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    performance 結果共182筆

  • Pre-IPO event highlights Foxtron’s tripling revenue

    Foxtron Vehicle Technologies, a subsidiary of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd., announced that its revenue has tripled compared to last year, indicating promising future growth. The company’s electric bus, Model T, has received overwhelming orders exceeding its production capacity, while its first passenger car, Model C, has been adopted by Luxgen Motor Co., Ltd. with orders surpassing 8,000 units. CEO Andy Lee envisions complete electrification of public buses by 2030, anticipating significant growth for Foxtron products in the coming years.
    2023/10/23 17:34
  • Tokyo, UCLA bands join Taiwan’s National Day

    Tokyo and UCLA marching bands unite for Taiwan’s National Day, showcasing a symbol of Taiwan-Japan-U.S. friendship. Enjoy performances and highlights from the ceremony.
    2023/10/10 16:58
  • Taiwan celebrates National Day with spectacular performances

    Taiwan’s 112th National Day celebration featured impressive military performances and a display of artistry in front of the Presidential Office Building. Explore the highlights of Taiwan’s National Day ceremony.
    2023/10/10 16:34
  • Air Force fighter jets to escort Taiwan athletes back home

    President Tsai Ing-wen has instructed the Air Force to accompany Taiwan’s heroic athletes on their return from the Hangzhou Asian Games. Taiwan secured an impressive 67 medals, including 19 gold, 20 silver, and 28 bronze, finishing 6th overall. This surpasses their pre-Games target and equals their gold medal tally from the 1998 Bangkok Asian Games. President Tsai expressed gratitude to all team members, including athletes, coaches, and support staff. The largest contingent of athletes is expected to return tonight at 9:30 p.m.
    2023/10/09 16:55
  • U.S., Japan marching bands join in National Day celebration

    The Tokyo University of Agriculture Second High School "Emerald Knights" visit Taiwan to perform at the National Day celebration. President Tsai Ing-wen treats them to Taiwanese salted crispy chicken and lemon aiyu jelly. They join other marching bands for a joint exchange at the National Performing Arts Center. The Emerald Knights will perform an anime medley during the National Day Celebration. The UCLA Bruins Marching Band also participates, making it the first time a U.S. performance group performs on Taiwan’s National Day stage.
    2023/10/09 14:44
  • Chinese Taipei wins gold in 3x3 basketball at Asian Games

    Chinese Taipei makes history by winning the gold medal in the Men’s 3x3 Basketball event at the 19th Asian Games, defeating Qatar 18-16. Lin Sin-kuan’s outstanding performance, scoring seven points, played a crucial role in the team’s victory.
    2023/10/02 11:21
  • Taipei gears up for Double Tenth Day celebrations

    As Taiwan celebrates its 112th National Day on Oct. 10, the capital city Taipei geared up with a ceremony and fighter jet performance rehearsals at the Presidential Office on Tuesday.
    2023/09/26 19:26
  • Military mascots dazzle at Hsinchu’s Hukou base ceremony

    Taiwan’s military demonstrates impressive soft power skills at the inauguration of the Hukou military base, featuring captivating mascot performances and a thrilling showcase of Indian motorcycles. Discover the country’s military prowess and cultural displays.
    2023/09/21 21:30
  • Taiwan businesses embrace AI for staff performance reviews

    In addition to guiding employers on matters like salary increases and adjusting team roles, AI can also offer diverse ways to enhance employee engagement in their tasks. 
    2023/08/30 16:22
  • 賓士AMG GT Coupe大改款發表 採2+2座空間更大

    全新大改款M-AMG GT Coupe於8月19日正式發表,新世代車型採用與SL車系共用的MSA模組化平台,因此能帶來更實用的2+2座跑車格局。最直接的好處就是讓這部雙門跑車,獲得足夠的空間以及行李放置機能。M-AMG GT Coupe除了變得更實用之外,車上也標配AMG Performance 4Matic+四輪驅動系統,以及後輪轉向功能,相信如此的設定能夠創造犀利的操控表現。
    2023/08/21 15:16
  • 「上班都在裝忙」國家排名出爐!亞洲霸榜前三 日本排名第2

    亞洲人時常給予人工作認真的印象,不過近期有新全球調查顯示,亞洲國家員工大多數時間都花在表演性工作(performance work)上,前三名分別是印度、日本及新加坡,工作中只是「看起來很忙」、實際上成效並不好。
    2023/08/14 22:24
  • Taiwan’s motorcycle market sees strong growth in June

    Taiwan’s motorcycle market witnessed a strong performance in June, with 67,067 units sold, marking a 16.46% year-on-year increase. Although there was a slight decrease of 226 units compared to May, the overall sales remained robust. Three prominent brands dominated the market, with Sanyang (SYM) emerging as the top-selling brand for the 14th consecutive month.
    2023/07/03 19:17
  • Taiwan’s unemployment rate hits 23-year low in May

    Taiwan’s unemployment rate reaches a record low of 3.46% in May, marking the lowest figure in nearly 23 years. Despite poor export performance, the steady demand for labor in the domestic service industry fuels a continuous decline in unemployment.
    2023/06/29 11:05
  • 麥可喬丹入手全球限量30部超狂敞篷車 網驚:擠得進去?

    擁有「籃球之神」封號的Michael Jordan,最近他的車庫當中又有新收藏,因為他剛入手全球限量30部的Hennessey Venom F5 Roadster超級跑車。為了完美將這款車送交到Michael Jordan手上,Hennessey Performance的CEO John Hennessey甚至親自來到Michael Jordan所創辦的私人高爾夫球俱樂部Grove XXIII辦理交車事宜,從兩人的合影看得出彼此都相當開心。
    2023/06/03 12:14
  • Taiwan celebrates Yu Chang’s exceptional showing at WBC

    Taiwanese baseball sensation, Yu Chang, has become a rising star after his standout performance for the Chinese Taipei national baseball team at the 2023 World Baseball Classic (WBC). 
    2023/03/15 15:32
  • Model Y系列降價! 台灣特斯拉:還沒交車都適用

    美國電動車大廠特斯拉在各國市場宣布降價後,台灣市場也跟進調降,特斯拉今天在官網宣布最新價格,其中Model Y Performance版降至新台幣237.99萬元,調降22萬元最多。台灣特斯拉表示,只要還沒有交車都適用新價格。
    2023/02/03 15:28
  • 台灣特斯拉降價了!Model Y最多調降22萬 最新價格曝光

    台灣車迷注意!特斯拉先前在各主要國家大降價,台灣特斯拉終於也在今(3)日跟進調降國內Model Y系列車款售價,據官網顯示,目前Long Range版售價調降至211.99萬元,Performance版也僅237.99萬元,降幅最多達22萬元。
    2023/02/03 10:51
  • 陸產特斯拉價格大跳水 Model Y價差最高98萬

    美國電動車大廠特斯拉(Tesla),去(2022)年10月大幅調降陸產電動車價格後,今(6)日宣布,陸產特斯拉「Model 3」和「Model Y」再次降價。這也讓陸產「Model 3後驅車型」的售價降為約103萬元。此外,「Model Y Performance版」與台灣的價差也來到約98萬元。
    2023/01/06 14:59
  • 降價12萬!便宜入手Model Y 滿電續航力曝光

    在電動車市場相當受到歡迎的Model Y在台灣也開始交車,去年12月的有超過3,600位車主拿到這輛相當受歡迎的車款,率先享受特斯拉的入門休旅車款。不過現在原廠打算推出更入門的選擇,目前在該輛車的選項當中有Long Range以及Performance兩種車型,在國外的基礎售價為65,990美金,折合台幣約202.6萬元。而有消息指出原廠將會推出Standard Range或者是被稱作Short Range的車款,這輛車將會是該車款最低階的版本,售價降低了4,000美金,只要花費61,990美金(約台幣190.3萬元)就可以擁有。
    2023/01/05 09:59
  • Innovative performance showcases Taiwan’s artistic energy

    The pandemic has forced many industries, such as the performing arts, to rethink their strategies to thrive in the post-pandemic world. Diabolo Dance Theatre has sized this opportunity to team up with Song Kun Performing Art Group to create "Island’s Sunrise" with the support of the Ministry of Culture.
    2022/12/29 21:15
  • Taiwan aims to boost tourism revenue as travel resumes

    Taiwan’s export industry’s performance this year has yet to see high numbers. However, the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS) estimates that the growth in private consumption will exceed 5%, taking the lead in the country’s economic performance.
    2022/12/26 10:43
  • Tiger Mountain Ramble to unfold on Saturday in Taipei

    The Tiger Ramble will take place on December 10th this year. This event is heading into its 8th year, where music lovers can enjoy an afternoon of live performances, food and beverage.
    2022/12/06 20:29
  • 年輕人TP值掛帥 「倍速視聽」時下新現象

    2022/11/28 19:51
  • 福斯23年式Arteon調漲! R-Line車型以上超狂選配曝光

    自2021年起,Arteon與Arteon Shooting Breke即以美型設計與豪華質感頂替Volkswagen在臺灣市場旗艦斜背房車與五門獵跑角色,2022年更加入430 TSI動力,透過280匹馬力輸出讓R-Line Performance車型更具性能魅力。不過,Arteon與Arteon Shooting Breke還是難擋漲價壓力,Volkswagen Taiwan公布2023年式車型售價時,同步調漲5至6萬元不等,讓Arteon家族入門售價來到159.8萬元之譜。
    2022/11/01 14:07
  • 特斯拉釀火燒車「不只林志穎」 另輛Model 3側撞瞬間起火

    藝人林志穎在2022年7月22日上午11時許,駕駛愛車Tesla Model X並載著兒子行經桃園市蘆竹區中正北路一帶時,應是要帶兒子前往卡丁車場練習,卻不慎撞上分隔點發生嚴重火燒車事故,所幸一旁路人合力協助報警與救人,得以及時將林志穎與兒子送往醫院,目前整起事故肇事原因仍在調查中。不過,說到特斯拉火燒車事件,在7月20日位於中國杭州,正好才有一輛Model 3 Performance遭側撞後直擊分隔島,一樣瞬間引發起火。
    2022/07/22 18:21
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