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    italy 結果共12筆

  • Taiwan praises US efforts for peace in the Taiwan Strait

    Taiwan’s MOFA expresses gratitude for U.S. efforts to maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait, highlighting global consensus on the issue. The U.S. and Italy discuss the region’s stability, with Antony Blinken reaffirming commitment against unilateral changes by China. Taiwan vows ongoing cooperation with the U.S. for Indo-Pacific peace.
    2024/05/22 18:08
  • Italian Senate leader lauds Taiwan’s democracy during visit

    Explore how Gian Marco Centinaio, Italy’s First Deputy President of the Senate, praised Taiwan’s democracy during his recent visit, highlighting the importance of mutual respect and understanding between the two nations.
    2024/05/22 15:47
  • MOFA clarifies Katharine Chang’s Italy visit was personal

    Discover the truth behind allegations of Katharine Chang, Taiwan’s representative to Austria, misusing her official trip for personal leisure in Italy. MOFA clarifies the situation, emphasizing the importance of separating personal and official activities.
    2024/05/21 13:48
  • Taiwan dominates Vietnamese oyster market with 77% share

    Vietnam’s oyster exports experienced a substantial increase of 56% in 2023, surpassing US$14 million in value. Taiwan played a significant role in this growth, accounting for over 77% of Vietnamese oyster exports, marking a 26% increase compared to the previous year. The Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) reported that the export value of Vietnamese shellfish products, including oysters, clams, and snails, reached US$127 million in 2023, showing a decline of 12% compared to the previous year. Among the shellfish exports, clams accounted for 62%, snails for 12%, and oysters for 11% of the total. While the export of Vietnamese clams and snails experienced decreases, oyster exports saw a remarkable surge, with Taiwan alone contributing to more than three-quarters of this growth, amounting to almost US$11 million. Other significant markets for Vietnamese oysters include Laos, Cambodia, and Japan. Clams remain Vietnam’s most crucial shellfish export, with an export value of nearly US$79 million in 2023, showing a 17% decrease from the previous year. This decline can be attributed to a significant reduction in imports by key markets such as Spain and Italy, which decreased by 15% and 36% respectively.
    2024/02/05 12:47
  • Beijing touts OBOR success as Italy formally pulls out

    China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, Wang Wenbin, strongly opposes Italy’s decision to withdraw from China’s Belt and Road Initiative (OBOR), dismissing attempts to smear the global infrastructure project. Wang emphasizes that OBOR has expanded to over 150 countries since its establishment and asserts that it is the most popular international public product and the largest platform for international cooperation. He points to the 3rd Belt and Road Forum, which was attended by representatives from 151 countries and 41 international organizations, as evidence of the initiative’s global appeal and influence. Wang firmly rejects any negative portrayal of OBOR and emphasizes China’s preference for cooperation rather than forming divisive blocs.
    2023/12/07 21:26
  • Italy ends BRI Deal, citing unmet expectations with China

    Italy has confirmed its decision to withdraw from China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), with formal notification given to Chinese authorities. This strategic move by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government will see Italy cease its participation in the BRI by the end of this year. Italy’s initial decision to join the initiative in 2019 made it the only major Western country to take part, drawing severe criticism from the U.S. and other nations. Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani stated that the agreement "has not produced the expected results" and is no longer a "priority." Despite the withdrawal, the Italian government still intends to strengthen bilateral relations with China.
    2023/12/07 10:55
  • MOFA arranges repatriation flight from Tel Aviv to Rome

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has arranged a repatriation flight for Taiwanese nationals and compatriots in Israel to leave the country. The flight is scheduled to depart from Tel Aviv Airport and arrive at Rome International Airport in Italy. Remaining seats will be offered to embassy personnel and overseas Chinese from friendly countries. MOFA and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office have been assisting Taiwanese nationals in leaving Israel since a terror attack by Hamas on October 7. So far, 157 Taiwanese nationals have been successfully evacuated.
    2023/10/19 16:49
  • 天菜男星爆性侵!國際逮捕令纏身 「領獎前被逮」影展急切割

    今(2023)年上映的西班牙浪漫劇情片《我的錯誤(Culpa Mia)》引起話題討論,年僅22歲的男主角格瓦拉(Gabriel Guevara)完美塑造的痞帥形象更是圈粉無數,人氣直線飆升,然而日前卻傳出,格瓦拉在前往威尼斯參加「義大利電影獎(Filming Italy)」頒獎典禮前,因背負的國際逮捕令而遭當地警方拘留、所獲獎項也遭暫時取消,引起軒然大波。
    2023/09/04 20:09
  • Chinese Taipei baseball team bounces back after Panama loss

    The Chinese Taipei baseball team is not letting their 12-5 loss to Panama hold them down as they continue training on Thursday (March 9) for their upcoming match against Italy on Friday (March 10). 
    2023/03/10 19:02
  • 梅洛尼獲任為義大利新總理 指派喬捷堤為經濟部長

    義大利總統府秘書長指出,極右派兄弟黨(Brothers of Italy)選舉勝利後,黨魁梅洛尼(Giorgia Meloni)獲任為總理,成為義大利史上首位女性政府領導人。
    2022/10/22 06:38
  • 龐貝「奴隸房」出土長這樣 考古學家震驚:最振奮的發現

    2021/11/07 22:16
  • Made in「哪裡」 賺不賺錢看標籤

    去Shopping,名品上面的小標籤,只要是標上「Made in Italy」義大利製造,或是「Made in France」法國製,往往就是名牌的保證,售價通常就會翻上好幾倍,不過也許您不知道,現在很多名品雖然是打著法國製造或是義大利製造的標籤,但實際上都是大陸製作,業者想降低成本,但民眾挑貨,產地似乎又變成了品質保障,為了鞏固品牌形象和銷售,商品裡的小小標籤,成了名牌的兵家必爭之地。
    2010/01/19 18:39
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