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    blackout 結果共15筆

  • Taipei mayor addresses concerns over frequent blackouts

    Discover the latest on Taipei’s power outage issue as Mayor Chiang Wan-an addresses concerns over frequent disruptions and the impact of Taiwan’s energy policies.
    2024/07/18 13:43
  • Premier Cho outlines Taiwan’s energy strategy

    Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai is steering the country toward a sustainable energy future, emphasizing new nuclear technology and diverse power sources to ensure stability and global supply chain integrity.
    2024/07/17 14:01
  • Taipower restores 80% of power in Kinmen after outage

    Discover the latest on the Kinmen blackout: Over 40,000 households lost power due to a suspected trip at Tashan Power Plant. Taipower has restored electricity to most areas, with ongoing repairs.
    2024/07/09 13:46
  • Major telecom outage hits Changhua, disrupts emergency calls

    Discover the details of a major system failure at Chunghwa Telecom in Changhua that led to a blackout of landline services, affecting emergency numbers and sparking public concern.
    2024/07/02 08:57
  • Faulty transformer plunges Kaohsiung district into darkness

    Discover how a faulty transformer and an underground cable joint malfunction led to sudden power outages in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, affecting nearly 900 households, and learn about Taipower’s response.
    2024/06/28 10:39
  • Taipei sewer work leads to National Palace Museum blackout

    Discover the cause behind the sudden power outage at Taipei’s National Palace Museum and its impact on visitors. Taipower cites sewer construction as the culprit, with power restored swiftly.
    2024/05/23 14:08
  • Taoyuan blackouts not caused by power shortage: Premier

    Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses the recent power outages in Taoyuan, Taiwan, clarifying they are not due to power shortages but external factors, equipment issues, and natural disasters. Over 100 staff from Taiwan Power Company are deployed for inspections and maintenance to mitigate future incidents.
    2024/05/08 15:54
  • Taipei’s estern district hit by unexpected blackout

    A power outage in Taipei’s Eastern District, including the Daan District, affected 722 households and disrupted businesses on the evening of April 18. Taipower is investigating the cause, linked to a tripped circuit breaker, and aims to restore power by early April 19. The incident underscores the critical need for reliable electricity in the city’s vibrant areas.
    2024/04/19 18:33
  • Taiwan minister apologizes for Taoyuan blackout

    Minister Wang Mei-hua apologizes for a significant power outage in Taoyuan City, explaining it was due to a cable fault and earthquake damage, with repairs aimed for completion by the summer peak.
    2024/04/17 15:32
  • Blackouts hit thousands in Taoyuan: Faulty cables to blame

    Discover the cause behind the sudden blackouts in Taoyuan and Qingpu, as Taipower investigates faulty cables and fallen high-voltage lines affecting thousands. Learn about the impact on local households and the response from Taoyuan City officials.
    2024/04/17 10:15
  • Technical glitch takes down Meta platforms for hours

    Meta, the company behind Facebook and Instagram, experienced a global outage impacting users worldwide. The interruption, lasting over two hours, affected services such as Threads and Messenger. Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, the UK, the Philippines, the US, and Hungary were among the countries affected. Meta’s spokesperson apologized for the inconvenience caused by the technical issue. The blackout sparked discussions on Taiwan’s PTT bulletin board, with users sharing their frustrations and surprise.
    2024/03/06 14:43
  • Ko Wen-je challenges KMT’s Jaw on media role ethics

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je challenges Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong to clarify whether he should resign as chairman of the Broadcasting Corporation of China. Ko criticizes the scheduling of the upcoming presidential debate just four days before the blackout period for election polls, suggesting that it is a strategic move by the KMT and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to minimize its impact on the race. Ko is seen wearing a pin of the flag of the Republic of China, sparking speculation about his intentions. He clarifies that his attire was chosen by his assistants and emphasizes that Taiwan and its flag do not belong to any single political party.
    2023/12/18 21:16
  • TPP campaign chief unveils strategy shift amid Ko’s decline

    Taipei (TVBS News) — Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) campaign chief Vivian Huang suggests that TPP presidential candidate Ko Wen-je should ignore daily critiques from traditional media to improve his lagging poll numbers ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Ko’s support has significantly declined, and veteran media person Huang Wei-han advises him to stop blaming institutional effects, fake news, and media blackouts, and instead acknowledge the deficit in the race. Former legislator Shen Fu-hsiung predicts that Ko may receive as little as 12% of the vote and suggests that the TPP might secure only six seats in the Legislative Yuan. However, Vivian Huang counters the negativity by emphasizing that internal polling for the TPP shows their support at around 20%. She advises against focusing on negative press and poll results from traditional media platforms, advocating instead for a concentrated effort on promoting and implementing the party’s own policies.
    2023/12/11 12:15
  • 美大學開趴跟風抖音「混酒挑戰」 逾20人酒精中毒送醫

    美國麻州大學(University of Massachusetts)4日傳出有學生在派對上模仿抖音(TikTok)混酒挑戰,導致超過20人因酒精中毒緊急送醫,2人被捕的事件。校方證實,有人目擊多名學生帶著好幾桶有「斷片狂暴加侖」(blackout rage gallon,簡稱BORG)之稱的調酒進入派對。警消人員也透露,當天至少出動28救護車到現場將學生送醫。
    2023/03/06 14:50
  • 兩女童玩「昏迷挑戰」意外窒息身亡 抖音再次被告上法庭

    社群影音平台抖音(TikTok)主打新奇短影音的呈現,成功獲得青少年的喜愛,而抖音會不時發佈一些「挑戰」讓創作者跟隨拍攝,模仿浪潮也成為時下青少年次文化的一種展現;然而近期美國有兩名女童因沉迷於抖音的「昏迷挑戰」(blackout challenge)而玩出人命,用繩子套住脖子導致雙雙窒息身亡,讓痛心的家長氣的向抖音提告。
    2022/07/03 14:35
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