, 25.1% the central government, 17.4% school management, and 12.0% the local government. The survey was conducted from Dec. 31 to Jan. 1, with a valid sample size of 1,557 targeting Taiwanese aged 20 and above. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.48%. The survey was delivered via a mobile text message link to an online questionnaire and sample weighting was done using population statistics provided by the Ministry of the Interior.
    2024/01/02 14:07
  • MOE: 19 Taiwan’s universities below 60% registration rate

    The Ministry of Education (MOE) has released the registration rates for first-year students at various tertiary institutions for the academic year 112. Out of the 29 universities, 10 have achieved a 100% registration rate, while 19 have fallen short of the 60% mark. Surprisingly, as of 2023, 112 universities had at least one department with zero registered new students, including prestigious institutions like National Taiwan University (NTU). NTU alone had five departments without any registered doctoral students, namely the Department of Drama and Theater, Department of Geography, Institute of Oceanography, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, and the Doctoral Program in Microbiology. Other academic institutions with departments lacking registered students include National Tsing Hua University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Cheng Kung University, and National Chengchi University. Kao Yuan University had the lowest new student registration rate at just 15.7% for the 112 academic year. The only national institution that did not meet the registration standards was the National Taitung Junior College, with a rate below 60%.
    2023/12/28 17:58
  • New Taipei confirms one victim in school stabbing incident

    New Taipei City confirms a single fatality in a recent junior high school stabbing. Authorities respond with enhanced student support and security measures. Over 340,000 students received counseling in 2023, addressing a range of issues from self-exploration to family challenges.
    2023/12/27 18:27
  • School offers counseling after student’s fatal stabbing

    A junior high school student in Tucheng District, New Taipei City, was fatally stabbed by another student, prompting the school to relocate the classroom and provide counseling for the classmates. The classmates expressed condolences by creating cards and recording videos for the victim’s parents. The victim, who suffered severe wounds to the chest and neck, succumbed to his injuries after being stabbed five times. The attack ensued after a female student was berated and sought revenge through a peer, leading to a dispute and the stabbing incident. Despite efforts to save him, the victim did not survive. The New Taipei District Prosecutors Office is examining the body to determine the cause of death and will decide on charges based on autopsy results and evidence from the scene.
    2023/12/27 14:28
  • Education Dept. confirms death of stabbed student

    A junior high school student in New Taipei City has tragically died after being stabbed by another student. The victim suffered five knife wounds to his neck and lungs, despite receiving emergency treatment at the hospital. The incident occurred after a female student, who felt rebuked by the victim, recruited a male student to retaliate. The victim was stabbed twice in the lungs and neck, resulting in significant blood loss. Speculation of his death was confirmed by the Education Department. Following this incident, the department has pledged to strengthen measures to ensure student safety, including dispatching counselors and social workers for follow-up guidance and collaboration with police agencies. The Education Department is also providing support to the victim’s family through legal consultation and coordination with relevant departments. Additionally, efforts will be made to enhance teachers’ campus security capabilities.
    2023/12/27 10:45
  • Ed. Bureau Director visits victim of campus knife attack

    The director of the New Taipei City Education Bureau, Chang Ming-wen, changed his plans to visit a middle school student at the Far Eastern Memorial Hospital after the student was attacked on campus. The student, from a junior high school in Tucheng District, is in intensive care with serious injuries from a throat-slashing incident. The attack occurred when a male student confronted a female student during lunchtime, leading to verbal and physical assault. The male student used a folding knife to inflict multiple wounds on the victim, causing severe blood loss and cardiac arrest. The school principal stated that the altercation stemmed from discontentment with noise during lunch break. Police are investigating whether there were previous tensions between the students involved. The Education Bureau has prioritized the victim’s recovery and provided full medical assistance, as well as support to the family. Supervisors, social workers, and psychologists were dispatched to the school for assistance, and preliminary counseling has been offered to the students involved. The bureau has also called for increased attention to the affected students and enhanced campus security to ensure their physical and psychological safety.
    2023/12/26 10:36
  • Teen remanded, accomplice under guardianship after stabbing

    A teenager involved in a knife attack on a fellow student has been remanded in custody, while another teen accused of incitement has been placed under guardianship, as ruled by a youth court on Tuesday (Dec. 26). The attack occurred the day before at a junior high school in New Taipei City, leaving the victim with a severe neck wound, resulting in significant blood loss and, at one point, signs of life ceased. Investigations revealed that the accused is a third-grade junior high school student surnamed Kuo. Allegedly, he attacked to defend a female student who had been reprimanded by the victim. The girl had entered the victim’s classroom in search of a friend and was reprimanded for not being in the correct class. The victim was revived after five hours of treatment at Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, officials reported. Kuo and the girl, originally under investigation for offenses related to causing injury, had their charges escalated to "attempted murder" late on Monday, given the critical danger the victim faced. The police believe that the two had the intention to kill.
    2023/12/26 10:01
  • SJ厲旭來台!放話夜市請客粉絲 「咖啡車復仇計畫」銀赫等著瞧

    SUPER JUNIOR(以下SJ)明(2024)年1月底即將在高雄巨蛋舉辦兩場粉絲見面會,成員厲旭則搶先來台,今(23)晚將參加在台北兒童新樂園舉辦的「BAR BO祭」。活動上備有夜市、煙火,厲旭就放話要是遇到ELF(粉絲名)就會請客!由於先前另一成員銀赫曾開玩笑,為厲旭送上「空殼咖啡應援車」,他也在記者會上公布了復仇計畫!
    2023/12/23 18:22
  • 陳志強套牢曾智希!求婚照「3藝人CP激吻」搶亮點 網笑:後面更閃

    2023/12/21 11:24
  • 恭喜!陳志強下跪求婚 曾智希淚噴「曬超大鑽戒」

    45歲男星陳志強與小11歲的老婆曾智希在去(2022)年8月17日宣布結婚喜訊結婚1年多,終於補了求婚儀式,感動的曾智希痛哭流涕,原來去年臨時公證,為了讓癌末的媽媽放心,來不及準備婚戒,還跟劇組借道具戒指,小倆口在王宇婕、Junior等一票好友的見證下,在曾智希34歲生日的晚上補上求婚儀式,她受訪時甜蜜笑說:「這是一個不能Say no的求婚!」
    2023/12/21 10:37
  • Hami韓劇榜!《戀人》奪冠不意外 台妹最愛花美男「超挺SJ東海」

    年尾將至,各大榜單也都陸續出爐!Hami Video也公布2023年總結算,由Hami Video全台獨播的《戀人》與《Oh!英心》獲得收視冠、亞軍,成為平台今年度觀眾最愛韓劇!第5名《青春月譚》也是Hami Video獨播劇,顯示平台獨具慧眼,吸引觀眾熱烈追看。韓劇表現仍持續升溫,根據中華電信日前公布最新資料,「Hami Video影劇館+」今(2023)年11月戲劇收視次數與2022年同期相比成長1.8倍!
    2023/12/20 09:00
  • Tsai meets World Baker of Year, praises Taiwan’s creativity

    President Tsai Ing-wen met with Justin Wu, the 2023 World Baker of the Year, to recognize his contribution in promoting Taiwan’s baking industry globally. The government is actively supporting the industry’s growth and international engagement. Wu, who won the group competition at the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie last year, was honored with the World Baker of the Year title by the Unibread Bread Baking Championships this year. He has showcased his creativity by creating an art bread piece inspired by the Seediq tribe and coaching the Taiwanese team to victory at the UIBC Junior World Championship. President Tsai highlighted the value of Taiwan’s baking industry, which exceeds NT$100 billion, and praised the diverse and exquisite styles of Taiwanese bakers at global competitions. She also expressed gratitude to the Taipei Bakery Association for their efforts in passing down experience and hosting international contests in Taiwan. President Tsai expects the bakery sector to continue delivering high quality and innovative products as it expands its market and introduces Taiwan’s delicious baked goods to the world.
    2023/12/19 16:46
  • 求婚成功近1年!本土劇女神動刀切腫瘤 未婚夫公開「鼻酸對話」

    2023/12/16 10:35
  • Taipei to offer free HPV vaccines to junior high boys

    Starting September 2024, Taipei’s male junior high school students will receive the 9-valent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for free, as announced by the Taipei City Department of Health. The aim of this initiative is to enhance herd immunity, reduce HPV infections, and lower the incidence of related cancers by vaccinating both male and female students. With a vaccination rate of 91% among junior high school girls in 2021, the Health Commissioner decided to extend the program to boys. Consent from students and parents will be required, and a health assessment will be conducted by a physician. Vaccination sites will be set up in 93 schools, and there are also 115 contracted medical institutions available for students who cannot receive the vaccine at school. The vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing infections and reducing the risk of related cancers is supported by medical studies. The World Health Organization recommends that 90% of girls under 15 receive the HPV vaccine, with boys included as a secondary priority group. The Health Promotion Administration has been providing the vaccine to female junior high students at public expense since 2018, establishing a strong foundation for safeguarding boys against HPV as well.
    2023/12/12 13:19
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