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    generative AI 結果共22筆

  • Taiwan summit discusses AI advancements, green goals

    Discover how Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te plans to position the island as a leader in AI technology amid global challenges, focusing on cloud infrastructure and green energy goals.
    2024/06/26 17:03
  • NVIDIA leads AI discussions at COMPUTEX Taipei

    Explore how NVIDIA’s AI technology is revolutionizing healthcare and other industries at COMPUTEX Taipei. Learn about the future of medical care with AI.
    2024/06/06 17:34
  • Qualcomm CEO unveils AI-driven future at COMPUTEX 2024

    Discover how Qualcomm’s CEO Cristiano Amon is steering the future of AI in PCs at COMPUTEX 2024 in Taipei, emphasizing generative AI and the critical role of Taiwanese suppliers.
    2024/06/06 17:09
  • AI PCs top highlight of COMPUTEX 2024

    Explore the latest AI advancements at COMPUTEX 2024, featuring keynotes from industry leaders like Intel and NVIDIA. Discover how AI PCs and generative AI are set to transform our daily lives.
    2024/06/05 16:40
  • Nvidia CEO sees AI-based videos as the next AI frontier

    Discover how Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang, sees generative AI and advanced video technologies shaping the future, driving demand for GPUs. Learn about the company’s growth and its role in AI advancements.
    2024/05/24 14:48
  • Premier Cho Jung-tai takes helm, focuses on Taiwan’s economy

    Discover how Taiwan’s new Premier Cho Jung-tai is tackling economic challenges with a focus on innovation and U.S. support on his first day in office. Read about the strategic meeting that sets the tone for future growth.
    2024/05/23 10:17
  • MediaTek unveils latest LLM for Chinese-language users

    Discover how MediaTek is pioneering the future of generative AI with its new traditional Chinese large language model, MediaTek Research BreeXe, tailored for Taiwanese users seeking culturally relevant solutions.
    2024/04/09 18:32
  • MediaTek’s new AI tools promise productivity boost

    Discover how MediaTek is leading the AI revolution with its latest generative AI tools, DaVinci and BreeXe, designed to enhance productivity and reshape industries.
    2024/04/09 18:24
  • Computex 2024: Navigating the next wave of AI innovation

    Computex is set to return with a bang this year as Taiwan’s PC manufacturing powerhouses such as Asus, Gigabyte, MSI, and Foxconn look to ride this new generative AI wave.
    2024/04/08 19:49
  • Taiwan’s semiconductor college bridges talent gap: report

    Discover how Taiwan’s Semiconductor College in Hsinchu is attracting students from Vietnam to address the talent shortage in the semiconductor industry. Learn how Taiwan is leveraging Southeast Asian students to secure its position as a global leader in chip manufacturing.
    2024/03/26 13:59
  • Foxconn predicts triple-digit growth in GPU module business

    Foxconn’s Chairman Liu Young-way announces significant growth for the company due to increased generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. Foxconn’s leading position in the AI server market is highlighted, with plans for growth in GPU module and AI server businesses. The company’s cloud network products are experiencing strong growth, with a focus on electric vehicles as well. Liu’s trip to the U.S. for the Nvidia GTC conference aims to showcase Foxconn’s new collaboration model. Shared prosperity and dedication to profits are emphasized in the company’s philosophy.
    2024/03/15 15:39
  • Taiwan’s semiconductor industry set for growth in 2024

    Explore the dynamics of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry as it gears up for significant growth in 2024, with insights from industry leaders and experts on global competition, TSMC’s strategic moves, and market trends.
    2024/01/30 16:53
  • The AI PC: A turning point for PC market recovery?

    The global PC market, after years of decline, is at a crossroads with the launch of AI PCs. Leaders like Intel and Nvidia are optimistic, while Taiwanese manufacturers showcase these innovations at CES. The market’s future hinges on further software developments and the adoption of AI-driven user experiences.
    2024/01/26 12:30
  • CES highlights MediaTek’s impact on AI device innovation

    Discover how Taiwan’s MediaTek is reshaping the generative AI device market with its Rabbit R1 AI companion and ElliQ 3 eldercare robot, as revealed at CES. These innovative products challenge tech giants like Intel and Nvidia and offer a glimpse into the future of smart, affordable AI technology.
    2024/01/24 09:15
  • Smartphone market set for growth in 2024 with AI

    The smartphone market is set to rebound in 2024, according to Rick Tsai, chairman of MediaTek Inc., a global chip leader. Tsai attributes this growth to the increasing popularity of AI applications, which is driving the replacement of mobile phones and PCs and creating a higher demand for devices. Under Tsai’s leadership, MediaTek has released advanced products such as the Tianji 9300, a flagship 5G chip that supports generative AI applications. Qualcomm, another major chip company, is also capitalizing on the AI trend with its latest 5G handset chip, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, which offers AI support for enhanced user experiences. Both companies anticipate a surge in AI smartphone upgrades due to improved computing power and a wider range of applications.
    2023/12/23 11:21
  • AI手機明年出貨估達1億支 這家廠商有望拿下近半市佔

    生成式人工智慧(Generative AI)正成為手機市場的炙手可熱話題。根據研調機構Counterpoint最新報告,展望未來,2024年將是生成式AI手機關鍵的年份,預估出貨量將達到驚人的1億台。而到2027年,這股風潮將勢如破竹,生成式AI手機的出貨量有望成長至5.22億台,複合年增長率高達83%。
    2023/12/21 16:30
  • Taiwan’s math scores rise, but equity gaps widen

    Junyi Academy has pointed out the growing disparity in mathematics achievement among students in Taiwan. While Taiwanese students ranked third internationally in mathematics, with an average score of 547, there is a significant gap between the top and bottom performers. The top 10 percent scored an average of 623 points, while the bottom 10 percent scored an average of 434 points. This "M-shaped" divergence in proficiency is attributed to the unequal access to digital learning. Children from higher socioeconomic status households have benefited more from digital devices for educational purposes, widening the gap. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital teaching methods, but there has been a decline in platform usage recently. Junyi Academy emphasizes the need for guided learning in technology and equitable teaching to address urban-rural and learning disparities. The chairman, Lu Kuan-wei, also highlighted the potential of generative AI, such as ChatGPT, as an educational tool but raised concerns about students misusing AI for homework completion. Lu urged presidential candidates to develop comprehensive educational policies that address the challenges and opportunities brought by technological advances.
    2023/12/07 18:47
  • NSB tracks illicit money from China ahead of election

    The National Security Bureau (NSB) of Taiwan is actively investigating polling companies suspected of having strong ties with China and engaging in illicit financial activities. Concerns have been raised about potential Chinese intervention in the upcoming 2024 general elections. China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) has been accused of attempting to influence election results by inviting pro-Kuomintang (KMT) commentators and polling officials to China. There are reports of generative AI technologies being used to spread disinformation through edited viral clips, potentially impacting the elections. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators have called for offensive counter-espionage techniques to combat these opposing forces. The NSB is working to trace the origins of these financial flows and is closely monitoring the situation. The NSB has also warned that legal action will be taken if any manipulative activity or election fraud is detected.
    2023/11/08 19:16
  • Taiwan to bar use of AI in official government documents

    The surge of Generative AI has taken the world by storm, with CHATGPT proving to be a helpful tool for problem-solving and efficiency improvement.
    2023/07/25 17:13
  • 找人幫寫留學申請書!女大生狂砸12萬 一查愣了:AI寫的

    ChatGPT(Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer),為OpenAI去(2022)年11月開發的人工智慧聊天機器人程式,以文字方式與用戶互動,不僅能夠自然對話,還可以生成各種疑難雜症的解答,目前涉略語言更達67種,如今也在46國推出iOS系統APP。中國大陸一名女子指出,因需要撰寫一份國外大學申請書,她決定花錢請中介幫忙,怎料一查內容,竟和ChatGPT結果有80%的相似度。
    2023/06/08 17:20
  • AI機器人對談有表情 歐美籲監管人工智慧

    生成式人工智慧(generative AI)是近日全球關注焦點,就怕AI這集眾人智慧的產物,會失控操弄甚至反噬人類。從研發AI的業界,到谷歌或微軟等商業公司,甚至美國與歐盟各國政府,都要求傳出監管AI的呼聲。一年一度的國際機器人論壇上,展示了許多與AI人工智慧結合研發的機器人產品,其中特別設計來與人互動的人型機器人,談話對答如流,還能做出相應的表情。
    2023/06/01 19:58
  • AI再掀波瀾!五角大廈爆炸假圖推特瘋傳 美股恐慌閃崩

    一張五角大廈爆炸的假照片今天迅速在網上瘋傳,美股聞訊崩跌10分鐘,引發各界進一步探討生成式人工智慧(Generative AI)恐為人類社會帶來的問題。
    2023/05/23 11:18
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