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    forum 結果共112筆

  • Taipei-Shanghai City Forum sees 45 MOUs signed

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announced on Thursday (Aug. 31) the significant results achieved at this year’s twin-city forum: 45 memorandums of understanding (MOUs) signed between Taipei and Shanghai.
    2023/08/31 15:44
  • Cross-strait dialogue vital, says Taipei mayor at forum

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an highlights cross-strait dialogue’s significance at the Taipei-Shanghai Twin City Forum. Learn about the event’s vital role and shared values amid volatile relations.
    2023/08/30 16:26
  • Taipei City gov’t reiterates mayor’s goals in Shanghai visit

    Taipei City Government spokesperson reaffirms Chiang’s pledge to uphold democracy, peace, and prosperity goals.
    2023/08/29 16:58
  • Mayor Chiang leads delegation to Taipei-Shanghai Forum

    Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an headed to Shanghai on Tuesday morning (Aug. 29) for the Taipei-Shanghai Twin City Forum and highlighted the importance of maintaining dialogue across the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/08/29 13:04
  • Taipei Mayor to attend Shanghai Forum on Aug. 29

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an is set to attend the 2023 Taipei-Shanghai Twin-City Forum in Shanghai from August 29 to 31, marking the first visit to mainland China by a public official from the fourth generation of the Chiang family since the Chinese Civil War.
    2023/08/28 10:37
  • Taipei mayor commemorates 823 Artillery Bombardment

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an visited the "Yu Ta-wei’s Memorial Exhibition" at National Taiwan University on Tuesday (Aug. 22) ahead of his trip to the Taipei-Shanghai City Forum on Aug. 29.
    2023/08/23 14:57
  • Taipei Mayor to lead delegation to Shanghai for forum

    The Taipei City government announced on Friday (Aug.18) that Mayor Chiang Wan-an will lead a delegation to Shanghai from Aug. 29 to Aug. 31 to participate in the 2023 Taipei-Shanghai Twin-City Forum and exchange municipal experiences.
    2023/08/18 22:40
  • Ex-PM Aso urges peace in Asia-Pacific at security forum

    Former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso emphasizes peace, deterrence, and cooperation at Ketagalan Forum’s 2023 Indo-Pacific Security Dialogue. Insights on Taiwan Strait stability.
    2023/08/08 20:45
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang to join Shanghai-Taipei Forum in China

    Shanghai-Taipei Twin-City Forum anticipates Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s debut attendance. Focus on 2024 election context with diverse themes like digital economy, healthcare, and MOU signings.
    2023/08/08 20:05
  • 陸駐美大使滔滔不絕稱重視兩岸和平 被問秦剛行蹤秒閃躲

    中國大陸現任駐美大使謝鋒,20日出席由阿斯本研究所舉辦的安全論壇(Aspen Security Forum),訪談中對台灣、兩岸關係、中美關係等議題表達強烈觀點。其中他吐槽台灣不僅拒絕承認九二共識,甚至還不認自己是中國人的身份;謝鋒同時還強調,沒有任何人或國家,「比北京更重視,台海兩岸的和平穩定局勢,更期盼能達成和平統一。」
    2023/07/20 17:22
  • Experts delve into Taiwan’s security at forum

    Experts from various fields convened on Tuesday (July 4) at the Deep Water Geostrategy Forum, facilitating an insightful exchange about Taiwan’s security outlook and regional stability. The comprehensive discussions encompassed China’s global projection of power, critical technologies, geopolitical risk, and the enduring facets of Taiwan’s democracy and resilience.
    2023/07/06 17:16
  • Vice President Lai stresses importance of net-zero target

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasized the significance of Taiwan’s net-zero emissions goal on Tuesday (May 23) at the 2023 Fubon Sustainability Forum, a collaborative event by Fubon Financial Holding Co. and the Risk Society and Policy Research Center.
    2023/05/23 16:03
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an grilled over Twin-City Forum

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an faced a barrage of probing questions from councilors about the upcoming Taipei-Shanghai City Forum during his presentation of a comprehensive project report to the Taipei City Council on Monday (May 22).
    2023/05/23 15:42
  • 馬英九反映遭矮化!徐巧芯酸綠營「只會逃避」:蔡英文差太多

    馬英九出席希臘德爾菲經濟論壇(Delphi Economic Forum)開幕式遇上「頭銜之亂」,當面反映了稱謂遭到矮化的問題,也當場就獲得希臘總統卡特琳娜(Katerina Sakellaropoulou)致歉並更正,引起討論;而北市議員徐巧芯談及此事,舉民進黨一例狠酸,認為在「領導人風範」的層面可謂高下立判。
    2023/04/28 08:03
  • 希臘總統道歉了!改稱馬英九「總統先生」 承諾更正頭銜

    馬前總統於希臘時間今(26)日中午出席第八屆德爾菲經濟論壇(Delphi Economic Forum)開幕式,當面向應邀致詞的希臘總統Katerina Sakellaropoulou 女士以及論壇創辦人Symeon G. Tsomokos 先生反應稱謂問題,希臘總統對此表示歉意(we are sorry about this),也表示會請主辦單位更正(correct)。
    2023/04/26 19:15
  • 馬英九被掛「台北前領袖」 邱太三:若遭矮化「自己要做選擇」

    前總統馬英九月初剛結束訪陸行程, 24日即將啟程前往希臘,擔任第八屆德爾菲經濟論壇(Delphi Economic Forum)擔任論壇講者,並發表「台灣會變成下一個烏克蘭嗎」談話討論亞洲地緣政治,然而,德爾菲經濟論壇網站的演講訊息上,馬英九卻被掛「台北前總統」而非台灣前總統,引發討論。對此,陸委會主委邱太三今(26)日表示,期待所有國家重要人士在國際上受到尊重,若遭矮化的話,在盡所有的努力之後,「他(馬英九)可能自己就要做一個決定」。
    2023/04/26 10:35
  • 馬英九被稱「台北前領袖」外交部籲慎思出席演講 馬辦回嗆:可笑

    前總統馬英九月4月24日前往希臘,28日將擔任第八屆德爾菲經濟論壇(Delphi Economic Forum)擔任論壇講者,而先前才被掛上「台北前總統」引發爭議,經外館抗議後一度正名為「台灣前總統」,但就在馬英九出席前夕,主辦單位官網竟又再改馬英九職銜為「台北前領袖」。對此,外交部呼籲「慎思是否出席」,馬英九基金會執行長蕭旭岑則反嗆「非常可笑」,同時也表示要求外交部負起責任,妥適處理。
    2023/04/26 10:33
  • Ex-President Ma heads to Europe to talk geopolitics

    Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou departed from Taoyuan International Airport on Monday (April 24) for Europe, where he will deliver talks on geo-politics and address rising cross-strait tensions in the region.
    2023/04/25 16:06
  • 馬英九赴希臘演講遭矮化 被掛「台北」前總統

    前總統馬英九月初剛結束訪陸行程, 4月24日即將啟程前往希臘,擔任第八屆德爾菲經濟論壇(Delphi Economic Forum)擔任論壇講者,並發表「台灣會變成下一個烏克蘭嗎」談話討論亞洲地緣政治,然而德爾菲經濟論壇演講訊息上,馬英九卻被掛「台北前總統」而非台灣前總統,引發討論。對此,馬英九前總統辦公室回應表示,收到論壇創辦人的邀請信中是完整寫出「Republic of China」,已向對方反映演講資訊中誤植,外交部也主動積極與主辦單位協調。
    2023/04/21 11:40
  • 才剛訪陸!馬英九24日赴希臘演講:台灣將成下個烏克蘭?

    前總統馬英九剛結束完訪陸之旅,近期又受邀參加第八屆德爾菲經濟論壇(Delphi Economic Forum)擔任論壇講者,預定於4月24日晚間啟程前往希臘,並將於當地時間4月26日午間出席開幕式,以及4月28日上午出席爐邊對談,針對亞洲地緣政治發表談話,主題為「台灣會變成下一個烏克蘭嗎:亞洲地緣政治緊張局勢」,並與美國布魯金斯研究院約翰.桑頓中國中心主任李成進行對談。
    2023/04/13 13:50
  • Former vice president Annette Lu wants cross-strait peace

    Former vice president Annette Lu spoke at Taiwan Strait Security Forum on Friday about her idea for "cross-strait integration" to maintain peace between Taiwan and China.
    2023/02/17 22:43
  • Lu Shiow-yen attends women’s power forum in Taichung

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen attended a women’s power forum held in Taichung, along with female elites in central Taiwan. 
    2023/02/04 20:00
  • 達沃斯/2023全球經濟前景取決3點 台海問題成關鍵

    一年一度的世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum,WEF)16日在瑞士達沃斯(Davos)登場,多達50國元首、政要、國際組織和商業代表齊聚;隨著中國大陸放棄清零政策、美國展開綠能投資、歐洲適應俄烏戰爭影響,專家們對2023年全球景氣轉為樂觀,不過某些不利經濟成長的風險仍存在,包括台海安全問題。
    2023/01/19 12:01
  • Some TSMC staff unhappy about U.S. relocation package

    TSMC employees who have relocated to the United States from Taiwan have claimed in a recent online post that they are being treated differently than the American staff. The article was posted on the online platform PTT, and translated and reposted on the American forum Reddit.
    2022/12/09 02:23
  • Hong Kong activist Nathan Law joins 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum

    The 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum unfolded in Taipei on Thursday (Nov. 3), the first in-person conference in 3 years since the beginning of the pandemic.
    2022/11/05 09:16
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