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    Gear 結果共31筆

  • Taiwan enters plum rain season with frequent showers

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s plum rain season, starting in May, with insights from weather expert Peng Chi-ming. Expect frequent rainfall, thunderstorms, and safety reminders for outdoor activities.
    2024/05/01 14:08
  • Taipei Dome to host first professional basketball games

    Discover the historic basketball event as the New Taipei CTBC DEA and Taipei Taishin Mars gear up to play at the Taipei Dome, marking a first for professional teams in the T1 League on April 13 and 14. With over 16,000 tickets sold and expectations to break attendance records, the anticipation builds for a monumental showdown.
    2024/04/12 17:58
  • EU Parliament, ENEX sign MOU ahead of crucial elections

    Explore the pivotal partnership between the European Parliament and ENEX as they gear up to combat disinformation and leverage AI for the upcoming European elections. Discover how this collaboration aims to address global challenges and ensure democratic integrity.
    2024/02/23 16:43
  • Taiwan braces for chilly weather as cold front moves in

    Get the latest weather forecast for Taiwan as a mainland cold front moves southward. Expect cold and damp conditions, with morning temperatures ranging between 15 and 17 degrees Celsius. Daytime temperatures will reach only 17 to 20 degrees in the north and eastern regions, while the central, southern sectors, and Taitung can expect warmer temperatures of 23 to 27 degrees Celsius. Rainfall is expected across Taiwan, with broad, persistent rainfall in the north and localized, brief showers in other areas. There is a possibility of snow or sleet in high-altitude areas, particularly on Lunar New Year’s Eve. The weather will stabilize on the second and third days of the lunar year, with gradually warming temperatures. Stay prepared and carry rain gear when venturing outdoors.
    2024/02/07 11:34
  • Medical tycoon donates equipment to boost rescue team

    Chang Ju-shan, chairman of a renowned medical group, donates equipment worth millions to the National Fire Agency’s Special Search and Rescue Team. The donation, motivated by the team’s efforts during an international humanitarian mission in Türkiye last year, includes life detectors, drones, and CPR training devices. Chang also provides two search and rescue puppies, covering all training costs, to join the team. His contribution aims to enhance the team’s mission effectiveness and strengthen Taiwan’s role in international humanitarian rescue efforts.
    2024/01/25 10:54
  • Taiwan to equip new conscripts with combat gear in March

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) of Taiwan has announced that the first group of 650 conscription men will receive their individual combat gear on March 22 after completing basic training. The MND has allocated a budget of NT$4.04 billion for the "Xing’an project" from 2022 to 2024, which aims to improve the living conditions and quality of life for officers and soldiers. The conscripts will promptly receive their complete battle gear after basic training to carry out various combat training tasks. Sizing for the gear was conducted during the first week of conscription, with distribution scheduled for a week before graduation or before March 22. The MND’s comprehensive distribution of new style combat outfits, which has been ongoing for five years, includes 15 items such as tactical helmets, vests, and shock-absorbing elbow and knee guards.
    2024/01/16 15:13
  • Kaohsiung welcomes largest Don Quijote store in Taiwan

    Don Quijote, the popular Japanese retail brand, has opened its largest flagship store in Taiwan, located in Kaohsiung. The store, situated in the Dalee Department Store, spans an impressive area of nearly 1,000 pings and features three distinctive zones catering to different shopping desires. These include an Outdoor section for camping and trekking gear, the Donki Sake area for Japanese alcohol enthusiasts, and the Coco Kawaii section for all things cute and adorable. In addition, the store offers a selection of ready-to-eat food restaurants. The opening day saw over 600 people queuing up outside the store, showcasing the excitement surrounding the new establishment. The Kaohsiung Mayor attended the opening, expressing astonishment at the turnout and lauding the decision of these two major Japanese brands, Muji and Don Quijote, to invest in Kaohsiung. With this new addition, Don Quijote now operates five stores across Taiwan, further solidifying its presence in the country’s retail landscape.
    2023/12/07 19:05
  • Austrian woman rescued from Taiwan mountains

    The New Taipei City Fire Department successfully rescued a young Australian woman who was lost in the mountains of Wulai District. The woman, identified as Marion, was studying in South Korea and visiting Taiwan. She had ventured alone to climb Badaoer Mountain but became disoriented during her descent. With her cellphone battery at 5% and unsure of how to report an emergency in Taiwan, she reached out to a friend in Germany who informed the hotel staff in Wulai to report her missing. A 25-person rescue team commenced the search and rescue mission, working through the night until they found Marion in the early hours of Monday. She was unharmed and escorted back to her hotel. The captain of the 4th Emergency and Rescue Corps emphasized the importance of traveling in groups and being prepared with food, cold weather gear, and lighting equipment.
    2023/12/05 19:26
  • Taiwan’s candidates gear up for election photo shoots

    Get an inside look at how Taiwan’s presidential and vice-presidential candidates are using campaign photoshoots to convey their messages as the election countdown continues.
    2023/11/27 17:05
  • Taiwan closely monitoring Biden-Xi Meeting in San Francisco

    As President Biden and Xi Jinping gear up for a San Francisco meet in November, Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu highlights the island’s vigilant observation. Additionally, prospects of a Biden-Chang meeting during the APEC summit are in discussion.
    2023/11/02 17:59
  • Northeast monsoon to impact Mid-Autumn Festival weather

    Taiwan braces for a rainy Mid-Autumn Festival as the northeast monsoon dominates the weather. While central and southern regions offer better moon-watching opportunities, northern Taiwan faces isolated showers. Stay prepared with rain gear.
    2023/09/28 19:59
  • Thunderstorms expected in southern Taiwan, rain gear advised

    Southern Taiwan is under a thunderstorm warning due to a Pacific high-pressure system. Rain is expected in Greater Taipei later this week, with a potential typhoon on the horizon. Stay updated and prepare for changing weather conditions.
    2023/09/18 19:43
  • Rain to continue until Friday! Rain gear advised

    Stay prepared for stifling heat and heavy rain in southern Taiwan. Central Weather Bureau issues advisories for Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung. Sun protection and rain gear are recommended.
    2023/08/15 19:20
  • Taiwan’s armed forces gear up for 39th Han Kuang exercises

    The 6th Army Corps Command conducted on Thursday (July 20) anti-landing drills in critical coastal areas of Pa-li Beach and Taipei Harbor.
    2023/07/20 17:55
  • Typhoon Doksuri to form by Friday, rain gear advised

    A tropical disturbance east of the Philippines will likely develop into Typhoon Doksuri by Friday (July 21). Still, according to forecast models from the United States and Europe, its effect on Taiwan remains uncertain.
    2023/07/19 19:00
  • 女星遊泰國慘遭2度非禮!傲人雪乳「被緊緊捏住」影片曝驚呆

    32歲香港女星鄧伊婷(Irina)是前女團Super Gear成員之一,憑著拍攝TVB旅遊節目《3日2夜》爆紅,身材火辣的她常不吝於在社群網站上放送福利,擁有大批宅男粉絲。近日鄧伊婷分享到泰國曼谷動物園玩的趣事,不僅長頸鹿看見她忍不住非禮,一雙傲人雙峰更被猩猩緊緊捏住,讓一票粉絲大喊「放開她!」
    2022/11/18 12:09
  • 外媒盤點有史以來最佳iPhone 這5款機型上榜

    2022/11/04 09:40
  • 打龜號再戰!廖老大最新成績曝光 粉絲嗨:杰尼龜慫了?

    2022/04/23 13:18
  • 看Top Gear就給你3.8萬台幣! 但要一次看完236集還要交報告

    如果你熱愛汽車的話,肯定不會不知道由英國BBC所製作的全球知名汽車節目《Top Gear》,搞笑又無釐頭的試車方式,加上把眾多稀有車款都呈現在節目當中,讓人印象非常深刻,而現在竟然有人花費1,000英鎊(約3.8萬台幣)請你看Top Gear,不過你要把全部30季、多達236集的內容一次看完,並且要記錄下你看到的一切,也就是過去19年當中哪些汽車品牌最具有特色,雖然應該很多人都很愛這個節目,不過一次要看236集也真的非常難熬。
    2021/10/22 10:17
  • Skoda再次想出宣傳奇招 車頂停直升機都沒問題!

    如果你剛好有一架直升機找不到地方停放的話,那麼你可以買一輛最新的Skoda Kodiaq,因為官方已經直接示範給你看,證明Kodiaq的車頂是可以承受得住一架直升機的重量,但其實這並不是他們第一次挑戰把直升機停放在車頂上面,早在十年前於英國知名汽車節目Top Gear當中就已經有過這個橋段,不過當時使用的車款是另一輛休旅車Yeti,而這次之所以又將這個畫面重演一遍,就是為了慶祝該影片的十週年紀念。
    2021/09/25 11:02
  • 疫情期間還開車旅遊? The Grand Tour最新一季大鬧蘇格蘭!

    Jeremy Clarkson、Richard Hammond以及James May原本是英國知名汽車節目The Top Gear的主持人,三位幽默的主持風格加上絕佳的合作默契,讓全球車迷都在期待著下次節目會有什麼樣的驚人演出,而在2015年之後他們跳槽到了Amazon展開全新的節目The Grand Tour,先前在2018年的時候傳出原先3季36集的節目合約走完就會結束,但三人的魅力還是受到全球市場的歡迎,現在就算新冠肺炎來搗亂,最新一季影片終於也將在7月30號正式登場。
    2021/07/18 16:03
  • Mirai一輛換一輛!  英汽車網紅James May認愛氫燃料車

    英國BBC著名的汽車媒體Top Gear前主持人之一James May,與Jeremy Clarkson等人離開Top Gear之後依然活躍在各式媒體平台,後來更與老搭檔成立DriveTribe社群媒體,當起汽車頻道網紅。以他的資歷、名聲與財力,要擁有一屋子的名車想來是一點都不難。事實上,從車王勞斯萊斯、法拉利、保時捷到義大利國民車Fiat Panda…他所有擁有的一拖拉庫名車恐怕車庫都要塞不下!當然,做為一個KOL,像他這類話題人物(或說是專門製造話題的人物),不論開什麼車或買了什麼車勢必都會引來關注。
    2021/07/05 11:33
  • 臉書360度直播全面開放 6款攝影機支援

    Facebook(臉書)宣布向全球所有用戶開放360度影片直播,並公布目前支援此功能的360度攝影機包括:Samsung Gear 360 (2017)、Giroptic IO、Insta360 Air、ALLie Camera、Z CAM S1、Nokia OZO。
    2017/03/31 12:49
  • FOCUS/MWC西班牙登場!LG三星推新機 虛擬實境夯

    全球行動通訊大會MWC,在巴塞隆納正式登場,手機大廠推新機種,LG首度採用模組化設計,一機能三用,簡單更換配件,就能讓手機立刻變成專業的照相機和播放器,但今年整體來說,手機性能的亮點並不搶眼,反而是配件更加有看頭,像是三星和馬克祖克伯力推的虛擬實境裝置Gear 360,可以大拍360度全景影片,另外索尼的Xperia行動投影機,機身小方便攜帶,更炫的是投影出來的影像能夠浮空觸控,對著牆壁也能輕鬆滑動畫面。
    2016/02/23 20:12
  • 【不只VR虛擬實境】連飛行員都覺得真實!台灣推9D座椅獨霸全球!

    VR虛擬實境裝置近年來蔚為風潮,像是這次美國電子消費展CES中,HTC大推虛擬穿戴裝置Vive,其他大廠像是臉書的Oculus Rift和三星的Gear VR等;然而除了硬體之外,軟體開發更是台灣廠商強項,國內現在有廠商推出號稱9D的特殊座椅,搭配虛擬實境頭盔,提供了許多搭配的影像內容,未來在各種教學、醫療或是飛行產業都被視為超級火熱、商機無限~讓我們先賭為快!
    2016/01/13 18:51
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