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    swift 結果共273筆

  • 宏碁AI筆電開賣!晶片、處理器一次看 搶攻生成式AI市場

    電腦品牌廠宏碁昨(14日)發表AI-Ready筆記型電腦Swift Go 14,配備Intel Core Ultra處理器、Intel Arc顯示晶片及Intel AI Boost整合性神經網路處理器(NPU),可提供高效人工智慧(AI)運算性能,即日起在台灣開賣,有望帶動第4季業績表現。
    2023/12/15 10:07
  • 泰勒絲超越艾爾頓強 全球演唱會票房破十億美元第一人

    魅力襲捲全世界的美國鄉村音樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift),繼登上《時代雜誌》(Time Magazine)之後,再次創造另一個新里程碑:全球演場會票房破10億美元的第一人。《美聯社》報導,泰勒絲正在進行的「Eras Tour」巡迴演場會,在北美各城市都呈現爆滿轟動狀態,音樂產業雜誌《Pollstar》在統整過去一年來售票紀錄、各場館容量與許多數據推估發現,泰勒絲巡迴演唱會獲得10億4000萬美元(約新台幣326億8100萬元)票房,超越前輩艾爾頓強(Elton John)5年328場巡迴演唱會,締造的9億3900萬美元(約新台幣295億元)紀錄。
    2023/12/09 17:24
  • 2023演唱會票房排行榜 泰勒絲巡演吸金破300億奪冠

    娛樂業界雜誌Pollstar今天表示,2023年百大巡迴演唱會門票總收入創下91.7億美元(約新台幣2882億元)新高,其中又以美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)進帳最多。
    2023/12/09 16:49
  • NDC Minister eyes swift ECA with Australia for energy ties

    Taiwan’s National Development Council Minister, Kung Ming-hsin, expressed the hope for Taiwan to swiftly sign an Economic Cooperation Agreement (ECA) with Australia. In his speech, he emphasized the potential for collaboration in the hydrogen energy sector to boost industrial development between the two countries. Kung, on behalf of Taiwan’s government, accepted the official release of the 2023 White Paper by the Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (ANZCHAM). He highlighted the record high trade of US$34.08 billion among Taiwan, New Zealand, and Australia last year. Kung also emphasized Australia’s crucial role as a major supplier of energy and agricultural products for Taiwan, emphasizing the complementarity between their economic industries. He mentioned Taiwan’s involvement in offshore wind financing operations with the Macquarie Group and its target of 10% of its energy mix coming from hydrogen, particularly green hydrogen, illustrating the potential for energy cooperation with New Zealand and Australia.
    2023/12/07 20:42
  • 泰勒絲單獨獲選時代雜誌年度風雲人物 演藝圈第一人

    美國「時代雜誌」2023年度風雲人物揭曉,由美國人氣女歌手泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)獲得殊榮,她也是時代雜誌評選年度風雲人物96年來,第一位單獨獲選的藝人。
    2023/12/07 06:26
  • 時代雜誌「2023年度風雲人物」 女歌手泰勒絲獲殊榮

    美國「時代雜誌」(Time)今天公布2023年年度風雲人物,由美國人氣女歌手泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)獲得殊榮。
    2023/12/06 21:39
  • 敲碗!美國天后泰勒絲傳明年登大巨蛋開唱 北市府回應了

    亞錦賽3日在台北大巨蛋熱鬧開打,中華隊也以4比0完封南韓,留下歷史性一勝。今(5)日再傳出消息,美國樂壇天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)明年世界巡迴演唱會,有機會在台北大巨蛋登場,時間點落在3月或4月,掀起廣大歌迷討論。對此,北市府體育局表示,體育賽事以外,都屬於臨時性活動,會在亞錦賽積極後討論,針對審查、申請方式,會儘速召開會議討論。
    2023/12/05 17:15
  • 老婆和泰勒絲曬火辣合照 萊恩雷諾茲「換臉改圖」笑翻網

    流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)近期與NFL堪薩斯城酋長球星凱爾西(Travis Kelce)交往吸引外界矚目,她近日與演藝圈死黨布蕾克萊芙莉(Blake Lively)出席活動後曬出美艷的合照,沒想到竟成為「死侍」男星萊恩雷諾斯(Ryan Reynolds)惡搞的素材,這張P圖也成為網友熱烈討論的話題。
    2023/12/05 11:21
  • 聽這首歌可救命?美國心臟協會「勸聽泰勒絲新歌」... 原因曝光

    樂壇天后Taylor Swift近期在台灣上映的演唱會電影,颳起旋風外更是打破美國巡演票房最高紀錄。近日發出新歌更是被認證「可以救命」。美國心臟研究協會(American Heart Association)1日於社交網發文:「Taylor歌曲《You’re Losing Me》可以拯救生命。」
    2023/12/05 11:07
  • Taipei Dome’s first Asian Baseball Game ends in swift exit

    The Taipei Dome hosted the opening game of the Asian Baseball Championship, with a crowd of 16,647 fans witnessing the inaugural international event. Taipei Metro efficiently evacuated spectators within 25 minutes after the game. The "Taiwan vs. Korea" showdown resulted in a 4-0 victory for Taiwan, generating excitement from the stands. Taipei Metro increased train frequency to every 2.5 minutes at Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Station to accommodate the large audience. KMT Taipei City Councilor Wang Hsin-i praised the smooth evacuation process. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an inspected traffic conditions after the game. This successful event at the Taipei Dome and the efficient collaboration of transportation services set a positive precedent for future large-scale international sporting events in the city.
    2023/12/04 19:50
  • TPP donation system crashes due to heavy online traffic

    Taiwan People’s Party’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je applauds the swift fundraising success of Huang Kuo-chang, who raised NT$14 million overnight. Cynthia Wu addresses questions about her role in fundraising and TPP’s financial transparency.
    2023/11/29 16:21
  • Taiwan cuts 2023 GDP growth to 1.42%, lowest in 14 years

    Taiwan’s 2023 GDP growth forecast has been lowered to 1.42%, the lowest in 14 years, due to weaker exports and private investment. Year-end bonuses for Taiwanese workers have also been affected, with the average amount shrinking to 1.08 months’ worth of salary, hitting a 10-year low. The financial industry leads in bonus payouts with an average of 1.83 months’ salary, followed by the semiconductor industry at 1.38 months. The healthcare services industry averages just 0.97 months of salary, while the accommodations and food services sector lags further behind at only 0.59 months. Despite the downward revision, the DGBAS remains optimistic for 2024, forecasting a GDP growth rate rebound to 3.35%. However, challenges such as the Ukraine-Russia war, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and ongoing inflation may pose risks to the global economy. Looking ahead to 2024, local job banks predict pay increases in 47.5% of companies, with an average salary hike of 3.2%, slightly lower than in 2023. Experts caution that Taiwan’s economic recovery may not be as swift as hoped.
    2023/11/29 16:04
  • Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki conducts quiet visit to Taiwan

    Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki made a low-profile visit to Taiwan from November 23 to 25, where he met with key figures including Su Jia-chyuan, the president of the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association (TJRA), and Paul Hsu, the Chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China (ROCCOC). The focus of Tamaki’s trip was on meetings with economic and tourism-related groups from Okinawa, with no official engagements with Taiwanese government entities. During his visit, Tamaki expressed gratitude to Su for discussions aimed at fostering tourism and economic exchanges between Taiwan and Okinawa. The primary objective of Tamaki’s visit was to explore business cooperation, engaging with Japanese business representatives and Okinawan officials in discussions. Both parties anticipate swift progress toward further collaboration, and an invitation was extended for Tamaki to revisit Taiwan and for a Taiwanese group to enjoy Wagyu beef in Okinawa. The exchange concluded with the mutual presentation of local specialties as mementos of their meeting.
    2023/11/25 17:07
  • 全場最年輕粉絲報到 巴西女朝聖泰勒絲演唱會產下一女

    美國鄉村天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)目前正在巴西進行巡演,吸引大批粉絲前往朝聖,《每日郵報》報導,一名年僅24歲的女性瑪利亞(Maria Mendes),上星期在里約泰勒絲演場會現場,突然發生劇烈腹痛和羊水破裂,緊急送醫後順利產下一名女兒,升格新手母親的她自嘲,竟然在演唱會開場前降臨人世;但最誇張的是,送醫前瑪利亞完全不知道自己已經懷孕40週,而且懷孕期間腹部也沒有明顯隆起,因此她才會在偶像演唱會現場臨盆。
    2023/11/25 14:57
  • 有片/粉絲暈倒猝逝 泰勒絲巴西近38度高溫開唱也「呼吸困難」猛喘

    美國流行天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)的全球巡演《The Eras Tour》近日來到南美巴西,由於當日場內氣溫高達攝氏37.8度,發生粉絲難耐高溫猝逝悲劇;近日有台下歌迷公佈畫面,可見在酷熱下開唱3.5小時的泰勒絲也顯得呼吸困難,不停大口喘氣,不過她仍敬業完成表演,再度圈粉無數。
    2023/11/20 11:01
  • 演唱會途中「暈倒猝逝」!泰勒絲巡演意外 歌迷心臟驟停不治

    美國流行天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)全球巡演,《The Eras Tour》來到南美洲的巴西站,場場爆滿足見人氣之高,但同時也傳出不幸消息,一名年僅23歲的歌迷疑似耐不住高溫,在演唱會期間暈倒在地,送醫後宣告不治;泰勒絲事後也悲痛發聲。
    2023/11/19 08:36
  • Ko Wen-je urges swift resolution of KMT-TPP alliance

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je urges the resolution of the alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and TPP. Ko emphasizes the need for urgency, suggesting that the matter be resolved within one to two days. He also calls for transparency in the meeting with KMT chairman Eric Chu and invites former President Ma Ying-jeou as a witness. Ko clarifies that collaboration at various levels is not in question, but the discord lies in the combination of presidential candidates. Both Ma and former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu support a public opinion survey to determine the final ticket lineup. KMT Chairperson Chu acknowledges the mutual understanding regarding the survey but highlights the need for further negotiation and discussion on the details and rules of the proposed plan.
    2023/11/13 16:01
  • Taichung Mayor urges swift KMT, TPP cooperation

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen expressed her support for a potential "Blue-White" coalition between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) if they can find consensus. With less than two weeks until election registration, the details of this coalition have yet to be finalized. Lu emphasized the urgency of finding a means of cooperation during this critical period. She stated that she is willing to help as long as both parties agree, without insisting on any particular approach. Lu also discussed the limitations of opinion polls in predicting election results, citing her own past election victories despite unfavorable poll numbers. These views were expressed while she was campaigning in Kaohsiung for legislative candidate Chung I-chung.
    2023/11/13 12:12
  • 甜爆!泰勒絲演唱會改歌詞認愛 唱完「飛奔甜吻男友」全場嗨翻

    擁有超高人氣的美國鄉村小天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)近日正忙著舉辦巡迴演唱會「The Eras Tour」,感情狀況也備受大家的關注。近來,被爆出與美式足球球星特拉維斯(Travis Kelce)熱戀,雖然未對外公開,但在11日的演唱會結束時,泰勒絲更是直接飛奔擁吻男友,現場掀起一陣歡呼聲。
    2023/11/12 22:39
  • 葛萊美獎入圍名單公布 台設計師于薇、鄭星慧角逐最佳專輯包裝

    西洋音樂年度盛事,第66屆葛萊美獎將於美國時間2024年2月4日頒獎,昨(11日)公布入圍名單,節奏藍調歌手SZA風光入圍9項領跑,近期展開世界巡迴演唱會、上映演唱會電影造成轟動的流行小天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift),也以去年10月發行的專輯《Midnights》入圍6項大獎。已被台灣設計師2連霸的最佳專輯包裝設計獎,今年也有2組台灣人被提名,其中1名是去年才獲此殊榮的設計師于薇。
    2023/11/12 09:29
  • 第66屆葛萊美入圍名單曝光!泰勒絲未拿獎就破紀錄 大贏家是她

    第 66 屆葛萊美入圍名單於台灣時間今(11)日凌晨揭曉,R&B女伶SZ 獲 9項提名成為本屆大贏家,R&B 新聲 Victoria Monét 和獨立樂當紅女聲 Phoebe Bridgers 以自己的名義加上所屬獨立搖滾樂團天才男孩樂團(boygenius)身份,兩人皆拿下 7 項提名緊追在後;另外包含流行天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)、麥莉(Miley Cyrus)、奧莉維亞(Olivia Rodrigo)和怪奇比莉(Billie Eilish)、鄉村歌手 Brandy Clark 以及強.巴提斯(Jon Batiste)等人皆獲 6 項入圍肯定,大獎如「年度歌曲」、「年度專輯」、「年度製作」等除了強.巴提斯外清一色為女性入圍者,可說是女力制霸的一屆。
    2023/11/11 12:23
  • Taiwan-U.S. marine ties strengthened as 155 ships join AMVER

    The Ocean Affairs Council (OAC) has announced the establishment of a national rescue team in Taiwan, with 155 local crews from the nation’s flagged vessels joining the U.S. Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System (AMVER) program. This worldwide reporting system, run by the U.S. Coast Guard, aims to initiate swift rescue missions upon detecting ships in distress. The move represents a crucial step in deepening marine affairs cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. The AMVER program allows governments worldwide to respond efficiently to maritime emergencies, boosting mutual cooperation levels among neighboring countries. Since its inception in 2001, the program has successfully rescued 4593 vessels and 25,319 people. The establishment of a national AMVER rescue team signifies strengthened cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. on international maritime safety.
    2023/11/10 20:44
  • 泰勒絲演唱會開唱前夕 粉絲貼海報籲拒投「阿根廷川普」

    2023/11/10 16:08
  • 工作即專門報導她 艾美獎得主成美報社首位「泰勒絲記者」 

    美國33歲流行天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)在全球擁有超高人氣,持續舉行的「時代」巡迴演唱會(Eras Tour)締造破紀錄票房,場外緋聞戀情也備受矚目,儼然是流量製造機;對此,美國最大報業集團甘尼特(Gannett)宣布開徵「泰勒絲專職記者」,最終由35歲「Swiftie」(泰勒絲粉絲)布萊恩(Bryan West)脫穎而出,將為全球數萬粉絲帶來第一手消息。
    2023/11/07 12:28
  • 泰勒絲阿根廷開唱!鐵粉紮營「連夜排5個月」 只為能更近舞台

    擁有超高人氣的美國鄉村小天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)於本月9、10、11日,一連3天在阿根廷舉辦演唱會。對此,就有購買一般票的超級鐵粉為了能更加靠近舞台,竟在5個月前就在場外搭帳篷排隊,其中大多為女性。
    2023/11/03 11:10
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