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    Black 結果共171筆

  • Tainan hosts inaugural banquet with local flair

    Discover the unique blend of tradition and modernity in Tainan’s presidential inauguration banquet gift bags. Featuring Beimen flower of salt, pineapple cakes, and Wu Pao-chun’s award-winning bread, these gifts, nestled in handmade "grandma bags" from Sigang rush weaving craft, showcase Taiwan’s rich cultural heritage and innovative spirit.
    2024/05/08 13:16
  • 私會女友密訪俄國 美軍士官卻因偷竊被捕「疑點重重」

    俄羅斯媒體日前報導稱,當局逮捕一名美國現役軍人,指控他涉嫌竊取女子財物。經過抽絲剝繭發現,這名美軍叫戈登布萊克(Gordon Black),是一名駐紮在南韓的上士。他疑似是為了與俄羅斯女友相會,才在沒有報備下飛往俄羅斯,但究竟為什麼前往海參崴、是不是故意擅離職守(AWOL),美方目前沒有多做說明。
    2024/05/07 11:30
  • Taiwan unveils new cutting-edge medical training center

    Explore how Taiwan’s Health Service Training Center leverages VR and AI technology to transform military medical training, featuring realistic simulations based on international conflicts.
    2024/04/30 16:49
  • 佛洛伊德翻版?非裔男疑遭美警壓死生前狂喊:我無法呼吸

    美國男子佛洛伊德(George Floyd)2020年遭白人員警跪頸殺害,引發後續一連串「黑人的命也是命」(Black Lives Matter,BLM)的示威活動。美國俄亥俄州近日發生一起類似事件。2名白人員警接獲交通事故通報,趕到現場後將一名非裔男子壓制在地,並用膝蓋壓住他的背部,導致他不斷呼喊「無法呼吸」,最後死亡。
    2024/04/27 18:13
  • Earthquake in Hualien causes hotel to tilt

    Discover the aftermath of a magnitude 6 earthquake in Hualien, Taiwan, with significant impacts on local infrastructure, including the tilting of the Fouquet Hotel and the collapse of the Tong Shuai Building. Learn about the ongoing efforts to prevent further damage, the effect on local businesses, and the community’s response to ensure safety amidst continuous aftershocks.
    2024/04/23 13:20
  • Black Eagles wow fans at Kaohsiung Airport stopover

    The South Korean Air Force Black Eagles Aerobatic Team captivated aviation enthusiasts with a stopover at Kaohsiung International Airport, showcasing their precision flying and promoting military aircraft technology.
    2024/03/07 17:23
  • 吳可熙亮相柏林影展 「4分鐘全英文感言」感動全場狂圈粉

    由台灣演員張翰、吳可熙及非裔法籍女主角妮娜美羅(Nina Mélo)主演、導演阿布代拉曼席沙克(Abderrahmane Sissako)執導的《以愛之茗》(BLACK TEA),21日台北時間於柏林影展舉行世界首映,影片將角逐柏林影展最高榮譽金熊獎,首映場也一票難求,4個場次均銷售一空。
    2024/02/23 07:00
  • Taiwan’s elusive fauna caught on camera in stunning footage

    Explore Taiwan’s diverse wildlife through stunning images captured by the Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency Chiayi Branch. Witness Formosan black bears, Reeves’s muntjacs, and more in their natural habitats, providing valuable insights for conservation efforts. Discover the rich biodiversity of Taiwan’s mountainous regions through continuous monitoring with remote cameras.
    2024/02/19 13:42
  • 1張沙發100萬!Jennie自立門戶啟用辦公室 豪華內裝曝光

    南韓女團BLACKPINK成員Jennie自立門戶,去年底宣布成立個人品牌「ODD ATELIER」,近日曝光了公司內部裝潢,有眼尖網友發現她的辦公室,跟戀綜《換乘戀愛3》的宿舍是同一個,疑似是買下或租下來使用,而從影片可看見,Jennie十分用心佈置辦公空間,還儀式感十足,安排一場溫馨派對,邀請愛迪達、香奈兒等她合作過的品牌來作客。
    2024/02/06 08:52
  • BLACKPINK師妹?Teddy新團驚見三星創辦人曾孫女、最美童模

    韓網近日流傳數張照片,據傳是知名製作人Teddy的音樂廠牌THE BLACK LABEL旗下練習生的合照。網友發現有「小Jennie」之稱的女童星Ella Gross、天才女舞者Bailey Sok,甚至三星創辦人的曾孫女文瑞潤都疑似出現在照片中,引發轟動。
    2024/02/05 16:49
  • Taiwan’s defense boost: US advisers stationed for training

    U.S. military advisers have begun long-term stations in Kinmen and Penghu of Taiwan’s army amphibious camps, carrying out periodic training in the island’s special warfare camps, following the implementation of the U.S. "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023" (NDAA 2023). The Ministry of National Defense (MND) stated that the NDAA aims to assist Taiwan in developing comprehensive training and institutional abilities. Since 2023, U.S. military advisers have supported Taiwan’s special forces in learning how to use the "Black Hornet Nano" miniature drone and have provided assistance in writing guidelines and teaching materials. Taiwan’s Aviation and Special Forces Command has expressed plans to purchase these drones. The NDAA’s provisions concerning Taiwan primarily focus on information exchange and collaboration in military training for ground forces. However, there are currently no plans to station civilian officials in Taiwan.
    2024/02/05 10:46
  • 小隻馬女優難忘「坦克行進打炮」! 對戰「寶特瓶級GG」:好痛喔

    日裔AV女優Rae Lil Black雖然僅在《AV帝王2》中現身短短1分鐘,但152公分的小隻馬身材配上豪放作風立刻引發話題,去(2023)年9月還現身迪化街拍片。今(3)天Rae Lil Black則為真人互動遊戲來台出席活動,受訪時也十分大膽,親曝曾跟「跟手臂一樣長的GG」對戰!
    2024/02/03 15:32
  • 吳可熙新作入圍柏林影展 代表台灣角逐演員「銀熊獎」

    曾以《再見瓦城》入圍金馬影后的女星吳可熙,主演新片《以愛之茗》(Black Tea)風光入選第74屆柏林影展主競賽單元,這部由台灣出品、多數場景在台灣取景的電影將角逐影展最高榮譽金熊獎,她與男主角張翰也將為台灣角逐銀熊獎演技獎項。
    2024/01/23 15:39
  • 李㼈愛女爆曖昧!紫嫣身旁出現「高帥男星」 浪漫畫面全被拍

    女團選秀節目《未來少女》中表現搶眼的「黑曜精靈」,農曆年前率先推出寫真冊《Twinkle Black / Twi-light》提供給粉絲收藏,要陪伴粉絲度過一個甜蜜的新年假期。拍攝場景包括籃球場、教室、福隆的海邊、網美咖啡廳、露營場等,其中《原子少年》師兄金雲和江尚儒是寫真冊的彩蛋,陪著女孩們出外景拍攝,情境演出少男少女的甜美曖昧戀情。
    2024/01/16 07:02
  • 澳馬桶沖不掉「驚藏巨蛇」!整坨黑含劇毒 塞滿座位掀蓋猛竄

    說到澳洲除了打工度假外,第一時間會聯想到的無疑是各種「珍禽異獸」的蹤影,無論是在家中發現的巨型蜘蛛,或是鄉野間散步偶遇的鱷魚、袋鼠,都是大多數國家較難看到的場景,有不少「害蟲專家」也為此而生;抓蛇高手班克斯(Tennille Bankes)透露,日前接獲通報得知公廁有蛇類現蹤,未料趕抵後竟發現是含有劇毒的班點黑蛇。
    2024/01/07 09:56
  • Ko backs Tsai’s foreign policy, critiques domestic plans

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) expresses support for President Tsai Ing-wen’s foreign policy but rejects her domestic policy agenda. During a televised debate, Ko emphasizes the need for Taiwan to establish its own position amid the U.S.-China confrontation. He cites former U.S. President Trump’s efforts to distance from China and quotes U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s stance on China. Ko, accompanied by his spouse Chen Pei-chi, appears in a black suit with a purple polka dot tie, wearing a Republic of China national emblem and KP badge.
    2023/12/30 16:02
  • Hou Yu-ih lists DPP’s ’top ten’ policy failures in 8 years

    The Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, listed the ten major policy failures of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) during a livestream presidential debate. These failures include ineffective energy policies, food safety violations, deteriorated public security, debt burdening future generations, critical issues in people’s livelihoods, housing injustice, rising cross-strait military threats, plummeting wages, skyrocketing house prices, and ineffective pandemic responses. Hou elaborated on specific examples such as solar power corruption, tainted food black market dealings, overspending on "forward-looking" infrastructures, a lack of electricity and water, regulatory failure in the National Communications Commission (NCC), failed social housing policies, the threatening potential of military conflict, income inequality at a ten-year high, and around 20,000 deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hou expressed regret over his opponent, DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign methods, accusing him of slander and displaying incompetence and unscrupulousness. Hou confirmed his opposition to Taiwanese independence while claiming that Lai advocated for it. He also criticized former Taipei Mayor and current Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je for not responding to this issue. Hou emphasized his lifelong pledge to remain loyal to the Republic of China’s flag and safeguard Taiwan’s democratic freedom.
    2023/12/30 15:47
  • Formosan black bear rescued, transported for medical care

    A Formosan black bear accidentally trapped in Taichung was rescued and transported to a medical care station in Nantou’s Jiji Township by Taiwan’s Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency. The bear’s right forelimb was caught in a trap, and it was unable to free itself. A team of forest rangers hiked uphill for an hour to reach the bear, and with the assistance of a veterinarian, they successfully released it from the trap and treated its wounds. The incident may be related to the bears moving to lower altitudes due to sudden temperature drops. The agency encourages residents to report any bear intrusions or trapped bears and offers assistance with hunting tools for those in mountain villages facing threats to their crops from wild animals.
    2023/12/27 13:08
  • 黑眼星期五/闖逮捕現場自拍!英街頭照爆紅 網喊與《蒙娜麗莎》共展

    英國每年到了平安夜前的最後一個周五,民眾都會提前瘋狂慶祝,許多人喝醉後在酒吧大打出手,眼睛被打得瘀黑,當天因此得名「黑眼星期五」(Black Eye Friday)。今年的黑眼星期五也不例外,不過焦點不在打架,而是一張警方逮捕民眾的照片,這張照片不僅被比作「文藝復興時期酒醉畫」(boozy Renaissance painting),還有人認為受到法國浪漫主義French Romanticism)影響,值得與《蒙娜麗莎》(Mona Lisa)和《米洛的維納斯》(Venus de Milo)共同展出。
    2023/12/25 17:38
  • Actor Greg Hsu’s cameo in Jay Chou MV wows fans

    Taipei actor Greg Hsu’s appearance in a music video by Mandopop legend Jay Chou at the age of 13 has shocked fans online. In a throwback clip from Chou’s "Class 3-2" music video, a young Hsu can be seen playing table tennis while wearing black-rimmed glasses. Despite his rounder face, his distinctive features are already evident. The discovery of this footage has sparked surprise and admiration for Hsu’s transformation from a young table tennis player to a heartthrob. Now 32 years old, Hsu gained fame through his breakout role in the Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day" and has become immensely popular across Asia, particularly in China and South Korea. Hsu has revealed that he took up sports, including table tennis, to manage his childhood asthma. His talent in the sport earned him a spot on the elementary school team and eventually led to his cameo in Chou’s music video. "Someday or One Day," which co-stars Alice Ko, is considered a landmark Taiwanese television series and has garnered such acclaim that South Korea produced its own remake titled "A Time Called You."
    2023/12/18 21:18
  • 韓女團YOUNG POSSE首來台 黑曜精靈帶探班「超暖互動曝」

    新生代韓國女團「YOUNG POSSE」日前來台,在新北歡樂耶誕城「巨星演唱會」帶來精彩唱跳,她們也趁空與台灣女團「黑曜精靈Twinkle Black」交流歌曲及舞蹈,黑曜精靈盡地主之誼,特地準備珍珠奶茶,讓YOUNG POSSE開心不已,但喝之前仍謹慎詢問飲料的糖份比例,相當可愛。
    2023/12/12 11:50
  • Taipei Dome screens go dark during Asia baseball game

    During the 2023 Asian Baseball Championship game between Japan and South Korea at the Taipei Dome, technical difficulties caused the main and side screens to go black. The Farglory Group attributed this outage to an unexpected system crash. The interruption, which occurred in the top of the seventh inning, lasted for approximately ten minutes before the manufacturer resolved the issue. Earlier in the game, Japanese player Ryosuke Aizawa collided with the home run wall while catching a deep fly ball in the fourth inning, resulting in leg injuries. Deputy general manager Jacky Yang of the Farglory Group clarified that the impact did not break the wall, but rather Aizawa’s spike shoes accidentally cut through the padding at the bottom. The Farglory Group assured that the stadium’s design complied with safety standards and that subsequent games would proceed unaffected.
    2023/12/11 20:12
  • Lin Chi-ling dazzles in black, shares philanthropic vision

    Taiwanese supermodel and actress Lin Chi-ling shares a stunning photo of herself dressed in all black with striking red lipstick on social media. The photo was taken during an interview with "Tatler" magazine. In the article, Lin discusses her commitment to philanthropy, particularly her desire to help children and families in need. She aspires to be a guardian of children’s mental health, a cause close to her heart. Lin’s popularity extends beyond Taiwan, as she is beloved in Japan as well. Her attendance at the 60th Golden Horse Awards recently went viral in Japan, solidifying her influential status in the entertainment industry.
    2023/12/07 17:56
  • Wayward piglet leads police on chase in Pingtung County

    A wayward piglet named "A-Tsai" caused excitement in Pingtung County’s Gongyuan Rd. as it led locals and police on a chase. Videos of the six-month-old black piglet evading capture have gone viral, drawing laughter from social media users. The piglet was eventually apprehended and taken to the local police station. Its owner, surnamed Chang, expressed gratitude to the officers and reclaimed the adventurous piglet. The incident showcases the community’s spirit of looking out for one another, regardless of species.
    2023/12/07 11:04
  • 有片/跑宣傳天外飛來一物 漫威女星被觀眾砸傷「臉部掛彩」

    隨著許多粉絲會抓準機會、把握能跟偶像近距離接觸的時刻,有時候卻容易因過度投入而出現脫序行為,憑藉漫威電影《黑寡婦》(Black Widow)、小婦人改編電影《她們》(Little Women)走紅的英國女星普伊(Florence Pugh)近日為宣傳電影新作前往巴西參加活動,沒想到被台下的觀眾丟出的物品「砸到臉」,嚇得其他演員趕緊查看其狀況。
    2023/12/04 17:14
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