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    mix 結果共44筆

  • Taiwan weather update: Showers in the north, warm elsewhere

    Explore the latest weather update from Taipei as the Central Weather Administration reports a weak front over the northern sea, bringing brief showers to some areas and warm, muggy conditions across Taiwan. With a mix of sun and clouds, the public is advised to prepare for strong UV rays, potential travel impacts due to fog, and to stay cautious in mountainous regions due to aftershocks and rain-induced hazards. Air quality concerns also persist in the country’s western half.
    2024/04/16 11:53
  • Kaohsiung hospital fined NT$500K for surgical mix-up

    Meta description: Kaohsiung Min-Sheng Hospital fined NT$500,000 for surgical error on wrong elderly patient; lead surgeon disciplined, director relieved of duties. Hospital to improve patient safety measures.
    2024/04/11 18:27
  • Chilly winds hit northern Taiwan as temperatures drop

    Stay updated on the weather forecast for Northern Taiwan as temperatures are set to drop due to an approaching front. Learn from Daniel Wu, an expert in Atmospheric Sciences, about the cold air mass expected to arrive mid-week and the improving weather conditions thereafter. Experience a mix of cloudy and clear skies, along with occasional rain showers, as the region transitions from chilly weather to gradually warming temperatures over the weekend.
    2024/03/18 10:45
  • TPP calls for pragmatic energy mix amid Greenpeace demo

    Greenpeace has staged a surprise demonstration calling for a 40% renewable energy target in Taiwan by 2030. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) has responded by emphasizing the need for a pragmatic approach to the country’s energy mix policy. TPP spokesperson Tai Yu-wen stated that the energy strategy should be based on scientific evidence, focused on just energy transformation and sustainable development. The TPP supports a proposed energy mix of 45% natural gas, 30% renewables, 15% coal, and 10% nuclear power by 2030. Tai emphasized the importance of developing renewable energy sources while also maintaining justice in the energy transition. The TPP encourages the use of green power, supports community renewable energy projects, and aims to enhance the development of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure. The party hopes to achieve ambitious goals by 2030, including a 100% electrification rate for public buses and significant market shares for electric cars and scooters.
    2023/12/20 21:25
  • Taiwan braces for cold snap, temps to plunge to 8°C

    Get the latest weather update for Taiwan. Temperatures are expected to increase slightly following the weakening of a mainland cold air mass. However, a more potent cold front is predicted to sweep in on Tuesday, with temperatures potentially dropping as low as 8°C on Thursday and Friday in the plains. The Central Weather Administration reports chilly temperatures ranging from 14-17°C in northern regions and Yilan, while central and southern areas are slightly warmer at 16-27°C. Greater Taipei and parts of the eastern half of the country may experience brief local showers, while other areas will remain mostly clear to cloudy. Dress warmly and be prepared for significant diurnal temperature variation in the western half. A frontal system on Tuesday brings a chance of rain to the north, followed by a stronger cold air mass on Wednesday with temperatures potentially falling to 10-11°C. Independent meteorologist Daniel Wu predicts the cold spell to peak between Thursday evening and Friday morning, with temperatures around 8°C, possibly making this cold air mass even more intense and enduring than its predecessor. The effects of the new cold front will continue until Saturday morning, leading to persistent wet and cold conditions in northern Taiwan, with central and southern parts experiencing a mix of clouds and clear skies. Stay vigilant regarding health and warmth due to these significant weather fluctuations.
    2023/12/18 20:30
  • NDC Minister eyes swift ECA with Australia for energy ties

    Taiwan’s National Development Council Minister, Kung Ming-hsin, expressed the hope for Taiwan to swiftly sign an Economic Cooperation Agreement (ECA) with Australia. In his speech, he emphasized the potential for collaboration in the hydrogen energy sector to boost industrial development between the two countries. Kung, on behalf of Taiwan’s government, accepted the official release of the 2023 White Paper by the Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (ANZCHAM). He highlighted the record high trade of US$34.08 billion among Taiwan, New Zealand, and Australia last year. Kung also emphasized Australia’s crucial role as a major supplier of energy and agricultural products for Taiwan, emphasizing the complementarity between their economic industries. He mentioned Taiwan’s involvement in offshore wind financing operations with the Macquarie Group and its target of 10% of its energy mix coming from hydrogen, particularly green hydrogen, illustrating the potential for energy cooperation with New Zealand and Australia.
    2023/12/07 20:42
  • MOI warns against ’cognitive warfare’ ahead of elections

    The Minister of the Interior in Taiwan warns of the prevalence of "cognitive warfare" tactics ahead of the upcoming election, describing the misleading information as a mixture of truth and falsehoods that are difficult to distinguish. He urges the public to exercise discernment and caution, emphasizing the importance of smooth elections. The warning follows reports that surveillance data from Taiwanese intelligence agencies is being sold on the dark web, potentially compromising the privacy of political figures and foreign personnel in Taiwan. The Minister assures that relevant departments are addressing the breach in surveillance data.
    2023/12/07 18:45
  • 動畫mix現實!「間諜家家酒」結合Google功能 「咒術迴戰」他有紀念地標

    2023/11/30 18:25
  • Northern Taiwan chills, southern warms up as monsoon weakens

    Explore the latest weather trends in Taiwan as the island experiences a mix of chilliness in the north and warmth in the south due to the weakening northeast monsoon. Find out how the weather is set to change in the coming days, with a forecast of temperature fluctuations across different regions.
    2023/11/27 17:21
  • Yu Tian becomes a grandfather, shares joy and tears

    Entertainer Yu Tian welcomes his granddaughter with a mix of joy and remembrance. Amidst celebrating the new arrival, he reflects on the loss of his daughter, Yu Yuan-chi, and makes a grand gesture with a traditional red envelope.
    2023/11/14 17:31
  • ASVDA to host talks on Taiwan-Japan industry ties and EVs

    Amid strengthening industry ties between Taiwan and Japan, ASVDA plans discussions on EVs and smart technology. Gartner predicts a significant rise in global EV shipments, while the IEA foresees a major shift towards sustainable energy.
    2023/11/13 20:32
  • 華為新機熱賣!陸專家讚「完勝蘋果」 被抓包小米發文

    華為(Huawei)8月29日突然發售新機Mate 60 Pro,受到中國消費者的熱烈吹捧,也被視為中國晶片製造業對美國政府打壓的反擊,引起全球矚目。中國經濟學家、曾任國務院發展研究中心宏觀部研究室副主任、恆大集團首席經濟學家的任澤平就表示,華為是他用過最好用的手機,「甩蘋果好幾條街!」不過卻有網友發現,這條微博是用小米MIX Fold 2發出。
    2023/09/06 11:21
  • 泰BL劇雙男神將來台!祭出「愛的親密接觸」寵粉無極限

    泰國男星Earth、Mix於2020年合作BL劇《千星傳說》,當時2人已有6年的好交情,十足的默契更讓戲劇播出後,在全亞洲掀起新一波BL風潮,並在泰國勇奪多項獎項肯定。在粉絲敲碗下合拍《邱比特的遺願》、今年2月更三度搭檔演出《月光海南雞》,寫實的劇情與實力派演技,也讓Earth、Mix人氣更上一層樓。今(21)日他們宣布,將於5月13日舉辦《EARTH & MIX 1st Fan Meeting In Taipei》,和台灣粉絲們不見不散!
    2023/03/21 18:12
  • 超Q首創!「迷你小龜杯」限時免費加料 檸檬X龍眼蜜超清爽

    2023/03/17 14:11
  • Gogoro大規模降價 「最高省7180元」一表看懂

    Gogoro今(1)日宣布史上最大規模降價陣容,包括Gogoro Delight與Gogoro VIVA XL全車系,降幅最高達7180元;此外,主攻女性的Delight也推出「本色黑」車款,不僅是旗下首輛純黑車款,還推出客製化刻字服務,前200名入手的車主都能免費體驗。
    2023/03/01 11:32
  • 霜淇淋粉絲暴動了! 超商2大超夯口味再推「MIX款」

    2023/02/21 20:06
  • Gogoro宣布降價!這車款最高省6千5 試乘就抽機票

    Gogoro今(31)日宣布,由於全球供應鏈逐漸回穩,看好今年電動機車市場成長動能,Gogoro於開年搶先進行策略性調整,即起Gogoro VIVA MIX全系列全面降價,最高現省6500元,同時還提供多重優惠,試乘就有機會抽東京來回機票。
    2023/01/31 16:39
  • 高端獲230萬美元補助! 將在台做「第三針混打」試驗

    國際組織流行病預防創新聯盟(CEPI)和高端疫苗(MVC)將共同出資,執行一項疫苗混打(heterologous)及追加免疫的臨床試驗(亦稱Mix and Match第三針混打試驗),將在台灣進行,預計收納約960名受試者,明年第1季期中分析。
    2021/12/02 22:44
  • Gogoro推考照特別專案 不用再拿雞腿換駕照

    每年7至9月都是各大監理站機車考照的旺季,隨著考照難度的提升,許多考生紛紛在「直線平衡駕駛」、「直角轉彎」等魔王級關卡鍛羽而歸,不少考照新手紛紛上網討教訣竅。Gogoro智慧電動機車因為油門表現線性、動力不經過變速箱直傳後輪、馬達運作平順不抖動、車輛穩定好操控,在網路上早已贏得「考照神器」的美名。為了協助考生順利通過路考測試,Gogoro 即日起至10/31止,特別推出「考照神器有GO罩你」多項貼心服務,包括線上機車筆試練習網站、預約門市路考練車、駕訓班合作宣導方案與考照專屬購車優惠,全方位輔助考照新鮮人及考照苦手。
    2021/08/19 18:15
  • 更快!更硬派 Gogoro Viva Mix Superfast售價8.498萬

    隨著開學季來臨,眾家機車品牌也都開始推出新車款吸引消費者目光,Gogoro也不例外,選在8/17發表全新Gogoro Viva Mix Superfast車型,身為Viva Mix家族的性能新血,這台車具備了更大膽的配色以及更強悍的加速能力,還有更澎湃的操控性能,建議售價為8.498萬。
    2021/08/17 19:03
  • 【黃金試車組】這次很大!都載得下 Gogoro Viva XL

    Gogoro在今年二月時推出了全新Viva Mix車系,主打具有更好的舒適度,以及靈活的都市穿梭能力,更重要的是將建議售價壓在6萬元範圍,因此吸引不少消費者注意。也因為訴求相當明確,因此Viva Mix在4月和5月時連續登上銷售冠軍,繳出了漂亮的銷售數字,甚至在今年第二季的總銷量位居亞軍,由此可以看出Viva Mix肯定是做對了某些事情。
    2021/08/11 12:20
  • 小米市占超車蘋果 雷軍:3年內拚全球第一

    根據IDC調查,小米今年第2季以16.9%的市占率超車蘋果,登上第2;小米董事長雷軍喊話,當前目標為站穩全球第2,並在3年內衝擊全球第1,小米並發表旗艦機MIX 4等新品。
    2021/08/11 10:35
  • GoShare愚人節出奇招 前4分鐘竟只要1元?

    愚人節玩很大!GoShare於4/1日凌晨在官方粉絲團發表一系列共10個真假訊息,釋出多個福利與爆笑彩蛋,讓粉絲親自驗證真偽。其中,GoShare宣布從4/1凌晨00:41起,Gogoro Viva Mix最高階Belt車款正式加入GoShare服務陣容。4/1同步搭配全台「GoShare 隨借隨還」服務車款前4分鐘1元、完成換電挑戰最高享萬元大獎的限時好康,還有全台獨家的「隨機即享當筆金額1元結帳」好評回歸,中國信託卡全卡友均有機會在整個四月享受趟趟1元結帳。
    2021/04/01 14:10
  • Viva Mix如何選最合適 鏈條與皮帶差在哪?

    Gogoro近期推出了Viva Mix車系,並且一共帶來三款不同車型,主攻年輕首購族與入門市場需求。而Viva Mix的入門Basic車型跟第二階Keyless只差4,000元,與頂規Belt車型也僅有10,000元的價差。究竟這三款車型應該如何挑選?《地球黃金線》這次請到女子車流主持人安竹跟觀眾朋友分享選車要訣。
    2021/03/29 06:00
  • 【黃金試車組】有混!平價車也超好玩 Gogoro Viva Mix Belt

    一般而言,平價代步車無論在外觀或者機能,都以實用為設計出發點,但這樣的設定通常難以和「樂趣」產生聯結。而Gogoro最新推出的Viva Mix,便是一款主打實用且兼具年輕動感外型的電動速克達。原廠標榜採用緊湊的短軸距設定搭配6kW水冷馬達,因此能提供騎士125c.c.等級的充足動力,以及靈活操控。
    2021/03/03 12:20
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