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    NCC 結果共1,508筆

  • 黨政軍退媒體假的!柯營不分區拋媒體改革

    2023/12/13 14:41
  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih pledges major fraud crackdown in Taiwan

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and his running mate, Jaw Shaw-kong, have pledged to crack down on Taiwan’s rampant fraud industry. If elected, they plan to conduct a sweeping operation against fraud groups in their first year, aiming to reduce fraud cases to a third of the current number in the second year and cutting them by half in the third year. Hou, drawing on his past anti-fraud experience, criticizes the current government for its investment in a national anti-fraud team that has seen an increase in fraud cases and arrests. He advocates for stronger surveillance by the National Communications Commission (NCC) in telecom facilities and emphasizes the need for cooperation with mainland China. Hou aims to leverage the Organized Crime Prevention Act to produce tangible results in the fight against fraud by the fourth year of his presidency.
    2023/12/07 16:56
  • BCC says news coverage unbiased, despite KMT ties

    Taipei-based Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) has assured the National Communications Commission (NCC) that its news coverage remains unaffected by upper management, despite concerns raised about potential media bias. BCC’s chairman and general manager, Jaw Shaw-kong, who is also the Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate, has taken a leave of absence. Chen Sheng-i has assumed Jaw’s duties, and Jaw has refused to resign, stating that no laws have been breached. The NCC has also instructed BCC, Public Television Service (PTS), and Chinese Television System (CTS) to adhere to regulations related to election reporting, ensuring objectivity and fairness. Hsu Jui-hsi, nominated by the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), has faced similar challenges due to her positions on the PTS and CTS boards. After her resignation, both PTS and CTS have promised to comply with legal standards and guarantee impartial election coverage. The NCC plans to review the companies’ responses and present its findings soon.
    2023/12/07 16:40
  • 迪士尼頻道年底全下!衛視電影台替補首選是「這頻道」

    迪士尼集團旗下11頻道今年底退出台灣,外界關注5個基本頻道替補進度。NCC表示,目前凱擘、中嘉、大豐等37家系統業者送出頻道異動申請,35家以CATCHPLAY電影台替補衛視電影台,金門縣系統台罕見以台視新聞台替補衛視電影台、寰宇新聞台替補STAR World。
    2023/12/04 21:50
  • 釣魚簡訊又來!安卓用戶首當其衝 NCC籲「這功能」快關

    2023/12/02 13:13
  • 打詐見效?高檢署:電信詐欺警示帳戶降一半

    2023/12/02 12:13
  • 林襄不知趙參選 趙少康:應跟年輕人多宣傳

    2023/11/30 19:31
  • 未辭中廣董座!NCC要求說明 趙少康:我都超越法律請假了

    2023/11/30 16:49
  • 趙參選違規? NCC:他是中廣董也是總經理

    2023/11/30 13:41
  • 趙少康參選副總統拒辭中廣董事長 NCC說話了:已發函

    2023/11/30 10:03
  • 台灣將開賣M3 MacBook Pro!外媒:8GB記憶體不夠用

    蘋果在11月初舉行今年第2次的秋季發表會,主要推出M3系列晶片以及配置M3系列晶片的新款MacBook Pro、iMac,近期M3系列的MacBook Pro、iMac已通過NCC認證,意味著距離台灣上市開賣的日子已經不遠了,只是該系列產品的記憶體配置均從8GB起跳,若要進行專業工作恐不夠用。
    2023/11/30 09:33
  • 政媒兩棲「踩紅線」? 趙少康:NCC搞我幹什麼

    2023/11/28 13:25
  • Hou Yu-ih slams Ko Wen-je for TPP-KMT pact ambiguity

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) counterpart Ko Wen-je for lukewarm collaboration efforts, calling it a betrayal despite KMT’s efforts to maintain good relations. Hou and KMT legislative candidate Lu Yu-ling inaugurate joint campaign headquarters, attended by KMT’s vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong. Hou questions Ko’s interpretation of a previously signed six-point agreement, emphasizing unity and discipline within the KMT. Amid scrutiny over Jaw’s retention of his chairman position at the Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC), Hou assures that it will be handled according to the law. Jaw states he has ceased radio show activities and requested leave from BCC, willing to comply with National Communications Commission (NCC) requirements. Jaw also accuses ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of funding pro-green media outlets, denouncing it as collusion between politics and the media.
    2023/11/25 14:37
  • 趙少康踩黨政軍條款紅線? NCC將要求說明

    2023/11/25 13:41
  • 不辭中廣董事長遭綠猛攻 趙少康:賴清德真的怕我!

    2023/11/25 11:05
  • NCC probes Jaw Shaw-kong’s VP candidacy for legal breaches

    The National Communications Commission (NCC) is investigating whether the newly announced vice-presidential candidate of the Kuomintang (KMT), Jaw Shaw-kong, has violated non-partisanship regulations. Jaw, who is the chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC) and also hosts programs on BCC and TVBS, holds shares in BCC. The NCC will review Jaw’s commitments made during the 2007 acquisition of shares in BCC to ensure that his management is not influenced by party politics or military affairs. The commission will also examine the amendment clauses related to this year’s changes in the board of directors and supervisors. Additionally, NCC intends to inspect whether TVBS’s self-regulatory mechanisms are being followed, particularly with regard to political show hosts holding party or public office positions. TVBS has announced that they will replace Jaw as the host of related programs in order to uphold media neutrality, objectivity, and fairness.
    2023/11/25 11:04
  • 藍不分區名單「現任都未入列」 朱立倫:培養未來執政團隊

    2023/11/19 12:59
  • 客訴羅東訊號差!某電信回:中共軍演擾台通訊 專家:特定環境下確實有可能

    2023/11/17 19:28
  • 認藍白合「被突襲」 柯:我有留一個伏筆

    2023/11/15 23:28
  • 迪士尼年底撤台!NCC審查離島系統商 「這些頻道」有望遞補 

    迪士尼集團旗下11個頻道今年底將退出台灣,外界關注5個基本頻道的替補進度。NCC今天表示,離島3縣市系統商已提出頻道替代方案,其中,BBC LifeStyle、華藝MBC綜合台跟ROCK Action搖滾電影均被納入替補名單內。
    2023/11/15 19:30
  • 侯友宜喊「NCC砍掉重練」 陳耀祥:難道回戒嚴時代?

    2023/11/07 09:39
  • NCC expands measures to combat telecom fraud

    The National Communications Commission (NCC) in Taiwan has announced further measures to combat telecommunications fraud. The NCC is working alongside major communications firms, including Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, Far EasTone Telecommunications (FET), TSTAR, and Asia-Pacific Telecom Co., Ltd (ATP), to strengthen their Know Your Customer (KYC) risk management mechanisms and implement special audits for high-risk customers.
    2023/10/26 15:29
  • 賣SIM卡「一國兩制」? 藍委批NCC「打詐破口」

    2023/10/23 14:40
  • 「嗨!營業中2」拍攝地涉濫墾 立委促電視台停播

    2023/10/04 15:19
  • 批綠讓人民噤聲 侯友宜:上任後NCC、促轉會全砍掉重練

    進口巴西蛋風暴延燒,近日有民眾在網路上PO出買到「綠黑蛋」照片,農業部為此報案,警方並將PO文的新北市謝姓民眾送辦。對此,國民黨總統參選人侯友宜今(1)日在臉書上質疑,「得罪民進黨,等同犯罪? 政府機關不能變綠營打手!」
    2023/10/01 17:56
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