創作歌手張哲瀚因《山河令》走紅,在2021年8月遭到網路風暴,在大陸的演藝事業全面停擺,他這幾年親自執導的紀錄片《八月》獲得雙料驚喜,除了奪下「ARFF國際電影節 阿姆斯特丹單元 環球獎」,更獲得Red Movie Awards 2024年夏季篇最佳劇本獎,消息傳來讓他感到意外又驕傲。
2024/10/06 11:19
Meta推AI影像生成工具Movie Gen 挑戰OpenAI的Sora
生成式人工智慧(AI)模型競爭激烈,Facebook母公司Meta今天推出AI影像生成工具Movie Gen,使用者能以文字提示或圖片來生成影片。創建ChatGPT的OpenAI年初才推出同類型模型Sora。產品目前都尚未正式對外開放。
2024/10/05 09:27
Taipei offers free screenings of Luc Besson’s new film
Discover free screenings of "Weekend in Taipei" in Taipei City on Sept. 23 and 24, exclusively for residents with valid ID. No registration required, tickets on a first-come, first-served basis.
2024/09/20 16:23
Free tickets available for Taipei’s anniversary film series
Discover the magic of Taipei’s 140th anniversary with "Taipei in Films" from Sept. 7-30. Enjoy free classic movie screenings and celebrate the city’s rich culture. Reserve your tickets starting Aug. 26.
2024/08/26 10:53
Makoto Shinkai’s ’Your Name’ returns to theaters Sept. 13
Discover why "Your Name," the Japanese animated film, is making a comeback to Taiwanese theaters on Sept. 13, eight years after its global success. Fans share their excitement for the re-release.
2024/08/21 11:36
Producer defends Sunny Wang amid ’sissy’ remark controversy
Discover the latest on actor Sunny Wang’s controversy over remarks made during a film promotion, sparking a debate on gender norms and public respect.
2024/08/20 11:11
TGEEA criticizes actor Sunny Wang for ’sissy’ comment
Discover how the Taiwan Gender Equity Education Association responded to actor Sunny Wang’s use of a discriminatory term during a movie promotion, emphasizing the importance of inclusive language.
2024/08/20 10:03
Finance minister defends amusement tax as key revenue source
Discover the latest on Taiwan’s amusement tax changes: Finance Minister Chuang Tsui-yun announces reductions for most entertainment taxes, while golf remains at 20%. Local governments gain the power to suspend taxes on sports and cultural events. Learn more about the implications for local revenue and industry development.
2024/08/08 10:50
《腦筋急轉彎2》超越《沙丘》 全球票房破234億暫居年度冠軍
迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)出品的動畫電影《腦筋急轉彎2》(Inside Out 2),打從上映後在全球獲得驚人票房,光是第二週單周獲得票房收入,就高達1億美元(約新台幣32.4億元),創下動畫電影第二最高票房紀錄,打破先前由《超級瑪利歐兄弟》(The Super Mario Bros. Movie)保持的9200萬美元(約新台幣28.1億元)紀錄。外媒普遍認為,有鑑於這部電影受歡迎程度,《腦筋急轉彎2》有機會在七月初,累積超過10億美元(約新台幣323.7億元)票房大關。
2024/06/24 13:46
由許光漢、清原果耶主演的電影《青春18x2 通往有你的旅程》,在台票房賣破7300萬,不只在日本5月3日大規模上映前就登雜誌封面,本片更創下台灣電影首例,在日本電影網站「Movie Walker」的期待度和預售票榜上拿下雙料冠軍。日本上映當天,許光漢也將與藤井導演,主演清原果耶、道枝駿佑、黑木華合體現身戲院和觀眾見面。
2024/05/02 21:24
Anime hit "Haikyu!!" scores big in Taiwan theaters
"The anime movie ’Haikyu!!: The Dumpster Battle’ breaks box office records in Taipei, surpassing ’The First Slam Dunk’ with over NT$75 million in earnings. Its success reflects the series’ popularity, highlighting the story of high school volleyball players. The film’s impressive opening in Japan also ranks it as the fourth highest-grossing film on its debut day."
2024/04/16 15:55
蕨野友也來台狂嗑美食! 親曝婚後心境轉變:重擔變大了
2024/03/31 19:25
搗宮姫奈來台踩點咖啡店 親曝自創咖啡品牌展店進度
日本男星蕨野友也與搗宮姫奈合演電影《超人力霸王布雷薩 THE MOVIE:大怪獸東京決戰》,今(31)日兩人特地飛來台灣宣傳作品,並接受媒體聯訪,非常熱愛咖啡的搗宮姫奈,此次也特地來台灣採點咖啡廳,更透露準備在今年7、8月推出實體店面,且就在昨天台灣也能線上買到她的品牌咖啡。
2024/03/31 19:14
《超人力霸王》要來了!蕨野友也首超緊張 搗宮姫奈想喝特殊飲料
這個清明連假,就靠《超人力霸王》 來促進親子關係吧!《超人力霸王》 系列最新電影版《超人力霸王布雷薩 THE MOVIE:大怪獸東京決戰》,確定於4月3日在全台上映,主辦單位野獸國同時加碼宣布好消息,蕨野友也、搗宮姫奈等兩位主角要來台現身專場特映會,首度造訪台北的兩人均表示超緊張但也超期待!
2024/02/29 21:21
為逃兵役「裝智障」!32歲韓星遭判刑 4關鍵線索曝光
2024/01/17 19:13
Taiwan’s puppetry shines at Rotterdam Film Festival
Taiwan’s historical documentary "Qianlong’s Tour of the West Lake" has been chosen for the Cinema Regained category at the 2024 International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR), showcasing Taiwan’s traditional hand puppetry culture. Directed by Liu Yi-hung in 1994, the film was restored from 35mm original footage to 4K, paying tribute to Taiwanese puppet master Li Tien-lu and his ’I Wan Jan Puppet Theater.’ The IFFR’s recognition of Liu’s work highlights Taiwan’s cinematographic prowess. Li, born into a family of puppeteers, founded the I Wan Jan Puppet Theater in 1932, incorporating his distinctive Southern Min dialect. The IFFR previously screened the Taiwanese puppet film "Demigod: The Legend Begins" multiple times in 2023, further promoting Taiwan’s puppetry culture. The selection of "Qianlong’s Tour of West Lake" at the 2024 Rotterdam Film Festival brings Taiwan’s traditional puppetry culture closer to European movie enthusiasts. The IFFR, taking place from Jan. 25 to Feb. 4, 2024, has chosen three Taiwanese films, including "Who’ll Stop the Rain" by director Su Yi-hsuan and "When the Wind Rises" directed by Chen Hao, showcasing the breadth and quality of Taiwan’s filmmaking.
2024/01/04 15:26
Lee Sun-kyun’s death shakes entertainment industry
South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun was found deceased in his car on Wednesday (Dec. 27), shocking the South Korean entertainment industry. Promotional events and meetings for the movie "12.12: The Day" starring Jung Woo-sung and Hwang Jung-min have been canceled. The public press conference for the drama "Marry My Husband" starring Park Min-young has been postponed. Lee’s projects, "Silence" and "The Land of Happiness," may now face delays. "Silence" had been invited to the Cannes Film Festival and was scheduled for release later this year or early next year. "The Land of Happiness" has been completed, with release times under consideration. Film distributors had planned to wait for the outcome of an investigation into Lee’s drug use allegations before deciding on the release date, but after his death, the timeline has become uncertain.
2023/12/27 15:46
Gingle Wang, Tsao Yu-ning share sweet Christmas photos
Taiwanese actors Gingle Wang and Tsao Yu-ning share sweet holiday photos on Instagram, wearing matching red sweaters and embracing each other. Wang gained fame in 2019 with her role in the horror film "Detention," while Tsao entered the film scene in 2014 with the baseball movie "KANO." The couple’s post surprised fans and received playful comments, solidifying their status as high-profile favorites in Taiwan’s film industry.
2023/12/26 15:42
Beyoncé shouts out ’Taiwan’ in tour film promo
Pop diva Beyoncé surprises fans with the release of a video promoting the cinematic debut of her concert tour movie, specifically mentioning "Taiwan" as one of the countries where the film will be shown. The clip quickly gains attention from a massive global audience of 21 million viewers. Beyoncé’s world tour, titled "Renaissance" after her album, has been captivating audiences worldwide and is now being brought to the big screen for those unable to attend the live performances. In the promotional video, Beyoncé’s powerful voice passionately announces "Taiwan," indicating her desire to share the exhilarating concert experience with audiences everywhere. The video concludes with an invitation for fans to watch the movie in the nearest cinema, promising a thrilling experience comparable to attending the live show. "Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé" is set to premiere tomorrow, with ticket prices ranging from NT$500 to NT$600, ensuring accessibility for eager fans wanting to indulge in the Beyoncé experience on the big screen.
2023/12/20 21:27
War in Israel, Gaza tops 2023 Google news searches
Google’s most searched topics in 2023 revealed the War in Israel and Gaza as the top news category globally. NFL player Damar Hamlin, who suffered a cardiac arrest on the field, emerged as the most searched individual. Actor Jeremy Renner ranked second after being run over by a snowplow. Yoasobi’s single "Idol" topped the song searches, while Barbie and Oppenheimer were the most searched movies. Hogwarts Legacy and The Last of Us dominated the video game category. Late actor Matthew Perry and singer Tina Turner received extensive searches. The television adaptation of The Last of Us was the most sought-after TV series of the year.
2023/12/12 19:28
Ko watches ’Barbie’ movie in response to misogynist comment
Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chairman and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has faced controversy over a string of disrespectful comments toward women, leading to concerns about a "feud with women."
2023/07/27 20:59
美國網友太愛《芭比》電影 首週票房預期能破47億
2023/07/22 13:48
車庫娛樂遭控不擇手段 怒告YT頻道「觸電網」!判決結果曝光
擁有57萬訂閱的YouTube頻道「觸電網- True Movie電影情報入口網」,在2020年4月無預警被下架,當時站主於粉專指控「車庫娛樂」不擇手段,引起軒然大波,當時車庫娛樂在隔天正式提告。而官司時隔一年迎來結果出爐,「車庫娛樂」勝訴。
2023/04/21 18:32
《超級瑪利歐》太夯! 全球首周票房衝破144億台幣
從遊戲到電影,讓《超級瑪利歐兄弟電影版》(The Super Mario Bros. Movie)剛上映一星期,就成功襲捲全球觀眾,《有線電視新聞網》(CNN)報導,這部由美日合作的動畫片,首周全球票房衝破3.77億美元(約新台幣144億8100萬元),一舉超越《冰雪奇緣2》保持的紀錄,成為最受歡迎動畫電影;同時它也超過2月上映的《蟻人與黃蜂女:量子狂熱》,成為2023年上映第一周最高票房的電影。
2023/04/10 13:44
BLACKPINK風暴週末襲台! 「3招應援攻略」獨家這裡看
韓國人氣女團BLACKPINK的世界巡迴演唱會「BORN PINK」本週末18日、19日在台開唱,出道邁入第7年的BLACKPINK,年紀輕輕就締造了眾多驚人的世界紀錄,包括2022年發行《BORN PINK》專輯時,在英國官方排行榜、美國告示牌都榮登榜首,成為「首次榮登英國官方專輯排行榜第1名的韓國女團」,以及「首次榮登美國公告牌專辑榜第1名的韓國女團」,不過面對一票難求的現象級演唱會,你是否真的準備好應援自己追隨已久的女神?Disney+為BLINK們盤點3招應援攻略,一起來檢視最後準備!
2023/03/16 16:28